^ 1 .1 ! GOLD WATCH BRACELETS NEWEST AND BEST. Real Qold Self-fitting Bracelets l o w e s t Po s s i b l e p r i c e s . with Jewelled Lever Watches FROM 6 0 /- RACH.-'- ~ GUARANTEED, W m , B m fo rd & Son, v ‘ > V \ FASHIONABLE VISITORS’ RECORD AND GUIDE 100,Terminus-rd., Eastbourne T e l e p h o n e : 22a?, Registered at the O.P.O. at a Newspaper. EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1814, E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 , PRICE ONE PENNY THE EASTBOURNE ASTBOURNK COLLEGE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, MARY H. COOPER, A r t i s t i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . President i li, PlYEHilY HOAD. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices T | j • Tl * • -1. '. - . < . •• • Head Hasten CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. The KEY. F. 8. WILLIAMS, M A Schools Visited. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Day Ironing Classes. Individual Tuition. The perfect combination Telephone 76a, The School la a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Bona is the Badge Multi with Budge coach-bailt sidecar. Comfort, of Gentlemen. •peed, eilence, safety and reliability are the features of this riLL SIDE,- - ST. ANNE'S ROAD, 6, LI8M0RE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. unrivalled vehicle. The infinitely variable Multi Gear is Boys are prepared for the Universities, the Army, Navy the foundation of its success. L EASTBOURNE. and Civil Servioee, Professions and Commercial life. v Preparatory School for Boys. There are apodal Abmt and Navy Classics. RutUe Multi Catalogue NOW READY ANi) POST FREE <, For Proepeotoa and Information aa to recent Snoceeaea, on receipt of a postcard to tj DICKER & CO. application should be made to the Hoad Masted. Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. 1 By Anointment P hysical Drill la compulsory for the whole School. 10, Terminus-road. •dad arrangements for Day Pnptla and the Sons of HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS A GROCERS, Cycle Makers to Ion, 84 acres at Playing Field m GUdredge Park. H M . K in g G e o rlt Eastbourne. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, NAaTBOUBNU. riLOVELLY - KEPPLE STONE i WINES, SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. ^ 8TAVELET ROAD, MEADS, EASTBOURNE. Telephone No. u £ -------------- H------ Old Olenlivet Whiskey, 3/6 A 4/- per bottle. Fine Old Tawney Port, 86/- A 42/- per dozen School for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). N EW JAMS. Abe FOB F r io List. Mr*. P. H Browne a&diptojl Tait-Beid, B. A. BOTTLED FBUIT8, do. Trlbphorr 06. Astistedby a large RmijUnb Staff of Trained ' ;■■■■. p.-J-ii- "":-H REENOROPT-ELLE S M ERE, A D A Y ’S , W ASH ING 1, SPENCER ROAD . > I G (Late of 82, The Avenue). [Mter bourne College j FOR Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. kg,. M.D., F.8.O.8., and Mil. ! 1 I - SCHOOL P .M.R.C.8., D.Fh. Oam.,and MISS LLOTDS has removed to more commodious UPPER AVENUI EASTBOURNE. MACHINE MADE , Shank Gravely. Eap, M.D. nmnbe?8 oMJAIL^PJ^JPILS. reoo'Te an iQcroaBed iliwilmk 1 ?• ?. Gil HURT, B.A. (Land.). , JJP., M.R.O.P., LR.QP., A FEW PEN N Y W O R T® \ (Lond. Unlv.). epaU p k a t b s MEADS. Private School for Boys. L o a f . OF 3 d . p e r 2 - lb ; indergarten and preparatory see with S acres of ground. Chemical and SCHOOL for CHILDREN (ages 1-14). ALL KINDS, oratories. Gymnasium and Playing Fields, j K (Certificated English Mistresses). on for London Matriculation ana Oxford DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS 01 THE TOWN DAILY. English, Music, French, Swedish Drill, Dancing, FOR BALM, and Cambridge Locale. r a n v i l l e h o u s e , m e a d s , . Drawing and Painting Fees Moderate and Inclurlre.________ EASTBOURNE. GAS .- Children reoeived aa Boarders, weekly or otherwise. G 1 Visitors’ Children reoeived. „ 81, Church-street; 15, Pevensey-road and 175, Seasldi LADIES' SCHOOL. WITH THE Entire Charge of Children whose parents are abroad. TMBNT8 TO LIT, IT. GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), House beautifully situated In Its own Grounds. In the Whole of Tel. 160. Field for Hookey, Recreation Room (50-ft long). Apply for full partlculars-MISS HINDLBY, Special Advantages for Music and Modern Languages. Teh 852._____ Gladwyn, Staveley-road, Eastbourne. d.) Snssei newspaper* Prospectus, references, Ac., on application to the BRITISH WASH-BOILER. Flannels Washed storage of which Urge underground Concrete Tanks have been corutructed. RENCH GOVERNESS (Brevet 8up<?rieur) . i L PrlndpaL .MRS. C. H. D* la MOTHE. very highly recommended by Schools and olling, not over SO Wanda F j | ! EASTBOURNE EASTBOURNE GAS CO., Ii Families, would give /^B A N V ILLE OREST, ST. JOHN’S ROAD, 10, SUSSEX GARDENS. LESSONS IN GRAMMAR, LITTKRATURE, MITED V J EASTBOURNE. ■ ■■ COMPOSITION, CONVERSATION. SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. UNIGIPAL SCHOOL OP ART Very suooessful in preparing for all Pablio Examinations . (Txchnical Institute. Gbovk-boad). ; | LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Thorough Modern Edueation with special facilities for Arrangements now made for next term. Mnslo and Languages. 