© Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre CAS ;+'-E;+&F doi: '+'99''H;+'-+&F http://folia.paru.cas.cz Research Article Studies on ascaridid, oxyurid and enoplid nematodes [ František Moravec1 and Liesl L. Van As; 1!"5$ D567= ;D!K?!M"!" Abstract: !N[R!7@ U>?V![U$6V!Falcaustra similis W;++9N!RN7!RCucullanus sp. (only female) (Seuratoidea), Cith- ariniella longicaudata sp. n., Synodontisia annulataN7U>RContracaecum@@ of Galeiceps sp. (both Ascaridoidea) and Eustrongylides@ND!RXVCitharinella longicaudata (type host Schilbe intermedius 6R!7 '+<3!Synodontisia annulata (type host S. intermedius) by the shape of cephalic papillae, body length of gravid females N9<<M-&&!!RNEE3!RX!!Cucullanus sp. from Tilapia sparmanni Smith markedly ![777> @5=77Galeiceps[7 [!Cithariniella gonzalezi W]7$7^'F<<5!C. khalili W X'F*;Cithariniella citharini `'FE9!Synodontis? concern, in fact, Cithariniella khaliliW X'F*;X!Cithariniella reported by Koubková et al. N;+'+R!Paradistichodus dimidiatus NR"![C. gonzalesi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et ^'F<<VC. koubkovae =77 V7`7$N;+'+R Keywords: !>!VCucullanus, Cithariniella, Synodontisia, GaleicepsV[ X ! [ "$VR7@ ! $V 6 W @[V$7[7 N;+'-MR7@ and maintained unfed in plastic tanks for at least two days to al@ ! N"R ! [ U$ V!X[V$ 6V7!7 ";;;V!'} !5N{{WR;++'M;++& saline. Nematodes removed from the digestive tract and viscera This paper is a continuation of these studies, based on the V[>9}'+}7! same nematode collection, now providing results of the ! >! ! V systematic evaluation of nematodes of the orders Ascarid@ cleared gradually in glycerine. Drawings were made with the aid U> ? D ! >@ of a Zeiss microscope drawing attachment. Specimens used for aminations (using both light and scanning electron micro@ !N"?RV@[>'}@ scopy) of these materials revealed the presence of several !!>N7R@ V> @@ @ V 7@$V$X = V >! ?U{ "@*9+' results are presented herein. electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 4 kV (GB low mode). All measurements are in micrometres unless otherwise MATERIALS AND METHODS indicated. Only small numbers of the available specimens could 'EF ! 7 [ be used in the descriptions and there is no relationship to the the families Alestidae, Cichlidae, Clariidae, Mochokidae and !7M!! "7VU$6N!! V 7 V [ !"$&'&*++-5$ D56789;+&<***-9&;=>89;+&<-&'+&<<=?@!!B Zoobank number for article:7$7D?E&E'&*@F*E@9D9<@E<@'*<?F<;<-& This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana [!7 consists of short, muscular pharyngeal portion, long cor@ !!N>D!R \ ! ! @77 77 [! ring encircling oesophageal corpus at about 1/4 of way N;++FRX![VN >5 ;+'-R @77 > N'RX7> RESULTS Male N-!R{7<<-M';&E!! !>!! V E&FM*<F { ;*M&E = V Cosmocercoidea 6'F'E ';+M'9* { 'E*M'<F !!= > E+MEF Kathlaniidae {'F'9 ';+M'9+ !! @77 ';FM'<+ 77 ;&'M;*&= V > @77 77 Falcaustra similis W;++9 *;MF+EEMFFFFM';+;;<M;-- '; 9+<M9F+ > '&-M'-F !! <+;M';'+!>!7 Description (based on specimens from Schilbe interme- curved ventrally. Caudal alae absent. Ventral precloacal dius 6R!@!V! $'F*M&+;!!!@ [ { 7 =77V$V DV7!