The Vision For Barbados The BLP administration initiated the national dialogue in the National Strategic Plan, took it through the Parliamentary process, has begun implementation of its strategies and embraces the Vision for Barbados which represents the national consensus. “A fully developed society that is prosperous, socially just and globally competitive” The fully developed Barbados that we envision by 2025 will be: ❧ A society driven primarily by a services economy fuelled by a steady rate of export growth, with a state-of-the-art information and communications technology infrastructure, a high savings rate, widespread material prosperity, full employment, an equitable distribution of income and wealth and enhanced quality of life. ❧ A premier world tourism destination and a centre for high quality financial, information and other services augmented by reinvigorated manufacturing and agricultural sectors. ❧ A society that places people at the centre of development and, through economic enfranchisement offers each and every individual the freedom and opportunity to develop their talents to their full potential. ❧ A society symbolized by creativity, innovation, industry, productivity, entrepreneurship and intellectual excellence, in which all enjoy a rich cultural, social and economic life. ❧ A society that is an integral part of the Caribbean family of nations. ❧ A truly literate society whose people are educated, rounded human beings, possessed of sophisticated skills and so imbued with social justice and equity that no one is left by the wayside. ❧ A sustainable society that co-exists in harmony with a beautiful, clean and healthy physical environment and physical infrastructure, and whose people enjoy good health and high life expectancy. ❧ A society of religious and enduring moral values, diversity and tolerance, imbued with a strong sense of public spiritedness and an abiding sense of trust and community. ❧ A fully democratic society with enhanced freedoms and rights for all and governed by the rule of law, in which citizens participate in self governance and enjoy a rewarding public life. ❧ A society of order, self-discipline and respect for law, relatively free from the scourges of illegal drugs, corruption, crime and violence. CONTENTS KEYNOTE ____________________________ 2 THE BLP TEAM: SOUTH ______________ 46 A STRONG ECONOMY ________________ 6 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION _________ 48 COMMERCE AND HEALTH ____________________________ 50 CONSUMER AFFAIRS ________________ 12 HOUSING ___________________________ 54 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS__________ 14 URBAN RENEWAL ___________________ 57 THE BLP TEAM: NORTH______________ 17 LABOUR ____________________________ 58 EDUCATION ________________________ 18 PUBLIC SERVICE ____________________ 62 YOUTH AFFAIRS ____________________ 22 ROAD DEVELOPMENT _______________ 63 CULTURE ___________________________ 23 FOREIGN AFFAIRS THE BLP TEAM: ST. MICHAEL ________ 26 FOREIGN TRADE GLOBAL SPORTS CENTRE ____________ 28 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ______________ 65 DOUBLING TOURISM REVENUE ______ 31 LAW AND ORDER ___________________ 69 THE GREEN ECONOMY ______________ 36 INFORMATION AND THE BLP TEAM: EAST & CENTRAL ____ 39 BROADCASTING ____________________ 74 THE NEW AGRICULTURE ____________ 40 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ____________ 75 ENERGY ____________________________ 43 GOVERNANCE ______________________ 76 INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT _______ 45 DEFENCE AND SECURITY ____________ 78 1 IDENTITY CONFIDENCE COUNTRY ith sound justification, Barbadians Barbados in the position of Prime Minister are among the most confident for three terms. Wpeople on the planet. Had I not earned the trust of the Barbadian The elements igniting the brimming people, had the BLP’s policies not improved confidence that distinguishes the Bajan spirit the people’s lives, had our performance not are a strong sense of identity; an immutable matched our promises, the people would not conviction of unbounded individual capac- have twice renewed the BLP’s mandate, or ity; and the unshakeable belief that Barbados mine. is the best little country Now, to continue on God’s earth. A notable dimension the work we have been Whatever our calling, to BLP administrations assiduously carrying on whatever our affinities, your behalf, the Barbados wherever we are in the of the past thirteen Labour Party seeks a Diaspora, we want only years is that to an renewal of your mandate. the best for Barbados. unprecedented Never have we taken This attitude and the Barbadian people for these beliefs are critical extent, in tangibly and granted. factors in our country’s generously giving to Prior to this Election, surge to the position of the vulnerable in our we meticulously reported respected powerhouse to you on the delivery of among the small devel- society through targeted our manifesto undertak- oping states of the world; social programmes, we ings; as we did prior to and to Barbados’ stature the General Elections of among all nations. endowed governing 1999 and 2003. These very elements with heart Not many governing helped to shape my parties so report. character and to instil within me a burning desire for a good education; an unwavering Working to ensure only the best for obligation to crusade for social justice; and Barbados is the noblest purpose that can an embedded resolution to work to make our propel any person vested and blessed with country strong, secure and just. the privilege of leading our country. By God’s generous blessings and by the I regard the office the Barbadian people collective will of the Barbadian people, I have permitted me to occupy with respect, have been permitted the privilege of serving and the responsibilities attached to this office with reverence. 