August 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1513 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF JUKE VAN OSS D’Amato, Brian Thomas and Glenn Packard, innovative work in the field of education. He members of SKIP recently won awards at the has been active in various areas of education, HON. PETER HOEKSTRA 2001 Showstopper National Dance Finals in including teaching, researching, launching new San Antonio, Texas. OF MICHIGAN programs, and journal editing. During the five-day competition, a panel of Dr. Stearns received his Bachelor’s degree IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES five judges reviewed over seven hundred in Sociology from San Jose State University. Thursday, August 2, 2001 dance routines. The five highest scoring en- He went on to obtain his Master’s in Business Mr. HOEKSTRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tries in the junior division, comprised of kids Administration and his Doctorate in Manage- to honor my constituent Juke Van Oss. Juke age 12 and under, as well as the five highest ment and Sociology, both from Indiana Univer- has been involved in West Michigan radio for scoring entries in the senior division, com- sity. Dr. Stearns has been a member of the 50 years, but August 12 does not just mark prised of kids age 13 and over, were guaran- Management faculty at the University of Wis- the anniversary of his involvment in radio—it teed slots to perform at the 2001 Showstopper consin, Madison and Marquette University. also serves as a reminder of over 50 years of Television Special. Dr. Stearns serves on the editorial board of SKIP’s rendition of ‘‘Robot,’’ choreographed community involvement in areas that extend three academic journals, and is the author of by Dee Caspary, was performed before a more than 50 research articles and presen- far beyond the airwaves. Juke’s service has packed house at the San Antonio Auditorium tations. Dr. Stearns has lectured on entrepre- ranged from the Saugutuck School Board and and earned the group the 2001 Showstopper neurship, strategic planning, and corporate re- Village Council, including three years as National Junior Championship. Dancers on engineering to executives in various countries, Mayor, to a position as President of the this routine comprised of Brian Aflague, Deena including Poland, Japan, and the People’s Re- Chamber of Commerce and a seat on the Re- Aguon, Ryan Brasuel, Chloe Kernaghan, gion 8 Criminal Justice Planning Council. Maho Kogure, Shiina Kuniyoshi, Danielle Leon public of China. In 1996, Professor Stearns Juke got his start in radio during World War Guerrero, Ali McCully, Dorian Nelson, Giana founded the Institute for Developing Entrepre- II. Shortly after being transferred out of Air Pangelinan, Mariesa Quitugua, Ryan Ruiz, neurial Action (IDEA). IDEA works with stu- Force radio school to the infantry, he was sent Lauren Santos, Tawyna Unsiog and Patrick dents and local entrepreneurs to help move to Luzon where he was given 50 pounds of Wolff. their dreams toward reality. radio equipment to carry around the Pacific ‘‘Quiet,’’ choreographed for the senior com- Dr. Stearns is currently the Coleman Foun- theater. After discharge Juke remained in- pany by former SKIP dancer Michael Lomeka, dation Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurial Stud- volved in radio, earning his Ham license and was also one of the top five acts in their divi- ies at the Craig School of Business at Cali- applying to be an engineer at WHTC 1450 sion selected for the television special. The fornia State University, Fresno. In addition, Dr. AM. On August 10, 1951 he got his First senior company members include Janelle Stearns is directing the development of the Class license in Chicago, and his career Cruz, Thomas Cruz, Stacy Eustaquio, Tony Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on began two days later. Francisco, Janet Hetzel, Claressa Johnston, the CSUF campus. The Center will house a Juke’s big break came one morning when Nicloe King, Mia McCully, Beatrix Poh, Cora creativity lab, a technology transfer center, a the host didn’t arrive on time. He spent an Rivera, Tracy Sablan, and Tawnee Unsiog. venture capital fund, and curriculum for under- hour on the air, the people loved him, and In addition to the national championship title graduate and graduate students. when the morning slot opened up he had a won by the junior company, SKIP won a num- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Dr. Tim- new job. Juke tried a number of different ber of other awards. The SKIP performance of othy M. Stearns for his dedication to edu- shows and formats, and it was 40 years ago ‘‘Kansas City’’ received the highest score for cation. I urge my colleagues to join me in that he settled into something that suited his