Beihefte der Francia Bd. 16,2 1989 Copyright Das Digitalisat wird Ihnen von perspectivia.net, der Online-Publi- kationsplattform der Stiftung Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland (DGIA), zur Verfügung gestellt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Digitalisat urheberrechtlich geschützt ist. Erlaubt ist aber das Lesen, das Ausdrucken des Textes, das Herunterladen, das Speichern der Daten auf einem eigenen Datenträger soweit die vorgenannten Handlungen ausschließlich zu privaten und nicht- kommerziellen Zwecken erfolgen. Eine darüber hinausgehende unerlaubte Verwendung, Reproduktion oder Weitergabe einzelner Inhalte oder Bilder können sowohl zivil- als auch strafrechtlich ver- folgt werden. ROSAMOND MCKITTERICK THE DIFFUSIO N O F INSULAR CULTURE IN NEUSTRI A BETWEEN 650 AND 850: THE IMPLICATION S O F THE MANUSCRIPT EVIDENC E From the time of the marriage between Aethelbert of Kent and Bertha of Paris, and Augustine of Canterbury's mission to the English, there ar e numerous instances of contact betwee n Englis h an d Frankis h ecclesiastic s an d political leaders 1. Tha t communications acros s th e Channel during th e seventh Century were primaril y between Neustria and Burgundy on one side and the kingdoms of East Anglia, Kent, Wessex, Merci a an d Northumbri a on the other is suggested by the careers of such figures a s Wilfrid, Benedict Biscop o r the Frank Agilbert 2, an d the pursuit o f the religious lif e b y English roya l an d noble ladie s a t such Neustrian house s a s Le s Andelys, Chelle s an d Faremoutiers 3. Knowledg e of the establishmen t by the Eng- lishman Boniface and his followers of bases for missionary activity at Fulda, Fritzlar, Hersfeld, Würzbur g an d elsewhere has , however, reoriente d ou r perception of Anglo-Saxon activity on the Continent4. In conséquence the possibility of continued association, o r communication, between Englan d an d Neustria ha s not been full y explored. On the contrary, there has been a tendency to assume that there were no more link s acros s th e Channel betwee n thos e area s dosest t o the coast, an d that English activit y wa s concentrated fro m th e eighth Centur y onwards in the Carolin- gian heartland an d the areas further to the east. One of the purposes of this paper, therefore, is to détermine whether any of the links formed in the sixth and seventh centuries between Neustria and the British Isles 1 Thes e are set out by Annette LOHAUS , Di e Merowinger un d England, Munich 1974 (Münchener Beiträge zu r Mediävistik un d Renaissance-Forschung, 19) . - Se e also the suggestive comment s and références made by Ian N. WOOD, Th e Merovingian North Sea , Alingsas 198 3 (Occasional Papers on Médiéval Topics 1) and Peter JOHANEK, De r »Außenhandel« de s Frankenreiches de r Merowingerzei t nach Norden un d Osten i m Spiegel der Schriftquellen, in : Untersuchungen zu Handel un d Verkeh r der vor - und frühgeschichtliche n Zei t i n Mittel - un d Nordeuropa III. Der Handel de s frühe n Mittelalters ed. , K.DÜWEL , H , JANKUHN, H.SIEMS , D.TIMP E (Abhandlunge n de r Akademi e de r Wissenschaften i n Göttingen, Phil.-Hist . Kl . Dr. Folge, 150 ) Göttingen 1985 , p. 214-54. 2 Bertra m COLGRAV E ed., The Lif e of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus, Cambridge 1927 ; Charles PLUMMER ed., Historia Abbatu m auctor e Baed a cc.5-17, in Baedae Opera Historical, Oxfor d 1896 , p. 389-394; Bertram COLGRAV E and R. A. B. MYNORS ed., Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Oxfor d 1969 , III, 7, p. 234-6, III, 25, p. 298-300, III, 28, p. 314-6, IV, 1, p. 330-2, V, 19, p. 522 . 3 Bede , Ecclesiastical History III, 8, p. 236-40; IV, 23, p. 407. The extent to which Gaul provided direct inspiration for the newly established English church has still to be fully assessed, but see the important article by James CAMPBELL , Th e firs t Centur y of Christianity in England, in: Ampleforth Journal 76 (1971) p. 12-29. 4 Largel y as a resuit of the classic works by Wilhelm LEVISON, England and the Continent in the Eighth Century, Oxford 1946 , and Theodor SCHIEFFER , Winfrid-Bonifatius un d die christliche Grundlegun g Europas, Freibur g 1954 . See the useful surve y b y Mauric e COENS , Sain t Bonifac e e t sa mission historique d'aprè s quelques auteurs récents, in: Analecu Bollandian a 73 (1955) p. 462-95. 