GERMINATION AND GROWTH RESOURCES Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement The Wonder of Seeds Teacher’s Guide Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNjR4rVA8to Fantastic Nature Photography of Plant Growth of Brambles – The Private Life of Plants (1:29). Short time-lapse clip of brambles GrowinG in a forest narrated by Sir David Attenborough; From BBC. http://www.learner.orG/vod/vod_window.html?pid=77 Lessons from Thin Air (56:24). Hear how Harvard students and a FiFth Grader answer the question, “Where does the mass oF an oak tree come From, iF it starts out as an acorn?” The seGment From 1:30 to 6:30 shows interviews oF Harvard students; continue throuGh 17:45 to see a FiFth Grader tackle the question in detail. Part of the Minds of Our Own series, From the AnnenberG Foundation. http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/plantmotion/earlyGrowth/Germination/Germ.html Seed Germination (<3:00 for three movies). Time-lapse movies oF germination in corn, sunFlower, and Arabidopsis seeds. Part oF the Plants-In-Motion website, by RoGer P. HanGarter. http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/Grow.html Starting to Grow (<0:20). Time lapse film of seed germination within the soil. Part of the Missouri Botanical Garden’s “BioloGy of Plants” educational website. Web Pages: http://news.nationalGeographic.com/news/2012/02/120221-oldest-seeds-reGenerated-plants-science/ 32,000-Year-Old Plant Brought Back to Life – Oldest Yet. News story on Silene stenophylla seeds duG From Russian permaFrost and successfully Germinated, by Rachel KauFman at National Geographic. http://tolweb.orG/tree?Group=AnGiosperms&contgroup=Spermatopsida Angiosperms: Flowering Plants. Shows phyloGenetic relationships amonG the main Groups oF FlowerinG plants, includinG the nesting of monocots amonG other FlowerinG plants that have two cotyledons (eudicots and others); by Pam Soltis, DouG Soltis, and Christine Edwards at Tree of Life. http://www.aGroservicesinternational.com/Balanced/Balanced.html Balanced Nutrition. Set oF brief articles on plant macro-, secondary, and micronutrients. One paGe shows photos oF plants with nutrient deFiciencies; by Agro Services International, Inc. PlantingScience CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 | www.plantingscience.org | Wonder of Seeds—Resources Page 1 of 4 Last Updated 7/2013 http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/plant_reproduction.html#Development Development of Embryo and Seed. DiaGram oF eudicot seed morpholoGy; part oF a larGer paGe oF AP Biology lecture notes on Flowering plant reproduction. http://www.Gardeners.com/Fertilizer-Basics/5161,deFault,pg.html Fertilizer Basics. A brieF introduction to plant macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and soil pH, including basic Fertilizer recommendations, by Gardener’s Supply Company. http://www.Fastplants.orG/pdf/activities/Germlaunchingtheseed.pdf Germination: Launching the Seed. BackGround and Guided inquiry on seed Germination and Gravitropism, by Wisconsin Fast Plants. http://urbanext.illinois.edu/Gpe/case3/index.html The Great Plant Escape Case 3: Is it Dust, Dirt, Dandruff, or a Seed? Student-oriented webpaGe with Spanish translation available, providing backGround information about seeds and Germination, an online matchinG activity, and two lab activities, by University of Illinois Extension. http://www.orGanicGardening.com/learn-and-grow/seed-cataloG-time It’s Seed Catalog Time. List oF websites and addresses to request cataloGs from fourteen difFerent seed companies, provided by Organic Gardening maGazine. http://www.pbslearningmedia.orG/resource/lsps07.sci.liFe.stru.seedplant/liFe-cycle-of-a-seed-plant/ Life Cycle of a Seed Plant. BackGround inFormation, interactive activity, and discussion questions on the Flowering plant liFe cycle; adapted From the University of Alberta by WGBH Educational Foundation. http://extension.missouri.edu/p/G6515 Lighting Indoor Houseplants. University oF Missouri Extension document G-6515 provides basic inFormation on artiFicial liGhtinG, includinG the importance oF light color For plants. LiGhting requirements For houseplants are described (crop plants Generally preFer hiGher liGht intensity); by David Trinklein. http://www.kew.orG/science-conservation/save-seed-prosper/millennium-seed-bank/index.htm Introducing the Millenium Seed Bank Partnership. Describes the worldwide collaboration that has collected and preserved seed From more than ten percent oF all plant species, by the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens. http://www.sprouting.com Mum’s Sprouting Seeds. This inFormation resource on Growing sprouts at home also sells over 50 varieties of orGanic, Food-grade seed to US and Canadian addresses. http://plants.usda.Gov/npk/main Nutrient Content of Crops. Online tool For calculatinG how much nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium diFFerent crop types and species will remove From the soil at a Given acreage and yield, provided by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://www.inda-gro.com/understandinG-par.html Plant Lighting Fundamentals. Describes the role oF wavelenGth and intensity in plant Growth and as they relate to liGhtinG efficiency; by Inda-GRO. