MiMhn MMMMI Clinton Independent Clinton Independent ■At IS Or AOVCOTM4MO. (mvmiu v«m u» n* o«*cari ) Iv*r; Tktiatoy, M ---------------- "tlk.llk-.tU k«-'W • (•J Two *«• ha .. WSKz ''i-iTy loi •( CIliVw OmM) , TWoo awto •.'SSS^S Kwr wootol ... :s:8:a:|s^s OifM ouaito nii h un i uoil U»#o mS to OOU HIT Ac KHTKH, 4aH i *i «» - •’ '• * II bo month* 7 tfi It MB II Ml SMff »» • rl*r mouth# I Ob It 00 II Ml» to Hi MB to TERMB. The Clinton dB Independent. Legal Alitrtlifiau at eSeiate raise. 1mMto|Vaill|^ |1B. t> ktiwu.m i M*mage Abd Booth Notices free. V (Nftl gf the lwU«4f. MU liaulw UMM« Ml U* Bfiaaes t arda. five Itooa or sad ST. $1 ftJNM If* All irtuw tor bhi tote hem Lmca ! Keels*## BuUoao to cent# iMm tor Aral nuniui to lessee pabitcstloa U»* I co ala lor iMMto •VOll PHINTIMO ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOV. «, 1870. WHOLE NO. 681 «t oil kinds of Jak Frlallo* Kl«(HU4 nrtll v ■«< |»r«MfllF» Ml VOL. XIV.—NO. 5. • ■ aharioatlca. mi rno or thi : anakaimi . da : atii or a »:s atom cm as di »m. —Tlie most damaging and disgraceful IJIIIBtTt mm:*, ki.i. of H.IMi —Tally two fur prophet Johnson. —Remember that A. L. Itutler X Co. I X rww»ljr wf tllMw*. as. Al » *a**iua <»f tto Prw HOME MATTERS. 1U|—tt.-d a»r I to !xt>araai>«rv by CWtlaad llllt. news we have heard this work concern ­ tot* ( wwrt tor (to eownlr wf Citato*, kufctoa at tto — Another Urip1 invoice ul Carpet* have the boa* stock of Overcoat*. After learning, beyond a shadow of — >Ve understand that Peter Gardner | O, Wadne^y of U.twaak.pnblc I, , f , ing the future welfare and reputation Prutot* iiA m, talk* nlui* ot t*t. Juki**, us Mus- oik I oil-clolha at A. L. Butler A t o.'a. d.jr.ito S4 toy of Hoimlifr, ia tto jr«*r oa« tkuu*- _ Bargains lu Clooko and Beavers at —Now at thla ortW, o new double- who emigrated from here for a |>**rina- ' of this American government, Is that ad lo I * bald .t St. John., but tha idara of *'»•“» ^eli.rlab « bandlar, New York State returns 3t),UU0 Repub­ sud *i|Vl kuodrod tad wvrDlyalM. Prwarnt, A. L. Butler it t o.’a. barreled, breech* loading shot-gun unit homo lu Nebraska, U«t fall, re­ occnrred at the Grand Ju*i M ( rma*uw, Jodrr of I’roUir lo tto w*U»r —The Supreme Court ot Lansing ad ­ for cash or wood. turned but a few day* since, di*gu*ted uf meeting w as not deter mined tillI tlia----------- ------- ...... lican majority on Cornell for Governor ; wf tto of Hl'BTIN H HKKKN ItowOMd ■Ul. of lb. «vr«t h-i cu.l.l I,.,., i-rtaln- *«*•-'. ,n ‘!’0* while Detroit brings the disgrace still ferok K. tor*, wiminUtratrit of tto iwtaf of journed laot Thursday until Nov. ‘ill. — We Invite the attention of our read- j with the country, and more especially, ao*d dre —md, to tin* o*4« o^fdlrotioo for tto*s- that blew down and de- ad, and wltau It found lobetooto Iw luo 1 durl,, « »»**•»$ «last, circulars nearer home hy returning 200 majority Buiioat luii aaid iU*«tsrt of tor ioai arouul, sod —'Hi* supply of partridges is sold to ers to the new ■ mma I ot " ■ w 1th the wind I were issued announcing a cltizena ’ tie uiiuauallv Urge thla oeaaon. Waldron, In another column. molUhed hU in w frame house. cold to meet out doors, through the on portions of the Republican city tick­ for tor ductorgr L i courtesy of Sheriff McDonald, permis­ meeting In the common council ruonis et. __ Ttorwupoo it i* urtorto. TkatTuoadar, tto Sd — Mr. L. P. l«*wraeon and >lr«. M. —*|*he premiums of the Clinton I otin- at 7 o’clock, Saturday eveuing, Nov. day of prremtor, IS7V, at fo'rlork ia lli» lurvauu*, ktotaMDOMBrii all sion was ohulned to meet in the Court to lolrunt for tto * i anil oat loo aod allowaiir* of A. Finch, of Elsie, war* married M l|y Agricultural Society are nearly Pkiu »truwi *m —* 1'W Murs in .'»J 1st, for the purpoae of giving expres­ rUllllp** Haply • • Arkk'i Ctoal* Wed neoday of loot week. paid. llou»e. Our Court House is admitted •aid arriMiat, at Ik* I’rototo (Mto, ia tto «ill*f« Hot r*.—Win. l#cet of Ovid, In this sions of sorrow ami their low* In the |SB|«. of Hi. Jidih* —The Grand Rapid* Timor oaya that j _|t U retried that the ghepards* oounty, and 1'harleA Prleal of iMtrolt, hy all to he a sul»*Uiitial, elegant and And it ia further ordered, that not we to rtraa of well finished building, and every citl- death of .Michigan's wall known states­ liklL«.kVILLB, K*l 4. 