G CORP -2 LLEWELLYN...AVJE- Is Easy To Rlace— HA*THOR.\JE — • N Jus* Wtone 686-7700 SL 0183 21 . with which has been merged the Springfield Sun —Second clui Fostagt VOL. 86-No. 51 SPRINGFIELD, N, J.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERS, .1965 Pmld mt Sprimfldd, N. J. 15 Cents Per Copy Town Art Group Reviews Picks Chairman, Plans for Show Blanks For Entries TaVenlictCKiSitel ( By Local Residents _~ Are Now Available . The-Springrfield Public Library this week 'issued", the "first in a series of articles reviewinjrinadequacies' of: The Springfield Association of tjhe present library- facilities and, evaluating plans :for; Creative Arts, Inc., last week futttrejleyelpprncnt, elthrir at the felecto . chaWum and named Mrs. Sld- present site or ina new-location. DAYTON AU GO GO ney_Siiiger-a8_ohalirmfln for -the "Although' the library board has township's' ikist outdoor munici- declined until now.to announce SLATED TO WHIRL r pal aii show, to be held Oct. 10 its decision on a future location, en the Town Mall. an indication that the library AT REGIONAL HIGHi Other association officers are will'be moved from the present Somethlnir between . a.., Mrs. Martin M. Novleh, co-chair- site on Main st. 'at Academy Sprlnrfield discotheque and... man; 'Mrs. -MaeHjL_M..-IJ8orner, green was provided this summer "Recional au Go Go" —'ibat'».,-' recording secretary; Mrs. Leslie by a recommendation' to that the -way. the .Student Council . .Eosenbaura,' treasurer, and Mrs. ^effect in the revised master plan of Jonathan Dayton Rrtlonal I Tirthgnt. P. Hardgrove, publicMy for municipal growth. • • -• • -•— Hleh , School -describes—ttOLg, IT""'" Mnv-wns nam- Similar suggestions for a It- student dance it will sponsot - ed co-ohaiiirman for. the art show. brary located in a more'ccnir4Ll_ian!?rro^ •v*Jilm« from 8'*t' Mra. Arnold Harlem presided. , plaTH! limn tliu piei,eiit-tlle have " arifie—school—Entertain- The art: show,, Oct."10 on the been presented by the Board of ment by the Belllveaus will be mall In front of the Municipal Education the League of Women featured —-_ __ Buildin*, -will be open from 1 Voter* and the Sprlngfield-Nou- -,—\ arslty football player*,, to '8 p.m. .The_SBxinigfleW_.Com- Llbrary Committee cheerleaders and tw triers wift inunlty Chorus will perform at The text of the library board be introduced as a prelude to, - ' 2:30 p.m., and Mayor William article follows tbe season opener Saturday »,£ ?; Koonz will present prizes for Gov Llvinrston Regional^ the outstanding tatrles at 3. _ The Springfield Public Li- Berkeley Heichls Theievenlnr Edwin Havas, teacher and brary hai become lnadequale"1n -will also mark? the openimr vt A-water color, specialist, '"will-gdv.e size to meet the needs of Spring- tbe 'Bulldog Cocktail ' and ~ a demonstration during the field The board of trustees has results of home room repre.- ; i-nnn« nt thy afternoon. Adr igly- sion wM-be-toee^Jji-case of nounced clement wefcther, the art show crowded conditions in the li- will be held the *ollowlng_Suni brary—due to the increased si?e day, Oct. 17. • of the book collection lack of seating area for borrowers and Entries Invited the need for more services to AU- professional and 'amateur meet the demands of a rapidly Miss Purkhiser artists who live or .work in, growing community Springfield are eligible to enter Since 1961, when It became •work*, traditional or' nqn-tradi' evident that the book collection Honored In Ouej n p, was encroaching upon available : jgraphteairt»r«!Ulpture or mixed floor space on the lower level media. "Jua^raritfomout-of For Scholarship" 1 the board of trustees has been "•'.• town, will select ittie .winners in investigating possibilities for ex- Grolchen Purkh^er of Spring- • each category tor .adults, teenr pansion Board and-staff mem- •Cert and chfldpen. - bers visited btherJUbrarles In the field has been named a sem -' Those who wish to •xhtblt In atate-aMd attended many meet- finalist fi> the annual National^ the show may use *h^T8ppHcatlon THE FALL SPORTS season cete Under way M the Jonathan- Barton Rec ^ Al Lohatto..— Meilt Scholarship j-omprtltloli y Burnett, Tom JHarttn, Ernl« MUtuei1 and Jim lies. Backs, from feft, ings devoted to library expan- form printed. below. Forms «ro Hl*h Sohool footbWU team take* the HeWrfor «• openinf nmt Saturday and Jim lies. Backs, from feft, sion and use of space it was announced thi1: week also avajtalble-trom-^any of the mt dor< Uvbunton Rational,; Berkeley Helffati. The a*Wo»e« above were Harold H»n«en, lllaric Anthony, Steve Harti and Danny Glnter. Bee 4l — officer* and at other lMli on Sport* A. Survey -with Recommenda- Ro.berU.t-La Vantute, prlncl] tions" was presented In October, of Jonathan Dayton- Region The completed forms, «MJ all 1B63 by Helen C Reyner, then'"High School Inojudries;. should be directed-to director of the "library Inr-thls Mi-s Purkhlsei dnunhlcr, of the Sprirugdeld Association, of- survey, it wai shown that the Mr and Mis Sawllns Fuikluser drcatlve Arts, 143 Baltusrol way, Gaudineer Classroo Ready By Jan. 1 broken-up area of the building of 53 EdReuood ave U drura=— or to .Mrs. .Sidney Singer, art made It difficult for the public majorette for the Dayton mmch-" '"•how inhairrwan, 51 Smltiiifleid to use and the staff lo administer ing band She his been a mem-'* To~meet the needs of an antici- boi of the -twirling squad for _ ~" ftuJes for. entries fol- IZHANGESIJRGED: pated iopulatlon of 20.D0IT (the four years T '•jfcws! ' • , present population!? 