'i&i&feSi . •*» Mrs. John B. Connor*, ft Chester Long road., Mrs. Kenneth L. Esta- Newcomers brook will be co-ho«te«a. Mrs. Ben PTA Council 1, W. Geddes -will prea&Je.-- ; OnlSewScha & Troop 61 Brownies Budget changes necessitated New Members provisions for operation and mi enance of .the two new set* J To Hold Luncheon Low Cost Insurance Now Available for YOU and Your ENTIRE FAMILY G Aft WOOD Xwenty two Cranford new- may be discussed and. explain** comers were welcomed into the Meeting Friday special meeting of the Cranf iJ . Newcomers'Club at the November •?••*• No. 43. Brownies of Troop til hold Council of Parent-Teacher A* '' •> ' > OtANFORD, ' JERSEY, THURSH AY Entcrfd a« >..-<-.ind clas)i in.iil nwitlur jit luncheon held last Wednesday at cjatlons in December, it was NOVEMBER . .tho Post Office ut Crunford, N. J, 36 Pages — TEN CENTS the Temple Beth-El. a luncheon meeting tomorrow in- stead of-the-regular after school ealtd by Superintendent Mrs. William Sharp, Jr., mem- Schools Howard R. Best at a rej bership chairmaiii introduced the meeting. ThejjirU will bring box armectinRof the council at Cle UnitedFund Eisenhower Announces Appointment ofL following new- members: Mrs. land School on Monday. Henry * Frahme, Mrs.. Paul T. ipnng B. B. Kott and Mrs^B. W. Grant. Possibility that such a meet ' Philipson, Mrs. Hugh A. Adams, HOfMTAUZATtON PAYS up to $5475J0 Direct to You, wbile you or wilt .be vailed was mentioned As Assistant Postmaster General for Personnel Vr., MrsTTrank J. Callan, Mrs. Brownies of Troop 12 received li n e a ff M M M a sc enr NearsGoal Dr/KBest in reporting that 'Mflf iBJBHifcprflifyourfiimflyrf in thf tMMpt*p\^' T** ft J " * * ', * ™ i blare A. Barton, Mrs. John P. their pins at a recent meeting. The" The appointment of Eugene J. • Board of Education is now work Kerry, Mrs. Louis M. Kousin, Mrs. mothers of the girls were invited .**<_« rate of tl&OO a day. PAY* extra Cash Benefits for Operating Room, "Lyons of 35 Spruce street as assis- •given a recess appointment, which to the initiation ceremony. Those ir the school-budget for the 19 :an tant postmaster general in charge- must be confirmed by the Senate For Adult School , A. D. Richardson, Mrs. Thomas J. BtoodTransfusfons, Hypodermics, Surgjcal Dressings and Supplies, Oxygen, r Xbbotf^Mrs. "Michael receiving pins we'r*Ff~Fiitrol 1 — 5 year. - X-Rays, Anesthetics, Medicines and Laboratory Service. MtfTS in addition to of personnel was announced-Tues- When it convenes in January. Mrs. Robert E..Clancy. l" Patricia' Ford., Mary Johnson,, Dr. Best thanked the associat day_by_ President -Dwight-Eisen- M and thelr- Mra. Charles Redden, Director, Announces or. the interest it has shown $ickness or Accident benefits! -. _ howpr in Washington. Also, Mrs. Robert P. Da vies, Ka.rolyn Schulz, Angelin Sorrento. High School Students, Vx, dnughter ,.Kathleen, an eighth he school insurance plan t . Chairman • Prior-to accepting this new posi- Term to'Begin February 4 at High School; 7 Mrs. William W. Kihr. Mrs. Rich- Kami Tnmbiirr jnul Judy Wasserf- MATERNITY BENEFITS PAYS up to $150.00 Direct to You, on $15.Q0 grade student- at Cranford High bacli; Patrol 2 — Carol • Denni-V itated that between 60 and 70 p Organizations Collect Reports 97 Percent tion, which was .created on theSchool, will, move to Chevy Chase, ard R. Barton," Mrs, Henny rent of the student enrollment First Double Semester' in School's History Janet Hopkins, Sue Ann Miller, a day family plait (Up to $300.00 for twins.) Pays you whether confined at Md., Tuesday. Mr. "Lyons has re- Schwartz, Mrs. Sylvia Minch, Mrs. eady had been subscribed. Funds for Instrument t The Cranford Adult School, Inc., will sponsor a spring semester, Joseph A. Morick, Mrs. Richard J. Martha Pullen, Lorraine Von Gers- Home or in Hospital. ' '.".' , Ot Qoota Readied signed as vice-president of Merck It was announced, that She Un; The proposal to purchase an Watching TV When starting February 4, Mrs. Charles Redden, president-dircetoY, an- ' . Smyka, Mrs. .James Broadfoot, lorf and Margaret Walton; Patrol. Contributions to Cranford's and no longer has any connection County Heart Association has In electric, church-type organ for"the nounced this week. .,•-.' i:'( Mrs. Frank Vetorc. Mrs. Eugene I — Frances (iapodice,. Sharon Cre- SICKNESS BINIFITS PAYS up to $300.00 a Month Direct to Yoii, *>wettth .annual United Fund Cam- Sumnierfield Culled with the firm. He was with the invited, by the . combined" pab juulitoriutn of.. Cranford High Rahway chemical company for A survey.made by the school'of students presently attending its •'t Zobol and Mrs. William Shine.. ter, Ellen Erickson, Suzane King starting from the day you see your doctor and for as long at Wnfined... through this week totaled While quietly watching tele- i education groups from the scho School was pndorsed' Tuesday eve- eight years in its "industrial rela- ten-week term, indicates enthusiastic support for a spring term, Mrs. Mrs. George R. Ross of 28 Park- and Lana Lombardo; Patrol.'4 — Even For Ufe! Nonconfining total disability benefits are paid in full, up ning by the. Board of Education. I co- 87 percent^ of the goaL vision on October 5, Eugene J. er to participate in a talk, and pa > erf $21,000. it was announced yes- tions department. 