1774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .FEBRUARY 1.1, 999. Also, Joint resolution of the State of Wisconsin re­ lating to the immediate cash payment of the veterans' ad­ SENATE justed-service certificates and the cancelation of accrued in­ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1935 terest and refund of interest paid thereon; to the Commit­ tee on Ways and Means. (Legislative day of Thursday, Feb. 7, 1935) 1000. Also, joint resolution of the State of Wisconsin me­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration morializing the Congress of the United States to pass, and of the recess. the President of the United States to approve, .if passed, the THE JOURNAL General Pulaski's Memorial Day resolution now pending in Congress; to the Committee on the Library. On request of Mr. ROBINSON, and by unanimous consent, the reading of th,e Journal of th~ proceedings of the calendar 1001. Also, joint resolution of the State of Wisconsin, me­ day Friday, February 8, 1935, was dispensed with, and the morializing Congress to continue investigation into activities Journal was approved. of munitions manufacturers and to publish the findings and recommendations of the Senate committee thereon; to the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Committee on Military Affai,rs. A message from the House ·of Representatives, by Mr. 1002. By Mr. STEFAN: Resolution adopted by the Ne­ Megill, one of its clerks, announced that the House had braska State Senate, memorializing the Congress of the passed a bill CH. R. 5255) making appropriations for the De­ ·united States to pass the General Pulaski Memorial Day partments of State and Justice and for the judiciary, and 'resolution now pending in Congress; to the Committee on for the Departmenti of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal the Library. · year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes, in which 1003. By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of residents of El it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Paso County, Tex., endorsing the Townsend plan of old-age pension legislation; to the Committee on Ways and Means. CALL OF THE ROLL 1004. Also, petition. of the residents of Ector County, Tex., Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the aooence of a quorum. endorsing the Townsend plan of old-age pensions; to the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll Committee on Ways and Means. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen­ 1005. Also, pe.tition of the residents of Reagan County, ators answered to their names; Tex., endorsing the Pope plan of old-age pension legislation; Adams Connally Hayden Pope to the Committee on Ways and Means. Ashurst Coolidge Johnson RadclUfe 1006. By Mr. TURNER: Petition§ from 5 residents of Law­ Austin Copeland Keyes Reynolds Bachman Costigan King Robinson rence County, 1 resident of Dickson County, 4 residents of Balley Couzens Logan Russell Hickman County, 9 residents of Giles County, 3 residents of Bankhead Cutting Lonergan Schall Barbour Davis Long Schwellenbacb Wayne County, 2 residents of Williamson County, 1 resident Barkley Dieterich McAdoo Sheppard of Maury County, all of ·the state of Tennessee, requesting Bilbo Donahey Mccarran Shipstead passage of Dr. ;I. E. Pope old-age pension bill; to the Com­ Black Duffy McGill Smith Bone Pletcher McKellaT Steiwer mittee on Ways and Means. Borah · Frazier McNary Thomas, Okla. 1007. By Mr. WERNER: Petition of citizens and residents Brown George Maloney Thomas, Utah Bulkley . Gerry Metcalf Townsend of Bonesteel, Gregory-County, S. Dak., favoring legislation Bulow Gibson Minton Trammell covering star routes that will eliminate competitive bidding Burke Glass Murphy Truman and provide adequate compensation for services rendered by Byrd Gore Murray Tydings Byrnes Guffey Neely Vandenberg star-route contract carriers; to the Committee on the Post Capper Ha.le Norris Van Nuys Office and Post Roads. caraway Harrison Nye Walsh Carey Hastings O'Mahoney Wheeler 1008. By Mr. WITHROW: Memorial of the Legislature of Clark Hatch Pittman White the State of Wisconsin, memorializing Congress to continue investigation into activities of munition manufacturers and Mr. ROBINSON. I wish to announce that the Senator to publish the findings and recommendations of the Senate from Louisiana [Mr. OVERTON] is absent from the Senate committee thereon; to the Committee on Military Affairs. because of illness, and that the Senator from New Jersey 1009. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of [Mr. MooREJ and the Senator from New York [Mr. WAGNER] Wisconsin, relating to the immediate ·cash payment of the are detained on official business. veterans' adjusted-service certificates and the cancelation of Mr. DIETERICH. I desire to announce that my colleague accrued interest and refund of interest paid thereon; to the the senior Senator from lliinois [Mr. LEw1sl is absent on Committee on Ways and Means. important departniental business. · 1010. