Volume 1988 Issue 5 Article 11 Spring 4-15-1988 The Bone Castle Janet P. Reedman Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle Part of the Children's and Young Adult Literature Commons Recommended Citation Reedman, Janet P. (1988) "The Bone Castle," The Mythic Circle: Vol. 1988 : Iss. 5 , Article 11. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle/vol1988/iss5/11 This Fiction is brought to you for free and open access by the Mythopoeic Society at SWOSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Mythic Circle by an authorized editor of SWOSU Digital Commons. An ADA compliant document is available upon request. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To join the Mythopoeic Society go to: http://www.mythsoc.org/join.htm Mythcon 51: A VIRTUAL “HALFLING” MYTHCON July 31 - August 1, 2021 (Saturday and Sunday) http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mythcon-51.htm Mythcon 52: The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien Albuquerque, New Mexico; July 29 - August 1, 2022 http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mythcon-52.htm This fiction is available in The Mythic Circle: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle/vol1988/iss5/11 .by Janet P. Reedman Lady Celestria brushed her long amber hair. the grass. Celestria hastened towards her betrothed, Fingers tangled in wavy depths; her brush was who was showing the healthy growth in the herb• drawn into bright masses and swallowed. Celestria's garden to a tall, dark-cloaked man. Stepping away companion, thin and homely Una, sighed with envy. from the stranger, Tancred caught her shoulders and ·rt's not fair that you have such lovely locks" she swung her round. ·well, my lord," he said to his complained. "You've more beauty than a human guest, "this Is my intended bride. Am I not a lucky woman has a right to haver· man?" ·Nonsense!" Celestria tossed her head In denial. The stranger, whose head had been averted, Strands of flying hair shone like liquid gold in the turned and smiled. Celestria felt her heart skip a light pouring through the arched windows of the beat, and she gasped. This man ... did she know castle. ·A human am I and no more. What else could him? Something seemed familiar about his height, I be?" his long dark hair, his comely face and stormy sea• Leaning over, Una whispered darkly, "A change• grey eyes. "Have we met, my lord?" she asked. ling. You've heard of Faerie, the Sidhe. When they He started as she spoke. "No-no, lady; we declined they left their children to mortals, hoping couldn't have met. I've been away for years, many they'd thrive with them. Perhaps you are an elf• long years.• Nonetheless, his brows furrowed, and Lord Andro found you wandering in a daze .. ." he tried to peer into her hood. "Tancred," he said, ·ae silent, Unal" Celestrla cried. She had no "you ask me if you are lucky to have this maid, but I wish to remember her youth as a foundling In An• cannot answer yes or no. I see a cloak, not a girll" dro's court, an adopted daughter despised by the no• Tancred laughed. ·cast back your hood, my bles, who thought she was baseborn or worse. Now lover Let my friend have a look at you and be jealous she'd earned acceptance through her betrothal to a evermore I" nobleman, and she would not gladly recall her un• "But my hair's unbound ... • she whispered. happy past. "Never mindl I'm sure his lordship's seen many a "Oh Celestria," said Una, shame-faced: I forgot lass's tressesl Come on my dear, I want to show him how you suffered. Forgive me: how fortunate I aml" ·1 forgive you," said Celestria, managing a wan Inwardly cursing her betrothed as a foolish brag• smile. She realized the other girl meant no harm. gart, Celestria removed her hood with some reluc• ·oh-listen, Una ... " tance. Her waving halr flamed in the sunlight. Outside a man was shouting Celestria's name. Mouth agape, the stranger reeled back. "It's your Tancred," said Una, nudging Celestria. "Celemonl" he cried. "Lucky girll Just think of ill In a month you'll be mar• "That is not my name, lord," she said, "I am Ce• ried in the Minster, and then ... • A hectic blush dark• lestria, daughter of Andro of the Marches.~ · ened her wan cheeks. • ... you'll be brought to the ·celestria-how strange.• The man recovered marriage-bed.