16-17 A RVA RD L O BA L N ST I T U T E September H G I 2016 EN V I RO N M EN T I N I T I AT I V E FACU LT Y W O RK SH O P 2 HGI Environm ent Init iat ive Facult y Workshop 16-17 Sept em ber 2016 3 The Har var d Global Institute (HGI) was founded by Pr esident Dr ew Faust in October 2015 to suppor t scholar ship and progr ams that w ill deepen Har var d's inter national engagement and promote Univer sity-w ide r esear ch on major global challenges. MESSAGE As par t of the HGI, the Environmental Humanities Initiative (Environment Initiative) ? cur r ently in its seed-gr ant phase ? is dedicated to developing multifaceted inter disciplinar y r esear ch FROM THE progr ams focused on how human communities from earliest times to the pr esent, w ithin and across national bor der s, gr apple w ith ecological challenges. In the spir it of the fir st HGI gr ants, the HGI DIRECTOR Environment Initiative is China-inclusive, not China-exclusive. This w eekend's w orkshop, the fir st of its kind at Har var d, br ings together faculty member s, postdoctor al fellow s, and gr aduate students from 10 Har var d schools ? Har var d Business School, Har var d Divinity School, Faculty of Ar ts and Sciences, Gr aduate School of Design, Har var d Gr aduate School of Education, Har var d John A. Paulson School of Engineer ing and Applied Sciences, Har var d Kennedy School, Har var d Law School, Har var d Medical School, and Har var d T.H. Chan School of Public Health ? as w ell as sever al leading scholar s from outside the univer sity. Par ticipants have been asked to talk br iefly about the kinds of questions they ask, the methodologies they deploy, and the types of mater ials they use in their r esear ch on environmental challenges, as w ell as about the impact of their w ork. The objectives ar e 1) to introduce to one another colleagues w orking on environmental challenges in differ ent fields/Har var d schools, and 2) to help us think together about the kinds of futur e collabor ative w ork across fields, disciplines, and schools ? both in r esear ch and in teaching ? that ar e most needed going for war d and w hich w e should highlight in the Environment Initiative full funding proposal to be submitted to the univer sity in July 2017. The environmental humanities ar e an emerging tr ansdisciplinar y enter pr ise that is becoming a key par t of the liber al ar ts and an indispensable component of the tw enty-fir st centur y univer sity. This field br ings together scholar s from a w ide r ange of disciplines (including but also extending far beyond the humanities), providing a shar ed space in w hich to engage w ith some of the planet's gr eatest environmental challenges. Ultimately, the aim is to promote the cultur al tr ansfor mations necessar y for r educing ecological devastation and anticipating an incr easingly uncer tain and potentially tr aumatic futur e. The European Science Foundation Responses to Environmental and Social Challenges for Our Unstable Ear th (RESCUE) Initiative has proposed a Radically Inter - and Tr ansdisciplinar y Resear ch Environment (RITE) model ? one alr eady used in medicine ? "to ensur e that all r elevant know ledge is har nessed collabor atively from the outset w hen approaching a problem, and no single discipline maintains over all dominance." This is pr ecisely w hat w e ar e endeavor ing to achieve at Har var d. Welcome! Kar en Thor nber Dir ector , Har var d Global Institute Environmental Humanities Initiative Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and of Compar ative Liter atur e Victor and William Fung Dir ector , Har var d Univer sity Asia Center Chair , Har var d Univer sity Council on Asian Studies 4 HGI Environm ent Init iat ive Facult y Workshop Friday, Sept em ber 16, 2016 FRIDAY 8:00am ? 8:30am ? Br eak fast/Coffee and Regi str ati on (Room S030) 8:30am ? 8:40am ? Intr oductor y Rem ar k s by Kar en Thor nber SCHEDULE (Room S020) Panel 1 ? 8:45am ? 10:15am Mike McElroy Dan Schr ag Emmanuel Akyeampong Xiaoxuan Lu Jennifer Nash Discussant: Peter Per due Panel 2 ? 10:20am ? 11:50am Ned Fr iedman Ian Miller Gillian Osbor ne Kr isten Stilt Chr is Gr een Discussant: Stephanie LeMenager LUNCH ? 11:50am ? 1:00pm (Room S030) Panel 3 ? 1:00pm ? 