Bibliography of Carl William Blegen

Bibliography of Carl William Blegen

BIBLIOGRAPHYOF CARL WILLIAMBLEGEN 1918 "The Pre-Mycenaean Pottery of the Mainland," B.S.A., XXII, 1916-1918, pp. 175- 189 (with A. J. B. Wace) 1920 " Corinth in Prehistoric Times," A.J.A., XXIV, 1920, pp. 1-13, 274 1921 Korakou, A Prehistoric Settlement near Corinth, Boston and New York, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1921 1922 " Excavations at Zygouries, 1921," Art and Archaeology, XIII, 1922, pp. 85-90 " Excavations in Greece in 1921," Art and Archaeology, XIII, May 1922, pp. 209-216 1923 " Corinth in Prehistoric Times," AA.J.., XXVII, 1923, pp. 156-163 1924 Excavations in Greece-Report of the Campaign of 1924 carried on at Nemea, Cin- cinnati, University of Cincinnati, 1924 1925 " Excavations at the Argive Heraeum 1925," A.J.A., XXIX, 1925, pp. 413-428 " American Excavations at Nemea 1924," Art and Archaeology, XIX, April 1925, pp. 175-184 " Excavations at Phlius 1924," Art and Archaeology, XX, July, 1925, pp. 23-33 " The Premycenaean Pottery of the Southern Greek Mainland," Classification des ceramiques antiques. Union acade'miqueinternationale, Paris, 1925 1926 " The Site of Opous," A.J.A., XXX, 1926, pp. 401-404 " The December Excavations at Nemea," Art and Archaeology, XXII, October, 1926, pp. 127-135 American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® 288 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF CARL WILLIAMBLEGEN 1927 " Excavations at Nemea 1926," A.J.A., XXXI, 1927, pp. 421-440 1928 Zygouries, A Prehistoric Settlement in the Valley of Cleonae, Cambridge, Mass., American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1928 "The Coming of the Greeks, II, The Geographical Distribution of Prehistoric Re- mains in Greece,"AA.J.., XXXII, 1928, pp. 146-154 1929 Review of Sir Arthur Evans, The Palace of Minos at Knossos, Vol. II, 1928, A.J.A., XXXIII, 1929, pp. 450-452 1930 Corinth, III, i, Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926, Cambridge, Mass., American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1930, Chapters I and II 'Ava-Kacia t7rep'LTo 'Hpactov Tov "Apyovq, AEXr., XI, 1927-1928 (1930), llapap. pp. 42-43 "Gonia," Metropolitan Museum Studies, III, Part 1, 1930, pp. 55-80 1931 Review of Georg Karo, Die Schachtgraber von Mykenai, 1930, A.J.A., XXXV, 1931, pp. 356-357 Review of Kurt Miuller, Tiryns, Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Instituts, III Die Architektur der Burg und des Palastes, 1930, A.J.A., XXXV, 1931, pp. 355-356 Review of G. M. A. Richter, Animals in Greek Sculpture, 1930, Classical Journal, XXVI, 1931, pp. 713-714 1932 " Excavations at Troy 1932," A.J.A., XXXVI, 1932, pp. 431-451 Review of Hetty Goldman,Excavations at Eutresis in Boeotia, 1931, A.J.A., XXXVI, 1932 pp. 198-199 Review of Axel W. Persson, The Royal Tombs at Dendra near Midea, 1931, A.J.A., XXXVI, 1932, p. 574 Review of David M. Robinson, Excavations at Olynthus, II, Architecture and Sculp- ture, 1930, A.J.A., XXXVI, 1932, pp. 368-369 Review of Emil Kunze, Orchomenos, II: Die Neolithische Keramik, 1931, Gnomon, VIII, 1932, pp. 660-661 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF CARL WILLIAMBLEGEN 289 1933 "Excavations at Troy 1932," Arch. Anz., XLVIII, 1933, cols. 187-191 Review of George E. Mylonas, llpoF-roptKq 'EXEvois, 1932, A.J.A., XXXVII, 1933, pp. 634-635 Review of