1---------- Address. “ FRENCH,” “ Chronlole’’Office. Eastbourne. r and EVENING CLASSES are held In all Every convenience is provided far ensuring the Highest Class of Work for Families, Open Scholarships obtained bt Pupils. Houses, or Hotels. Individual________________ supervisioni and training. Happy home life with healthy School discipline. MADAME PETRELLI, R.A.M. SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. (late Pupil of Signor Randegger), of the principal i Visitors can join for short periods. Extensive premises in own grounds. Haying field. London Oonoerts. and PRIMA DONNA D’Oyly Letters should be addressed Miss TTtt.t., Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne. Large hall, well-lighted and ventilated, tat gymnastics, MARSHALL & DUNBAR, ___ Carte Operas, London, MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL dandng and indoor recreation. GIVES LESSONS in VOICE PP.ODCCTION FOR GIRLS Prospeotusand List of Buooesses in Public Examinations and SINGING (Italian Method), 1 ' ~ (Uppkbton-boad). daring past year on application to Thb Principal. Ladies’, Gentlemen's & Clerical Tailors. Address: Craig-y-Don, Duks’s Drivb,E astbourne ftOa.tfUU MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY 8CH00L \ . '' TT f Many of her Pnpils holding distinctive engagemente SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, in Opera ana Concerts. ■ < ’ FOR BOYS • SOUTH STREET. HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. ! (Technical Institute, Gbovb-eoad). S BOYS ARB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. Prospectus and full particulars nf these Schools can ELOCUTION. Fees (96 per Annum. r M Obtained from THE SECRETARY, Education Com­ i s s h il d a ' flanagan mittee, Town Hall, Eastbourne. ______ Many Choral Scholarships, some of which cover NEW SPRING DESIGNS & MATERIALS the whole amount of the Fees. M (Late pupil of Mrs. Haaluck) DB MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, [ C O U R T HOAD, LONDON, W, Training for Business Life. GIVES LESSONS in RECITING, PUBLIC For Prospectus and other Information apply SPEAKING, PURE VOICE TONE, &c. READERS. tn B M y A Co.’s Arcade.40, Terminus-road. OBTZMANN LONDON.” Telephone-..MUSEUM "ONE.’ THB WARDEN. Hatters, Hosiers and Shirt Makers Address: HUH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, WjARATAH, COMPTON BTRBET, EASTBOURNE. kUSH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, TVER. FREDERICK CRAMER, A.R.C.M. i-T_l_ (Pianoforte Solo-Playing Diploma), Diploma ol SOLE ADDRESS Telephone No. 995. ■JVpS8 ALICE NORTON, L.RJLM., a h x .il , Moderate, Native Teachers. Trial Leaso the Royal Conservatoire ol Sondeninansen, Germany, BOOK ON FURNISHING Gives Leeeona in FIANOFORT* * VIOLIN PLAYING, A*6- Visits and Receives Pupils fob Principal—L. d* LAVALLAZ, Dr. Llttk 1H & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. GRATIS AND POST FREE. THEORY, HARMONY, MUSICAL FORM, *0. Pianoforte, Harmony, Singing & Voloe Produotion, Pupils prepared for aU Musical Examinations. In EASTBOURNE on SATURDAYS. ■ Address] f Schools visited. Pupils Prepared for Metropolitan A Local Examinations A. E. STYLE®, Brabcab Lonea, Bt. LaoiusM Road, Eastboubnr; Upwards of 800 Suooeseee. Address: I AD, EASTBOURNE, PAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO AN CHARLES BREACH Telethons Jit. 835. 89, MAGDALEN TERRACE. ST. LEONARDS. IGNORINA VIANELLI AY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. S (Profeesoreeaa dl lingua Italian a Laureate Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber, DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. LANGUAGES nell’ UnlversltA di Roma) 188 LUCY WAY begs to announce that hm PT.Afl.QVa »«ll ka uvoTruam il. GIVES LESSOEA lE ITALIAN West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, M MS- her CLASSES will be RESUMED In the In 8ehools and Families. V^Jncb Lessons also given. SAFFRONS BOOMS, on SATURDAY, Octobsb Srd. Production, Singing, Pianoforte, Harmony at S p.m. For terms, Ac., apply HaafatiiRDENE, 4, Meads-strut, L C. WTNDHAM B O B IN S O N Lessons can be given at any time on application to LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP Webtwat, 2, West-terrace, Eastbourne. CHSTE1N STUDIOS, WIGMORE STREET, ISS M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD LONDON. W., On! Wednesdays, . Dlpldmie, Paris and In EASTBOURNE on other day*. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT; ih h w .t. on Saturdays.: Schools attended. Before you buy any kind of Furniture anywhere, it is worth your while to investigate (CAL DRE8SCUTTINQ MILLER & SELMES, * IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE, met KYA LAMI, THE GREYS, Eastbourna the value we offer you—then compare it with what the other firms would offer you. ATTERN MODELLING 10 yean Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, Voloe Product!oe a speciality. Inllders. Decorators. HasM RESUMED her CLASSES at the GRAND HOTEL. You will at once recognise th a t our Furniture is mobs than value for money, and also SATURDAYS at &4S; Juveniles, U o’clock. W . ea Thursday, between note that we guarantee to pupils and In class teaohing in schools. Every description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate At DEVONSHIRE PARK, Wednesdays at Alt I , i, gTicultural Show, GOLD 1 MONEY-£2 to £1,000.
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