) DOCUM'ENT RESUME ED -114 132 ,JC 750 560 TITLF Oregon Community Colleges: A Study of Their 'Adminis-trations,.ppliciesand Impact on Their Communities. Report and Recommendations of the Community College Study Committee to the Foundation for Oregon Research and Education. INSTITUTION Foundation for Oregon Pesach and Education, Portland. PUB DATE Sep 5 NOTE 117p. AVAILABLF FROM Foundation for Oregon-ReSearch and Education, 222 S.W. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97204 ($10.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$5.70 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Accountability; College Curriculum.; Community r Colleges; Community Services; *Educational Assessment; *Educational Finance; Expenditure Per Student; Governance; Government Role; Instructional Programs; *Junibr Colleges; Operating Expenses; *State Surveys; Statistical Surveys; Student Enrollment; Tables (Data) IDENTIFIERS *Oregon ABSTRACT To evaluate the use of public tax .dollars in the field of community-college education in Oregon, five committee's com-posed of business and professional leaders were established, each hay.ng responsibility for an area of emphasis: governance, ,finance, programs, community services, aild students. In general, the comprehensive community college concept as defined by legislative statute is supported in this final study report. This concept includes: the three-part program classification of vocational/technical, lower division collegiate,and community education; the open admission policy; the present system of local - autonomy within broad state policies and under the direction of a local district board; and the present general funding pattern of 50 percent from the state generalyfund, 30 percent from district property taxes, and 20 percent from student tuition. However, each committee makes a number of recommendations which can be implemented within present broad legislative guidelines: e.g., colleges should avoid or eliminate academic Lanking of instructors.; communication should be improved between the State Board of Education, the' community colleges, the public, and legislators. Over half the document is devoted to appendices of data related to enrollment distribution and trends by program area, operating income and expenditures, and curriculum.(NHM) Documents, acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS), EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best iat can be made from the original. T I U S DEPARTIAFMT OF HEALTH EDUCATIONaWELFARE NATIONAL, it.;ITITUTE OF \ EDUCATION .AaEr120'k, .'ca1Ya5 arc:' iro 4 PE^,..01,14 CW3,VICZATI1N 641,riN ' r'OINTS O V1FA nR optiyoN, +4:'s.1 co- NC' alraaE orprc,A 1NSTi TEor :^. P,L,CY OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGES . A STUDY OF THEIR ADMINISTRATIONS, POLICIES, AND IMPACT ON THEIR COMMUNITIES 2 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 0 OF THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDY COMMITTEE TO THE FOUNDATION FOR OREGON RESEARCH AND EDUCATION a Published, September 1975, by the Foundation for Oregon Research and Education $10.00 THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDY COMMITTEE . STEERING COMMITTEE LAWI;ENCEL. RENNET', CHAIRMAN CHARLES J. COE WARNE NUNN DOUG SIMMONS EDMUND P. JENSEN SAMUEL C. WHEELER EMELYN ROHLFFS PAUL REILING, Ph.D ROBERT LUCAS JOHN CROWLEY, SR. MARC A. BRINKMEYER JOHN GOMENA JACK ADAMS 1.. 4. 4 SUBCOMMITTEE ON STUDENTS ROBERT LUCAS, CHAIRMAN 1. GORDON MC, KAY PETE SLATE ART GREISSER DAVE NEITING WARREN S. REXERSON 'HENRY TIANO A. R. TAINER JYME STONER DECK HOWELLS BILL AND TRISH SMITH NORM SOOTS C. W. BECKETT ' DALE ANDERSON SUBCOMMITTEE ON PROGRAMS JOHN CROWLEY, SR., CHAIRMAN. TED AND SUZANNE ABRAM ROBERT L. MASON .7 BOB PEIL THE HONORABLE ANNE BASKER ROLAND MAYER, M.D. ROY GILBERTSON SUBCOMMITTEE ON FINANCE MARC A. BRINKMEYER, CHAIRMAN a NORMAN NOAKES ED E. CONE MARY ELLEN EHINGER WILLIAMMC BOLICK/ M.D. DON UICHOLSON DAVE SeITH * RICHARD STUBBS WILLIAM HOUCK LOLA WINGATE 4 A ti SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY SERVICES JOHN GOMENA, CHAIRMAN. ALE BRIGHAM JOHN RITCHIE CHARLES TRACEY Cl DAVE BUNNELL a THOMAS' C. HONL, MARGUERITE MARKS WILLIAM R. STEWART THOMAS M. BRIAN tI KARL BAUR CAROL KLEIN RAY HONERLAH,. PhD..' ROBERT KEESEE BOB RADCLIFF DORIS TROTTI MC DONALD SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNANCE JACK ADAMS, CHAIRMAN 4 AL STARNS K. D. SWINBURNSON R: D. CARLSON. M.D. MARION MC GRAS DENNIS BOWDEN GARY E. MARR ROBERT CHRISMAN FRANK ECKLEY A. H. HABERLY' STAN FARRIS EDITH CRANE 'CONSULTANT TO THE STEERING COMMITTEE A$D EDITORIAL COORDINATOR: LOLA WINdAT& FORE STAFF .WILSON H. HULLEY MELISSA MORRIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT DIANA D. BATES SECRETARY 1. "FORE"woRD I. The initial phase of this study and report began following, the public- ation of FORE'.s Universi.er Management and Finance'Study in April?1973. At the request of a number of Oregon community college presidents, FORE's Pr-ject Committee developed an outline with, contributions from the community college presidents. This study outline is more fully . expressed in the Preface. The report has become a reality due to the sustained efforts of the committee members selected from a broad spectrumof Oregon busjness people Oho consider public service a basic responsibility. They have devoted many hours of -work and thoughtto pToducing thisftreport.