J. G. O'Neill, Ancient Corinth, with a Topographical Sketch of the Corinthia, Part 1, 1930, AJ.A., XXXVII, 1933, p. 647 1934 "Excavations at Troy 1933," A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, pp. 223-248 " Inscriptions on Geometric Pottery from Hymettos," A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, pp. 10-28 Review of Georges Seure, A la recherche d'Ithaque et de Troie, 1933, A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, pp. 491-492 Review of Marten Stenberger, 0iland Under Aldre Jfrnaldern, 1933, A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, p. 491 Review of A. J. B. Wace, Chamber Tombs at Mycenae, 1933, A.J.A., XXXVIII, 1934, pp. 610-612 1935 " Excavations at Troy 1934," A.J.A., XXXIX, 1935, pp. 6-34 " Excavations at Troy 1935," A.J.A., XXXIX, 1935, pp. 550-587 1936 Review of Einar Gjerstad, John Lindros, Erik Sj6qvist, Alfred Westholm, The Swedish Cyprus Expedition, I, 1934, A.J.A., XL, 1936, pp. 173-174 1937 Prosymna, the Helladic Settlement Preceding the Argive Heraeum, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1937 (with Elizabeth Pierce Blegen) " Excavations at Troy 1936," A.J.A., XLI, 1937, pp. 17-51 " Excavations at Troy 1937," A.J.A., XLI, 1937, pp. 553-597 " Post-Mycenaean Deposits in Chamber-Tombs,"'ApX. 'Eb., 1937, pp. 377-390 " New Evidence for Dating the Settlements at Troy," B.S.A., XXXVII, 1936-1937, pp. 8-12 'Truva hafriyati 1932-1937," Ikinci Tirk tarih kongresi, Istanbul, 1937 1938 "The Determination of Greek Trade in the Bronze Age," Summary in Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, CLXIX-CLXXI, 1938, pp. 1-2 (with A. J. B. Wace) 290 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARL WILLIAM BLEGEN Review of Winifred Lamb, Excavations at Thermi in Lesbos, 1936, A.J.A., XLII, 1938, pp. 593-594 Review of Ernst Meyer, Briefe von Heinrich Schliemann, 1936, A.J.A., XLII, 1938, pp. 594-596 1939 " Excavations at Troy 1938," A.J.A., XLIII, 1939, pp. 205-228 " Excavations at Pylos 1939," A.J.A., XLIII, 1939, pp. 557-576 (with K. Kourou- niotis) " Prosymna: Remains of Post-Mycenaean Date," A.J.A., XLIII, 1939, pp. 410-444 " Nestor's Palace at Pylos," Illustrated London News, CXCIV, June 3, 1939, pp. 979-981 " Pottery as Evidence for Trade and Colonisation in the Aegean Bronze Age," Klio, XXXII, 1939, pp. 131-147 (with A. J. B. Wace) Review of Kenton Frank Vickery, Food in Early Greece, 1936, A.J.A., XLIII, 1939, pp. 162-163 Review of Winifred Lamb, Excavations at Thermi in Lesbos, 1936, Gnomon, XV, 1939, pp. 80-84 1940 "Athens and the Early Age of Greece," Athenian Studies Presented to W. S. Fergu- son (Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, SupplementaryVol. I), Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1940, pp. 1-9 Review of Otto Fr6din and Axel W. Persson, Asine, 1938, A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pp. 155-156 1941 "The 'Halberd' from the 6th Shaft Grave," 'Fnnrvp,uBtovXpo-Trov To-oi5vra'ApXEZOv Tov' epaKLKovl AaoypacSKov' Ka, rPX(0aKoiv 0,qocavpov'. 