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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82837-6 - Restoration Drama and “The Circle of Commerce”: Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century Richard Kroll Index More information Index Act of Toleration, 268 Bank of England, 283, 291, 292 Actio, 85 Barbaro, Daniel, 124 Addison, Joseph, 286, 290, 293 Barbon, Nicholas, 50, 285 Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer, 290 Barry, Elizabeth, 251, 289 Aesop, 183 Barthes, Roland, 259 Aesopius, 75 Bate’s Case, 31 Agreement Betwixt the Present and the Former Baxandall, Michael, 124 Government, 272, 281 Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher (see also Alberti, Leon Batista, 98, 122, 123, 124, 126, Fletcher), 3, 20–1, 22, 35, 106, 229, 269, 284; 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, A King and No King, 21; The Maid’s Tragedy, 139, 148. See also Jones 21, 24–8, 32–3, 35, 38, 47, 94, 97; Philaster, 7 Alighieri, Dante. See Dante Behn, Aphra, 66, 69–70; The Feigned Courtesans, Amboyna, 44 246; Oroonoko, 246, 267; The Rover, 1, 58, Anne, Princess (later Queen), 271 231, 240–52, 254, 261, 262, 290, 291 Answer to the Nineteen Propositions. See Charles I Bellarmine, Roberto Francisco Romolo, Antipheron of Oreus, 121 Cardinal, 29 Appleby, Joyce, 44, 47, 51, 55, 293 Benjamin, Walter, 4, 5, 9, 282; The Origin of Aptness, 83 German Tragic Drama, 5 Architectural Style. See Rustic or Rustication Berman, Ronald, 229, 235 Architectural Treatise, 132 Betterton, Thomas, 75, 105, 279 Architecture, 11–12, 123–61; rhetoric and, 124–31. Blackfriars Theatre, 24, 94, 97, 103, 106, 108, See also Jones 200 Architecture, Orders of, 12, 100, 102, 157, 163; Bliss, Lee, 109 five orders of, 131; development of, 133–44; Boccaccio, Giovanni, 137 in St. Paul’s Cathedral (see also St. Paul’s Bodin, Jean, 34, 44, 45 Cathedral), 166; Orders: Composite, 134, Book of Common Prayer, 119 138; Corinthian, 134, 287; Doric, 134, 136, Booker, Richard, 282 287; Ionic, 134, 136; Tuscan, 12, 134, 136–8, Boutell, Elizabeth, 219, 230 142, 148, 153, 155, 159, 165, 200 (see also Boyle, Robert, 40, 182, 210 Rustic and Rustication) Boyle, Roger. See Orrery, Earl of Aristotle, 73, 121, 242 Breda, Treaty of, 203 Ascham, Anthony, 25, 37, 38, 237, 281, 282 Bredvold, Louis, 271 Asiatic style, 136 Brewster, Francis, 52 Athenians, 73 Bridges Street Theatre, 105 Attic style, 136 Britannia Languens, 52 Atticus, 276 Brome, Richard, 97 Aubrey, John, 26 Browning, Andrew, 256, 257 Audience, political, 35 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 137 Augustus, 159, 276 Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of, 256, Austen, Jane, 288 257 328 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82837-6 - Restoration Drama and “The Circle of Commerce”: Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century Richard Kroll Index More information Index 329 Bulwer, John, 73–4 Council of Trade, 49 Burckhardt, Jacob, 4, 5, 177 Covent Garden, 155. See also Jones Burke, Edmund, 238, 253 Creech, Thomas, 213 Burnet, Gilbert, 263 Cromwell, Oliver, 266, 276, 278 Busby, Dr. Richard, 80 Culpeper, Nicholas, 38 Butler, Martin, 14, 97, 161 Bywaters, David, 263 Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of (also 1st Duke of Leeds), 254–5, 256, 261, 262, 266 (see also Campbell, Colen, 153 Dryden Dedication to Danby) Campbell, Lily B., 98 Daniel, Samuel, 130 Carew, Thomas, 106, 125; Coelum Britannicum, Dante, 137 161–2 D’Aubignac, Franc¸ois Hedelin,´ Abbe,´ 66–9, 287 Carneades, 81 Davenant, Charles, 51, 285, 286 Cavendish, Margaret, 169 Davenant, Lady, 105 Charles I, King, 11, 30, 117, 244, 265, 267, 270, Davenant, Sir William, 7, 8, 9–13, 35, 42, 43, 53, 276, 278, 281; execution, 37; The King’s 56, 57, 75, 93–121, 122, 129, 157, 167–8, Answer to the Nineteen Propositions, 6, 35, 169–88, 200, 223, 235, 236, 245, 253, 278, 38 283; Britannia Triumphans, 6, 94, 165–7 (see Charles II, King, 30, 51, 56, 58, 62, 119, 142, also Jones); The Cruel Brother, 97, 108, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 169, 174, 109–12; The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru, 176, 181, 186, 191, 201, 203, 241, 249, 252, 104, 189, 191–2; First Dayes Entertainment at 254, 255, 256, 257, 261, 264, 276, 279, Rutland House, 189–91; Gondibert, 12–13, 284 102, 167–8, 169–88, 193, 200, 225; The Just Chaucer, Geoffrey, 207 Italian, 106, 108, 112–15; Love and Honour, Chillingworth, William, 157, 217 105, 108, 112, 113, 115–18; Macbeth, 201; Christ’s Hospital, 40 Masques, 161–8; The Platonick Lovers, 13, Cicero, 8–9, 12, 65, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 97, 104, 108, 113, 164, 172, 176, 187, 253; 78–90, 102, 126, 131, 134, 137, 139, 169, Preface to Gondibert, 6, 102, 171–4, 189 (see 238, 258, 276; Brutus, 8, 82, 86–8; De also Hobbes); Salmacida Spolia, 9, 12, 94, Officiis, 137, 138, 212; De Oratore, 8, 81–2; 95, 98, 161, 167–8, 169–88 (see also Jones); Orator, 8, 82, 88 The Siege of Rhodes, 10, 11, 12, 13, 93, 95, 103, Circulation, 1–2, 7, 40, 49, 50, 58, 62 104, 105, 122, 157, 176, 188–99, 200, 283; Circus Maximus, 159 The Tempest (see Dryden); The Temple of Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of, 257 Love, 115, 164–5; The Tragedy of Albovine, Cock-Pit, Drury Lane, 94, 104, 188, 97; The Triumphs of the Prince D’Amour, 191 161, 162–4; The Wits, 105; The Works of Sir Coke, Sir Edward, 143 William Davenant, 161 Colepeper, John, 35 Davis, Ralph, 42 Collier, Jeremy, 71, 290 Declaration of Indulgence, 268, 270 Composite. See Architecture, Orders of: Defoe, Daniel, 50, 51 Composite De l’Orme, Philibert, 125, 132. See also Jones Congreve, William, 54, 93, 100; Dedication to De Man, Paul, 232 The Double Dealer, 20, 287, 288 (see also Demosthenes, 8, 70, 71, 73, 75, 174 Dryden: “To my Dear Friend, Mr. Denham, John, 122; Cooper’s Hill, 12 Congreve”); The Double Dealer, 287; Love Dennis, John, 71 for Love, 54, 231; The Way of the World, 13, Description of the Office of Credit, A, 50 56, 250, 251, 283–93 Diamond, Elin, 250 Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness, 64 Discourse of Conscience, A, 269 Convention Parliament, 266 Discourse of Trade. See Trade, Discourse of Copiousness, 83 Divine Right, 34, 54, 267 Corinthian. See Architecture, Orders of: Doric. See Architecture, Orders of: Doric Corinthian Dorset Garden Theatre, 105 Corse, Taylor, 242 Downes, John, 60, 65, 105 Cotton, Sir Robert, 48 Downing, Sir George, 50, 51 