4Redden said. It was with-.this in way' Village entertained the AW " Judith Craft, Claire Hallenbeck. A report was submitted to the' Lyons received a telephone call iscussion op rheumatic fever to three months: Covers you on or off the job'TV.regardless of your other aerday by John L. Biach,, execu- mind, the director said, that the noon Bridge group 'Tuesday after- Jimet Herfurth, Curol .King, Carol Sherman School on January „ bonnl by the administration on the from Postmaster General Arthur During World War II, Mr. Lyons noon. Mrs. Bernndinc Pasberg, income or group insurance. PAYS in addition to Hospitalization benefits! me cihajnnan. Summerfleld asking him it he was with the\Curtis Wright Cor- B\ml of Directors decided to go Meyers, Lois Paehlke and, Karpn proposal. It pointed out that the aheTitMuith the program. ' Mrs. Robert Belote, Mrs. Robert Sjursen.- " '.. • NOTICE OF SALE OF funds. for the organ have, been With only $700 to go and several would like to be assistant post- poration. He started with that Hrm CD Needs jv At aYmccUng Tuesday evening, A. Bradley, Mrs. William King, Public Nfl^-c*- fc» briefer c *"*3 •', ACCIDENT BENEFITS PAYS up to $300.00 a Month Direct to You, contributed by both' the Junior and <caxds still outstanding, Mr. Biach master general in charge of per- in St. Louis and was transferred Mrs. George Myers is leader of' the BoaVd of Education approved hi Mrs. Dexter MacMillan and-Mrs. >t the- Township of Cranford. in the C, starting from thetfay you see your doctor and for as long as totally disabled Senior Student Councils from the a3BchUied yesj^rday he is confident sonnel. •' . ' '"i- ; •"••• .19.'Columbus, O;, as assistant mana- Troop 12, and Mrs. L. J. Her-i't fc>Ubljc Kale for unpaid Uu« _.r>d *> ; use of (jraiiford High School on Orin A. Sharpc attended.. i and Ural estate hrreinaftt-* n« unspent balance of the money •" , squota "will be reached. Ho Mr." Lyons at ^irst thought ger of industrial relations and later, Discussed c fur.th is the assistant leader. .. su-Jrct to th*- to»nl r»:** of nut* ... Even For Lift! PAYS up to $10,000.00 for Accidental Death. Covers you Thursday evenings for the first The Executive Board of • t" raised from the sale of magazine ; urged captains and workers someone was playing a joke and, to Buffalo as industrial relations or off rti« j-nK, r^gnrHl^tc nf your nthw income or group insurance. PAYS ito •complete their calls and make manager. Following the war, when spring semester in the school's his- Newcomers' Club will meet 1'UfS- m 'jiily Ut. 1953 *ith tntrrefcl end cC kidded him along, but finally 1 -i> 1 torv. It is reflected. Mrs-. Roddon day evening at 8:15"at -the home ol,, Major Barry.'Named . Illiriir—ri . • "«! o»•••%n* '__•« _•* *»n.n*B~«_ anvnurt*'s *ar_u4j irce/n July-" - in addition to Hospitalization^benefits! . ' Scliool Parent-Teacher Associa- 10 rum at ms home, .realized it was {he real thing; me aircraft lMlUiU'y tu.Ld.owii ptu Council Studying Tht^sald Male x^KV likr pun- on : duction. Mi*. Lyons joined Merck. hat about 15 courses will^-- Major Michael. A. Barry of Park- tion, the music fund, the Girls* IndiatwSpcing road, this week- After much, thought and dis- EUGENE J. LYONS. r DOCTOR BILLS PAYS up to $300.00 foir surgery, depending on natur^ <entL The chairman • expressed the cussion with • his family, -Mr. For 15 years, the new assistant Warning SysteinsH^ ~ be offered. More definite'plans'in way Village, Cranford, assistant at t\\r hour of l»o o'clock P. M. Athletic Association, the Hi-Y Club this; regard will be announced iu • I Cranfnrd. !T. ^. ' : as well as a donation frqm the Bjqpe the drive could be closed Lyons accepted the post. postmaster general served on the professor' of air science and tactics of operation. •• „ '~~.jr'" • '•' '•.'-' ^ '• • • . ' • '-.'•/• New. Office Monthly Meetings Set . The szle i* 'mz'&e under 'the pio to Purdue,,University, v within the next few days. staff of the Moline. 111., Dispatch' Lafayette, the 'near future. ' at Newark College of Engineering, th« State df New Jrnry.~-~ ~\ ;~ Class of "53. Ind., and completep d \ii\ l but a fow The , jaif) tanc^.
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