COMMISSION ON CHICAGO LANDMARKS &HUWL¿HG/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW$QQXDO5HSRUWIRU CLG 2016 CLG I TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND 1 CHICAGO LANDMARK DESIGNATION 1 /$1'0$5.6'(6,*1$7('%<&,7<&281&,/,1 1 0DULQD&LW\ 6WRQH7HPSOH%DSWLVW&KXUFK%XLOGLQJ :HVW%XUWRQ3ODFH'LVWULFW 3 &RPPHUFLDO1DWLRQDO%DQN%XLOGLQJ 4 -RKQ/RWKURS0RWOH\6FKRRO 4 /DNHYLHZ$YHQXH5RZ+RXVH'LVWULFW 5 *UDHPH6WHZDUW(OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO 5 3O\PRXWK%XLOGLQJ (OL]DEHWK3DOPHU3HDERG\6FKRRO 8SWRZQ6TXDUH'LVWULFW 7 PERMIT REVIEW FOR CHICAGO LANDMARKS 8 MONITORING AND STEWARDSHIP 10 ECONOMIC INCENTIVES FOR LANDMARKS 10 &/$66/3523(57<7$;,1&(17,9( &/$66/25',1$1&(6 &RPPHUFLDO1DWLRQDO%DQN%XLOGLQJ )XOWRQ5DQGROSK0DUNHW'LVWULFW3URMHFWV 0XOWLSOH &/$66/3523(57<&(57,),&$7,216&203/(7('352-(&76 &KLFDJR$WKOHWLF$VVRFLDWLRQ%XLOGLQJ +LVWRULF0LFKLJDQ%RXOHYDUG'LVWULFW 7KUHH$UWV&OXE 3ROLVK1DWLRQDO$OOLDQFH%XLOGLQJ 3(50,7)((:$,9(56 CLG 2016 CLG HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNING 15 DEMOLITION DELAY ORDINANCE 16 NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATIONS 16 PRESERVATION ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCES FOR SECTION 106 REVIEW 16 PUBLIC OUTREACH & OTHER ACTIVITIES 17 COMMISSION MEMBERS & MEETINGS 17 II center of a major American city BACKGROUND CHICAGO by attempting to lure residents The Commission on Chicago LANDMARK downtown during the postwar Landmarks, whose members are DESIGNATION exodus to the suburbs. appointed by the Mayor and the Marina City pioneered the “city The landmark designation process City Council, was established ZLWKLQDFLW\´GHVLJQFRQFHSW begins with a preliminary vote in 1968 by city ordinance. The because of on-site amenities that by the Commission on Chicago Commission is responsible for LQFOXGHGDWKHDWHUDQRI¿FHWRZHU Landmarks (CCL). This vote not recommending to City Council a two-story, commercial building, only initiates the formal designation which areas, districts, places, various entertainment and retail process, but places the review of buildings, structures, works of art, outlets, parking, and boat slips. Its building permits for the proposed and other similar objects within residential towers remain among landmark under the jurisdiction the City of Chicago should be the most recognizable structures in of the Commission unless there designated as Chicago Landmarks. Chicago. Landmark status provides legal LVD¿QDOGHQLDODFWLRQE\WKH SURWHFWLRQWRWKHVLJQL¿FDQWKLVWRULF Commission or City Council. and architectural features of the property. In 2016, eleven proposed landmark designations were considered by This annual report has been the Commission, with ten of these SUHSDUHGLQIXO¿OOPHQWRIWKH&LW\¶V approved by the City Council. For annual reporting requirement the remaining designation, the XQGHUWKH1DWLRQDO3DUN6HUYLFH¶V &RPPLVVLRQKDVPDGHD¿QDO &HUWL¿HG/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW recommendation for approval and it Program established under the will be introduced to City Council in National Historic Preservation Act. January 2017. The City of Chicago has been a ³&HUWL¿HG/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW´VLQFH LANDMARKS DESIGNATED 1985. %<&,7<&281&,/,1 The Commission is staffed by 0DULQD&LW\ Historic Preservation professionals in the Planning, Design, and :DUG Marina City, ca. 1965 Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Planning 300 North State Street and Development. The larger Division leads Department-wide Designated February 2, 2016 economic, planning, and design initiatives and a portion of Historic Preservation staff time is devoted Characterized by twin, sixty-story, to these efforts. Seven full-time corncob-shaped high-rises, the and one part-time staff carry out the residential, entertainment, retail, duties outlined in the Landmarks and marina complex on the Ordinance and the Rules and Chicago River between State and Regulations of the Commission Dearborn Streets is considered CLG 2016 CLG on Chicago Landmarks. This an icon of Chicago architecture work includes, but is not limited and a model for urban renewal. to, landmark designations, permit Marina City introduced new ideas review, economic incentives for about distinctive form and novel landmark properties, and the engineering into the design of a demolition delay process. dense, multi-building complex when it was completed in 1967. Designed by architect Bertrand Goldberg in a modern, Expressionist style, WKH¿YHEXLOGLQJGHYHORSPHQW represents one of the most 1 ambitious efforts to revitalize the Marina City, 2016 6WRQH7HPSOH%DSWLVW &KXUFK%XLOGLQJ )RUPHU)LUVW5RXPDQLDQ &RQJUHJDWLRQDOVRNQRZQDV $QVKH5RXPDQLD :DUG 3622 West Douglas Boulevard Designated June 22, 2016 Stone Temple Baptist Church was constructed in 1926 as a synagogue for Jewish immigrants ÀHHLQJDQWLVHPLWLVPLQ5RPDQLD In 1954, the congregation sold the building to Baptist worshipers led by the Rev. James Marcellus Stone. Upon invitation from