A YEAR OF CAMPAIGNING A YEAR OF CAMPAIGNING “They carried guns all the time. I was afraid of and petitions but by mobilizing public pressure the guns. Actually, I was in constant fear.” through street protests, vigils and direct These are the words of Fereh Musu Conteh, lobbying. Thousands of AI members respond who was abducted by an armed group during to Urgent Action appeals on behalf of the conflict in Sierra Leone when she was just individuals at immediate risk. Publicity 13 years old. through the news media and online takes AI’s “When there are guns, there are more message swiftly and in a range of languages to victims,” said Malya, a woman from Port-au- millions more. Prince, Haiti, describing the level of violence AI members invent creative and innovative in her neighbourhood. forms of activism, both online and on the Gun violence afflicts countries around the streets. In 2006, for example, AI Paraguay world – armed conflict and violent crime claim organized “toy gun swaps” in the run-up to the lives of men, women and children every Christmas, offering new toys to children in day. AI is part of a worldwide coalition exchange for toy weapons, and street theatre campaigning for a global Arms Trade Treaty in to persuade parents not to buy them. AI order to prevent the proliferation and misuse Morocco carried out a survey on poverty and of arms and so reduce the number of victims. government responsibility, and AI Australia In 2006, activists achieved a major victory sought the public’s view on the country’s new when the UN voted overwhelmingly to start anti-terror laws. AI Norway prepared to work on a treaty – a goal many thought launch its online “pledge banking”, where unrealistic when the campaign started. activists pledge to undertake a campaigning The success of the Control Arms campaign activity if enough others join in. shows what can be achieved with The key areas of focus for AI in 2006 were determination, clarity and imagination. Control Arms; Stop Violence against Women, in AI’s uniqueness among human rights particular domestic violence; torture and other organizations is its strategic channelling of the abuses in the “war on terror”; the need for a passion and outrage of ordinary people around peacekeeping force to protect civilians in the world. AI’s members and supporters exert Darfur, Sudan; and the conflict between Israeli influence on governments, armed political forces and Hizbullah fighters based in Lebanon. groups, companies and intergovernmental Among many other country and region- bodies. They change the lives of individuals – of specific campaigns, AI focused on forced victims and survivors of human rights abuses, of evictions in Africa. In countries such as human rights activists and defenders, and even Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Kenya, of the abusers. Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe, evictions are The activism of AI’s 2.2 million members and often carried out illegally, with excessive and supporters, working alongside international sometimes lethal force, and without provision and local partners, converts AI’s research of adequate alternative accommodation. into a force for change. Activists confront Forced evictions disproportionately affect governments, other institutions and people living in poverty and often lead to a individuals, not only through letters, emails wide range of other human rights being Amnesty International Report 2007 313 A YEAR OF CAMPAIGNING denied (Africa: Forced evictions reach crisis The global connection between individuals levels, AI Index: AFR 01/009/2006). is a motivating force behind all AI campaigns. Successes continued in AI’s global It lies behind much of the activism of new campaign for a world free of executions. In human rights groups working at local, June, the Philippines became the 88th country grassroots and community level. Such human to totally abolish the death penalty. This rights defenders may be both victims and development was particularly welcome in the activists, struggling to achieve their own Asia-Pacific region where a disproportionately rights as well as those of their family or high proportion of the world’s executions take community. Working with such human rights place. In July, AI played a role in bringing defenders is as much about seeking structural together human rights groups, activists, changes to create the space in which people lawyers and parliamentarians from 21 can organize and protest countries to form the Anti-Death Penalty Asia as it is about helping the Network (ADPAN) as a united regional voice individuals themselves. IN 2006 AT LEAST 1,544 against the death penalty. In Europe and Campaigning can PEOPLE WERE EXECUTED Central Asia, after vigorous AI campaigning in achieve real improvements IN 25 COUNTRIES recent years, Moldova amended its in the lives of individuals. WORLDWIDE. MOST WERE Constitution to formalize its complete Individual members of AI CARRIED OUT IN