University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1947 Lowe, W. D. High School Yearbook 1946-1947 Lowe, W. D. High School (Windsor, Ontario) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks Part of the Public History Commons Recommended Citation Lowe, W. D. High School (Windsor, Ontario), "Lowe, W. D. High School Yearbook 1946-1947" (1947). Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks. 10. https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 111 TOWERS YEAR BOOK R 1946-1947 373. 71332 LOW • Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society (EssexOGS) Active Members: Preserving Family History; Networking & Collaborating; Advocates for Archives and Cemeteries This yearbook was scanned by the Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society in conjunction with the Leddy Library on the campus of the University of Windsor for the owners of the book. The EssexOGS yearbook scanning project is for preservation and family history research purposes by the Essex County Branch membership. This document is made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder and cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. This material is for personal research use only, and can not be sold or distributed. Book provided by Windsor Public Library - scanned October 2018 CLOTHES *BY YOUTH *FOR YOUTH *ABOUT YOUTH Keep Up-to-date With Canadian Teen-age Life in Canadian HIGH OUELLETTE AT LONDON OffAWA AT GLADSTONE NEWS J----_/ World's largest Student Weekly Only aftercardul tests A visit to Bartlet Mac­ of the qualities ofthe Esterbrook Fountain donald and Gow will Pen hasPiunao given its endorsation. Ac· curacy aod legibil· clear up your mind itY are improved aod the specially designed point on what is right for givesline. aThe sure Pit- ou,­ School Clothes. man-&pl,)roved Pen is ideal A feo,U,. of The for eYery Pitman • approved shorthand Esterbrook P... h writioa the renewable poill t purpose. -quickly and easily replaced. SIi ISUC PITMAN & SONS (CANADA) LTD. WINDSOR'S 313 CHUROI ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO DEPENDABLE STORE ........ 22 T H E TO \\' EltS Page One University of Western Ontario LONDON , CANADA A regional institution devoted to higher general. technical and profes­ sional education. Co-educational and undenominational. Its doors are open to students from all parts of Canada, but it seeks to serve as its first responsi­ bility the needs of young people of the fourteen counties of Southwestern Ontario. More than two thousand students are now enrolled in the constituent faculties and the number will increase as the facilities for instruction are enlarged. Several important new buildings will be erected when materials become available. For information write THE REGISTRAR. Compliments of FRAWLEY'S UNDERWOOD LIMITED FOR Makers of VICTOR RECORDS U nder\\1 ood TypewTi Ler Phone 2-1094 1357 Ottawa 154 Pitt St. W. Windsor. Ont. ATTEND THE Compliments of FRANK E. DAYUS CO. CAPYfOL PALA.CE BULL DOG ROOFS El\ilPIRE TIVO LI GAR WOOD EQUIPMENT FRANK E. DA YUS A D PARK Famous Players Theatres in Windsor Phone 4.7571 Compliments of J. E. BANWELL Banwell's Better Baggage Phone 4-8982 196 Pitt St. E. Compliments e Ouellet!!! Ave. at London St. 4-2505 of e Ouellette Ave. at Wyandotte St. .4-2507 WAFFLE'S ELECTRIC e Wyandotte St. E. at Hall Ave. 4-1334 Limited e Ouellette Ave. at Shopherd St. .4-2272 ELECTRIC MOTORS e Ouellette Ave. at Giles Blvd. ... 3-1023 400 Erie St. East Windsor. Onl, Page Two T H E T O \V E l{ S Compliments Compliments of of White Restaurant WESTOVER DRlJGS Ottawa at Hall Phone 3-8828 JJ Pitt St. East Tel. 3-8084 WINDSOR. ONT. CORNER WYANDOTTE AND PELISSIER STS. Standard Bakery of Essex Phone 4-6448 · 9 Limited POOLE'S QUALITY FISH BAKERS OF BETTER BREAD ALL VARIETIES LAKE AND SEA FISH RYE AND WHITE BREAD Frog's Legs - Sturgeon "TESTED QUALITY" DONUTS ·'ALL FISH CLEANED AS YOU WANT THEM" BIRTHDAY 6. WEDDING CAKl;S WINDSOR 981 Drouillard Rd. Tel 4-4403 RELIABLE ROOF I NC CO. Compliments of ASPHALT TILE AND SHINGLES THE STANDARD STONE BRICK SIDING SOLD AND APPLIED FLOOR SANDING AND GENERAL Co. Ltd. REPAIRS 1704 HOWARD WINDSOR 920 DROUILLARD RD. WINDSOR J. D. BRANCH LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED NASH \ Industrial . Lumber · Construction CEO. WRIGHT MOTORS Insulation . Millwork - Roofing f A COMPLETE SERVICE 688 LONDON ST. W. 2479-85 Howard Ave. Windsor, Ont. WINDSOR