@@ caE+M*+7!7N'R? el of oesophagus (Fig. 1A). Oral aperture large, triangular, pairs of caudal papillae present: 3 subventral preanal pairs, 7&!7;@ 1 subventral adanal pair and 7 postanal pairs (5 subventral =!N';R ;=!R 7\N'RU One additional unpaired median papilla present on ante@ Fig. 1. Falcaustra similis W;++9!Schilbe intermedius 6AM!V=B, CM@ V=DM!V=EM= F, GM! V=HM!V ;+'-E;+&F ;'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana A C D Fig. 2. Falcaustra similis W;++9!Schilbe intermedius 6!AM V=BM!V=C, DM!VAbbreviations: M!=7M7=M7! N'M;MDR" N9HEER 9&-M-&+N';MDR^7@ D!!@ ! V '&;M'<+ X lection of the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the &E*M-&+ ! " 5$ D5 N Female (5 gravid specimens): Length of body @<'FR ''+EM'9+E !! !>!! V *&9MF'' { ;*M&F Remarks. To date, ten species of Falcaustra{'F'9 =V';FM'9'{ 77![F. guiersi Vas@ 'EEM'<* !!= > 'F*& F. hexapapillata N` 'FE;R F. petrei &EM<'';;M'&F!!@77'9977 N` 'F*+R F. piscicola N{V 'F+*R F. similis ;-;M;F'= V > @77 77 W;++9F. straeleni !@6 EEMF+FFM';+''*M';F;;-M;E9 'FE'F. sudanensisN`'FE;RF. tchadi Vassiliadès 9&-M9F+ > ';FM'E& !! X'F*&F. therezieni'F*FF. verbekei <&+M''*+!>!W !@6 'FE' N ` 'FF* EFEM**+!!!>!N-;ME<} W ;++9R ! 7R=!V@ !!![ !?!@VEFMF+ (although F. therezieni, F. guiersi and F. straeleni were &E+MEEN'?R= ![RVF. si- ! & 7! X 99;M--< milis is known only from a siluriform host, Synodontis ni- bearing dorsolateral pair of large phasmids (Fig. 1D). gromaculatus (Mochokidae). "$Synodontis nigromaculatus Boulenger, The nematodes of the present material are morpho@ 7'FF!!S. vanderwaali Skelton et White, body logically and biometrically very similar to F. similis, both ;++!!N7$R[Schilbe forms occur in siluriform hosts in the same locality, and, intermedius 6N"7R7;;<!!N therefore, they are considered to belong to this species. Siluriformes). Small differences in the arrangement of postanal papillae Site of infection: Intestine. !V[ Locality: U$ 6 N"$V !! '<;E+-"= variabilty, which is usually broad in cosmocercoids. Al@ ;'-9;&?RVN'F;++'R though one host of these nematodes belongs to a different Prevalence: S. nigromaculatus;E}N'<[H*+[ siluriform family than the type host of F. similis (Schilbei@ >!R= S. vanderwaali -} N'H;+R= S. intermedius E} dae vs Mochokidae), it is not surprising, because also an@ ;+'-E;+&F &'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana Fig. 3. AMDM!!Schilbe intermedius6NAMV=B, CM@ V=DMVREMGMEustrongylides!@!Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau (EMV=F MV=GMVR $NSynodontis spp.), Procamal- <9+=-' lanus laeviconchusN]'<E'R7 -E9 ! ''9 77 '''= !>!! recorded from Schilbe intermedius in Botswana (Moravec width of pharyngeal portion, corpus, isthmus and bulb W ;+'-R X [ F. similis in '- &+ &+ *; N &R @ S. intermedius represents a new host record. V!V!@ ''9!>!?> Atractidae 6'F'* !*;'! body (Fig. 3A). Deirids not observed. Vulva 1.55 mm from Atractidae gen. sp. &MD9 >!X&<' (Fig. 1D). Description: Female (1 nongravid specimen): Small, " [ Schilbe intermedius 6 N"7 V ! 9FE !! ;FF V V [ "!R7;;<!! =V Site of infection: Intestine. >!>@ {U$6N'<;E+-"=;'-9;&?RV 7N9MDR! N'F;++'R > 7 & 77 '-}N'[HEE[>!R !7!N;' Deposition of voucher specimen: Not deposited (used for R=!@ "?R ated on ventrolateral lips (Figs. 3B,C, 4A,B). Oesophagus ;+'-E;+&F 9'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana A C D Fig. 4. Atractidae gen. sp. female from Schilbe intermedius 6!A, BM7 V=CM7VNVRV=DMVAbbreviationsM!