I I I productivty up, too Samuels in Washington Continuing arms race menaces security-Wiesner UAP dines with President Johnson By Allan Green ability to act more intelligently. Commenting on his evening across the country. hour was one of the highlights of and Jason Fane With a shift of scientific develop- ment from military applications, spent at the White House, Bill In welcoming the students, Pres- the evening. He had the oppor- "It is impossible to protect our to talk with the Johnson Dean Wiesner sees technology and Samuels '65, Undergraduate As- ident Johnson termed the affair tunity nation from massive destruction; and the various cabinet research moving into the realm of sociation President, said that it as a nonpolitical gathering. He family and each year the potential members who had spoken earlier social and welfare problems. "The was a "fantastic experience." added: amount of the damage grows in the evening. Samuels also spent country's population is going to Samuels was invited by Presi- "I can't ask you to cast your greater." a few minutes with President double in the next thirty-five dent and Mrs. Johnson to the first vote for the Democrats and Commenting on an article he White House reception for more I absolutely refuse to misguide Johnson discussing various tonics had written for Scientific Ameri- (Please turn to page 1) than 230 college leaders from you in any other direction." including the election campaign. can, Dr. Jerome B. Wiesr, President Jomhnson announced At the suggestion of Secretary Dean of the School of Science that a program of White House of State Rusk, bulletin boards and former science advisor to Tobin gets new post Fellows is currently under con- were available in the foyer sho-w- President Kennedy, added: "Even sideration. As planned, the Fel- ing the latest football scores for if we would outspend the Soviet Mr. David J. Tobin has been appointed Institute Secretary for lows would be a group of 15 pro- the benefit of the students. Union ten to one in military de- fessional people between the ages After the supper, the group velopment, they would still be Foundations. V. A. Fulmer, Vice President and Secretary of the Institute of 23 and 35 who have completed moved on to the East Room, able to do us great harmn." military and educational com- where Lynda Bird introduced the Arms race announced the appointment last week and described it as follows:- "This newly established post is organized within the. Office of mitments. The a p p o i n t ments entertainment to close out the The article, written jointly with would be for terms of 15 months. evening. The Chad Mitchell Trio, Dr. Herbert York of the Univer- the Vice President and Secretary to serve as a focal point in the MIT Administration for more effective liaison with the foundation During the period in Washington, comedian Bob Newhart, and the sity of California, asserted: "If the Fellows would work with the Stan Getz Quartet performed from the great powers continue to look field broadly. "As Institute Secretary for Foundations, Mr. Tobin will have the President and the various cabinet a temporary stage set up for the for solutions (to the arms race) members and present weekly affair. in the area of science and tech- prime responsibility for planning and soliciting gifts and grants from foundations, and for providing support to the senior officers of MIT seminars. Samuels noted that the atmos- nology only, the result will be to Speaking on another topic, phere for the entire evening was worsen the situation. The clearly to faculty of the Institute when appropriate. In addition, he will participate in the over-all development program of MIT through Johnson expressed the belief that very informal. However, he added predictable course of the arms there is more freedom in other that as he "walked out of the race is a steady open spiral down- membership in the Development Council." Mr. Tobmin, of Belmont, received his S.M. degree in Chemical countries than when he was a main gate, never to be back in ward into oblivion." young man. He also said that he again," the evening had been the In discussing these statements, Engineering from MIT in 1946. Recently, he has served as Vice President and Secretary of General Vacuum Corporation. believes that- America and the high point of his MIT life. Dr. Wiesner pointed out the basic world have gained-not lost- The Boston Council, a group problem is that "offensive power freedom in this century. composed of heads of student gov- is outrunning defensive capabil- In addition to the President, the ernment from various colleges in ity." For this reason, he feels students also heard speeches by the Boston area, was well repre- that ever since World War IL various cabinet members. Secre- sented in Washington. Student "the national security of the U.S. tary of State, Dean Rusk, Secre- leaders were present from North- has been rapidly and inexorably tary of Defense Robert Mc- eastern, Harvard, Wellesley, Bos- diminishing."