Studies on Ascaridid, Oxyurid and Enoplid Nematodes 1HPDWRGD

Studies on Ascaridid, Oxyurid and Enoplid Nematodes 1HPDWRGD

© Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre CAS ;+'-E;+&F doi: '+'99''H;+'-+&F Research Article Studies on ascaridid, oxyurid and enoplid nematodes [ František Moravec1 and Liesl L. Van As; 1!"5$ D567= ;D!K?!M"!" Abstract: !N[R!7@ U>?V![U$6V!Falcaustra similis W;++9N!RN7!RCucullanus sp. (only female) (Seuratoidea), Cith- ariniella longicaudata sp. n., Synodontisia annulataN7U>RContracaecum@@ of Galeiceps sp. (both Ascaridoidea) and Eustrongylides@ND!RXVCitharinella longicaudata (type host Schilbe intermedius 6R!7 '+<3!Synodontisia annulata (type host S. intermedius) by the shape of cephalic papillae, body length of gravid females N9<<M-&&!!RNEE3!RX!!Cucullanus sp. from Tilapia sparmanni Smith markedly ![777> @5=77Galeiceps[7 [!Cithariniella gonzalezi W]7$7^'F<<5!C. khalili W X'F*;Cithariniella citharini `'FE9!Synodontis? concern, in fact, Cithariniella khaliliW X'F*;X!Cithariniella reported by Koubková et al. N;+'+R!Paradistichodus dimidiatus NR"![C. gonzalesi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et ^'F<<VC. koubkovae =77 V7`7$N;+'+R Keywords: !>!VCucullanus, Cithariniella, Synodontisia, GaleicepsV[ X ! [ "$VR7@ ! $V 6 W @[V$7[7 N;+'-MR7@ and maintained unfed in plastic tanks for at least two days to al@ ! N"R ! [ U$ V!X[V$ 6V7!7 ";;;V!'} !5N{{WR;++'M;++& saline. Nematodes removed from the digestive tract and viscera This paper is a continuation of these studies, based on the V[>9}'+}7! same nematode collection, now providing results of the ! >! ! V systematic evaluation of nematodes of the orders Ascarid@ cleared gradually in glycerine. Drawings were made with the aid U> ? D ! >@ of a Zeiss microscope drawing attachment. Specimens used for aminations (using both light and scanning electron micro@ !N"?RV@[>'}@ scopy) of these materials revealed the presence of several !!>N7R@ V> @@ @ V 7@$V$X = V >! ?U{ "@*9+' results are presented herein. electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 4 kV (GB low mode). All measurements are in micrometres unless otherwise MATERIALS AND METHODS indicated. Only small numbers of the available specimens could 'EF ! 7 [ be used in the descriptions and there is no relationship to the the families Alestidae, Cichlidae, Clariidae, Mochokidae and !7M!! "7VU$6N!! V 7 V [ !"$&'&*++-5$ D56789;+&<***-9&;=>89;+&<-&'+&<<=?@!!B Zoobank number for article:7$7D?E&E'&*@F*E@9D9<@E<@'*<?F<;<-& This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana [!7 consists of short, muscular pharyngeal portion, long cor@ !!N>D!R \ ! ! @77 77 [! ring encircling oesophageal corpus at about 1/4 of way N;++FRX![VN >5 ;+'-R @77 > N'RX7> RESULTS Male N-!R{7<<-M';&E!! !>!! V E&FM*<F { ;*M&E = V Cosmocercoidea 6'F'E ';+M'9* { 'E*M'<F !!= > E+MEF Kathlaniidae {'F'9 ';+M'9+ !! @77 ';FM'<+ 77 ;&'M;*&= V > @77 77 Falcaustra similis W;++9 *;MF+EEMFFFFM';+;;<M;-- '; 9+<M9F+ > '&-M'-F !! <+;M';'+!>!7 Description (based on specimens from Schilbe interme- curved ventrally. Caudal alae absent. Ventral precloacal dius 6R!@!V! $'F*M&+;!!!@ [ { 7 =77V$V DV7!