PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE - - A RELIABLE INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1944 kSwinginf With STARRED IN G.I. HIT Tavern Manager PHONOGRAPH RECORDS restartag the latest le da see, hlaee see RCA Uncovers Star In spiritual recerds. teed Sc pestafe far et tiles THE WaiOMT MtTSIO SBOP. 1414 W Lake SI Chleage. 01. Nitelifers’ U/AIITCn A FIRST-CLASS By LARBY CHISM Anderson Award Victor VTAIII til orcanized - WAR WIDOW'S SONG Dome Rh<». exotic dancer, and Zig- V>V /.y K jJMß,'.'' ’ . NEW YORK -Miss Camilla Wil- liami was apparently settled In the gy ¦ BAND I'm keepin' all my lovin’ Johnaon. emcee, and producer liams, 22-year-old lyric soprano role of achool teacher in her na- % : Club Must be able t«i Till my daddy come> with Zombie filling in with tive after X For Moonglo. home chorus two-time of the Danville. Va. where, play Floor shows tad 7 4 number and pinner Marian eood. danrtns Cause hi* sweet *n mellow lo\m‘ middle gradual.ng from Virginia State nights |dd per Anderson Aw-ard, passed two im- per week. Side mas Thrills me to the bone B A C: snd Zula. Afro- College with honors :n must in week. Leader |7S per week. Cuban dance s are top* her Bobby portant milestones on the road to 1841, she accepted a position in the Write full particulars le I'm hopin’ 'n prayin' Keye a* singing emcer, Polly Goree, musical success last week by sign- elementary schools. She taught the The whole night* long specialty dancer. A»h Can l.arue, ing with RCA Victor as an exclu- third grade, but found time, too. 460 Michigan Ave. recording Thai he'll *oon return comedian, ana Alberta Adams as sive Victor artist and to serve as music instructor of the Buffalo. N. Y. Handsome, big and blues singer. making her radio debut over the achool strong pro- What Thev're RCA coast-to-coast network At the end of her first term oi The above wu inspired by the gram, The Music teaching, she Talking About America Loves was invited to ap- belief—perhaps premature—that the Best" pear as guest soloist with the Vir- var may end soon and by the fer- llepeata: Wav chix are turning The ovation which Mi*s Williams ginia State College a capella choir .square, 70,000 ! vent prayers of going for themselves with received in her Saturday night de- in Philadelphia. This proved to be tnd defense gig*. but in the Blue Network studios in a turning point for her when Mr. : 'f.s .hin th* t Husbands: Way wives are too In- New York served as a well-earned and Mrs. A W. Jones, with whom * Fr%nk (Pops) Johnson la mak- r tslei.l a.!! dependent. acting like single gals tribute to a promising career. she now makes her home in Phil- DETROITERS t r again ruain and busting the.r wigs what Until the door of opportunity adelphia, congratulated her on a ing a host of now fritnda as ha s -on w.th riding the ‘ Silly-Go-Round" swung open wide for her in Phila- brilliant performance and urged PROUDLY SAY two nr.anagas tha naw Rlngsida case. Kalin* The f and paying no attention to the old delphia years ago, Mina Wil- her to remain to study voice. man at all 2531 Brush stroot whtra a selec- ( luh 1 omhlf: I IMaygala: Way male talent is * •» ‘h"W open- freezing up and iggmg the guls lion of boar and winaa ia at- reuse most the square “ACME with of Janes have Stars Galore To Participate tracting thirsty drinkara to « n<r 1 „n puv> picked up all eligible spare Cats out IS MY FLORIST" > r'i hr 1 a¦> at>d dare them to make a false coma and mist thair friends. r ' a"'« ’ .n move Pops is wall known among boar Tc. 2-9212 3936 Sru.li Logan, Day boys: Way the queens are In Negro Actor’s Big ‘Party’ gardan and nita club patrons. singing sweet traveling in twos threes and fours •ongs; Jimmy Larry C hiun and refuse to break up and let a NEW YORK —The Lido pool of the are Anderson male song delineator, u If get in his bid for one of the will of Order Evening Boot- sheep pla>s be the scene of a picnic and festi- sie Davis and Verwayne. val given by the Negro PRE-LABOR DANCE (hitter•(hatter Actor’s All bans* traveling «*r planning to GIVEN BY Guild th is* Saturday iratal in Lh* vicinity of Oklahoma Ma/e! Scott, pianist and darling of Young Tenor To » sort* interesting anS point* m d vtti get in touch NYC Case Society was in town All of game*, «lUt last weex to attend the funeral of (pi /.es will be awarded* are to be The Cosmopolitan Club a cousin. John Rrathwaite who was under w.iy, music, dancing and all Appear In Ohio LONNII WILLIAMS accidentally injured near her White sorts of fun, in the afternoon. The 