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suFFolk-21142788 Pumpkin Seed Bought Online for £168. News story describinG a seed company’s purchase oF seed From a pumpkin weiGhinG >900 kG, by BBC News SufFolk. PlantingScience CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 | www.plantingscience.org | Wonder of Seeds—Resources Page 2 of 4 Last Updated 7/2013 http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/vista/html_pubs/hydro/require.html Requirements for Plant Growth. A general guide on what conditions allow healthy plant growth in crop plants, with a Focus on hydroponics. From online version of Hydroponics as a Hobby: Growing Plants Without Soil, by James C. Schmidt, John M. Gerber, and J.W. Courter. http://www.nsF.Gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=104207 Scientists Trace Corn Ancestry from Ancient Grass to Modern Crop. Press release about Federally-funded research usinG Genetic methods to understand the domestication of teosinte, by the National Science Foundation. http://www.seedbiology.de/index.html The Seed Biology Place. A comprehensive information source about seed bioloGy by Gerhard Leubner at the University oF London. http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/monocot_seed.htm Seed Development in Corn – A Monocot. DiaGram showinG corn seed morpholoGy as a counterpart to the eudicot seed diaGram at the Development of Embryo and Seed link. http://ntrs.nasa.Gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.Gov/19920024706_1992024706.pdF SEEDS: A Celebration of Science. Final project report For Space Exposed Experiment Developed For Students, a larGe-scale science education initiative in which space-exposed tomato seeds were grown in science classrooms in all 50 states and 30 ForeiGn countries; by NASA Educational AfFairs Division. http://www.botany.orG/plantsciencebulletin/psb-1967-13-2.php Tachyplants Suited to Instruction and Research. Online version oF the 1967 Plant Science Bulletin article with charts describinG plants with rapid liFe cycles and the time required to FlowerinG and between FlowerinG and seed production, by S.N. Postlethwait and N. Jean Enochs. http://teacherlink.orG/content/science/microscope/pdf%20docs/seedgerminationlesson.pdf Time- Lapse Seed Germination with the QX3 Intel Digital Microscope. Lab activity using a microscope and diGital camera to monitor seed germination, by the University of VirGinia Center For TechnoloGy and Teacher Education. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ Wayne’s Word®: An Online Textbook of Natural History. Pages plapr98.htm, pldec398.htm, and plfeb99.htm describe three types of seed dispersal, by W.P. Anderson at Palomar ColleGe. http://www.harrismoran.com/technology/newsletters/2.htm What’s a Vigor Test? Description oF seed perFormance tests under stress carried out by seed technologists, by Harris Moran Seed Company. Books & Articles: Barman, C.R., Stein, M., McNair, S., and N.S. Barman. 2006. Students’ ideas about plants and plant growth. American Biology Teacher 68(2): 73-79. Bradford, K.J. and J.D. Bewley. 2003. Seeds: Biology, technology, and role in aGriculture. In M.J. Chrispeels and D.E. Sadava, eds., Plants, Genes and Crop Biotechnology. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 212-239. PlantingScience CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 | www.plantingscience.org | Wonder of Seeds—Resources Page 3 of 4 Last Updated 7/2013 Graham, S. 2006. Crime-solvinG plants. Plant Science Bulletin 52(3): 78-84. Hershey, D.R. 1995. Plant Biology Science Projects (Best Science Projects for Young Adults). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 176 pp. Jewell, N. 2002. ExamininG children’s models of seed. Journal of Biological Education 36(3): 116-122. Levins, L. and J. PeGG. 1993. Students’ understanding of concepts related to plant Growth. Research in Science Education 23(1): 165-173. Lin, S-W. 2004. Development and application oF a two-tier diaGnostic test for hiGh school students’ understanding of flowerinG plant Growth and development. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2(2): 175-199. Moles, A.T., Ackerly, D.D., Webb, C.O., Tweddle, J.C., Dickie, J.B., and M. Westoby. 2005. A brieF history of seed size. Science 307(5709): 576-580. Wisconsin Fast Plant ProGram. 2004. Spiraling Through Life with Fast Plants: An Inquiry-Rich Manual. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt PublishinG. 172 pp. PlantingScience CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 | www.plantingscience.org | Wonder of Seeds—Resources Page 4 of 4 Last Updated 7/2013 .
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