'EIrT4ETpOV, Suppl. Vol. VI, pp. 423-428 "Preclassical Greece," Studies in the Arts and Architecture, University of Pennsyl- vania Bicentennial Conference, Philadelphia, 1941, pp. 1-14 Necrology of Sir Arthur Evans, A.J.A., XLV, 1941, pp. 611-613 1945 " The Roof of the Mycenaean Megaron," A.J.A., XLIX, 1945, pp. 35-44 1949 "Hyria," Hesperia, SupplementVIII, CommemorativeStudies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear, 1949, pp. 39-42 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF CARL WILLIAMBLEGEN 291 1950 Troy, Excavations Conducted by the University of Cincinnati 1932-1938, Princeton, Princeton University Press for the University of Cincinnati, Vol. I, 1950 (with John L. Caskey, Marion Rawson and Jerome Sperling) "A Mycenaean Breadmaker,"Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Athene e delle Missione Italiane in Oriente, XXIV-XXVI, 1946-1948 (1950), pp. 13-16 Review of Alan J. B. Wace, Mycenae, An Archaeological History and Guide, 1949, Art Bulletin, XXXII, 1950, p. 237. Review of Leslie Walker Kosmopoulos, The Prehistoric Inhabitation of Corinth, I, 1948, Classical Weekly, XLIV, December 4, 1950, pp. 40-41 1951 Troy, Excavations Conducted by the University of Cincinnati 1932-1938, Princeton, Princeton University Press for the University of Cincinnati, Vol. II, 1951 (with John L. Caskey and Marion Rawson) "Preclassical Greece-A Survey," B.S.A., XLVI, 1951, pp. 16-24 Foreword to E. L. Bennett, Jr., The Pylos Tablets: a Preliminary Transcription, Princeton, Princeton University Press for the University of Cincinnati, 1951 1952 " The Palace of King Nestor," Archaeology, V, 1952, pp. 130-135 " Two Athenian Grave Groups of about 900 B.C.," Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 279-294 1953 Troy, Excavations Conducted by the University of Cincinnati 1932-1938, Princeton, Princeton University Press for the University of Cincinnati, Vol. III, 1953 (with John L. Caskey and Marion Rawson) " The Palace of Nestor. Excavations at Pylos 1952," A.J.A., LVII, 1953, pp. 59-64 " King Nestor's Palace-New Discoveries," Archaeology, VI, 1953, pp. 203-207 " A Royal Tomb of Homeric Times: Uncovering the Great Grave close to the Palace of Nestor at Pylos," Illustrated London News, CCXXIII, December 5, 1953, pp. 932-933 Necrology of Leicester Bodine Holland, The American Philosophical Society Year- book 1952, 1953, pp. 316-319 1954 " Excavations at Pylos 1953," A.J.A., LVIII, 1954, pp. 27-32 " An Inscribed Tablet from Pylos," 'ApX.'E+., 1953-1954, pp. 59-62 " An Early Tholos Tomb in Western Messenia," Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 158-162 292 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CARL WILLIAM BLEGEN "Revealing the Palace of Homer's Nestor: Excavations at Pylos in the Peloponnese," Illustrated London News, CCXXIV, January 16, 1954, pp. 86-89 Foreword to Hesperia, XXIII, 1, 1954, dedicated to Bert Hodge Hill on his 80th Birthday, pp. 1-2 1955 " The Palace of Nestor. Excavations of 1954," A.J.A., LIX, 1955, pp. 31-37 " Troy-A Retrospective Survey," X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche, Romta4-11 Settembre 1955, VII, Riassunti delle comunicazioni, pp. 128-129 Foreword to E. L. Bennett, Jr., The Pylos Tablets: Texts of the Inscriptions found 1939-1954, Princeton, Princeton University Press for University of Cincinnati, 1955 1956 " The Royal Bridge," The Aegean and the Near East. Studies Presented to Hetty Goldman,Locust Valley, 1956, pp. 32-35 " The Palace of Nestor. Excavations of 1955," A.J.A., LX, 1956, pp. 95-101 " The Home Life of a Homeric King: Excavations in the Palace of Nestor at Pylos," Illustrated London News, CCXXVIII, April 7, 1956, pp.

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