A new award for young writers Eureka Street is delighted to announce the inaugural Margaret Dooley Young Writers' Award One of the di These arguments ideally address peo pl e who own religious be li ef, and those whose view of the world is secu lar. To reflect ethical ly on public issues is a demanding discipline. h•s field. Margaret and Brendan Dooley have longstanding connection s to the Jesuits and Xavier Co llege . Margaret always appreciated the value of commun ication and education for young people, based on spiritual and personal val ues. She graduated from Sacre Coeur College in 1950, com menced nursing at St Vin ce nt's Hospital and, with Brendan, raised four chil dren. Margaret died in 2004. The Dooley family are pleased to support th is initiative. previously published or unpublished, under the age of 40. Entrants must submit two previously unpublished articles that offer: ethical reflection directed to a non-specialist audience on any serious to pic, appeal to humane values, such as those that are found within, but are not exclusive to, the best of the Christian trad ition , clear argument and elegant expression, and a generosity and courtesy of spirit animating forceful argument. One article shou ld be of no more than 800 words. The second shoul d be of no more than 2000 words. They may take up the sa me, or different, topics. Entries are to be submitted by 5pm Friday, 29 July 2005, to : Margaret Dooley Young Writers' Award, Eureka Street, PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3121. The award wil l be made only if the judge s believe that the best entry is of sufficient quality. The winner will be publi shed in the September issue of Eureka Street. For more information and an app li cation form please go to www.eurekastreet.com.au Encountering the Image: Paintings and their Poems Professor Peter Steele SJ Many modern poems are prompted by works of art. Professor Peter Steele of the Un ive rsity of Melbourne is completing his second book of poems of this kind. He will speak on ways in which four modern poets have responded to paintings in their own work. Date W ednesday 4th May Time S. ISpm - 6.15pm Venue StMary's College and Newman College Academic Centre 887 Swanston Street, Parkville Enter via the gate south of Newman College Chapel Parking Available in Swanston Street or in the University for $4. enter via Tin Alley. Academic Centre Outreach Program Further information Fi ona Sal isbu ry e fi [email protected] p 03 9342 1614 Os:<> '> V:Cl EUREKA STREE I z> c!:::! s:~ ~0 .,...,;o-, s:C COMMENT ?< ~ Nn 4 Andrew Hamilton A radical faith O)> o-n 5 Liz Curran The human side of poverty ln ~ ;o ,V> -4 I COLUMNS rn >;o -4 7 Summa theologiae V> Andrew Hamilton Cultural consolidation > 36 Brac ing for th e five-rin g circus z 8 Archimedes 0 Jerem y Clarke visits Beijing -4 Tim Thwaites Of life and death I and finds a city busily preparing 8 9 Capital letter itself to host the 2008 Olympics. 5 [) Ja cl<Wat erford What crisis? -< 10 By th e way POETRY Brian Matthews Portuguese invasion 11 Robert Drummond Riding the 50 Watching Bri ef bycycle, The abyss Juliette Hughes Lest we forget IN PRINT THE MONTH'S TRAFFI C 6 Anthony Ham Population time bomb 38 Fascinating and disturbing mysteri es 7 Steve Game Beyond the screen of sight Rosamund Dalziell reviews Haunted Earth, by Peter Read. 39 The quintesse ntial storytell er FEATURES Christopher Gleeson finds much 12 Getting rea l in Ulster to admire in Maryanne Confoy's Hugh Dillon examines the barriers to peace in Morris We t: Literary Maverick. Northern Ireland. 40 Governments bearing moral gifts Edi tor Marce lle Mogg 15 Rancour in th e rank and file Andrew Hamilton reflects on Marion Assistant editor Robert Hefn er Nick Way looks at the reasons behind poor Maddox's God under Howard: Graphic designers Maggie Power, j anneke morale among Victoria's biggest union. The Rise of the Religious Right in Storteboom Australian Politics. Director Christopher Gleeson 51 18 Morning in East Timor Bu si ness manager Mark Dowell Morag Fra ser discovers its heart. 