3, '44 Caro of BIG 10 REC REATION PAR- highlight of the evening will SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER IX) Plains home in N. V. be R 1113 N Greenwood. Phono the introduction of "YANAGA," MANSFIELD. O-William Pleas- CENTRE 3-0449 Wilbur Boyce. Horsemen bartend- or At TWELVE HORSEMEN CIVIC Tulsa. Oklahoma < tone Si the Youth Alliance, Negro Actors ant, 16-ycar-old tenor from Sa- ERSKINK AT JOHN R- er. is author of the club sign say- i Guild of Inc. A vannah, will in a re- ing “Thru these portals pass the The G. I. show produced recently with an all Service featured, America. (pecial Ga. appear MUSIC BY cast ! number will be presented by last people in the world—our to right, end this cital in Shiloh Baptist church pa- left Busie Brown Bobby Evans. Hare you see the as they take the floor. trons." full of as ?n>up over Friday night. August He's such ideas awingaational pair going through one of their many routines. The entertainment committee con- here. 18 This this. ‘Maybe get a ?I . will mark Pleasant's second he'll raise sists of the following people—all recital Jimmie Davenport’s Orchestra DANCE Cats in Ohio, his first appearance * AM. nre wondering why the gals j being DANCING—• PM. UNTIL • lake friend.® of yours. They urge you Vila# Waat at Aaroia. lad. will in Bellefontaine two ago run from a mouse Yet they to reserve tables, boxes and loges weeks . where he was given a ADMISSION SI.2O—TAX INCLUDED will jump into a car a . fine ovation. with wolf. earlv. as you will remember for BREAKFAST DANCE Met BSG Margaret Jones Ticket' on Sale at. Rucker s Beauty Shop. 3422 W Warren: Twelve Horse- >««ry taturda*. IS Til and Mane Patrons NAGA affairs seating space goes Wesley’s Drug Hastings St Mldatto Sua a* Rave Over men Civic Center, 114 Ersklne; Store. Hale pyem. PLAYWRIGHT CALLOWAY t'other Word comes very fast. Chairman Fannie E. Kirby; Leon’s Tailor Shop, 5747 John R. Street. Saturday, July 29. 1944 the Hurley-Taylor wedding Sept 17 Vice-Chairman Charles NEW YORK.—Cab Calloway Is Naur Robinson. It ut Civic Center will be “grandest" W. Joyce: working committee: Ev- ; collaborating with the famous mu- •OB WOMACK yet, Moth 51.500 w’orth of flowers elyn Errol Fraser, Artie sical director. Leopold Stokowski, Aad Davis. an Mia IS-Plae« Kaad fram . on operatic tha . Club Zombie Show farce called "Rhap- etc. ordered. Frank Taylor, so Belle McGinty, Maude ! ia IMiaaarali* lad. Osborne, sody Pat Reeves says, is a voice find Tom Fletcher, Prul Johnson,’! in Reverse." They are sched- Daae.ng (vary Saturday 4 Sunday and may make a Phyllis Oliver, uled to produce ;t in partnership, personal appear- 1 \ A show, guy, Wilhelmina Wil- ENTERTAINMENT! new with the thought- is quite a versatile with several with Cab Oaod Ratal dccoßmadatiaaa aad fiaa ante tiy soon with the band . ' liams. Odessa Morse. Alberta playing the leading role. • provoking title of "Naturals," other accomplishments. Oaf Saraira Met charming (AYT-BSO Juanita Pryme. E>*ie Worth Bell, Albert Adalaaien ti e# Plu* Tan opened at Broad* Club Zombie, Betty Logan, the girl singer, is Popwell. Ida Forsvne, DINE WINE Junniia aad Mary Otaanddia Soward Sun back at Center . Rosetta Le-I Haaaffara. Monday night, August 14, and was given AFTER THE SHOW At Detroit's Only Black and Ten Bettors are saying there's no sense a waim welcome in her own Noire, Virginia Girvin. Henrietta “Southwest received with the usual wild ap- ¦- VISIT - going tn home town. Several months on the Lovelace. Valerie Black, Idella the track to bet on the plause that greets nags Joe "Ziggie" road and added experience have Kohke, Leigh Whipper, Lillian FEATURES FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT w'hen boys downtown can take Johnson's production efforts. done much for her poise, a* *he Brown Evans, Alberta Perkins. Ma- VISIT WITH US A WHILE AND BE ENTERTAINED your money juat as easily and pay- a ' Zifigy." most congenial and sings bel Hart and Betty Watch THE LOG slightly a air. Nichols. CABIN just ? . with different off as . chap, likeable does much to con- Jimmy Anderson, the handsome your Negro press for ads giving 8812 Oakland Avenue tribute to the success of the particulars (Across from show, man i f song, still goes on into his further next wr eek. I Club Zombis) in addition to - having produced it. 7th week as of the main attrac- Members of "YANAGA" who will FOR TIIE - & smile, one Th pwiia i4nn Cooper His warm and witty chatter act as ushers are Earle Hyman.
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