E1218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 23, 2004 Johnson County’s Med-Act Department. He out charge or trial for 20 years. A democratic mine what the administration did once it real- began his career as an emergency medical country should be embarrassed to have car- ized its military was committing abuse, what technician in February 1978. In August 1980, ried out acts like these, and I call on Prime role contractors had in this mess, whether he advanced to the paramedic level and was Minister Singh to begin to rectify India’s record warnings were ignored, and more. Therefore, again promoted in 1984 to team leader and to by releasing the political prisoners and by re- I ask my colleagues to support this resolution the rank of lieutenant. Neustrom was involved moving Mr. Tytler and others involved in atroc- so that we may get the rest of the documents in many aspects of the Med-Act Department, ities from his government. This will be a good in the administration’s possession so that we including the Disaster Response Team, the first step towards restoring democracy for all may conduct a thorough investigation. Special Operations Group, the Emergency Op- the people. The prison scandal is a stain on our Nation erations Team, and he also served as a field America is the beacon of freedom. It is a and an impediment to the prosecution of the training officer. Most recently, he was an inte- country dedicated to the principles of freedom war against terror. If this Congress can’t find gral member of the team that created and and equal rights. While we have not always the will to investigate an abuse of this mag- launched a partnership between the city’s fire been perfect in our efforts to follow these prin- nitude, it calls into question our entire constitu- department and the Johnson County Med-Act ciples, they form the foundation of America. tional system of checks and balances. Department. Neustrom had been assigned as We embarrass ourselves and our principles by We’ve given the President and the Repub- a paramedic to the Overland Park station allowing the likes of Jagdish Tytler to come lican majority every opportunity to participate since the partnership was formed in 2002. and make speeches in our country. in what any decent society demands—ac- Neustrom and his wife of 23 years, Linda, As long as people like Mr. Tytler are in the countability for inhuman and degrading acts are the parents of three daughters. A family government, it is confirmation that there is no committed in our name. If they won’t help us man with many friends, who enjoyed fly-fishing place for Sikhs and other minorities in India. get to the bottom of why these atrocities hap- and playing guitar in his free time, he was 49 Until it repudiates this and allows all people to pened, we’ll do it without them. years old. I join with the grieving members of exercise their full rights, we should provide no H. RES.— Johnson County Med-Act and the Overland aid to India. And we should put ourselves on Resolved, That the President is requested, Park Fire Department in paying tribute to this record in support of a free and fair vote on and the Secretary of State, the Secretary of dedicated public servant, whose services were independence for the Sikh homeland, Defense, and the Attorney General are each conducted with full public safety honors. Mr. Khalistan, and for all the other nations seeking directed, to transmit to the House of Rep- Speaker, I commend to all members of this their freedom. And we should keep the lead- resentatives not later than 14 days after the House the life and legacy of Lieutenant Ned ers who practice brutality and commit atroc- date of the adoption of this resolution all Neustrom, and ask that you join me in this ities out of our country. documents in their possession, except those tribute. documents in the Attorney General’s posses- f sion that have been found by a court to be f INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION protected by Federal Rule of Criminal Proce- UNITED STATES SHOULD NOT LET OF INQUIRY dure 6(e) in a proceeding at which the Attor- ney General or the Department of Justice is TYTLER ENTER COUNTRY a party, relating to the treatment of pris- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. oners or detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan, or HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF MICHIGAN Guantanamo Bay and any requisite instruc- OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions for handling such documents, includ- ing— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 23, 2004 (1) every report, memorandum, or com- Wednesday, June 23, 2004 Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased plaint from the International Committee of Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I was disturbed to introduce a resolution of inquiry to request the Red Cross relating to the treatment of detainees or prisoners and any documents to read that Jagdish Tytler, India’s Minister of documents about the abuse of detainees and that reference such memorandum, report, or State for Non-Resident Indian Affairs, was prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guanta- complaint by the President, by any Federal coming to the United States to speak to the namo Bay. Two weeks ago, Democrats pub- official covered by this resolution, or by any American Association of Physicians of Indian licly requested that the White House release agency under any such Federal official; Origin. While there are many fine people of In- all documents concerning the growing Iraq (2) every report, memorandum, or com- dian origin, Jagdish Tytler is a person who is prison abuse scandal. We were ignored, so plaint from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty unfit to visit this country. He is the person today I am offering a resolution of inquiry International, Iraqi Human Rights Associa- most responsible for the genocide against which formally requests that the White House tion, Afghan Human Rights Commission, Physicians for Human Rights, or Human Sikhs in Delhi in November 1984. To bring to release the documents. Rights First relating to the treatment of de- Jagdish Tytler to America is to give our implicit We are in the midst of one of the most seri- tainees or prisoners and any documents that blessing to that massacre. ous incidents of human rights abuses in our reference such memorandum, report, or com- After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Nation’s history. In Iraq, Afghanistan and plaint by the President, by any Federal offi- Tytler and others organized bands of Hindus Guantanamo, it is increasingly clear that our cial covered by this resolution, or by any who grabbed Sikhs and burned them to death. Nation’s military and civilian contractors—at agency under any such Federal official; He was one of the people responsible for get- the behest of the very highest officials in the (3) every document relating to interroga- ting the Sikh police locked in their barracks so administration—engaged in physical, psycho- tion techniques; (4) every internal report of a law enforce- that they could not intervene. Meanwhile, the logical, and sexual abuse on a widespread ment, military, or intelligence agency or or- state-run radio and TV screamed for more basis. Scores of detainees were murdered. ganization concerning interrogation or de- Sikh blood. In all, over 20,000 Sikhs were Numerous warnings were ignored. The Justice tention operations; murdered. Department provided the legal cover nec- (5) every internal report of a law enforce- Mr. Speaker, why is such a person being essary to justify torture. ment, military, or intelligence agency in re- granted entry to the United States? And why The resolution I am offering today will en- sponse to allegations that the treatment of is he in India’s Cabinet? Unfortunately, re- sure that the administration no longer picks prisoners or detainees violated or continues warding people who carry out such activities is and chooses what information it will share with to violate international or American law; (6) every document and memorandum re- too common in India. We do not have to grant us. While the administration released a num- garding the applicability of the Geneva Con- it our implicit approval. ber of documents yesterday pertaining to the ventions, the Convention Against Torture As you know, over a quarter of a million treatment of detainees and prisoners, we’ve all and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Sikhs have been murdered at the hands of the learned that it only shares what information re- Treatment or Punishment, the International Indian government since 1984. The Indian flects on it best. There is no reason to believe Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, sec- government has also killed more than 300,000 that the memos made public yesterday rep- tions 2340–2340A of title 18, United States Christians in Nagaland, over 87,000 Muslims resent all of what the President and his Cabi- Code, the War Crimes Act of 1996, and the in Kashmir since 1988, and thousands upon net approved. Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States to thousands of other minorities as well. They The documents also touch on only one of the treatment of prisoners or detainees; continue to hold tens of thousands of political many issues that need investigation. While un- (7) every document and memorandum re- prisoners, according to Amnesty International. derstanding how the administration came to lating to command relationships between This includes over 52,000 Sikhs, some of deny Geneva Convention protections to de- military police units and military intel- whom have been held in illegal custody with- tainees is important, it is also critical to deter- ligence units; VerDate mar 24 2004 04:13 Jun 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN8.010 E23PT1 June 23, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1219 (8) every document and memorandum di- Wynne was born on August 25, 1923 in Los of the United States Army, Colonel Owsley recting personnel to abstain from using spe- Angeles, CA.
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