2:30pm David Chr istiani Joseph Br ain Jeffr ey Schnapp Sophia Roosth Discussant: Ling Zhang 16-17 Sept em ber 2016 5 Panel 4 ? 2:35pm ? 4:05pm Fr ank Clooney Benny Schaffer Amy Zhang Dor is Sommer Mar iano Siskind Discussant: Stephanie LeMenager COFFEE BREAK ? 4:05pm ? 4:20pm Panel 5 ? 4:20pm ? 5:50pm Rema Hanna Cor ey Byr nes James Robson Tina Grotzer Peter Galison Discussant: Sar a Pr itchar d OPEN DISCUSSION (ful l gr oup) ? 6:00pm ? 6:45pm ? faci l i tated by Peter Per due DINNER: 7:00pm ? Har var d Facul ty Cl ub - Nor th Di ni ng Room , 20 Qui ncy Str eet Al l panel s take pl ace on the l ower l evel of the CGIS South Bui l di ng, 1730 Cam br i dge Str eet i n Cam br i dge, i n the Bel fer Case Study Room , S020. Coffee br eak s and l unches take pl ace i n S030, al so on the l ower l evel of the CGIS South Bui l di ng. 6 HGI Environm ent Init iat ive Facult y Workshop Sat urday, Sept em ber 17, 2016 SATURDAY 8:30am ? 9:00am ? Br eak fast/Coffee (Room S030) SCHEDULE Panel 6 ? 9:00am ? 10:30am Sunil Amr ith Melissa Ragain Laur a Jane Mar tin Mark Wu Richar d Lazar us Discussant: Sar a Pr itchar d Panel 7 ? 10:35am ? 12:15pm Iza Ding Joyce Chaplin Julia Tanner Munjed Mur ad Dan McKanan Discussant: Aaron Sachs LUNCH ? 12:15pm ? 1:00pm (Room S030) Panel 8 ? 1:00pm ? 2:30pm Aaron Allen Ver ena Conley Pier r e Bélanger Eli Nelson Discussant: Aaron Sachs WRAP-UP DISCUSSION (ful l gr oup) ? 2:30pm ? 3:15pm ? faci l i tated by Ed Russel l , Kar en Thor nber , and Li ng Zhang 16-17 Sept em ber 2016 7 CGIS South Bui l di ng Har var d Facul ty Cl ub DIRECTIONS/ 1730 Cambr idge Str eet 20 Quincy Str eet Cambr idge, MA 02138 Cambr idge, MA 02138 MAPS For dinner on Fr iday, September 16, 2016, the walk from the CGIS South Building to the Har var d Faculty Club takes approximately 4 minutes. 8 HGI Environm ent Init iat ive Facult y Workshop PEOPLE In alphabeti cal or der by fi r st nam es: Aaron Allen Kar en Thor nber Aaron Sachs Kr isten Stilt Amy Zhang Laur a Jane Mar tin Benny Schaffer Ling Zhang Chr is Gr een Mar iano Siskind Cor ey Byr nes Mark Wu Dan McKanan Melissa Ragain Dan Schr ag Mike McElroy David Chr istiani Munjed Mur ad Dor is Sommer Ned Fr iedman Ed Russell Peter Galison Eli Nelson Peter Per due Emmanuel Akyeampong Pier r e Bélanger Fr ank Clooney Rema Hanna Gillian Osbor ne Richar d Lazar us Ian Miller Sar a Pr itchar d Iza Ding Sophia Roosth James Robson Stephanie LeMenager Jeffr ey Schnapp Sunil Amr ith Jennifer Nash Tina Grotzer Joseph Br ain Ver ena Conley Joyce Chaplin Xiaoxuan Lu Julia Tanner 16-17 Sept em ber 2016 9 Aar on Al l en Aaron S. Allen is Dir ector of the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Progr am and Associate Professor of Music at the Univer sity of Nor th Carolina at Gr eensboro (UNCG). Allen ser ved as UNCG?s fir st Academic Sustainability Coor dinator , helped establish the Sustainability Faculty Fellow s Progr am, and continues to ser ve on the executive committee of the UNCG Sustainability Council and on the UNCG Gr een Fund. He co-edited Current Directions in Ecomusicology (w ith Kevin Daw e, 2016) and is w orking on a book tentatively titled ?Fidelio in Italy: Beethoven Reception, Histor iogr aphy, and the Cr isis of 19th-Centur y Oper a.? Aar on Sachs Aaron Sachs is Professor of Histor y and Amer ican Studies at Cor nell Univer sity, w her e he founded the Cor nell Roundtable on Environmental Studies Topics in 2010. He is also a Faculty Fellow at Cor nell's Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Futur e. Sachs is the author of The Humboldt Current: Nineteenth-Century Exploration and the Roots of American Environmentalism (2006) and Arcadian America: The Death and Life of an Environmental Tradition (2013). Am y Zhang Amy Zhang is the 2016-2017 An Wang Postdoctor al Fellow at Har var d's Fair bank Center for Chinese Studies. She is a cultur al and environmental anthropologist focusing on the ecological, political, and social processes of city making in China. Her book project examines the waste management cr isis in Guangzhou and tr aces how the mater ial pr actices of infor mal collector s, as w ell as the grow ing contentions by citizens and environmentalists, challenge the state's vision of development, moder nization, and planned cities.
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