Two In Row—Don Orator Is Sullivan Winner Jfrrnic&co ifogfjont OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Z56 VOL. XXI, No. 14 SAN FRANCISCO, DECEMBER 1, 1939 FRIDAY USF EXCURSION TO CAPITAL FOR CREIGHTON GAME ENDS SEASON Don Soph Wins Sullivan Law Commerce BOW OUT IN FINALE SUNDAY Fall Quarterly Dons Leave Saturday Contest as USF Earns Formal Slated Gets Approval On February 3 Of University For Football Classic Nod for Second Year To Be Held at California Student Writers Offer In the State Capital O'MEARA IS HILLTOP REPRESENTATIVE Country Club in Novel Contributions to Colonial Setting Magazine Student Body in Mass Emigration from Campus Three Local Universities Send Speakers to Annual To Sacramento for Grid Classic Oratorical Contest; Large Crowd Is Present LAWSON FOR BIDS LITERARY JOURNAL It's "All Aboard" for the fourth annual Elks' intersectional football John Sarraille, chairman of the For the second consecutive year' Out on the campus this week was classic between the USF Dons and Law-Commerce Formal Dance Com­ the University of San Francisco the first issue of the "streamlined" the Creighton Blue Jays to be held mittee, reported to the Executive San Francisco Quarterly, the fall edi­ walked away with the honors at the Sodality this Sunday at the Sacramento J. C. Committee of the Evening Division annual Sullivan Oratorical Contest. tion of Volume VI. Faced with the of the University that the annual Field in Sacramento. The classic, O'Meara the Winner threat of curtailment due to dire Alumni spring dance will be held on February an annual charity affair, provides This year that versatile sopho­ financial straits, the Quarterly staff, 3, 1940, at the California Golf and USF students and supporters with more, Gene O'Meara, represented headed by Editor Ralph Newport, To Hold Country Club. Rico Bianchi, left, and John L. 1939 squad while Sullivan, end, is the countered by reducing the size of type an excellent opportunity to have an the University, and through his Dons' leading candidate for honors enjoyable football week-end at the Organize Colonial Theme Sullivan, right, will be the two sen­ and thickness of the stock. powers of oratory he was able to in the All-Star East-West game on State Capital. walk off the floor with all the The dance will feature soft lights, iors starting their final game for the New Year's Day. They will be the Prudhomme Writes Reception The attendance this year will honors. dreamy music, a novel souvenir pro­ Green and Gold Sunday. Bianchi, only two starting men in Sunday's Feature of this Quarterly is a one- undoubtedly surpass last year's This contest, which features speak­ gram, and a colonial theme to carry Chapter quarter, has been the brains of the game who will not return next year. act play, "The Magnificent Illusion," ers from the various Catholic col­ out the background of the famous Tonight at 8:30 in the College Au­ total of 450 fans who really had by Dave Prudhomme, veteran senior leges of the Pacific Coast, is one of peninsula club. ditorium the Sodality of USF will a bang up good time and enjoyed contributor. Highly imaginative, the the high points in the scholastic year. The University of San Francisco For the convenience of those hold a reception in honor of the stu­ the hospitality extended by the play strikes at the heart of modern Elks Club. No doubt many who While showering the laurel Alumni Association is gradually who do not have dates, the com­ dents of Holy Name College of Oak­ Sacramento Parade dictatorship. In that it carrys a mes­ made the excursion last year will wreaths upon Mr. O'Meara we reaching out to members in other mittee is establishing a date bureau land. sage, the opus misses the prime pur­ repeat this year. Because of the must not forget to give the debat­ in conjunction with the San Fran­ Seventy-five fair damsels from cities and towns, organizing chapters pose of drama, which is to entertain, expected crowd reservations are ing team moderator, Mr. Sullivan, cisco College for Women. Planned by Execs but this, to my mind, minor fault is the college on the lake have been in various localities for promoting limited and should be made early. S. J., and the debate team mana­ Price of bids for the dance will be more than overruled by Prud- invited to attend this affair, which two dollars, and the usual "no cor­ ger, Dick Fenton, their due credit. membership and activities. held on Wednesday evening, No­ homme's finesse of style and depth is the first of its type given by the Last Chance sage" rule of the University will' be Last Tuesday, November 28, the This contest was originated as an Most recent chapters have been vember 29. Tom Waters put this of imagination. Sodality this year. This reception Many gala