Compliments .Phone of Al'S 3-6752 JVlorris Flowers Ltd. 1636 Wyandotte St. E. at Lincol11 Rd. 285 WYANDOTTE Phone 4-5101 ST. W. SHOP Compliments Compliments of of NICKELSON TOOL 6 DIE AMBASSADOR CO. LTD. MOTORS LIMITED 1562 WINDSOR AVE. T H E T O \\. E R S Page Three COMPLIMENTS Compliments of of A. Horvath Jew ellers TROPHY CRAFT Ltd. Phone 4-4~00 1494 Ottawa SI. "Inaiqnia Jewellers" DIAMONDS, COSTUME JEWELLERY AND • WATCHES 102 LOMBARD ST. TORONTO Corn plimen ls Compliments of of MERETSKY, BURNSTINE WINDSOR ARENA and LTD. MERETSKY 57Z MacDougall St. Phone 4-606S Compliments of DRINI( l\tlORE MILK Windsor Gas Con1pany FOR HEALTI-I Lin1ited • "In The Public's Service Since 1877" Windsor Milk Distributors ROOFING INSULATION SIDING TILE FLOOR JOHN WEBB • Diamonds. Watches. Fine Jewellery CONTRACTORS Imported English China MEI KAR ROOFING LTD. 552-556 OUELLETTE AVE. 2748 Seminole SL Phone 4-2842 WINDSOR ONTARIO GET YOUR FAVO RITE Compliments COLUMBIA . DECCA RECORDS CAPITAL • MERCURY of at TEPPERMAN ' S BOW~AN ANTHONY Ottawa at Pierre LTD. N. TEPPERMAN LIMITED 144 Pitt St. W. Windsor, Ont. PHONE THE LUMBER NUMBER 4-4375 Compliments Walkerville Lumber Ltd. of DETAIL MILLWORK LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Wonder Bakeries Ltd. ROOFINGS. WALL BOARDS lNSULATION 337 Salter Ave. Windsor. Ont. THE TOWERS Page Four IN MEMORIAM· IN HONOR OF OUR FORMER PRINCIPAL IN VLEWJ;'JG THE PLAQUE OF \V. D. LOWE As I first gaze d in sile nt pause , Behold, to my surprise , The plaque spoke out in loud applause • · A great ma n never dies. Thia gentleman a full life chose, .\ So humble, true and kind; As scent adds beauty to the, rose So v:irtue to the mind. A scholar keen, of highest rank, His praise of Homer voiced, With great delight of Horace drank, ln S c ott and Keats rejo iced. This man inspired ua all to find A jo y in noble deed s ; A zeal in service for the Blind, And all our fellows' needs. A no bler Kingdom now endears This godly citizen; But his bright spirit re appears W. D. LOWE t In hearts and livea of men. -C. .\. T4A SH.\I,ESPE.\RE once wrote, :·AJl the world's a stage. a nd all the men and ,,·omen merely players ..." Most of us l\a,·c only minor parts to play. but on rare occasions there arrives on the stage of life a player \\'ho is destined to play a major role through setting a standard of action for the rest of us to stri\'e towards. Such a man I. \\'as \Villiam Duff Lo,,·e. Record has it that l\lr. Lo,\'e arri \'e<l on the stage of life in the year 1882 at Cobden in Renfrew Cout.ty. Obtaining his Master of Arts degree at Queen's University in 1902. Mr. Lowe came to \Nind­ rnr six years later and began teaching in the Patterson Colle~s·iate Institute ,,·here he was appointed principal in 1919. The year 1923 saw the formal opening of the \Vindsor­ \Valken·ilk \ ' ocational School and the appointment of l\lr. Luwt as its principal, in ,,·hich capacity he ~ened until his sudden death in June. 19--l-S. During these all-too-short years. the students and staff realized that here was a man ,,·ho lived and breat hed nobleness. Never too busy to listen to student problems and a l\\'ays cager to guide and assist puzzled or erring students. M r. Lo\\'e made it his business to kno,,· each and e,·ery pupil. His humour. humanity. and knm\'lcdg·c of both books and people influenced all ot us ,,·ho knew him. The standard set by ~fr. Lowe is something for e\'ery student to \\·ork to\\'ards in playing his part on life's stage. Naming the school after him is a fitting tribute to that standard. GEORGE V,\NDOOR~E. Class o[ ·45_ THE TOWERS Page Five ,_ - ' ' w' ' ' ' THE W. D. LOWE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL l)ebicatton We. the members of The 'l'owers' Staff, ). dedicate this 19-t.6--t-7 publication of our year book to our past principal, the late \Villiam DuH Lowe, M./\. 1947 1946 lllll'l'llilllll"llllllll,ICllllllllllllllll ill I 111111111', 111111' II 1111 I F 1 H. S 'l' P U IJ L l C A T l O N SL .. CE 1 929 Page Six THE TOWERS TABLE OF CONTENTS In Memoriam to the late W. D. Lowe ....................................................... 4 The Towers ........ ................................................... ................................................. S I Address by the Principal, Mr. S. R. Ross ................................................... 7 Greetings by Miu M.
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