= 7M=M Remarks. Since only a single nongravid female was absent. Cephalic end somewhat asymmetrical in lateral 7[V!7 view. Oral aperture dorsoventrally elongate, surrounded The morphology and measurements of this specimen are by raised narrow membranous ala (collarette) supported very similar to the representatives of Labeonema Puylaert, 7 V ! 7 N -M? EM?R 'F*+NRV[ Four submedian cephalic papillae and pair of lateral am@ N 'F*+ ` 'FF* N -D EMR U ! W ;++9 `7$ ;++<R= !V>! [$VLabeonema are some cypriniform, 7 N!R= @ !![Schilbe man- >V dibularisN^REutropius liberiensis N7R 7N-R= in Gabon for L. bainae $ 'F<; N $ 'F<;R '-9!!'+}7= V ! ! Labeonema ! &F9 V ;9-= !!! spp. mainly in the position of the vulva, which is located in V '''= !>!! V 7N&'}7R ;;-U whereas that of Labeonema spp. is in the posterior part. through large valve. Distance from nerve ring to anterior >!E';9+} Seuratoidea'F'E Deirids small, rounded, situated slightly posterior to level @5'*+!!!@ Cucullanidae 77'<E9 >!N-E^R ?> ;+9 Cucullanus sp. -E !!!7WF9F !!!>!E9}7=@ Description: Female N' !R !@ val lips not elevated (Fig. 5G). Vagina directed anteriorly sized nematode. Body whitish, elongate, with slightly !M N E^R !V @ @VV!$@ V 5 ! @ N-R='+-M';+*<MF+ V N -R= 7 '9< !!= VX9F+V !>!! V 9E;= V ! V!!!N- ;*;!&-9{ EDR ;+'-E;+&F -'F doi: 10.14411/fp.2015.039 Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana Fig. 5. Cucullanus sp. female from Tilapia sparmanni Smith. A, B – anterior end of body, lateral and dorsoventral views, respec- tively; C – oesophastome, lateral view; D – cephalic end, apical view; E – oesophastome, dorsoventral view; F – deirid, lateral view; G – vulva, lateral view; H – tail, lateral view; I – sculpture of egg surface; J – egg. Host: Banded tilapia, Tilapia sparmanni Smith (Cichlidae, Per- should be principally compared with the species of Cucul- ciformes), body length 150 mm. lanusV[ Site of infection: Intestine. To date, three species of Cucullanus have been described Locality: Okavango River (Samochima lagoon 18°25'48.9''S; !V[Cucullanus barbi Baylis, 21°53'41.8''E), Botswana (collected 11 December 2003). 1923 parasitising Barbus spp. (Cyprinidae) in the Sudan '[H9[>! and Egypt (Baylis 1923a, Moravec 1974, Amin 1978, El- Deposition of voucher specimen: Helminthologi- Naffar et al. 1983); C. baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961 from cal Collection of the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre Synodontis spp. (Mochokidae) in the Sudan, the Demo- !"5$ D5N cratic Republic of the Congo and Chad (Baylis 1923a, No. N-1083). Campana-Rouget 1961, Khalil 1969, Vassiliadès and Remarks. The genus Cucullanus Müller, 1777 includes X'F*95$;+''= a large number of species parasitising freshwater, brackish- specimens from S. schall![C. clarotis Bay- V![ lis, 1923 by Baylis 1923a and Khalil 1969); and C. clarotis Because of their rather uniform morphology and the inad- from Clarotes laticeps (Rüppel) (Claroteidae) in the Sudan !!- (Baylis 1923a). Al-Bassel (2003) also reported Cucullanus cally impossible to make a detailed comparison between barbi Paperna, 1964 (a homonym to and probably identi- !!V cal with C.
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