Winter 1993-94 VoL XV, No.1 Discovering enHidd Treasures EDITORS Mirando Doyle Kevin Talbot S/crlOtdl.\'WIIeIt!Iy Un..... 1IlIy ct � CONTENTS CONTRIBUTO RS Erik Ugland Mike Hiestand lkIMl'IIIvct Mm.solo lowSc:hool ACCESS COVER ART __ •.• _ .. ___ 4 Jack Dickason Courts uphold open recordslaws Red &: Blad: victorious inaccess case .. .. .. ........ 5 ART Man wins right to view sex-ed films .. ... ....... ...... 6 Jim B(Qndetsas McDe(mott Hea1nel' Michiganpapers win suitagainst university ...... 7 Brod Conn Charles Murroy Reporter fUes suitin Louisiana .... .. ... .... .... ... .. 8 SheldonJames Rodney Rodgel! Ed Dept. policyers diff for theses.. ... ...... ..... 9 Paul Kinsella John TfO\AsanO Dan Kim Bruce Young Task force hopes to openrecords . ....... ... .. ... .. .. 9 Vignelle settles suit with school ....................... 10 Student Pres.s Law Center l1epcrl ...... 1 rr-CurIor t.... _".n (lSS)i' ''�... � .. __ Arizona srudent paper shuns governm ent . .... 1 ) S'IIuIaIc � la ... c.a&.tr, -,*-.....,...,1 caMO .ad_ ............ ,.,..,� Oklahoma professor sues boss ......................... 11 IItwMac:Ck,�ot tboo""*'" _ rwSPLCJIqoof;" ,...rd>.td,wrlUorl ...... .-.- ..,�. ... .....ot_ "_ Sb""-C ""-l.¥to'R.-t, Caler V6I. xv, � I, WI8... "�M."I pubIIoIoo<I 1>1 cboB�"'-"' .. Cao,*, 1 ... ,.... 504,1m l:7.IIIl'ett,H.W. w"�1acI<>e.DC _ (ltl)W-JloIl. � C 1m a......t "'- W..Cetar IlL Allr1&hlo POLITICAL CORRECTNESS .-...L v.. ,.". -..- '"�5I'LC.".naU SUo a...lrlb..- .,. tar Iowa papers drawftre ...... ........ -....sw.. " ....� ....... _.� .. _)J. Two ... ... 13 Court reinstates professor ..... ........................... 13 Encultv_ Director MOOc Goodman HIGH SCHOOL CENSORSHIP staff Attorney Adm/nlstraltve AU/stant __..• _.• _ ...... Mike HIestand Chr1sffna Gross Back to class ro r school omcials 14 Ground-breaking in New Jersey.. .. .... Corporate Boardof Directors case . 15 Ohio school censors ad andeditorial . .... .. .... ..... 16 Nancy L GrMn Student blamedfor principal'sresignation ... ... 17 � Sllldents suspended for underground paper.. .. .. 17 v" �on. Floridastu dent suspended fo r artwork. .. .. .. .... 18 Carolyn Jone. Howard . .... ..... .. Atlorge Freeexpression legislationpending . 18 ·0Ut.Ellngton SdIooIo( the Am WOIIW"Qton. DC CAMPUS CRIME Dr. louls E. IngelMrt &T..nn.. Police reportsstir conlJ'Oversy in Arizona. .. .. 20 ·8oI S1at. � MLW"ICIe N . UCLA papersues for settlementinf o . .. .... ..... 21 RIchard Johns QuI! aid SaoISociety . lJnt..oenIyol lolO'C LEGAL ANALVSIS IowoCIty. � Distributingpublications oncampus ....... .. .. .. .. 22 Jane E. Kirtley, Esq. A&ooIt� CommllleelOt IIHdo m ct the PNtI COLLEGE CENSORSHIP Wc.hngIon. DC Dr. UlUan lodge A rising tide 01Dewspaper thefts__ . __... ....... 28 Kopenhav., Intern facesjail time ..... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .... _ .. .... ...... 31 At l.OtQe 'F!oIldo WemotlOrd UtWoenIIy Rorida student government threatens funds .. .. 31 Noll" MlcrnI. fl New York paperstops publishing .... .. ..... ..... .. .. 32 Paul Me Matters . .. .. .... Society ctPIolftliord Joumdlrh SUNY campus readmitsreporter . .... 32 'FIMdomI'on6n Admissions office dumpspaper . ... ..... .. .... ... .. .. 33 A.IIncr1on.V" rom Rolnlckl NoIfonci SchobsIIcPr9Q ADVISERS AIIocbt!onI"-':1a19d Collegial. Pree Louisiana adviser loses case .... ...... ........ ..... 33 'UrMrJIIy�o I>f MImeopoIt. MN Candace Per1t!ns CONFIDENTIALITY JouIrdIm £dJc::ofIonAIoodatlon ·St. Cha1eo$choQl KIlt! Law slUdenl's taped interView protected ....... .. 34 �. C/'lcJ1et. L Edmund J. SulRvan LJ BEL �SchobtIo I'I&tlAasocIoIIoI1 Courts offer prottctions fo r newspapers ... ... 35 '�rrcIo�1IIy NewYortt.foN Ohio police offlCCt appealing dismissal. .......... 36 Robert Treger, Esq. Judge sayscartoon not libelous . ... .. .. 36 ...Il org6 was ... 1/0091 a Row1crd Pennsylvaniajudge dismisses suiL.... .. .. .. ... .. 37 'u-Minlty0( CoIQIOdo Bouldet, CO Charges against yearbookeditor dropped ... ..... 37 LauraWId mer Personal ads sparklibel suit ............................. 37 CoIeoo �AcMIe" • NoIlhW9tl),4IaoU'l stete ..... Un 1IIIy MaryI4t. t.4O • Qroonitafloru(or Pl.fpo$elldentflcatlon " oN.{ Louisana college paper that fights theft is honored with press freedom award W ASIHNGTON, D.C. -TheLouisi· tionpoints around the campus.. Within pline the sllldents for their actions. In ana student newspaper sWf that bas days,the student gov ernment president editOOak.new the spaper condemned the activelypmsued criminal chargesagainst had been arrestedrelating to the theft. theftas anaffront to their readers as well aslUdentaceuge'd taking of 15 perceIltof He cmrently awaits trial on chargesof as theFirst AmendmenL thepaper's press run has been namedthe '"1'0 steal newspapers so as to deny recipient of the 1993 Scholastic Press others the opportunity to see whatis in Freedom Award.. them is the c:ra.ssest, lowest fonn ot Tbestaff o f TheLion' sRlXJTal South· censorship,"Colooa wrote a in column.. eastern Louisiana University in "These are the IaCtics of an Adolph Hammond received the award at the Hider, a MIlSSOIinior a Joseph Stalin." Associated CoUege PressICollege Me­ "NO(only did UUevesthese censor the dia Advisers nation.eJ convention in paper.they cheated the campus commu­ Dallas,.