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OREGONS NEW DIRECTOR OF ATHLETIC S Anson (Anse) Cornell, 16, who will take over his new duties a s director of Oregon athletics about June 1 . Cornell returns to hi s alma mater after 20 years of coaching and managin g athletics elsewhere . likes the \ew CHEVROLET because it is ae on4 EN and women . young folks and grown-ups only low-priced car with the Knee-Action Gliding M . , people who live in large cities and peopl e Ride, Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation and who live in smaller communities . all like the ne w Shockproof Steering, for maximum comfort and 1936 Chevrolet . driving ease! And the only low-priced car with a They are placing this beautiful new Chevrolet first in High-Compression Valve-in-Head Engine, giving the their favor because it's the only complete low priced car. finest combination of performance and economy ! That, as you know, means its the only low-price d You, too, want all these modem advantages in you r car with New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes and a Solid new car. Insist upon having them . Buy a new 1936 Steel one-piece Turret Top, for greatest safety! The Chevrolet-the only complete low-priced car. FOR ECONOMFCAL TRANSPORTATFON NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES SOLID STEEL ONE-PIECE TURRET TOP BODIE S I_CHEVROL@T, IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATIO N HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE SHOCKPROOF STEERING • GENERA L MOTORS INSTALLMENT PLAN-MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Available in Master De Luxe models only. Knee-Action, $20 additional. Chevrolet Motor Co ., Detroit, Mich. Published monthly except July and August by the Alumni Asaociation of the University of Oregon, and entered as second class matte r at the poetoffice at Eugene, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1879. Treat under Form 8578-P . Return Postage guaranteed . Published by the University of Orego n Alumni Association Vol. XVII May, 1936 No. 9 NEWS AND COMMEN T By The Editor T last Oregon 's athletic problems performer on Webfoot grid teams, as ORNELL'S duties, as outlined by A are on the way toward solution . a quarterback, from 1912 to 1915 unde r C the board, will be the "promotion, 'With the appointment recently of th e Hugo Bezdek . He was also shortstop financing and managing of all inter- new board of athletic control and th e and captain of baseball teams at that collegiate athletics ." The new five-ma n subsequent appointment of Anson Cor- time. Before entering Oregon he at- faculty board for the control of all non - nell, Oregon alumnus and former gri d tended and played football at Washing- athletic activities under the recent sep - star, as director of ath - ton high in Portland under Virgil D . aration of the two de- Anse Cornell letics, the stage is now Earl, now a member of the new athletic Appointment partments has not yet set for a speedy re- board. He received his B.A. in 1916 . been announced. It is To Direct adjustment of the dif - Cornell's salary was placed at $300 0 Gets Hearty expected that anothe r Athletics faculties that have beset per year. His first duties will be t o Approval manager for these ac- athletics since the ad- accompnay Dr. H. C. Howe, faculty tivities will be named vent of the optional fee almost tw o athletic representative, to the sprin g shortly after the board has been an- years ago. meeting of the coast conference at nounced by the president . After considerable study by faculty Spokane on June 3 and 4. It is expecte d Hearty approval of Cornell's ap- and student committees, it was an- that Cornell 's office will be located in pointment has been practically unani- nounced early this month by President McArthur Court. mous on the part of alumni who hav e C. V. Boyer that a ten member board to been following the Oregon situation . be composed of five faculty members , On the other hand, those familiar wit h three alumni members and two student the problems involved realize the diffi- members would be placed in charge o f culties of readjustment that face the the athletic program . Personnel of thi s new manager . Not only is it going to be committee as announced a few day s necessary for Cornell to set up an en- later is : Earl M. Pallet, executive sec- tirely new organization but the prob- retary to the president, chairman ; John lem of financing the program on an F. Bovard, dean of the school of physi- optional fee and gate receipt basis faces cal education ; Virgil D . Earl, dean o f him. He has not inherited an easy job , men and former director of athletics ; and alumni and friends of the Univer- James H . Gilbert, dean