irtr.org/cra IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] September 8, 1972 Meetings of Unity and Friendship —Report on the 1st Asian Table Tennis Championships The Bankruptcy of Apriorism as Seen From the History of Knowledge Scanned and prepared by It's Right to Rebel! irtr.org/cra IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] PEKING Vol. 15, No. 36 September 8, 1972 REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish. Japanese and German editions CONTENTS THE WEEK 3 Chinese Leaders Cable Vietnamese Leaders —Warmest congratulations on the 27th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam Chiao Kuan-hua Visits Pakistan Japanese Advance Party in Peking Good Early Rice Harvest Pai Hsiang-kuo Visits the Americas American Visitors ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Victory Certainly Belongs to the Heroic Vietnamese People 5 1st Asian Table Tennis Championships: Meetings of Unity and Friendship — Our Correspondent 7 The Bankruptcy of Apriorism as Seen From the History of Knowledge — Tang Hsiao-wen 10 Geological Prospecting: Search for Underground Treasures 14 Aden Newsletter: New Landscape by the Red Sea — Hsinhua Correspondents 17 ROUND THE WORLD 19 Korea: Full-Dress North-South Red Cross Talks Viet Nam: Releasing Three Captured U.S. Pilots Japan: Strong Demand for Return of Northern Islands Tanaka-Nixon Talks: Joint Statement Issued ON THE HOME FRONT 21 Grand Canal Rebuilt Prevention and Cure of Occupational Disease Good Harvest of Spring Cocoons Szechuan Silks Published every Friday by PEKING REVIEW Peking (37), China Post Office Registration No. 2-922 Printed in the People's Republic of China Scanned and prepared by It's Right to Rebel! irtr.org/cra IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] THE WEEK Chinese Leaders Cable Vietnamese Leaders — Warmest congratulations on the 27th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam Comrade Ton Duc Thang, raids and imposing a blockade through the laying of mines, but this is sheer day-dreaming. The bombs of President of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam U.S. imperialism have not shaken and will never be Comrade Le Duan, able to shake the iron will of the Vietnamese people. First Secretary of the Central. Committee of the Following President Ho Chi Minh's teaching "We prefer Viet Nam Workers' Party to make any sacrifice rather than lose the fatherland and be slaves," the heroic Vietnamese people, united Comrade Truong Chinh, as one and fearing no difficulties, are advancing trium­ Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Na­ phantly with firm militant strides. We are deeply con­ tional Assembly of the Democratic Republic of vinced that the Vietnamese people, tempered in pro­ Viet Nam tracted revolutionary wars and fighting in unity with Comrade Pham Van Dong, the peoples of Laos and Cambodia, will certainly defeat U.S. imperialist aggression and win complete victory in Premier of the Government of the Democratic their war against U.S. aggression and for national Republic of Viet Nam salvation. Hanoi The Chinese and Vietnamese peoples are close com­ On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the rades-in-arms and brothers sharing weal and woe and founding of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, we, going through thick and thin together. To support and on behalf of the Communist Party of China and the assist the Vietnamese people's struggle against U.S. ag­ Chinese Government and people, extend the warmest gression and for national salvation is a bounden interna­ congratulations to the Viet Nam Workers' Party, the tionalist duty of the Chinese people. No matter what Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam hardships and dangers the Vietnamese people may still and the fraternal Vietnamese people. face in the war against U.S. aggression and for national salvation, the Chinese people will remain on your side Under the leadership of the Viet Nam Workers' and give all-out support and assistance to your just Party, the heroic Vietnamese people have in the past struggle. 27 years fought with dauntless heroism and militant revolutionary stamina against one imperialist war of Final victory surely belongs to the heroic Viet­ aggression after another and safeguarded the fruits of namese and. other Indochinese peoples! socialism in northern Viet Nam. writing brilliant chap­ Mao Tsetung ters in the annals of the cause of liberation of the Viet­ namese nation. The heroic deeds of the Vietnamese Chairman of the Central Committee people in their anti-imperialist revolutionary struggles of the Communist Party of China have been a tremendous encouragement to the Chinese Tung Pi-wu people and a valuable contribution to the liberation Acting Chairman of the Peo­ struggles of all the oppressed nations and peoples of the ple's Republic of China world. Chu Teh At present, the