· his composure. ·where-where were you born, my Celestria whirled away from Una, her own cheek lady?" paling. She did not know why the thoughts of her un• Tancred, who was deeply conscious of Celes• ion with Tancred should be so repugnant. She tria's past, grasped the girl's wrist. "My lady never should be grateful to him for offering to marry a maid speaks of her youth." of unknown ancestry. "No, Tancred. I don't mind telling the lord ... the "Celestrial" Tancred's voice, Iouder now, lord ... • boomed at the foot of the stair leading to the garden. "llmarinen." said the dark-haired man. "Corne down, my lover I have a guest I'd like you to "llmarinen." she whispered the outlandish name, meet I" as obsolete and strange as Celemon, the name he'd "My hair's uncovered!" she called back. "I called her. Yet-both names had a familiar ring ... couldn't show myself ... " She buried her hands, suddenly grown ice-cold, in "Put on a cloak and comer· her cloak. Una handed a mantle to her friend. Celestria Tancred scratched the top of his thinning hair in flung it around her shoulders and modestly tucked puzzlement. ·1-1 thought you wouldn't ... Well, her locks into the deep hood, as befitted a maiden. speak on, if you wish. I ... • He sneezed violently Then she lightly descended the spiral stairs into the into an already stained and much-crumpled rag. "I garden. must find the physic. I've another bloody cold com- The afternoon was sunny, unmarred by any ing on. Blast this cold Essarnadonian climate! clouds, though the Northern wind was fierce, bring• When we're wed, Celestria, I'll take you to Sedovia, ing on its breath the taint of Autumnal death. The where it's hot all year roundl" battlements of Castle Rysing cast long shadows over The Mythic Circle, Issue 5-- Page 21 Tancred stumbled otr toward the castle door, must go," she said, "We have spoken alone too long. mopping at his crimson nose. Celestria stared after The evil-minded will talk ... • him, shaking her head. The lord llmarinen reached "Wait" he caught her wrist. "Celestria, do you out and clasped her arm. "Will you walk with me, truly not know me? You didask if we'd met." lady?" he said. "I'd be glad of your company. I've "You look familiar. but I cannot think why. Per• been abroad for many years, and need news of my haps you remind me of someone in my father's homeland: court." ·1 fear I can tell you little, if it's news of kings and "No, that's not ill You know ill Celemon, don't wars you want; she said. ·1 am but a woman and not play games with mel Don't squander our second privy to the councils of the great. But I will walk with chance on earthl" you, even so: "You're madl" she gasped, but even as she tried Together they went over to a bench shaded by to draw away. he caught her in his arms and kissed an ancient willow. They sat down; close, but not her. To her horrified surprise, she found herself re• touching. llmarinen took Celestria's hand. "Lady. I sponding to him, though he was a stranger and ei• lied; he said. "I don't want news of Essarnadon. I ther ill-mannered or crazed. But something felt right want to hear about you-what you were telling me in the touch of his hands and lips-a mist lifted from when Tancred interrupted: her mind, a thousand shadows began to recede-to "Oh, yes. I was saying that I don't know my birth· show her ... nothing. The spell was broken. place. I'm lord Andra's adopted daughter:• ""How dare you take such liberties!" she cried, "Adopted?" He leaned toward her, intent. jerking away. She would have said more, but fell si• "Aye. While hawking on the Gravespell moors, lent when she saw the crushed look on his face. "I Andra discovered me wandering in a daze. He took must depart," she then said harshly. "Don't follow, me to his castle and had his own doctors tend me. and I'll say naught to Tancred." When I had recovered from my Illness. which had "You don't love himl" llmarinen's grey eyes robbed· me of all memory of past things, he clothed locked with her topaz ones." I know you don'tl Cel e• me, schooled me. christened me Celestria-a name mon Ni Finvarra, one day the blindness will lift from based on my fevered ramblings-and eventually your eyes, and you'll see me againl I only hope it adopted me. I was very fortunate.· happens ere it's too later "Gravespell. You came from Gravespell, where She fled from him, uncaring that passing courti• she died . • llmarinen had turned very pale and ers gawked and pointed. Celemon Ni Finvarra. Fin• was muttering lncoherenily, his face taut with some varra.
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