-- Namara, and Secretary of Labor, ton College, Tufts, Boston Uni- Dr. Wiesner continued by say- Willard Wirtz all spoke on topics versity, Brandeis, Wheaton, Jack- ing that the rationality of the related to their cabinet positions. son, and Newton College of the ;~ ~ ~ ~"~~ T'r~ ~ . actions of the Soviet Union reflect After the speeches, the students Sacred Heart. their awareness of the problems passed through a receiving line Samuels credited the Boston caused by continued arms develop- to meet President and Mrs. John- Council meetings as a great aid ment; however, he believe that son and their daughter, Lynda for his trip. He said that know- "the problem of keeping Red Bird. Lynda Bird then escorted ing ten leaders from the Boston China in the fold in one-of the the group to a buffet supper in area was quite helpful in meet- factors that constrains Russia's the State Dining Room. ing leaders from other parts of Samuels stated that the supper the country. Assets increased _- ~~ ~ 4 - over $13.5 million Conference had four main topics during last year The International Conference on voted to "The Solid Earth." Top- the Earth Sciences, given at Kres- ics included seismology, the up- Construction during the last ac- ge Auditorium Wednesday, Thurs- per mantle, and internal motions ademic year added over 13.5 mil- day, and Friday of last week, of the earth. lion dollars to the value of MIT's was attended by several hundred At Thursday evening's banquet physical plant. The total value of specialists in the six fields rep- Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, President Tech's campus is now over 72.9 resented. of the Graduate Research Center million dollars according to the Vol. 84, No. 18 Cambridge, Mass., Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1964 5c The conference was held on the of the Southwest, discussed "Man 1964 Treasurer's Report just pub- occasion of the dedication of the and his Planet - Earth." lished. Cecil and Ida Green Building, Concluding the conference on Operational expenses for the which will house the new Center Friday afternoon was the dedica- Institute last year were listed as: Scho larshiEs ovided for the Earth Sciences. tion of the Green Building. At- educational and general expen- The conference itself was di- tending were many members of ses, $32.0 million, expenses of vided into five sessions on four the conference, the Greens, the general departmental research, New ROTC bill becomes law topics. Wednesday morning's ses- mapor of Dallas, Texas, the $32.3 million; and expenses of sion, following a welcome by Pres- Green's home city. and Massa- A bill, authorizing a new Re- sophomores next year will not major laboratories and special re- ident Julius A. Stratton, covered chusetts Governor Endicott Pea- Officers Training C o receive aid, he said, and that it search, $84.8 million. serve r p s "The Earth's Environmnent." Talks body. was signed into law may take several years to extend On the other hand over $20.2 program on various aspects of this field Monday by President Lyndon B. the program through all classes. were followed by questions from million in gifts were presented to The Institute must approve of in 1963-64. These were ad- Johnson. the audience. Tech these moves, said Alexander, and junior Prom to start to a balance sheet which The new law provides for two Wednesday afternoon was de- ded as soon as the information is re- listed the total endowment at concurrent ROTC programs, one voted to "Atmospheric Motions." leased by the Department of De- with October 5 formal $83.9 million, expendable and for two years, one for four. Those Two talks related to atmospheric in the four-year program would fense, the Air Science Depart- circulation on large and small Hank Perritt, Chairman of the building funds at $55.1 million, ment will present these proposals and other funds at $34.9 million. receive free tuition, books, labor- scales, and to turbulence. Class of 1966 Junior Prom Com- and administration. This gave the Institute total atory fees, and similar charges. to the faculty Thursday morning the Confer- mittee, announced plans for this Added to this would be $50 a The effect these proposals will ence turned to "Dynamics of the year's Junior Prom, Monday, Oc- funds of over 173.9 million dol- is not yet cer- lars. month for 10 months of each aca- have on the Arnlmy Oceans." Ocean circulation, waves tober 5. tain, according to Colonel James Among the investments listed demic year.
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