nClDAT, JAirUAlct II, Tf4T ^ The Weather Average Dally CiroiUtien ai u. s. Manrlr>ate^r Etr^ttlttg l^rralJn For Mm H m MIi «C OecMBber. IS M 1 MoaUjr d a iiiy taalgh* eejrs m tia Brnast W. Ubert, Jr„ KM 1-C, f _ 9,007 U, S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mra. inanrbrEtrr lEDTtitng U rn ilb Engaged to Wed Major Brooks Maoibar af Mm AefUt Ernest Ubert, formerly of Man- ^About Town \ cheater, and now of Santa Ana, Dress and Sport You Can Depend On BonM af Clroeletl4M JUianch^tter^A City of Village Charm Dr. » . rortMa ■uahJirtl, Calif., spent the Christmas holi­ Home on Leave to lliln a rlin la attendinf Ui* New days with his parenU. He had as (TWELVE PAGES) PRICne THREE CENTS hla guest, Wayne Munsell, of Man­ MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1946 .,'Ta«1t State Veterinary College Con- (CImmUMI Aivartlatag aa Psga jacvnee for Veterinariana at Cor- chester Green. Both are In sub­ Was Aboard Carrier HALE’S to Bring You the VOL. LXV., NO. 87 Univeralty. Ithaca, New Y o n . marine service and stationed at K conference cloaea today, Mare Island, Calif. Young Ubert Wasp, Baflly Battered toahnell la a graduate of the waa stationed in Australia two COATS Newest In Housewares On Way Across GI Committee Sees General Styer ^atarlnary College at Ithaca. ye.ara and arrived back in Cali­ fornia last Sept. 28. Labor Troubles Near Adalbert 9. Oagnon. "Aviation Major Henry E. Brooks, son of Five Nations Chosen. Macblniat’a Mate, Flrat Claaa. of Three cases of scarlet fever, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Brooks, of 14* South Main atreet, waa today three of whooping cough, one of 112 Woodland street, is home on a •Hwrated from Naval eerv'ce at lobar pneumonia and' two of terminal leave of four months after Reduced U d o Beach, Long Island, New broncho pneumonia and 20 other having served in the Arm y since March 21, 1941. He reached New Climactie Point Now; Tortc. reportable diseases were listed in the November report of the State York Rundiiy aboard the famed On Security Council; Ilrat SerfeanTwilllam L. Luett- Department of Health. carrier the USS Wasp. The Wasp REG, $19.98, CaBB, o f • Chestnut atreet, waa was badly batteied In storms while Sonorahly dlacharged from Army making the Atlantic crogsing, the Alex Eagleaon, F 1-c of 87 COATS Now aenrica at Fort Devena, Maas., yes­ front end of the flight deck being $15-oo West atreet ha.<i been honorably _ Try to Settle Rows terday and arrived home late iMt completely bent out of position. night. He has been in aervice 29 discharged from the Navy at Lido From. New York. Major Brooks Sharp Floor Dispute montha and waa stationed in Ko­ Beach, L. I. He is one of three went to Camp Kilmer, N. J., and sons of Mr. and Mrs. Albert n a before being deployed home. from there to Fort Devens, Mass., REG. $25.00 Deadline Approaching H e served on Okinawa from the Eagleaon who have returned to where he was given his leave. He N 0 1 ^ ® ^ time of the Invasion until being civilian life. The others are Pfc. V was one of this town’s early Selec- COATS Now vjondei ' For Strikes in Three Clifford Elagleson and Corporal $ 2 2 -« o Australia ‘ and Canada I A f t n y P a O C r Troops in China aant to Korea, He la married to Miae Marlon Vogel I live Service inductees and arose hob\c^ Auto Workers the former Mlsa Dorothy Hultman William Ekigleson who received from Private to Major In his four Inx „ Run-OffD ___ S U i b ifor Sixth Major Industries to and they have one daughter. their discharges at Fort Devens. ! years and nine rponths of service. Affect Some l,355y- Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel of M He served in England and saw ac- REG. $29.98 Non-Permanent Seal;! Under Eyes T o p O ffic ia ls Oxford street announce the en­ ' tlon in France and Germany. Join in Demands 000 Workers; Trumtt gagement of their daughter, Mlsa Added Rati riiiee Russian Efforts to . A graduate of Manchester High le af wash, This 01 committee in Manila talked over OI gripes about slow­ Marlon Anna Vogel, to Bernard E. COATS Now And Other Officida I school in the class of 1937 he was $25-00 Siaaiinite Siledi aukea febriee Postpone Voting De­ O f Officer Scan Report down In demotlKsatlon in a meeting With Lieut., Gen. W. D. Styer, Humiston, son of Mr. and Mrs. I formerly assistant sales manager Herbert Humiston of Elmwood, retituiit le water, wih, penpira- 4-ffmmsiuUng Officer of AFW BSPAC. L eft to right are Sergt. Harold Act Swiftly to Set* 1 for the Rogers Corporation. tion, dirt, water beme