of the school o f sity can help most by being sympatheti c social science ; and Professor H . C. with the enormity and difficulty of his Howe, faculty repreesntative in the task and at the same time stand ready Pacific Coast Conference. The three to assist in the many ways that they alumni members are : Lynn S . Mc- will be called upon to help . Only by Cready, '20, Eugene ; Basil T . Wil- enthusiastic co-operation between al l liams, ex-'19, Eugene ; and Paul D . those persons concerned with Orego n Hunt, '30. Portland . Student members athletics can the University 's part i n will be : Fred Hammond, president o f Pacific coast athletic circles be expecte d the student body and Gilbert L . Schultz , to prosper and gain prestige . vice-president. * * * The selection of Anse Cornell for the NCE again the state system o f post of athletic director by the commit - O higher education has been forced tee has been hailed throuhgout the stat e to further pare its budgets to meet as an admirable choice . He is to take shrinkage of income ! ATHLETIC REPRESENTATIVE over his new duties about June 1, com- y More Cuts This necessity wa s Professor H . C . Howe, veteran facult e ing from Pacific University, Fores t representative of the University in th e Forced on brought out at th Grove, where he has been head coac h Pacific Coast Conference and a membe r April budget meeting and athletic director for the past thre e of the new board of athletic control. Pro - State System of the board held in fessor Howes long service to Oregon ath - Ashland on April 27 . years. Before that he spent 17 years a s letics was recognized last month whe n coach at the College of Idaho, Caldwell . Oregon's baseball diamond was name d Having already reduced budgets more Cornell was an outstanding backfield "Howe Field" in his honor. than $1,500,000 since 1930-31, the z Old Oregon May, 198 6 1)r. Hunter's statements at the recent board meeting are in reality mild com- pared to the true situation that face s the people of Oregon . The unrest and lack of opportunity for true construc - tive research and teaching within the state system is a situation about whic h every thinking citizen and particularl y the alumni of the institution might wel l become alarmed . Means of alleviating this state of affairs must become a major problem of the people of Oregon or else the educational institutions o f the state will depreciate to second rate and inferior schools-an eventuality in - conceivable in a state traditionally com- mitted to superior schools . Onthank G.oes to Washington Karl W. Onthank, dean of personnel, who has also been acting state directo r of the National Youth Administration since the first of the year, left fo r Washington, D . C., this month to attend CAMPUS SCENES AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES a national conference of state NYA Recent pictures of building activity on four fronts as campus projects progress . To p directors. Before leaving, Onthank in- left: Excavation finished and placing of forms for new gymnasium at Fifteenth an d dicated that is was his belief that the University streets . Top right: Concrete work finished and window casings in on new infirmary at Thirteenth and Onyx streets . Lower left : Bricklaying well started o n employement of student NYA hel p new library located near the corner of Fifteenth and Kincaid streets. Lower right : would continue next year . Several Dismantling front half of old gym preparatory to making it over into a natatorium . hundred students have been aided i n earning their school expenses through the NYA on the campus this year . board was forced to deduct anothe r and E . B. Mittleman, associate pro- During the summer Dean Onthank wil l t $50,000 from the budget for the nex fessor of business administration . The attend a conference on college guidance , biennium as compared to the presen t resignation of Robert H . Seashore was to be held at Stanford University , biennium this in face of increasing en - accepted. Only one raise in actual in- rollment and heavy instructional and where he will be chairman of a discus- structional pay was recorded, although sion section on guidance activities o f . equipment demands several minor changes in staff and per- federal agencies . Most tragic result of the decreased sonnel were made . An adjustment o n budget will be the reduction of the the salary of President Boyer, allow- number of beds available at the Doren- ing him $1200 in lieu of a "president' s becker children 's hospital in Portlan d home" was approved, as was an increas e from 48 to 25 in spite of a waiting list of $500 to the salary of Charles Byrne , of 500 children .
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