all dancers under age 9. Dancers include Ash- wishing Dr. Stearns many more years of con- amiable nature: He began hosting ‘‘Talk of the ley Arizala, Brian Esperon, Alyssa Mariano, tinued success. Town,’’ the mid-morning show that made him Shayana Mariano, Anjenette Pineda, Tammy f famous. Ramirez, DeMario Scimio, Taylor Toves, Tara Over 50 year Juke has entertained more lis- Unsiog, Teesha Unsiog, Regine Vida, and A TRIBUTE TO GERTIE COLE teners than can numbered, and he has seen Kristine Vo. SKIP members also won the Sen- many people come and go. He has worked ior Large Group Championship, Senior Line HON. SAM FARR with folks who went on to their own successful Second Place, Junior Large Group Third OF CALIFORNIA careers in radio and television, and he has Place, and Junior Small Group Third Place. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES worked through changes in listeners, changes Having had the chance to view the perform- Thursday, August 2, 2001 in topics, changes in partners, changes in for- ances of these kids, I can attest to the fact mats, and changes in technology. Through it that these kids are outstanding artists and en- Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise all Juke Van Oss has remained the constant. tertainers who have worked hard to deserve today to celebrate and salute Ms. Gertie Cole f the honors bestowed upon them. Through of Watsonville, California. Ms. Cole is my con- their exceptional talents and notable achieve- stituent, and last month she was awarded one THE SKIP ENTERTAINMENT ments, the SKIP kids have brought recognition of five national Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis COMPANY upon themselves and the island of Guam. Awards for volunteer service to the commu- On behalf of the people of Guam, I would nity. As many of my colleagues, friends, and HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD like to commend everyone who played a part constituents know, community service is in the success of the SKIP kids. I wish them OF GUAM something that I strongly believe in, and it is continued success and the best in their future IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with pride that I honor Ms. Cole here in the undertakings. United States Congress. Thursday, August 2, 2001 f Ms. Cole received the Regional Jefferson Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would HONORING DR. TIMOTHY M. Award earlier this year from the American In- like to take this occasion to commend the STEARNS stitute of Public Service. She and the other re- SKIP Entertainment Company. The group was cipients of this award came from all over the originally formed in 1982 as a project of Chil- United States to the International Trade Cen- dren’s Productions known as Sunshine Kids In HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH ter in Washington, D.C. to attend the 2001 Na- OF CALIFORNIA Production (SKIP). Based on Guam and com- tional Jefferson Awards Gala Dinner, held on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prised of local talent, this group has enter- June 12, 2001. Of the many regional hon- tained as well as brought tremendous honors Thursday, August 2, 2001 orees, only five were chosen to receive the to the island. Under the direction of Lee and Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise Onassis Award, and I am thrilled that Ms. Cole Teri Knapp and instructors, Chad Knapp, Tina today to honor Dr. Timothy M. Stearns for his was among them. This award is designed to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 3, 2001 recognize a few of the countless individuals champions the advancement of women across conclusion of the Guam campaign was de- across the country who are performing ex- all communication disciplines by recognizing clared. traordinary public services in their local com- excellence and promoting leadership. The This, however, did not put an end to the munities. Some are paid; others are volun- Clarion Awards is a renowned competition rec- fighting. Soldiers, sailors and Marines were to teers; most are unrecognized. ognizing excellence in many fields of commu- spend many more weeks clearing the jungles Mr. Speaker, I join with Ms. Cole’s family nications. One Clarion Award is given in each and mountains of Guam of resisting strag- and friends in congratulating her on this occa- field of communications to an exemplary entry glers. The 77th would eventually spend May sion. She is an example to those in her com- and it is judged on quality, substance, style, and June of 1945 on the front lines in Oki- munity and across the nation, and I am proud originality and achievement of the objective. nawa, often engaged in hand-to-hand combat. to be able to pay tribute to her here.
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