CHINA, abolition of the death penalty and ratified forge global links of IRAN, IRAQ, PAKISTAN international treaties that require abolition. solidarity with survivors, AND THE USA. Kyrgyzstan signed into law a new Constitution human rights defenders that no longer included, and therefore no and their families. The longer authorized, death as a punishment. human face in AI’s work inspires and mobilizes In 2006 at least 1,544 people were executed members, and attracts wider support in in 25 countries worldwide. At least 3,861 society and from governments. AI presents the people were sentenced to death in 55 cases of individuals not as advocates working countries. The true numbers are believed to solely for one beneficiary, but to benefit all be considerably higher. By far the majority of individuals experiencing similar abuses, to executions – 90 per cent – were carried out shift public opinion or to focus attention on in just five countries: China, Iran, Iraq, mass violations, and to win changes in policy Pakistan and the USA. Countries that and practice. Offering that human context executed people convicted of crimes demonstrates starkly to governments and the committed while they were under 18 were public the consequences of failing to protect Iran and Pakistan. human rights. THE INDIVIDUAL AT THE CORE CONTROL ARMS At the heart of all AI’s campaigns is the A UN vote in October marked a massive victory individual – as the victim and survivor of for AI and its partners in the Control Arms human rights abuses, as the partner in the campaign, Oxfam and the International Action defence of human rights, and as the activist Network on Small Arms (IANSA). After three speaking out and working with and for other years of campaigning around the world and individuals. Whether global or local, aimed at three weeks of concerted campaigning in New governments or multilateral institutions, York before the vote, 139 governments were focusing on one person in danger of torture persuaded to vote in favour of a UN resolution or on a police service that needs training in to start work on an Arms Trade Treaty. In responding effectively to domestic violence, December, 153 governments voted for the all campaigns are generated and fired by the resolution’s formal adoption by the UN individual at their centre in need of General Assembly, with only one state – the protection or support. USA – voting against. 314 Amnesty International Report 2007 A YEAR OF CAMPAIGNING Under the resolution, the UN must collect ■ In January, AI published testimonies from states’ views on the feasibility, scope and individuals in Haiti (AI Index: AMR 36/001/2006) parameters of a treaty, then in 2008 set up a and during the conflict in Sierra Leone (AI group of experts to establish the basis of a Index: AFR 51/001/2006). Conflicts and mass comprehensive, legally binding treaty. As a killings in Sierra Leone and neighbouring states direct result of the campaigning before the vote, in West Africa were sustained by the supply of the UN resolution contains an explicit reference weapons funded by the illegal sale of diamonds. to governments’ obligations under human In Haiti armed violence has spread from armed rights and humanitarian law. While AI is eager political groups to criminal gangs that kill and for rapid advances, in UN terms progress has rape hundreds of people every year with arms been extraordinarily swift. The resolution could smuggled from neighbouring countries, be a key first step towards a worldwide ban on including the USA. transfers of arms that devastate the lives of ■ Developing countries now absorb more than hundreds of thousands of people. two thirds of world defence imports, ■ More than a million people around the increasingly using private contractors in world posted pictures of themselves on the diverse supply chains. Just before the UN Control Arms website for the Million Faces Review Conference, AI and Transarms, the Petition. Supporters ranged from Archbishop Research Centre for the Logistics of Arms Desmond Tutu to the entire French football Transfers, published a report in May, Dead on team. The millionth face was that of Julius time: Arms transportation, brokering and the Arile, an athlete working for peace in Kenya, threat to human rights (AI Index: ACT who presented the petition to UN Secretary- 30/008/2006). The report documented General Kofi Annan in New York in June. To unaccounted arms flights from Bosnia and lobby governments before the UN debate, the Herzegovina to Iraq by the US Department of Control Arms campaign published Arms Defense, as well as shipments from Brazil to without borders (AI Index: POL 34/006/2006), Saudi Arabia and from China to Liberia using a report on the globalized arms trade. foreign brokers and shippers while ■ As part of the “100 days Countdown” before disregarding patterns of human rights abuse the crucial General Assembly vote, by the recipients.
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