evenings have been en­ enforced. Executive Committee held their annual tribute to the memory of the formed in Redwood City, San twelfth and second-to-last meeting request in the form of a motion, will be exclusive, attended only by joyed during the year by students of Buy Bids Soon Father Hubert Flynn, S. J., sen­ .first president of the Ignatian Coun­ Jose and Sacramento, with the for the fall semester, 1939. and it was seconded and passed Sodality members. the hilltop but never have we had Bids for the dance will go on sale ior professor of the Philosophy cil, Judge Jeremiah F. Sullivan, last tentatively named the "Capi­ upon. According to Joe Martinelli, danc­ on the campus on December 11. Stu­ After the preliminaries of roll call Department, contributes a piercing such an opportunity for such a big brother of Matthew Sullivan, one tal Chapter." Al Morton heads Al Larkins, president of the class ing and plenty of refreshments will dents may obtain them from Frank and reading and approving of the critique of the philosophy of Im- time Dean of the Law School. the Redwood City group, Leroy of '42, made a motion that a mini­ be the order of the evening. Lawson, president of the A.S.U.S.F., minutes of the previous meeting were manuel Kant, entitled "Kant in Topic Discussed Asvitt claims about twenty mem­ mum of two and a maximum of five All those students who are or Art Zief, junior. These two will taken care of, Tony Tarantino, Little." Father Flynn, already Work Hard The topic that was discussed be­ bers for his San Jose outfit, and excursion tickets be given away at driving to Sacramento on fore the enthralled audiences was be the only individuals selling them ASUSF treasurer, motioned that counted as one of the more popular The committee for this affair has Robert B. Hunt is heading the the pre-game rally on Wednesday members of the faculty, strikes to Sunday are asked to report that of "Freedom of Speech." Each in the day school. funds be provided to send the Cheer been working hard, and it is expected Sacramento aggregation. evening. After discussion a vote was the very heart of Kant, logically contestant spoke on the same sub­ Leader and Sports Editor of "The their efforts will bear fruit if the so­ in at Hotel Sacramento at Joseph A. Rock, Alumni secretary, George Higgins, president of the taken and the motion was defeated. and ethically. ject and delivered his own personal Foghorn" to Sacramento for the dality members render their valuable 12:30 p. m. to form a parade also revealed plans for the formation Evening Division, calls attention to Tarantino then made a motion that views upon the subject. USF-Creighton football game on Sports Represented assistance. Joe Martinelli, however, of a chapter in Los Angeles, where the fact that since Lent starts on all expenses covering the parade pre­ through the capital city. Sunday, December 3. Bill Figari, The field of sports is represented guarantees a very enjoyable evening. St. Mary's College was repre­ a large group of prominent alumni February 7, the dance on February 3 ceding the game in Sacramento be Those who drive to the game will probably be the only dance held president of the class of '41, seconded by two exceptionally interesting ar­ sented by Horway Whitteman, have their offices. Paul McCarron taken out of the income received will meet at the hotel all in the spring semester until after the motion, and it was voted upon ticles. Wallace Cameron, USF bas­ and Santa Clara delegate was John and Harry Bardt have shown inter­ from the rally on Wednesday night. Easter. and passed. ketball coach, discusses the problem those who will go up on the J. Walsh, Both men were excel­ est in Alumni activities, and will be The motion was seconded and passed. Department Head lent speakers and represented their asked to assist in the formation of Arthur Zjef then reported that a of drawing crowds to collegiate con­ special trains Saturday and respective colleges admirably. this chapter, Rock said. gigantic parade has been planned Report Asked tests in "Whither Basketball?" To Leave Dec. 17 Sunday. A feature presentation both before YMI to Present and arranged for preceding the foot­ Tom Waters requested that a "Streamlined Strategy," by alumnus ball game on next Sunday afternoon financial report of the San Francisco Sarge Mackenzie, traces the strategic and after the various speeches was week-end. This without a doubt is in Sacramento. Quarterly be given at the next meet­ development of football with especial For History Meet Joseph Martinelli, who rendered 'First Legion' the social hit of the year and closes various songs accompanied by John Bio-Chem Distributes In the course of new business, ing.
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