1ST*. the faahlouable walla reniludo one of a v lllc cheeio* factory wan t on-uuu d by w ho commenced their task of walking H man. K oitob ImicrsaiikiiT :-l m ia your column* lhr time and |4ore of rtaaiiulni and altoluf said sen in Cllntou comity may well feel b oerownt, by causing a ropy of thla order to to |nib> lame duck In a rain atorui. Ore on Saturday night la«t. 52 hours In Opera llall, in this village. V , - I * , The meeting being called to order at (*• Oitor Stok. ull , • hnllcngp frumu «1u» W*Mi lulled in tto (liukoo IodrpriMleot, a new*pa|ier —Ai Thanksgiving day approachea —A* we went to press ycaterday af- .17 o'clock on ll.ur-Uv „i l>r*»«l of ouch a noble odlflra, »nj of m. John* H* 1* b man »fcniiIBNt *hom I !•*»» Mr. I>. S. French was clioseu chair- n (hior *»!*•• ally, ru*rmilii| Si* • *•**!««kl *Bi»d *«*. orlnied and rirrulaied In *old ruwnly of (Imion. turkey* cooimeiitM fasting and looking ternoon it wai snowing freely, nud Li.t ««-k, no » « >Kcr ol »15 a .Ida and I " ">“•* ho ttlaltted **>»«»>• court room for tkrww aorrewalrt week* previous to *otd day of i. .IK,..i III. wor.l room In Ih. count; ' ““»• J If* *uhi« to mm *■*•» i l* A. »Kw li for higher and oafer rousting place*. every thing and every body were put- ail the door money, (amounting to $-U •ttloo I M|M*rrlf torllH. from I to tort Itoi VlrTw. hearing f..r ........... n«kln* II . P-r.oUierao.1 "■• •unllon Of f' S. W.lkcr .....I- in*y to • un*, k to*«*wr »*d Sn«i|rr wsu ttou uy- JOKL H CKANenN. —Tne Ovid Union cauie to iia la*t |,,g winter air*, after paying all exf»enses—finished up 1 1 — ^1 _ t__ | tee of three to draft resolutions to lie (A true «o|-y> Judge of l'rol«to. BOOTS SHOES si»euks low lie can only lie heard a few .___ __ , . ^ , , *rIf, and aiMibl work tfrunjly <*• III* 4rton«i«*.— week ilrfuel In mourning, occasioned —\ niUsionarv ikh 'Ia I will he held at at 11 o’clock of Saturday night l;i«t. f. c ........ «l.er. I.c .............ml If l.cl!?”'l'”li“h> Now, *buuld Mr. W*Mib**f kl* k»|M ol wlnolnf by the death of Zicliariah < handler. the residence of M James P. Kales, (hr m*lrh wilk mm> upon tk«*f> poiHU, 1 Would tor* |>HOH ITK OH HIM - Mate |of Mil bigan ! haling the chairman as follows: 1 linion, •• A< a amnion *»f the Pro- —Traiu|n* say thut the business bnooi on Friday evening next. Rrfresh- mile and 2,0h5 feet more than his com­ i|i«ski loud, lie utiui to drown Ida •>« lltai 1 < an in >1 BBtork kU* on ur nub cwwit- ow u voice, and hut very few can un ­ Me»at- Ifslitsr, O. I >paul- itont; bwl If to la s tolr *r**U*r, *M will h* *(rirt- tola < ««irt for lb- county of ( linton, boiden al lb* lias not helped then) a hit. On the menta will be served. Com along petitor, and thus earning the $‘i0 |»ur*« diug ami M. Mcl>onald. mm___ . f‘n>b*l« < MOr# In tba village of SM Jokii*, on W ad««w- derstand what is said. On the day day, tto Mb day of Novemtor, in Ito year on* contrary, people who have any thing to frie u<U snd have an enjoyable time. and the door money, a* above *ta ’«-d. A recess was had while wailing for rntlar ami elbow con tret with him, for BA a tide mentioned, the speakers stood imme­ tot S in S fall* — money to he *Hk lo, llioumnd rtghl Uuudredai*d Mrvrnty-nlbe. Praaenl giveaway now keep a dog to eat it up. — Mrs. L. K. Patterson's forthcoming The time occupied In resting out of the 1 ! J - I 1! < r*nwm Judge .»f Proimtw. In the matin diately in front of me, not leu feel aw ay, the reiairt of this committee. Kelley, and nalt k lo take piare at Ilham one wee —The total loss ot property occasion ­ new lion**, at the corner of Ottawa 52 hours, was lictweeti * ’» nml H hours, Tfieir nor k having been completed from neat naturdar. My wrtgkl Is ISA. and abinjid of Ibe rotate of K1N«.-T< »N WtMlLI., *«r**rd ed by the recent lire In Ionia, wa*|IO,- and Baldwin streets, is progressing ns loret made some very rapid time in and jet I could not hear oue-lialf that Mr.
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