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Iowa Wisconsin, requesting the Congress of the United States to [Mr. DicKINsoNl, the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. LA FoL­ advise the Legislature of Wisconsin as to the effect upon LETTE], and the Senator from South Dakota [Mr. NORBECK] Congress of resolutions memorializing that body; to the are necessarily absent. Committee on Rules. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight Senators have 1011. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of answered to their names. A quorum is present. Wisconsin, memorializing the Congress of the United States REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY to pass, and the President of the United States to approve, if passed, the General Pulaski's Memorial Day resolution The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter now pending in Congress; to the Committee on the Library. from the Comptroller of the Currency, transmitting, pur­ 1012. By Mr. WOLCOTT: Petition of Walter Boesenecker, suant to law, the Annual Report of the Comptroller for the of Vassar, Mich., and 49 others, all residents of Tuscola year ended October 31, 1934, which, with the accompanying County, Mich., urging the prompt enactment into law of the repart, was referred to the Committee on Banking and Frazier-Lemke refinancing bill; to the Committee on Agri .. Currency. culture. CLAIM OF MAY C. GUSTIN 1013. By Mr. NICHOLS: Petition of numerous citizens of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter Oklahoma, urging support of House bill 2856; to the Com­ from the Comptroller General of the United States, submit­ mittee on Ways and Means. ting, pursuant to law, his report and recommendations on 1014. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Corona Com­ the claim of May c. Gustin <which was transmitted to his munity Council, regarding the manufactilre and sale of arms; office by the Secretary of the Navy), covering property dam­ to the Committee on Military Affairs. age arising from the explosion at the naval ammunition 1015. Also, petition of the Unity Democratic League of depot at Lake Denmark, N. J., which, with the accompany­ Brooklyn, N. Y.; to the Committee on Foreign .l\ffairs. ing paper, was ref_erred to the Committee on Claims. CONGRESSIONAL- RE°CORD-SENATE 1775 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS by manual labor and thereby provide work for a considerable num- ber of men; and - · · The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the. Senate the fol­ Whereas there would result a great benefit to science and the lowing concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of the State study of paleontology by adding the area to our permanently pre­ of Arkansas, which were referred to the Committee on served institution; and Whereas the virtue of preserving and developing the area con­ Agriculture and Forestry: taining the forest in the interests of the people of this State and House Concurrent Resolution 4 of those of all other States is almost self-evident: Now, therefore, A resolution to aid distressed farms be it Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of California, Whereas as a large number of farms are now heavily indebted; jointly, That the President and the Congress of the United States and do enact legislation for the purpose of creating the petrified red­ · Whereas the Federal L.and Bank of St. L.ouis and the land bank wood forest as a national park and monument; and be it further commissions are relieving only about 15 percent of the farms so Resolved, That the chief clerk of the assembly transmit copies of encumbered; and this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United Whereas the Frazier-L.emke bill now pending in Congress, if States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to each passed, will provide for another farm-lending agency which will Senator and Member of the House of Representatives of California loan up to 90 percent of the appraised value of the farm, which in the Congress of the United States, to the Secretary of the Inte­ will save many farm homes to the farmers now living on them: rior, the Director of the Smithsonian Institution, the California. Therefore be it State Park Commission, and the department of paleontology at the Resolved, That we, the House of Representatives of the State of University of California, and that such Senators and Members from Arkansas, assembled, the senate concurring therein, ask that this California and others be urged to support such legislation. bill be passed at as speedily a time as possible. · A true, compared, and correct copy. The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the [SEAL] H. P. SMITH, Chief Clerk. following joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of California, which was referred to the Committee on Com­ House Concurrent Memorial 5 merce: Memorial to the Congress o~ the United States of America to enact Assembly Joint Resolution 33 the Frazier-L.emke farm refinance bill (S.
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