Volume 84 September 2020 No. 3 TPA president Richardson gets leg up on new role INSIDE SHIRLEY NANNEY tion, which had been rescheduled Richardson: State tour of Carroll County News-Leader, for September, was ultimately can- Huntingdon celled, replaced by virtual events. TPA members on tap August 14, 2020 “Sometimes change is inevita- Page 2 Carroll County News-Leader ble and you just have to adjust Publisher Daniel Richardson wears and change with it,” Richardson Wagner: Our futures many hats. He’s just added to that said, which is how he has recently reside in small towns list the title of Tennessee Press described the current state of the Association (TPA) president for newspaper business. Page 3 the 2020-2021 fi scal year. At age As soon as the gavel was passed, Ad-Libs: 10 ways to mess 31, he’s the TPA’s second-youngest Richardson was off and running up online presentations president since at least 1970, the (and I do mean running) to some youngest in that time being Dale of his other many duties. Besides Page 4 Gentry, publisher of The Standard being a publisher, he is chairman Banner, Jefferson City, who was 28 of Associated Publishers, Inc. board Showcase: Milan R&B when he started serving a one-year of directors, which is a corporation term as the association’s president consisting of six newspapers that songstress hits Nashville own a printing plant in Hunting- in 1983-84. don. Page 6 Because the COVID-19 pandemic He has also recently taken on forced postponement of the 2020 News & Moves the added responsibilities of group TPA Summer Convention, which publisher for seven of Magic Page 8 had been originally scheduled for Valley Publishing’s 14 newspapers June in Pigeon Forge, alternate owned by his parents, Dennis Newsroom advice for plans had to be made for Richard- and Lisa Richardson. Besides the son’s ceremonial induction. His appealing to Gen Z’ers News Leader, the newspapers now taking offi ce eventually was con- Page 9 under Richardson’s supervision are ducted during a virtual TPA board Photo by Shirley Nanney, Carroll County News-Leader, Huntingdon the Camden Chronicle, Waverly Former TFP copy chief meeting conducted July 17 that was Daniel Richarsdon, publisher, Carroll County News-Leader, Huntingdon, News-Democrat, Buffalo River also available for TPA membership ruminates on 50 years quite possibly became the fi rst TPA president ever to take offi ce wearing Review (Linden), Wayne County viewing. As he sat behind his desk shorts to the offi cial ceremony held virtually via Zoom on July 17, for News (Waynesboro), Crockett Page 10 at his Huntingdon newspaper offi ce which he could only be seen chest level and above. County Times (Alamo) and The dressed in white shirt, navy jacket, Shopper News Weekly. Obituaries tie and khaki shorts, (yes shorts), gavel from outgoing TPA President hands to make the virtual handoff He is active in church activities Page 11 Richardson became the offi cial Chris Vass of the Chattanooga ceremony more visually realistic, and serves as a deacon at the Cam- new president when he virtually Times Free Press (Vass and Rich- even if a bit humorous. “received” the president’s symbolic ardson both had gavels in their The in-person 2020 TPA Conven- See RICHARDSON Page 12 Virtual awards Judge aff irms ruling in Knox County sheriff case announcements set Knox County Chancellor John versity of Tennessee sociology for late September Weaver in early July declined a TCOG professor related to immigration The Tennessee State Press Con- motion by the Knox County Sheriff enforcement. tests Awards will be announced to alter his order in a recent public BLOG In addition to awarding attorney via a Zoom call on Thursday, records case, even as new infor- fees to Meghan Conley, the judge Sept. 24 at 3:00 p.m. EDT. mation emerged that even more re- put the sheriff’s offi ce under a court The TPA Ideas Contest Awards quested records had been withheld. order to make changes in the way will be announced via Zoom call The sheriff had argued that parts DEBORAH FISHER it handles public records requests on Friday, Sept. 25 at 2:00 p.m. of the order were too onerous, such and records. EDT. Details will be mailed and as making arrest reports freely Conley v. Knox County Sheriff Tom A hearing was held last week emailed to winning newspapers available for public inspection and Spangler that the Knox County to consider the sheriff’s motion to in early September as well as having to respond to requests that Sheriff’s Offi ce violated the public alter the order. posted online. Contact Robyn might be generally phrased. records law in denying access to Gentile for information at Weaver in April had ruled in public records sought by a Uni- See FISHER Page 5 [email protected]. Page 2 • The Tennessee Press • September 2020 A warm welcome much appreciated My welcome into the TPA presi- legislative