@@ caE+M*+7!7N'R? el of oesophagus (Fig. 1A). Oral aperture large, triangular, pairs of caudal papillae present: 3 subventral preanal pairs, 7&!7;@ 1 subventral adanal pair and 7 postanal pairs (5 subventral =!N';R ;=!R 7\N'RU One additional unpaired median papilla present on ante@ Fig. 1. Falcaustra similis W;++9!Schilbe intermedius 6AM!V=B, CM@ V=DM!V=EM= F, GM! V=HM!V ;+'-E;+&F ;'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana A C D Fig. 2. Falcaustra similis W;++9!Schilbe intermedius 6!AM V=BM!V=C, DM!VAbbreviations: M!=7M7=M7! N'M;MDR" N9HEER 9&-M-&+N';MDR^7@ D!!@ ! V '&;M'<+ X lection of the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the &E*M-&+ ! " 5$ D5 N Female (5 gravid specimens): Length of body @<'FR ''+EM'9+E !! !>!! V *&9MF'' { ;*M&F Remarks. To date, ten species of Falcaustra{'F'9 =V';FM'9'{ 77![F. guiersi Vas@ 'EEM'<* !!= > 'F*& F. hexapapillata N` 'FE;R F. petrei &EM<'';;M'&F!!@77'9977 N` 'F*+R F. piscicola N{V 'F+*R F. similis ;-;M;F'= V > @77 77 W;++9F. straeleni !@6 EEMF+FFM';+''*M';F;;-M;E9 'FE'F. sudanensisN`'FE;RF. tchadi Vassiliadès 9&-M9F+ > ';FM'E& !! X'F*&F. therezieni'F*FF. verbekei <&+M''*+!>!W !@6 'FE' N ` 'FF* EFEM**+!!!>!N-;ME<} W ;++9R ! 7R=!V@ !!![ !?!@VEFMF+ (although F. therezieni, F. guiersi and F. straeleni were &E+MEEN'?R= ![RVF. si- ! & 7! X 99;M--< milis is known only from a siluriform host, Synodontis ni- bearing dorsolateral pair of large phasmids (Fig. 1D). gromaculatus (Mochokidae). "$Synodontis nigromaculatus Boulenger, The nematodes of the present material are morpho@ 7'FF!!S. vanderwaali Skelton et White, body logically and biometrically very similar to F. similis, both ;++!!N7$R[Schilbe forms occur in siluriform hosts in the same locality, and, intermedius 6N"7R7;;<!!N therefore, they are considered to belong to this species. Siluriformes). Small differences in the arrangement of postanal papillae Site of infection: Intestine. !V[ Locality: U$ 6 N"$V !! '<;E+-"= variabilty, which is usually broad in cosmocercoids. Al@ ;'-9;&?RVN'F;++'R though one host of these nematodes belongs to a different Prevalence: S. nigromaculatus;E}N'<[H*+[ siluriform family than the type host of F. similis (Schilbei@ >!R= S. vanderwaali -} N'H;+R= S. intermedius E} dae vs Mochokidae), it is not surprising, because also an@ ;+'-E;+&F &'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana Fig. 3. AMDM!!Schilbe intermedius6NAMV=B, CM@ V=DMVREMGMEustrongylides!@!Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau (EMV=F MV=GMVR $NSynodontis spp.), Procamal- <9+=-' lanus laeviconchusN]'<E'R7 -E9 ! ''9 77 '''= !>!! recorded from Schilbe intermedius in Botswana (Moravec width of pharyngeal portion, corpus, isthmus and bulb W ;+'-R X [ F. similis in '- &+ &+ *; N &R @ S. intermedius represents a new host record. V!V!@ ''9!>!?> Atractidae 6'F'* !*;'! body (Fig. 3A). Deirids not observed. Vulva 1.55 mm from Atractidae gen. sp. &MD9 >!X&<' (Fig. 1D). Description: Female (1 nongravid specimen): Small, " [ Schilbe intermedius 6 N"7 V ! 9FE !! ;FF V V [ "!R7;;<!! =V Site of infection: Intestine. >!>@ {U$6N'<;E+-"=;'-9;&?RV 7N9MDR! N'F;++'R > 7 & 77 '-}N'[HEE[>!R !7!N;' Deposition of voucher specimen: Not deposited (used for R=!@ "?R ated on ventrolateral lips (Figs. 3B,C, 4A,B). Oesophagus ;+'-E;+&F 9'F '+'99''H;+'-+&F Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana A C D Fig. 4. Atractidae gen. sp. female from Schilbe intermedius 6!A, BM7 V=CM7VNVRV=DMVAbbreviationsM!