- As all of us became involved in this effort, it becamenecessary to devote many hours, purely for th'e satisfaction of' seeinga worthwhile Jjroject completed. Most of us who put this 'stay together went.ipto The project with the usual prejudices based largely on ignorance and lack of understanding. As the study progressbd ,in 1974. and 1975 andiparti,cularlyas we visited the 13 campuses, we became impressed with the quality of the people in- - volved and, their efforts, the diversity of the 13schopls, and the portance of keeping the fine line between independence and state level leadership which seems so eminently successful. By necessity, many questions of a subjective nature could not be addressed in these pages since the Committee attempted to stick to factual data available to it. Finally,'the following is a list of individuals, within the community colleges as well as individuals in institutions of other states. who responded Villingly and fully to our request for information, without whose Whelp we would not have'beenable to get off the ground. Phillip aainer,.President Clatsop Community College Gordon C. Bjork, President Linfield.College Joseph Blumel, President Portland State University Frederick H. Boyle, President Central Oregon Community College Paul E. Bragdow, President Reed College Rodney A. Briggs, President Eastern Oregon State College Fred R. Brock, President Western Baptist Bible College Jack E. Brookins, President, Southwestern Oregon Community College Sidney Brossman, Office of the Chancellor California Community4Colleps Robert D. Clark, President University of Oregon I Robert Lisensky, President' Willamette University Very Reverend Eldon F. Curtiss, President & Rector Mt. 'Angel Seminary' ,Ron Daniel, President . Blue MountainCommunity College , Amo DeBerwdis, Preslident Portland Community College Carroll deBroekert; Associate Superintendent and Staff Oregon Srate Board of Education Barton A. Dowdy, President Northwest Christian College Educational Coordinating "6uncil Jesse Fa'ssold, Former Supeiintendent Of Public Instruction Joe GasSner Oregon Community College4ssociation E. Jpe Gilliam, President . Warner Pacific William H. Givler, Dean 'Museum Art School John W. hakanson, President Clackamas Community College T. A. "Tut" Hart Oregon Community", College Association 4, John R. Howard, President Lewis & Clark College IlaIrry Jacoby,Present UmPqua Community Col ege Rex F. Johnson, President, Columbia Christian College," Earl Klapstein, President Mt. Hood Community Cdllege `Don R. Larson, Secretary Oregon State Boar.d of Higher Education David CP LaShana% President Ceorge Fox College ' Ray E. Lieuallen, Chancellor Oregon State gys.tem pf Higher Education Robert MacVicar., President , Oregon-State University Wallace W: MCCrae, Former-President1(1962-July: 1974K Blue Mountain Community College James V. Miller, President gPacific University Reverend Father Christian R. Mondor, President Mt. Angel College. Raymond Needham, President Linn-Benton,Community College Donald Newport, President Chemeketa Community College I . Mary Ann Normandin, Asst. to the President Lewis & Clark College, Dale Parnell, Chance4lor, Community Colleges in San Diego Former Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction Henry 0. Pete, ePresident Rogue Community College Winston Purvine, President Oregon l*stitute of Technologyi? . Donald N. Reid, President Judson Baptist College Midge Renton Oregon Community College Association Leonard' W, Rice Oyegon College of Educatloh AO- John A. Richardson, Asst. tn. the Chancellor Oregon State System of Higher Education Dean Al Ringo, Acting President (March 26,1974-Septeler15,N 1974) Chemeketa CommUnity Colleg Sister M. D. Robinson, Interim President N Marylhurst College MileS Romney, Vice Chancellor Oregon State System of Higher Education Eldon Schafer, President Lane Community College Don Shelton, Executive Secretary andStaff Oregon Community College A§sembly , / Wanda Silverman Oregob State Board of Education Emery J. Skinner, President Treasure Valley
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