2 As Prime Minister, I have had the Those problems were not good fortune to be able to draw from the inconsequential. collective confidence and capacities of The country was crippled by an ailing the Barbadian people; to whom I express economy; we were down to two weeks my enduring gratitude. import cover; public servants had been sent I have also had the good fortune to home by the thousands; and the infamous work with Cabinet teams endowed with the eight percent pay cut was inflicted on those capacities for the most demanding jobs in fortunate to be holding on to their jobs. Barbados; and imbued with the commitment Local financial institutions were calling to give everything in serving the Barbadian mortgages and repossession notices for people. furniture, household appliances and cars Had I not had access to outstanding and dominated the country’s newspapers. committed public servants, my administra- Unemployment was close to twenty- tions would have accomplished little. five percent, with women and young I am in their debt and I place my gratitude people disproportionately represented on public record. among the jobless. Now, as we enter the closing years of It was the worst of times for Barbados. this eventful first decade of the twenty- We considered ourselves under obliga- first century, the world faces daunting tion to ease the squeeze on those who were challenges; with intimidating implica- hurting most. tions for all nations, large and small. Parallel with this, we had to deal with We face the escalating threat of terrorism; the job of putting the economy on a sound climate change; spiralling oil prices; and in- footing. creasing diversion of grain from food to fuel, with mounting demand for these commodi- ties from the rapidly expanding economies of China and India. These perspectives are formidable for industrialised countries, as well as for the developing world. The challenge for Barbados is not only the need for surviving in the impending interna- tional environment but rather for excelling, simply to sustain our present place. Barbados’ resilience in the face of sig- nificant crises in the decades bridging the millennia is widely recognised. This BLP came to government with the fortunes and the future of this country in in- tensive care with the International Monetary Fund. This prompted, as one of my early executive actions, an invitation to the IMF to entrust to Barbados the re- sponsibility of finding the required solutions to our problems. 3 The extent to which we met that objec- Current investment in education and tive is reflected in the facility with which training surpasses all previous levels. Barbados was able to survive external shocks This reflects the priority Barbados Labour such the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack Party attaches to the development of our on the United States. human capital. In contradiction to Optimum development of IMF prescriptions, the BLP The world our human capital is our key Government proceeded to faces daunting development strategy. increase and enhance benefits challenges; with Our policies have for the poor. broadened the entrepre- Indeed, a notable dimen- intimidating neurial base in Barbados; sion to BLP administrations of implications for all and a cadre of new small the past thirteen years is that nations, large and business operators has to an unprecedented extent, emerged to create jobs and in tangibly and generously small add considerable value to giving to the vulnerable in our the economy. society through targeted social programmes, Foreign Reserves now stand at an impres- we endowed governing with heart. sive US$2.2 Billion; direct foreign investment The Barbados Labour Party has been is flowing in; the best brands in the global resolute in balancing the economic scale hospitality industry are interested in doing to favour our country’s vulnerable citi- business in Barbados; and we are home to zens, and our seniors. the number one hotel in the world. Even at the worst of times, BLP policy is Sandy Lane’s principal assets are its to cushion our vulnerable from adversity. location on one of the most breathtaking To sustain our country’s current position shorelines anywhere, and Barbadian staff in the world, and if, consistent with our who are among the most capable and gra- national strategic plan, we are to realise our cious people on the face of the globe. shared vision of developed nation standards Sandy Lane is a sign of success for all and status by 2025, we will as a people, have Barbadians.
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