ataina. feated; Brazil, Egypt, Bcbiffrin. Rochester. N. Y.; Sergt. Sheldon Newberger. Chicago, III.; Conn. No date has been set for Corporation Uncondl 600 Men Trumaii Calls tie Wage Disputes the wedding. REG. $39.98 Ne extra werk. Savet Money, Mexico, Poland, The Colonel ExercueM Su S ergt Bill Kennedy. Nexeport. N. H.; Sergt. Ira OoUobln and T-5 Officers Take Acttonl ywi i But Members aavei clothe*, *ave* laundering. tionaUy Rejects Rec­ Herbert Levine, both of New York. (Photo by NBA-Acihe Staff Pho­ $ 3 5 - 0 0 Netherlands Pickeil pervinory Judgment tographer Dave Davit.) ____________________ After Wedemeyer Parley TodaV By '!rhe Associated Press COATS Now Sm oking ommendations of Of Former Group Over Materieal Put Gives Units Praise ^ i wk The country’s labor trou- ' Bulletin! bjes, a growing sore spot on CUSTOMERS Into Daily Pacifican Fact - F in d i^ Board On steel Kow The laat time the Charter Revi­ REG. $45.00 Stand London, Jan. 1 2 ,--(/P^The Military Officers Shanghai, Jan. 12.— (if)— the post-war reconversion WAITING sion committee wae named wae United Nations Assembly to­ Detroit, Jan. 12—(F)—Top o ffi­ Lieut. Gen. Albert C. Wede- program, appeared nearing s In 1936. The committee at that day elected six nations to Manila, Jan. 12—m —An Arm y cials of the Cno United Auto Work­ meyer today told his China i climactic point today. Aa the time consisted of 15. The new COATS Now Fairless, Murray Sum $39-08 8-PIECE Tan With n«i-permanent seats on the officer exercised supervisory Judg­ ers met today to consider the re­ deadline neared for strikes in theater troops he was proud 4, 5 and 6-Room Singles, committee named laet week by| moned to Confer at important Security council ment today over material carried port of the presi«!fent's fact flnding three major industries which< Duplex and Flats — Pack­ the Selectmen numbers 21. Chrome Trim Gain Full Control that they had not held de­ It la noticed that only three of along with s five-power per- in the Arm y newspaper. Dally Pa- board in the 52-day-o1d General mobilization speedup demon­ White House in Ef* would affect some 1,386,000 age Store — Soda Shop — those who eerved in 1936 arel REG. $65.00 eiflean, in c lu ^ g it# popular "M all Motors strike as the corporation Shaker Sets Self Emptying nanent bloc after Canada strations. A short time later, fort to Avert Strike steel, electrical and meat Grill and Space for Radio members of the present commit­ proposed that Australia be Bag” column in which soldiers air unconditionally rejected the packing workers, govemnMBt of* tee. They sre Judge Raymond R. Now 5 9 - 0 0 their views. hoard’s recommendations. 600 men. and a few officers Repair Shop. COATS $ With Decal Trim chosen by scclamation. That After Haiti Coup ficiala headed by Prasldant Tnt* Bjov'ers. who was clerk of that] Col. W. E. Waters, heading the In a "statement signed by OM did, voicing send-us-home de­ Waahington, Jan. 12. — (ff)— man. acted swiftly to aetUa the Plus Tax Information-Education section of committee. Judge William J. Shea] procedure was ruled out of President C. E. Wilson, the cor­ mands similar to those made by disputes. Wages wars tba ehiaC Army Forces, Western Pacific, said President Truman summoned to For results list your real and Judge Harold W. Garrity. order but, Canada having in poration termed as "unacceptable other Yanks throughout the iZRua involved. $3-98 the policy had for its aim build­ the White House today the two The other me'rabera of the com­ it. whole or in part,’’ the fact And­ Three-Man Junta Seek- ‘ world. estate with Black, Brown, Blue and Green 5 » effect withdrawn, Australia ing up rather, than undermining Eatira Fletiire Olaamy mittee were Robert J. Smith, Vlc- ers’ proposals for a 19 1-2 cents Special Meaaage to Troopa men who can call the turn In the H A Y D l’I ’EK Jap Cabinet The entire labor picture w u I tor W’. Bronkle, William E. Buck- received 46 votes on the final the Army. an hour wage increase and rein­ ing to Restore Or­ "You r sense of fairness and de­ steel Industry and avert a strike Chesterfields and a Few Fitted Styles "Hands Now Bound" gloomy. Federal selaure of the lley, William C, Cheney, Mary C. tally. statement of the union contract. cency and your determination to of 800,000 workers Monday. In an earlier atatement, staff Dec. • Offer "StUI Stands" der Following Riots steel and meat packing Industrial -Barby” Flatters 1 Dannaher, Thomaa Ferguaon, Da- Posts Filled reflect credit upon yourselvea and It waa a last-minute effort that Jarvis Realty Co.
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