43 Th e best that money ca n buy Marketing/ advertising mana ger Camille Collins Sally Young's The Persuaders: In side Subscriptions Deni se Ca mpbell 20 Th e imposs ible dream li ves on Editoria l, production and administration Anthony Ham reacquaints himself with the Hidden Machine of Political assis tants Geraldine Ba tt ersby, Lee Beasley Advertising is an important book for film editor Siobhan Jackson Spain's most famous novel, Don Quixote. Poetry editor Phi lip Harvey those interested in political and social j es uit editorial board Andrew Ham ilton Sl, 22 The power of th e word change, says Peter Yewers. Greg Baum, Virginia Bourke, jane Mayo Gillian Bouras fi nds Ulm Minster a testament 44 Brilliant buddies Ca rolan, Christopher Gleeson Sl, to our eternal longing for understanding. M arcell e Mogg, j ack Waterford Ralph Elliott reviews Gustav Born's new Patrons Eureka Street gratefully acknowledges 24 Torn between art and activism edition of Max Born's The Born-Einstein th e support of C. and A. Ca rter; th e Tim Bonyhady remembers Judith Wright. trustees of th e estate of Miss M . Condon; Letters 1916-1955: Friendship, Politics W.P. & M.W. Gurry 26 just neighbours and Ph ysics in Uncertain Times. Madeleine Byrne explores the boundaries, Eureka Street magazine, ISS N 1036- 1758, 47 The shortli st Austra lia Pos t Print Pos t approved pp349181/ both geographical and moral, between Reviews of the books Speaking for 00314, is published ten times a year by Australia and Timor-Leste. Australia: Parliamentary speeches Eureka Stree t Magazi ne Pt y Ltd, 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond VIC 3121 29 Advancing Australi a fa ir that shaped our nation; Direct action PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3121 Tim Martyn says young Australians and democracy today; Scraps of Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fa x: 03 9428 4450 have become wary of the political hard Heaven and Lazy Man in China. email : eureka®jespub.jes uit .org.au http://www.eureka stree t.com.a u/ sell pitched by the major parties. Responsibility for editorial content is acce pted 30 Not beating about th e bush by Andrew Hamilton Sl, THEATRE 300 Victoria St reet, Ri chmond Alison Aprhys reports on the Australian Bush Printed by Doran Printing Heritage Fund's work to secure important 46 Bad eggs 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3195. areas of biodiverse bush for the future. Robert Hefner reviews Hannie Rayson's © jes uit Publications 2005 Two Brothers. Unsoli cited manu sc ript s will not be returned. 32 Hit and myth Please do nol se nd original photographs or ar t Bridget Jones could have taken a few work unless requested. Reques ts for perm iss ion to reprint material from th e magazine should lessons from Elizabeth Bennet, in the FLASH IN THE PAN be addressed in writing to th e editor. opinion of Leah De Forest. 48 Reviews of the fi lms Bad Education, This month 34 Th e known world Young Adam, Look at Me and Robots. Cover: Illustration by Lu cille Hughes, Anna Griffiths argues that Grace Cossington celebrating th e 400th anni versa ry of the first Smith captures the genius loci of her publication of Don Quixote. Story p20. PUZZLED Cover des ign: Maggie Power environment as finely as any painter of the Cartoons: Dea n Moore p18 and p28 grand sublime vista. 51 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword c< mnwnt Andrew Hamilton A radical faith D ATH BRmGs us ALL b"k to wth. So Pope found many new gestures: he was the first pope John Paul II has died and has left his responsibili­ to preach in a Lutheran church, the first pope in ties to others. Christians believe that the God who recorded memory to visit a synagogue, the first pope loved him as Karol has now welcomed him to share to enter a mosque, and almost certainly the first Christ's life. For them nothing that the Pope did is pope to kiss the Qur'an. more important than his adamantine faith in this But what he did at Assisi was different because it Good News. They will find an adequate response to was uncontrolled. There the Pope was seen as one of his death in prayer and gratitude. many religious leaders. They were invited to pray in Fallen human beings, however, look for the epi­ their own way in Catholic churches of the city. The sight thets, sound bites, places and events that sum up a of the Pope in Assisi to pray as one Christian among life and a papacy. Some search in Poland. I find it in other Christians, as one theist among other theists, Assisi, the town to which in 1986 the Pope invited disturbed many Christians both within and without leaders of the world's religions to join him in praying the Catholic Church. Its consequences are vast and for world peace. have yet to be articulated. But he was unperturbed. As more generally with Pope John Paul II, what he He chose the town of Assisi deliberately. He did in Assisi was more important than what he said. wished to associate the event with St Francis of Assisi, He was a master of the symbolic gesture.
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