= 7M=M Remarks. Since only a single nongravid female was absent. Cephalic end somewhat asymmetrical in lateral 7[V!7 view. Oral aperture dorsoventrally elongate, surrounded The morphology and measurements of this specimen are by raised narrow membranous ala (collarette) supported very similar to the representatives of Labeonema Puylaert, 7 V ! 7 N -M? EM?R 'F*+NRV[ Four submedian cephalic papillae and pair of lateral am@ N 'F*+ ` 'FF* N -D EMR U ! W ;++9 `7$ ;++<R= !V>! [$VLabeonema are some cypriniform, 7 N!R= @ !![Schilbe man- >V dibularisN^REutropius liberiensis N7R 7N-R= in Gabon for L. bainae $ 'F<; N $ 'F<;R '-9!!'+}7= V ! ! Labeonema ! &F9 V ;9-= !!! spp. mainly in the position of the vulva, which is located in V '''= !>!! V 7N&'}7R ;;-U whereas that of Labeonema spp. is in the posterior part. through large valve. Distance from nerve ring to anterior >!E';9+} Seuratoidea'F'E Deirids small, rounded, situated slightly posterior to level @5'*+!!!@ Cucullanidae 77'<E9 >!N-E^R ?> ;+9 Cucullanus sp. -E !!!7WF9F !!!>!E9}7=@ Description: Female N' !R !@ val lips not elevated (Fig. 5G). Vagina directed anteriorly sized nematode. Body whitish, elongate, with slightly !M N E^R !V @ @VV!$@ V 5 ! @ N-R='+-M';+*<MF+ V N -R= 7 '9< !!= VX9F+V !>!! V 9E;= V ! V!!!N- ;*;!&-9{ EDR ;+'-E;+&F -'F doi: 10.14411/fp.2015.039 Moravec and Van As: Fish nematodes from Botswana Fig. 5. Cucullanus sp. female from Tilapia sparmanni Smith. A, B – anterior end of body, lateral and dorsoventral views, respec- tively; C – oesophastome, lateral view; D – cephalic end, apical view; E – oesophastome, dorsoventral view; F – deirid, lateral view; G – vulva, lateral view; H – tail, lateral view; I – sculpture of egg surface; J – egg. Host: Banded tilapia, Tilapia sparmanni Smith (Cichlidae, Per- should be principally compared with the species of Cucul- ciformes), body length 150 mm. lanusV[ Site of infection: Intestine. To date, three species of Cucullanus have been described Locality: Okavango River (Samochima lagoon 18°25'48.9''S; !V[Cucullanus barbi Baylis, 21°53'41.8''E), Botswana (collected 11 December 2003). 1923 parasitising Barbus spp. (Cyprinidae) in the Sudan '[H9[>! and Egypt (Baylis 1923a, Moravec 1974, Amin 1978, El- Deposition of voucher specimen: Helminthologi- Naffar et al. 1983); C. baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961 from cal Collection of the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre Synodontis spp. (Mochokidae) in the Sudan, the Demo- !"5$ D5N cratic Republic of the Congo and Chad (Baylis 1923a, No. N-1083). Campana-Rouget 1961, Khalil 1969, Vassiliadès and Remarks. The genus Cucullanus Müller, 1777 includes X'F*95$;+''= a large number of species parasitising freshwater, brackish- specimens from S. schall![C. clarotis Bay- V![ lis, 1923 by Baylis 1923a and Khalil 1969); and C. clarotis Because of their rather uniform morphology and the inad- from Clarotes laticeps (Rüppel) (Claroteidae) in the Sudan !!- (Baylis 1923a). Al-Bassel (2003) also reported Cucullanus cally impossible to make a detailed comparison between barbi Paperna, 1964 (a homonym to and probably identi- !!V cal with C.

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