lobbying, conference dency was as unusual as the times YOUR calls, and other activities are (USPS 616-460) in which we now live. affected by the strengths of the Published monthly by the On Thursday, August 6, I was PRESIDING members’ relationships to one surprised with a reception of EPORTER another and to the organization. TENNESSEE PRESS ASSOCIATION, INC. family and friends at my offi ce in R One way I hope to move the 412 N. Cedar Bluff Road, Suite 403 Huntingdon, complete with pizza DANIEL RICHARDSON needle in growing relationships Knoxville, Tennessee 37923 and cake. A giant banner hung on between newspapers across the Telephone (865) 584-5761/Fax (865) 558-8687/www.tnpress.com the wall with the TPA logo and state is to tour the state and visit “Congratulations President Rich- I am sincerely grateful to those each newspaper. This is some- Subscriptions: $12 annually ardson.” Then, at 2 p.m., local dig- who took the time to spend a few thing I’ve long wanted to do but Periodicals Postage Paid At Knoxville, TN nitaries arrived, while Huntingdon minutes on the call. believed an impossibility with Mayor Dale Kelley presented me For those not on the call, I men- the raging pandemic the country POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Tennessee Press, with a certifi cate of commendation tioned that my primary goal this and state now face. Because of 412 N. Cedar Bluff Road, Suite 403, Knoxville, TN 37923 from the Town of Huntingdon. We year is to bring TPA newspapers the pandemic, I will wait to begin sat six feet apart and enjoyed the closer together. Just like any orga- visits until at least October. Masks The Tennessee Press is printed by The Standard Banner in Jeff erson City, Tenn. conversation (and the cake). nization, there are those who par- will be worn, elbows bumped, all We capped the day with a “social ticipate more than others; it usually the normal precautions. I will of Carol Daniels ..................................................................................................................................... Editor hour” on Zoom, which Carol comes down to relationships. course ask permission from the Mike Towle .................................................................................................................. Managing Editor Daniels facilitated beautifully. The It is human nature to want to be publisher or local manager before Robyn Gentile .......................................................................................... Production Coordinator Zoom call was the only part of the around and involved with people I visit and will bypass any of those day I had known about, and had that we have strong relationships who do not feel comfortable with therefore been nervous about. I with. If there is no relationship, an in-person visit. If all else fails, The Tennessee Press received many words of wisdom then the friction that stops par- we will do a virtual tour. is printed on recycled paper from TPA past presidents and ticipation (busy schedule, budget By mid-September, I plan to and is recyclable. members and old friends. The time cuts, other things that come up) have a route plan in place and will passed so quickly that I could not will offset the potential benefi t begin coordinating with local pub- TENNESSEE PRESS ASSOCIATION believe the hour had expired when (training, networking, etc.). But lishers. I look forward to meeting Daniel Richardson, Carroll County News Leader, Huntingdon ....................................President we began to wrap up the call. once the relationships are built as many TPA members as possible Rick Th omason, Kingsport Times-News, Johnson City Press ..............................Vice President I want to extend a warm “thank (which takes time) and main- between now and next July! Jack McNeely, Herald-Citizen, Cookeville ..................................................................Vice President you” to all those who participated tained (more time), the friction is Have a great month! Joseph Hurd, Th e Courier, Savannah .................................................................................... Secretary or helped plan the day. It was way mitigated and the benefi ts of group Eric Barnes, Th e Daily News, Memphis .................................................................................Treasurer more than I expected, especially participation more pronounced. Daniel Richardson, publisher of Chris Vass, Chattanooga Times Free Press ............................................Immediate Past President during these wild times. I know This isn’t true just for in-person the Carroll County News Leader, Carol Daniels .................................................................................................................Executive
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