Rev. Stone, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed his congregation Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., at Stone Temple Baptist Church on several occasions in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Dr. King used Chicago as a base for his civil rights efforts in the North while also ¿JKWLQJIRUIDLUKRXVLQJODZVWKDW led to the passage of the1968 Fair Housing Act. CLG 2016 CLG 2 Stone Temple Baptist Church, south elevation :HVW%XUWRQ3ODFH'LVWULFW :DUG 143-161 West Burton Place; and 150-160 West Burton Place Designated June 22, 2016 The West Burton Place District LQFOXGHVWZHOYHEXLOGLQJVDQG¿YH coach houses on West Burton Place between LaSalle and Wells Streets. Built in the late 1800s as rooming 143 and 145 West Burton Place houses, the homes were remodeled in the late 1920s through the 1940s into a unique cluster of artist dwellings. Led by artists Edgar Miller and Sol Kogen, the remodeling work attracted other architects and craftsmen who achieved national and international fame, including 151 West Burton Place Boris Anisfeld, Mark Tobey, Jesus Torres, and John W. Norton. The structures retain most of the 152 West Burton Place FKDUDFWHULVWLFVWKDWGH¿QHWKHLU KLVWRULFVLJQL¿FDQFH)HDWXUHVRI note are their decorative metal and carved wood doors, a variety of terra cotta, stained and painted art glass, stone and tile ornaments, courtyard gardens, and Art Deco and modern designs. CLG 2016 CLG West Burton Place District , 143 - 147 West Burton Place 3 &RPPHUFLDO1DWLRQDO%DQN %XLOGLQJ :DUG 125 South Clark Street Designated June 22, 2016 Designed by D. H. Burnham & Co., the eighteen-story structure is an early example of the Classical Revival architectural style with DWULSDUWLWHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQWKDW was standard for tall commercial EXLOGLQJVRIWKHWLPH7KH¿UPZDV headed by Daniel H. Burnham, RQHRI&KLFDJR¶VPRVWQDWLRQDOO\ prominent architects during the late nineteenth and early twentieth Commercial National Bank Building, Commercial National Bank Building, centuries. ca.1907 postcard west elevation -RKQ/RWKURS0RWOH\6FKRRO :DUG 739 North Ada Street Designated November 16, 2016 The four-story, brick and limestone 0RWOH\VFKRROEXLOGLQJH[HPSOL¿HV 2016 CLG late nineteenth-century school Window hood detail design ideals with large windows and high ceilings that provided airy and well-lighted classrooms. Designed by the Board of (GXFDWLRQ¶VLQKRXVHDUFKLWHFW-RKQ J. Flanders with an addition by Norman Smith Patton in 1898, the 1884 structure combines historic Chicago school architecture with Renaissance Revival- and Italianate- style decorative details, including an original pressed metal cornice. Motley School 4 /DNHYLHZ$YHQXH5RZ+RXVH 'LVWULFW :DUG 2700-2710 North Lakeview Avenue Designated November 16, 2016 Constructed between 1915 and 1917 in the Georgian style and modeled Typical entry detail Lakeview Row House District after late eighteenth-century London townhouses, the four-story homes were designed by Henry Corwith Dangler and David Adler. The residences were built for a group RIWKHDUFKLWHFWV¶IULHQGVZKRZHUH DUWLVWVDQGQRWDEOH¿JXUHVLQ&KLFDJR society. The homes retain most of WKHLUVLJQL¿FDQWGHWDLOVLQFOXGLQJ carved limestone, wrought-iron fences, cast-iron columns, balconies with decorative iron railings, and carved wood porches. Typical facade details *UDHPH6WHZDUW(OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO :DUG 4505-4545 North Kenmore Avenue Designated November 16, 2016 The former Stewart School building in Uptown was designed by Window detail progressive architect Dwight Perkins and completed in 1907. The red brick and gray limestone trim building VHUYHVDVD¿QHH[DPSOHRIDQHDUO\ transitional Prairie Style building that echoes nineteenth-century Revival CLG 2016 CLG styles with a pitched roof and wide, bracketed, copper-clad eaves. The school is named for businessman and civic leader Graeme Stewart. Stewart School, west elevation 5 3O\PRXWK%XLOGLQJ :DUG 417 South Dearborn Street Designated November 16, 2016 This 117-year-old South Loop commercial loft building was designed by Simeon B. Eisendrath and completed in 1899. The GHVLJQFRPELQHV¿QHGHWDLOLQJDQG FUDIWVPDQVKLSWKDWH[HPSOL¿HVWKH revolution in high-rise design that occurred in Chicago in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. Plymouth Building, ca.1945 Plymouth Building, 2016 (OL]DEHWK3DOPHU3HDERG\ 6FKRRO :DUG 1438-1454 West Augusta Boulevard Designated November 16, 2016 Entrance arch The former Peabody school building 2016 CLG LQ:HVW7RZQUHÀHFWV5RPDQHVTXH and Queen Anne styles with progressive visual Arts and Craft HOHPHQWV7KHVFKRRO¶VH[WHULRU PDWHULDOVLQFOXGH¿QHO\GHWDLOHGDQG crafted ornament in stone, molded brick, and terra cotta, trimmed with a pressed metal cornice. Constructed in 1894 and designed by architect W. August Fiedler, the school FRQWDLQVVHYHUDOHOHPHQWVLQÀXHQFHG by the work of Louis H. Sullivan, including its stone arch entrances. It is named for educator Elizabeth Palmer
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