16 000) she She has served as seci clary of) Art Show Rale* recommended that 18 000-20 000 the Dayton German Club and otjj J y Springfield residents (Continued on Page 24) the executive committee of he£ -fit thoae who work in Sprlng- DemocratsPresent Need Extrrflme Republicans Stress LIBRARY clas1; Mi^s Purkhiser has also" field may enter chow and/or been an active membei of thgj,,, competition, Springfield Teen-Age RcniibH-^ * 4 ' number •oiejitrleai Is For Studeiii Use Job Vacancy cans and has served as a nurses\ ' -MmMed to three pleces-per per- Ten-Point Pmgram ByABNER Traffic Safety Work A Job'vacancy exist* for jn aide at ^.Overlook Hoipltnl Shcr «on. The evSfcincrejislngJncldence Commltteemnn -emrineerliif ^ujstant in the plans to'attend Mlddlobury CoU "37 There is no. limitation on -The IJfirttocratle candidates for field-a; better- place to live; The 10 new. dlassrooms and logo in Vermont ; • better-place'to raise a family?' jTTCaffio^acciacn'ts," both-vehi- ently In chaige of- public safety _offlpe of Walter Kotub town the size'at -the exhibit. Springfield Township Cot&nrtteeJ 1 (.hip engineer, he announcetf" •Miss PuikhKcr 11 among soma The platform is as follows: slruotlon at *he Florence Gauci- cular and pedestrian, has moved in Springfield, and Haidgrove, r need noiJbe.framed,- Henry. Grabari and; Donald 'lneer-School '.'should -certainly, •the Republican' Township Com- this weeki He «ald that ap- 14 000 lop sludcnU fioiii ill pal til but must be wired lor hanging. who served as public safety dl Mantel, thls,.week\_announced. a. "1. Code'of L bo ready for use betoie the first mittee - candidates - Robert Gi lector1 for two ycatf while—t plioanla should be hlgHTt of the naflon named «•• Merjg Voframed paintings must be' lO^polnt program ,"for ..the_.lm?- it-to be our Intention to enact of the year,'1 It was"Til5closed at Planer and Hobort D. Hardgrove rraduttw, with experience In Scholaiship lemi-tlnjlIsK as-# ZT_ -—mounted on heavy. boar3 to keep r a code of ethics governing offi- member of tho Township Com- civil envlneerlnr preferred 1 provement of • government In the-Board of Education meeting to lncroasothclr efforts "towards mittee have pioneered Mjpny lciult Qf a qualifying test ad^ "" ' them rigid while displayed.--'"" cial conduct which will prevent Tuesday night at the James additional -'measures., that, will The pay »e»le rantea un to mlhiilercd last March in more Springfield." ~ ., : improvement^ which havo benc- "5, All entrants must label ani* ofWcal, elected or appointed, GaJdwoll School. " : ' ' :^— = •safeguard our citizens,"' they $5 400 Details are available than If 600 lilgh schooli. -^ exhibit with title and price, W lit from., personally, profiting from filod the communitv, they said They declared, "Some_of the stated this Week. Trout Konub at Town_ Hall, (Continued on Pago 6) - • Is available tor sale.' Artist's, any official act whllo in office Joseph Bendflr,J»ai!dlinember {Continued on" Page 24-) DR 6-S800r planks. are .to correct existing In. oha/rge of tJhe projects, im- Planer and Hardgroyc are SCHOLARSHIP__ • -name and address shall be placed breaches In governmental sery=^ and also providing for immedi- REPUBLICANS on back of exhibit. -.---• ate removal. from office upop n ported 'iihat ilhe conitraotor-shoUld both- memb.err-_oJ_ the Essex- Ices; some ere to exlencPaddecT f i it be finished-witlh .hii^-work (n the Unlomp - Traffiffic . Safetfty •-••' "6.: Entries-Tnay be—Jn-^any desired and needed services to. proof of~any"conflicfrpf interest,; : -i. , (Continued on. " "cTassroams Xntf library T" Councils. In. this capacity, they il the people of the- community^ declaredj-they-continuaily-work- All are designed to jnakfl_Springr_ toward safer roadways on.bchftlf ilgms.rtn~constrtootlon. These ln> of~5prln"gflcld and- suWoundlng tS commuhltlea.—™—-— ^mm^ r=tl'no -council, made_UD" M I ArH^forOcl.10 Atf^htnrofSpringfiel rcsentatlves of all th«- coniu prcsldect ovor by Henry,Wcslef : —AssocialioiM^Creative Arfsjncr The. Burplug-rrnoniiy sitting ^in: of'Mountalnalde_aE£- ptc'BWcntr btuwfTg BBfl t hld DomlnfclL gptna,' publicJM •bank awountr-What dn we htivti is -a~vico-prcsldettt. M'tinder IB yis. : y The rcppvlne' of Rt. 22 fiom crease wo huve .been .subjected At the-sftrne-tlme, and" because Hillalde.
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