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82837-6 - Restoration Drama and “The Circle of Commerce”: Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century Richard Kroll Index More information 330 Index Dryden, John, 2, 3, 9, 10, 33, 37, 43, 47, 49, 50, Fish, Stanley, 232 52, 53, 107, 139, 189, 200, 216, 229, 246; Fleming, Sir Thomas, 31 Absalom and Achitophel, 284, 293; Fletcher, John (see also Beaumont and Fletcher), Alexander’s Feast, 293; All for Love, 14, 23, 3, 20, 107, 283, 287; The Faithful 32, 231, 242, 249, 253–62, 276, 288, 291; Shepherdess, 20; The Humorous Lieutenant, Dedication to Danby, 256–7 (see also 20; The Island Princess, 20 Danby); Amphitryon, 58, 61, 263, 264–5, Florim`ene, 95 282, 286; Annus Mirabilis, 41, 50, 57, 184; Foakes, R. A., 109 Astrea Redux, 226, 284; The Conquest of Fortrey, Samuel, 51 Granada, 25; “To my Dear Friend, Mr. Frascari, Marco, 127 Congreve,” 283–7 (see also Congreve); Freke, William, 51, 292, 293 Dedication to the translation of the Aeneid, Freud, Sigmund, 275, 279, 280, 281, 282 41; “Discourse on the Original and Progress Frezer, Augustine, 280 of Satire,” 208; Don Sebastian, 14, 110, 196, 203, 245, 253, 254, 263–82; Dedication to Galen, 38 Leicester, 275, 286; Marriage a la Mode, 13, Gardiner, S. R., 30, 255 14, 105, 110, 192, 200, 207, 219–27, 232, 234, Gascoigne, George, 70–1 253, 254, 278, 290; Of Dramatic Poesy, Gassendi, Pierre, 167, 169 19–24, 26, 36, 39, 53, 60, 65, 80, 82–4, 89, Gauci, Perry, 49 191, 231, 254, 286, 291; Preface to the Fables, Gibbon’s Tennis Court Theatre, Vere Street, 188 207–9, 215; The State of Innocence, 239; The Gildon, Charles, 65, 73, 74–6; Life of Betterton, Tempest (with Davenant), 9, 12, 13, 94, 105, 71–2 107, 199–204, 231, 242; “To My Honour’d Glorious Revolution, 37, 265, 266, 272, 281, 286, Friend, Dr. Charleton,” 40, 184; 290, 293 Translation of the Aeneid, 275; Translation Gordon, D. J., 96, 122 of Juvenal X, 249 Gorgias, 88 Dubos, Jean Baptiste, 66, 76–8 Great Contract, failure of, 30–1 Duffy, Maureen, 240 Grand Remonstrance, 39 Dutch Wars, 5, 49, 204, 231, 236, 238, 261; First Greene, Thomas M., 130 Dutch War, 6, 42, 50, 249; Second Dutch Gurr, Andrew, 94, 97 War, 21, 40, 45, 50, 66, 76–8, 201, 203, 231, 255; Third Dutch War, 8, 41, 42, 51, 57, 220, Harbage, Alfred, 104 231, 234, 240, 241, 246, 255, 291 Harris, John, 149, 150; and Gordon Higgott, 145 (see also Higgott) East India Company, 5, 43 Hart, Vaughan, 124, 219, 229 Economics, 5 Harveian Revolution, 57, 59–62, 97 Edict of Nantes, revocation of the, 270 Harvey, William, 6, 37, 38, 39, 49, 60, 261, 285, Edovardus Confessor Redivivus, 280 297; Anatomical Exercitations, 38; De Ellesby, James, 280 Circulatione Sanguinis, 37; De Generationis, Engagement Controversy, 37 37, 40, 50; De Motu Cordis, 2, 7, 37, 38, 49, Erasmus, Desiderius, 79, 131 111, 261 Etherege, Sir George, 284; The Man of Mode, Henrietta Maria, Queen, 112, 118, 120, 165 247, 251, 283, 288, 289, 290 Herle, Charles: A Fuller Answer, 36 Euripides, 70 Heywood, Thomas, 94 Evelyn, John, 8, 43, 103, 293; Navigation and Hickes, George, 271–2 Commerce, 52 Higgot, Gordon (see also Harris), 144, 148 Exclusion Crisis, 37, 266, 279, 284 Hirshman, A.

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