396 Rosamond McKitteric k continued into the Carolingian period, and whether any traces of English présence in Neustria itsel f ca n be detected. Althoug h th e main focus i s on the English, ther e is some hin t o f Iris h présence in the extant évidence a s well. More often tha n not, however, Iris h learnin g o r religiou s practic e appear s t o hav e bee n transmitte d through the English, or eise it is not possible to differentiate precisel y between the two5. Any discussion of the >diffusion of insular culture< has to define the ways, if any, in which insular culture can in fact be regarded as distinctive. What precisely did the English and Irish contribute to Continental culture that had not been there before? Is their contribution to b e understood i n term s o f particula r institutions, religious observance, knowledge o f certain texts, asceti c an d monastic practice , styles in décorative art or techniques in book production? Is it really possible to demonstrate any impact on >Frankish culture< by >insular culture< in a précise way? Is it, in short, justifiable to speak in terms either of >insula r influence on the Continents le t alone the >diffusio n o f insular culture in Neustria<? It is not feasible within the scope of one paper to explore ail the différent context s in which th e concept o f >insula r influence < need s t o be examined6. Instead , I shall concentrate on the manuscript évidenc e fro m Neustria between 650 and 850 which bears witness, to a remarkable degree , to English présenc e and activity i n the west Frankish région . Investigatio n o f the manuscripts can reveal bot h the limits of our knowledge and the matters on which it is possible to reach some degree of précision. Whereas the insular manuscript materia l fro m Austrasi a an d Germany is gradually being categorized, located to particular centres, and becoming more widely known , the correspondin g materia l fro m Neustria , admittedl y muc h mor e diffuse , ha s hitherto bee n neglecte d an d littl e appreciated . Wha t follow s therefor e ha s the character more of an exploratory opératio n tha n of a definitive study 7. The manuscript s t o be discusse d ar e those o f Frankis h provenanc e whic h are written i n one of th e scripts in the insular script System 8, o r eise reveal insular 5 The best guide to Irish activity on the Continent is still James F.KENNEY, Sources for the Early History of Ireland I. Ecclesiastical, New York 1929, reprint 1968. There has been in addition a spate of volumes of collecte d essay s concernin g th e Iris h i n Europe : Howar d CLARKE and Mary BRENNAN ed., Columbanus an d Merovingia n Monasticism , Oxford , 1981; Dorothy WHITELOCK, Rosamond MCKITTERICK an d David DUMVILL E ed., Ireland in Early Mediaeval Europe, Cambridge 1982; Heinz LÖWE, ed., Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter, Stuttgart 1982; Proinséas Ni CHATHAIN and Michael RICHTE R ed., Irland und Europa. Die Kirche im Frühmittelalter, Stuttgar t 1984. 6 Se e for example, Alain DIERKENS ' article in this volume for a différent approach . 7 The best studies of insular script in the régions east of the Rhine are Bernhard BISCHOFF, Panorama der Handschriftenüberlieferung au s der Zeit Karl s de s Großen, in : Karl de r Große, Lebenswer k und Nachleben: Das geistige Lebe n 2, Düsseldorf 1965, p . 233-54 a t p.247-8, Bernhar d BISCHOF F and Josef HOFMANN , Libr i Sanct i Kyliani , Würzbur g 1952 , W.M.LINDSAY an d Pau l LEHMANN , Th e (Early) Mayenc e Scriptorium , in : Palaeographi a Latina 4 (1925 ) p . 15-39 an d Herra d SPILLING , Angelsächsische Schrif t i n Fulda, in: A.BRALL ed. , Von der Klosterbibliothek zu r Landesbibliothek: Beiträge zu m zweihundertjährigen Bestehe n de r Hessischen Landesbibliothe k Fulda , Stuttgart 1978, p. 47-98. Se e als o th e man y usefu l comment s i n Herman n SCHULUNG , Di e Handbibliothe k de s Bonifatius. Ei n Beitrag zu r Geistesgeschichte de r ersten Hälft e de s 8.Jahrhunderts, in : Archiv fü r Geschichte de s Buchwesens 4 (1961-3) p . 285-347. 8 Julia n BROWN, The insular script System, unpublished Lyell lectures delivered in Oxford in 1977. His new définitions of insula r script, to replace those o f E.A.LOWE , Codice s Latin i Antiquiores II, Oxford 1972 , p.XV-XVI, are summarized i n C.D.VEREY , T.J.BROW N an d E.COATSWORTH , Th e The diffusion o f insular culture in Neustria betwee n 650 and 850 39 7 symptoms o f on e kin d o r another 9.
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