• Tex on OcL30. nity," shewrote. Thea� spoosaedStudent bythe Inpesenting the Scholastic PressFree­ PressLaw Ceruerand d1eNational Sch0- domAward (0 � Lion'sRoar, Student lastic Press Associatioo/ AssociatedCol· Press Law Center uecutive Director legiale Press, isgiveneach year to the Mruk Goodman cited the newspaper's highschool �conege stll dentjournalist uncompromisingresponse to the grow­ or studentnews medium that has dem­ ing problemof newspaperlheft (SeeA onstrated outstanding support for the CRIME WAVE, 28.)page free pressrights of students. "At a time when the theft ofstudent TM Lion's Roar's battle for press publications has epidemicreached pro­ freedombegan in March 1993 when the pationsoncoIlegecamposes, I'm proud studentnewspapapublished a story de­ topresennbeaward 10.8 college publica­ scribing the frustration felt by studeD1S tion that is leading thefightagainst it," on campusabout waiting months f� the saidGoodman. '1lntil school8dmjnjs­ school's stlldentgovernment to distri� trat.ors and law enforcement officials ute over $2.5 million for campus im­ criminalmischief over the incident (See put a stopto newspaper no theft, college pro�meDts. Appruxicnarely 2.000 cop­ GOOD ENOUGHTO STEAL,Fall 1993 publicationcan feelsafe inexposing it! ies of the issue in which the story ap­ SPLCReport, page 4.) readers to controversial viewpoints or pearedwere confiscated fromdistribu- TheLion's Roar.under the leadership unpleasantfacts." of 1992--93 editor Dori Colona, urged Nominees for the Scholastic Press the campuspolice and prosecutorlocal Freedom Award should be sent to the The ReportStaff to pmsue criminal charges against the Student .Press Law Center and are ac· thieves and asked the school to disci· cepreduntil Aug. 1 of each year.. -, Miranda Doyle is a senior at Stanford Universitywh o aspires to be ha high school newspaper ad· SPLC now connected to Internet viser, Harvey Wehner. An ovine TheStudent Press Law Center is now Severa110picaldiscussion lists of � aficionado, she has spent most of connected to themuch talked about In­ cial interest to the student media now her coUege career at TM Stanford formatioDHighway.Recently,theSPLC exist on the Internet. Theyinclude ool· Daily editing stories on giantcysts gained access to the Internet, a world­ lege publication topics (ema. and napping in the lounge. widecomputer network that links thou­ [email protected]) high schoolme­ Kevin Talbot is a May 1993 sands of sub-networks, private sectOr diaropIcs(bBjourn @vm.ccJatecb.edu) graduate of the University of Wis· rums,nonprofit instiDlUons, schools and and college broadcasting topic. coruin at Madison wherehe was a government agencies. You cancontact ([email protected]). reporterfor theBadger H�rald. He the SPLC with an electronic mail mes.­ For more infoonarion on the college plans to attendlaw schoolin thefall sage addressed to [email protected]. andhigh schoolmedia lisu.C(WaC:tEddie of 1994 after attending the Rose Ifyou needquick: infonnation or advice, Blick 81 Louisiana Tech University 11 Bowl in Pasadena. pleasecall us. (318)257-4427. Winter 1993-94 SPlCReport3 FISHING FOR ANSWERS Courts help provide the media with more access to universityrec ords f campus records have been viewed as 8 lost One would think that thesecases wouldseale the issue treasure buried somewhere a1 the boaom of the of accesscoUege to campllSCS. Bat they have not I sea, then it looks as though the public need not At Micbigan State University,the local has media filed learn to swim to get access tothem anymore. a lawsuitbecause the school did not open itspresidential In the paSL,universitieshave hidden certainmaterials searchto the public. Nor hasthe Georgia case helped other that should havebeen open LO the public in a Bennuda studentnewspapers. Sllldentsal Georgia Stale University, Triangle of files - lost fo rever. Louisiana State Uni­ But thepublic hJlSfo und a way tobreak away from versity81 Shrevepo rt., this obstacle and afliml itS rights.. the UnivetSi[yofAJa­ This fall, the ,highestC()wtS in three bamaandthe Univer­ statesdecided Ih3l an,educational sity of Arkansas at instirution in their 8lale, Fayetteville have re­ supportedby taxpayer ported being denied doUars, bad not com- records of judicial hearings. pliedwiLh lbe pubuc's (��S�:g�� ProPOIlCllIS of open access
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