TOWN OF GREENWICH Purchasing Department (203) 622-7881 Fax: (203) 622-7776 Town Hall • 101 Field Point Road • Greenwich, CT 06830 November 7, 2019 **ADDENDUM #1 ** TOWN OF GREENWICH REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #7530 DEADLINE: 11/21119 AT 3:00P.M. RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE Question #1: Can you share the Reply Sheet rates from the last time this was bid out? Answer #1: Reply Sheets are included as Attachment # 1. Question #2: Who was the incumbent agency that managed this? Answer #2: Graystone Group Advertising Question #3: You mention in the RFP that the rates submitted should be net, so we are to pass along the negotiated rates from the media vendor (newspapers), correct? Answer #3: The Vendor should present the total cost to be paid by the Town of Greenwich for each source requested. Question #4: How would you like the agency fees presented for graphic design work, copywriting recommendations, and media planning and buying? We would like to make sure that we aren't supposed to mark up the newspaper/website ad costs. Answer #4: If the agency incurs these fees in addition to the charge from the media source, they could itemize their invoice to include those projected fees. RM:sals An Affirmative Actioil/Equal Opportunity Employer, MIF/H TOWN OF GREENWICH RFP #7113 DEADLINE: l/09ns AT 3:00PM RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE REPLY SHEET (PAGE 1 of8) lnColomnAd Display Ad - Price Per !line List: Website A~ Is Website JsWe~ite Ad only ,Does Ad automatic:all! ~uired advertising run in addimgaJ for (!riot Additional available? newsnal!e.rs? Please list fiewsrumer Sunda~ on!! Weckda~ Size Prire ·ad? ~ List Price. papers. Connecticut ·- ----------- Media Group L/8 ~f '· $ (p, C9& * $ NLA 2"x4" s '7 .Ho .yu $<350 s350 Yes, on Sunda~. the ad will run in ' Greenwi!<h Time, Stamford Advoc~e, Connecticut Post, Danb!!!)! Times, and Brooks naners for one nrice. *** $ $ 1/8 of a page $ 8"8S:1f':( yq..s S3S0 S3SO Gannelt $ 5t./.5l s st.~.sl 2"x4" $jjjl2.S .~Q Sl../lJ. $ 419 Alo ·(Journal News) $ $ 1/8 of a page ·si.Jij $ - - S:fS£o2 1 ~Z.. t)Q 41j La Voz Hispana $ N /It 2"x4" $ "N/ft s ISO $ l/5 No • j _ ___ _ _ _ $ _f:J}fl_ $ tJ/fl l/8 ofapage $ 3$"2._~/_ ==}jf£':l . S ISO $ 1IS: *The $6.68 line rate applies to all four papers in the ·cT Medi~ G~oui," boweve~. the"" CT Media Group only offers modular display ad siZes. We've merely used the line rate to demonstrate what the cost would be if a 2 x 4 was available. **-The onetimecost of $748~16 plus $350 web-0; $ss5.99Cl/8 page) plus $350 ~b is th~ total cost to -pl~ce .a display ;d in all four papers of the Connecticut Media Group (Greenwich Time, Stamford Advocate, Connecticut Post, and Danbury News) on Sunday plus. ~~~: 8 . -;- - -·- ----- --- - ----· "'·"'*Ads :p~aced also appear in a11 6 Brooks Newspape~ -(Dad;; N~w~ Fairfield citizen, Greenwich Citiz~~ New Can~~-N~ws,- Nnn.vOlllr r.ithP.n Olnil WP.c:tnnrtNP.ws' as JinP.::tils nnlv TO\VN OF GREENWICH RFP #71 13 DEADLINE: 1/09/15 AT 3:00PM RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVIC~ REPLY SHEET (PAGE 2 of 8) I In Column Ad Displa)' Ad I I Price J)er Line List: Website Ad I J.s Web~ite Is Website ' Ad only I Does Ad automatically reguired advertis\ng run in ndditonal for (!rint Additional availabic? newsl!al!crs? Please list NewsuaJ!er Sundal's onlr Wcekdars Size Price ad? ~ ListPribe. J!Bpers. New Haven I Register $ ,jj.D4 $ 3i.o4 2" x4" $34'7~. '18 ·,id ,I utb.& $ 0 $ S<iS.to Ala I I I $ $ '. 1/8 of a page $- ·- $ - $ I I I I I I I NYDailyNews $ 26.;57 2"x4" $ 2 '?t.lt.4V $ $ ,.:2;::,,.~oro $ ~b 0 A./o O+y 1\lci.~ Lut'lt..- ·,.r~dvilut!j I pv-;..rt c I. $ $ 1/8 of a page $19532_(o. $Q $3~"D.cb tf' i ... ~l.,cJa! :t"li\ pn.trl- .:;, I I I I Amsterdam I News $ $ &,, 15"' 2"x4" ${p~.?D no $ - si.fCO.ob No $ $ - 118 of a page $ $ - $ 9 TOWN OF GREENWICH RFP #7113 DEADLINE: l/09115 AT 3:00PM RECRUITMENT ADVERTISlNG SERVICE REPLY SHEET (PAGE 3 of8) In Column Ad Display Ad . Price Per Line List: Website Ad Website. JsWcbsife Is M.. onlv Does Ad automatically r~gircd advertising run in additonal forl!rint Additional available? neW5nae:rsl Please list NeW.s(!a~r Sunda:ys only Weekdays Size Price ad? Price. List Price. ~ NY Times s r~.~l) $ NLA 2"x4" S107l...CD $ 55b $ §o AID I ~ CT/\Jt.s~k.l Zl:ilL*< s·l~.so $ NLA 118 of a page s£o%oR,oo $ SSD $ 5SD I C..T/~t~W "JJ.ifV.;~ ~ ElDiario s 1o.J~i't- s to.lt 2"x4" srlt1.7(o $ 5b $ tJo AIQ ~ $ [O.lg*'~ 1/8 ofa page $ $ SID. I[ slt.floL,A\ ~\ so r\lo El Sol $ $ 2"x4" $ $ ll}o - lti.bf sll4.2~ NO fJ •LIJ. IJO $ sj4.2.