Vietnamese people's war against U.S. aggression and for national salvation is developing Chairman of the Standing Committee triumphantly and the whole situation in Indochina is of the National People's Congress of excellent. The south Vietnamese armed forces and peo­ the People's Republic of China ple have launched fierce offensives on various battle- Chou En-lai fields, dealt heavy blows to the U.S. imperialist scheme Premier of the State Council of the of "Vietnamizing" the war and scored splendid victories. People's Republic of China U.S. imperialism has attempted to force the Vietnamese people to cease fighting by stepping up its air and naval Peking. September 1, 1972 September 8, 1972 3 Scanned and prepared by It's Right to Rebel! irtr.org/cra IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] Chiao Kuan-hua Visits He said that 104 member states of Iftikhar Ali. They exchanged views Pakistan the United Nations had voted for on issues of mutual interest and on Pakistan. This showed that neither the current situation in the south Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Pakistan nor China relied on veto Asian subcontinent. In the evening, Chiao Kuan-hua visited Pakistan but on principles. the Pakistan Foreign Secretary gave a dinner in honour of the Chinese from August 28 to 31 at the invita­ In his speech, Vice-Foreign Minis­ Vice-Foreign Minister. Speaking at tion of the Pakistan Government. ter Chiao Kuan-hua pledged that the the dinner, Iftikhar Ali emphasized On August 29, Pakistan President Chinese Government and people the fact that the bonds of friendship Bhutto received Vice-Foreign Minis­ firmly support the struggle of the and time-honoured ties linking Pa­ ter Chiao and, in a cordial and Pakistan people to safeguard nation­ kistan and China are not based on friendly atmosphere, had a long talk al dignity under the leadership of expediency but on principles that with him. On the same day, Presi­ President Bhutto. This struggle is a united us. It is said in Pakistan that dent Bhutto gave a grand banquet in just struggle, and just struggles are friendship with great China is an honour of the Chinese Vice-Foreign bound to win final victories. article of faith. This expression is Minister. In the course of a just struggle, what we truly mean from our heart. President Bhutto stressed at the Chiao Kuan-hua continued, there is Because the friendship with great banquet that the friendship between no so-called "isolation." Although it China is the very corner-stone of our Pakistan and China would continue is possible that some temporary phe­ foreign policy. to develop and never retreat. nomena occur now and then, the peo­ In his speech, Chiao Kuan- ple of the world always stand by He added that Pakistan wanted to hua declared: "The Chinese peo­ the countries upholding justice. The have good relations with all its neigh­ ple are friendly towards all peo­ U.N. resolution on the India-Pakistan bours on the basis of principles and ple of the whole south Asian subcon­ question adopted by 104 votes in the not at the cost of Pakistan's friend­ tinent. We hope that all countries ship with China. General Assembly last December and in the subcontinent will live together the resolution adopted later by 13 in peace and friendship and seek Pakistan, he said, was being asked votes in the Security Council have among themselves fair and reason­ to recognize a reality. Realities did fully demonstrated this fact. How­ able solutions to their mutual prob­ not exist on one side of the fence. ever, there are people who are now lems on the basis of the Five Prin­ There were realities on the other side trying to deny, disrupt or refuse to ciples of Peaceful Coexistence. We too and these were embodied in the implement these two resolutions. are glad to see that the Government U.N. General Assembly resolution of This is something which China can and people of Pakistan are making December 7 and the Security Coun­ by no means agree to. We must efforts to this end. Not long ago, cil resolution of December 21. If veto such unjust actions, not only a partial troops withdrawal agree­ Pakistan was being called upon to now, but also in the future when ment was reached through consulta­ recognize one, the world should en­ necessary, because this is a veto tions between India and Pakistan to sure recognition of the other as em­ which is used to uphold justice. What which His Excellency President bodied in the U.N. resolutions. is strange, however, is that some peo­ Bhutto made positive contributions. ple, who are opposed to the right This agreement should be implement­ President Bhutto said that China of veto reasonably exercised by ed conscientiously. His Excellency was stressing recognition of the total China, are attempting to use a sort President Bhutto has recently reiter­ reality and not a partial one.
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