%' 118ofapage $J32..~ NO $ NLA $ No· ·- ·- - -- - - - -- - ---··--- ·---··· ·-·---- •-- -- - -- *The Connecticut/Westchester zone only publishes on Sunday; however, ads can be published in the New York Metro zone for $52.00 per line on weekdays. ____ lO -·-··-· , "*El ?iario requires that any ad placed in the Sunday issue must also run on Monday for an additional cost of $10.18 per line. An ad that TWlS Sunday as a 2 x 4 will cost $1,117.76 and as an 1/8 pagefor $1,466.41. · TOWN OF GREENWICH RFP #7113 DEADUNE: V09/15 AT 3:00PM . RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE REPLY SHEET (PAGE 4 of8) In Column Ad Display Ad Price Per Line List: Website Ad - -- Is Website Is Website .M.. onlv Does Ad automatically r~nired adverti!ing run in additonal JorJ!rint Additional evailable? newmauers? PI~B list Newsuancr Sundavs onl~ Wee~days Size Price ad? · Price List Price. papers. HersamAcom s $ 6". 2..5'"" 2"x4" S/f5'2...oo:Yl }{es $ .2.00.00 S I 00.00 I t!:.li!MJ: ~t=l1 A:lw":h!el' ' Th ~eifn :::D112~ $ - $ - 1/8 of a page $ - $ $ L~~JZ.lJWidt "Pus+ The Hour S{J.S8'**"~ $5.7/ 2"x4" $ 2. 7i.lJc)..n- 'ff'·) $ 7f.J>. 00 $ rVo A)o s{JJ.s8' $5.71 1/8 of a page Sll.l.OO $ ~.) s'7&.oo No ---- ·- ---- -· - *Rate of$5.25 per line applies to line ads only, not display ads. **Price is based on per column inch rate of$19.00 ***Rate of$6.58 per line applies to line ads ~mly, not display ads. ** ..Price of$278.40 is based on the State ofCTper column inch rate of$34.80. 11 RFB #7530 ADDENDUM #1 ATTACHMENT #1 TOWN OF GREENWICH REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #7113 DEADLINE: 1/09/15 AT 3:00PM RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE REPLY SHEET {Page 5 of 8) OPTIONAL YEAR PRICING Pricing shall remain fixed for each year of this contract. The bidder shall indicate below if pricing may either increase or decrease prior to the start of the optional years of the service agreement: ~Yes, pricing may increase or decrease prior to the start of the option years. __No, pricing will not increase or decrease at the start of the option years. If pricing may increase or decrease at the start oftbe option years, the bidder shall indicate below the maximum percentage of the potential increases or decreases for each optional year. · Option Year Maximum Labor Maximum Price Increase Materials (if any) 1 % % 2 % 3 % 4 % % RESPONDENT'S COMPANY NAME: _....~oG--.uV"tl.:-.\.I:::~..S~iui..¥.UV1.4,/,..t.<...JoG....::lL.LYI...... )\JiWfr.L-.4.A~Jv.-.;·e.,.-;;;.....J.:b_· J_i n-:-(j-t-' - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 12 TOWN OF GREENWICH Purchasing Department (203) 622-7881 Fax: (203) 622-7776 Town Hall• 101 Field Point Road • GreenWich, CT 06830 November 7, 2019 **ADDENDUM #1 ** TOWN OF GREENWICH REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #7530 DEADLINE: 11/21119 AT 3:00P.M. RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE Question #1: Can you share the Reply Sheet rates from the last time this was bid out? Answer #1: Reply Sheets are included as Attachment# 1. Question #2: Who was the incumbent agency that managed this? Answer #2: Graystone Group Advertising Question #3: You mention in the RFP that the rates submitted should be net, so we are to pass along the negotiated rates from the media vendor (newspapers), correct? Answer #3: The Vendor should present the total cost to be paid by the Town of Greenwich for each source requested. Question #4: How would you like the agency fees presented for graphic design work, copywriting recommendations, and media planning and buying? We would like to make sure that we aren't supposed to mark up the newspaper/website ad costs. Answer #4: If the agency incurs these fees in addition to the charge from the media source, they could itemize their invoice to inClude those projected fees. RM:sals An Affirmative Actioil/Equal Opportunity Employer, MIFIH TOWN OF GREENWICH RFP #7113 DEADIJNE: l/09n5 AT 3:00PM RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING SERVICE REPLY SHEET (PAGE 1 of8) In Column Ad Display Ad - Price Per l!ine List: Website A~ Is Website - JsWebsife Ad only ~oes Ad automaHcall1: ~uire!J advertising run in addi~naJ for l!rint Additional available? newsnaous? Please list News~al!er Sunda~onlf Weckda)!! Size ~ ·ad? ~ List Price. paJ!ers. Connecticut ·- --·-·---·--­ $ .., Media Group $ l9.
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