502 ORE ESSEX. [KELLY'S Gregory \V. G. 42 Heygate avenue, Sthnd Groom James P. Lobelia, St. Ann's road, Hadgraft Chas. 9 Station rd. Dovercourt Gregson F. 99 High street, Southend Great Clacton, Coltcheser Hadley Rev. A. A. W. Rochford S.O Gregson James, Hartshill, Debden green, Groom Samuel R. 40 Church st. Harwich Hadley F.15Wilson rd.Westcliff,Southend Loughton S.O Groom Wm. 40 Church street, Harwich Hadley William, Hainhault villa, Haver- Gregson Mrs. 61 Warrior square, Southend Groomridge George, Ray lodge, West ing road, Romford Gregson Percy jun. The Beeches, Debden grove, Woodford Green Hadrill W. 17 West cliff parade, Southend green, Loughton S.O GroombridgeMrs.Mildmay rd.Burnhm.S.O Hafner G. Helvetia, Balfourroad, Ilford . Gregson William, 8 Royal terrace, Sthnd Groome W. 1 The Acacias, Dovercourt Haggar :Mrs. 7 Argyle rd. West cliff, Sthnd Greig James, 141 Cambridge rd. Ilford Gross Charles, Mavisbank, Hornchurch Haggard F. Tomlyns Hutton, Brentwood Greig Mrs. 146 Southchurch rd. Southend road, Romford Hagger Rev. Watson M.A. Vicarage, Grestock F. H. 8 Hermitage rd. Southend Gross Herbert, Normanhurst, Hermon Canvey Island, South Benfleet S.O Gretton Ernest E. 100 Balfour rd. Ilford Hill, South Woodford Hagger A. T. 10 Addison rd. Wanstead Gretton J08eph Maria John Baptist,Upper Grosvenor Clement Henry, 36 Marine Hagger Thomas J. Ricket.t's farm, Asb- Park, Dedham, Colchester Parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O don, Saffron Walden Greville Harry Leicester, Diersheim, Grosvenor Henry, Sunnycroft, Marine Hagger VV. T. 18 Selborne road, Ilford Churchfields, South Woodford avenue, vVest cliff, Southend Hagon Herbert John, Fir lodge, Broom- Grey F.Aldersmead,Dowsett av.Southend Grove Richard, I Belmont road, Ilford field, Chelmsford Grey Mrs. 8 West road, Saffron Walden Grove William, 215 Balfour road, Ilford Hailes John, 48 Wantz road, Maldon Grice J. W. 81 Elgin rd. Seven Kings,Ilford Grover James Christopher, Clifton villa, Hailey Henry. Thelma, Boston av. SthncJ Grieves J. W. High Laver hall, Ongar S.O Derby road, South Woodford Hailstone Rev. W. T. The Manse, Finch­ Griffen William G. 6 Belmont road, Ilford Groves H. Bay cottage, Mile end, Colchestr ingfield, Braintree GriffinA.Hill side,Churchfields, S.Woodfrd Groves J. 9 WansteadPark av.Manor Park HainesA.T.2WansteadPark av.ManorPark Griffin G. E. Grammar school, Ingrave Groves \Villiam, Wych Elm lane, Horn- Haines Henry, 2 Selina villas, Southchurclk road, Brentwood church, Romford beach, Southchurch,. Southend Griffin Harold Edmund, Avondale,Church- Groves \Villiam George, Linden house, Hale Constantine Bernard, Hockley S.O fields, South Woodford The Green, \Voodford Green Hale Edmund Thomas L.R.c.p.Edin, Ab-· GriffinH.L.62 We.Stockwell st.Colchester Grubb Richd. T. West house, Harlow berton Glebe, .4.bberton, .Colchester Griffin Martin, Roseland villa, Glebe Grubbe Rev. Reginald Hall B.A. Vicarage, Hale George, Athelstan villa, Elmsleiga avenue, Woodford Green Ardleigh, Colchester drive, Leigh S.O Griffin Mrs. Twickenham villa, Runwell GrudgingsG.H.68 Addisonroad, Wanstead Hale Hy.Wm.I..yndhrst. Heath park,Rmfd terrace, Southend Grundy G. 62 Addison road, Wanstead Hales Rev. Greville Turner M.A. St. Griffin William, Farnboro', Victoria road, Grundy John Henry, 52 St. Helen's road, Mary's-at-the-'Valls rectory, Colchester Buckhurst Hill West cliff, Southend Hales Arthur, 5 Mornington villas,. Griffinhoofe Mrs. 17 Church st.Sffrn.WIden Guard John, 42 Gwynne road, Dover- Mornington road, WoodfoI'd Wells Griffith Wm. 2 Woodlands, Queen's road, court, Harwich Hales T. C. Lindenfl, Hutton, Brentwood Buckhurst Hill Guenigault Frederick G. 24 Cleveland Hall Lt.-Col. Fdk. 6 Victoria I'd. Colchester Griffiths Capt. William, 50 Elgin road, road, South Woodford Hall Rev. Edmund M.A Rectory, Mile end, Seven Kings, Ilford Guernsey H. Brooke, 34 Argyle I'd. Ilford Colchester Griffiths A. Stoneford, Dagenham, Rmfrd Guest l\frs. 41 Essex road, Manor Park Hall Rev. J. B.A., B.SC. Bryn, WhitchalE GriffithsC.Glenmore,Tavistockrd.S.Wdfrd Guiness Arthur P. 35 Argyle road, Ilford road, \Voodford Wells . Griffiths F. 13 Endsleigh gardens, Ilford Guiver Miss, West Bergholt, Colchester Hall A. J. Clovelly,Grove hill, Sth.Wdfrd Griffiths H. J. 137 Cambridge road, Ilford Guiver Miss, 76 Park street, Southend Hall Alfred, 30 De Vere gardens, IlfoI'd Griffiths Miss, Ardleigh, Colchester Gummer H. J. 5 Head street, Colchester Hall Alfred Brames, Gowan bank, Had- Griffiths Mrs. St. Aubins, Cleveland road, Gun Rev. J. E. A.K.C. 19 Grove rd.Wnstd leigh road, Leigh S.O Ilford Gundy J. H. 12 Honiton road, Southend Hall Alfred Henry, St. Kilda, Hadleigh GriffithsW.F.West Tilbury, Tilbury S.O Gunn S. Elm villa, Hadleigh rd. Leigh S.O road, Leigh S.O Grigg Wm. 36 Dangan road, Wanstead Gunn Thomas, Helensholme, Holland Hall Arthur, Elmhurst, Queen's road,. Griggs Ebenezer, 2 Vine villas, Clarendon road, Clacton-on·Sea R.S.O Springfield, Chelmsford road, South Woodford Gunn Thomas Greenhalgh, Greenstead, Hall Arthur Edwin, The Boltons, Medina Griggs Edward, 17 Courtland av. Iliord Chelmsford road, South Woodford road, West cliff, Southend Griggs Miss, Woodfield place, Stansted Gunner Mrs. Westeria cottage, Great Hall ArthurJn.97Courtlandavenue, Iliord Mountfitchet R.S.O Baddow, Chelmsford Hall Ben. M.B. West Mersea, Colchester Griggs Mrs. 37 The Drive, Ilford Gunningham Joseph, Engell villa, Princes Hall Clifford, 62 Ingleby road, IIford Griggs Mrs. Shrublands, Trinity st.Halstd road, Buckhurst Hill Hall Cuthbert, 9 Clement's gardens, High Griggs Samuel John, Belmont, Upper GunterMrs.Dacca house,Queen'srd.Clchstr road, Ilford Park, Loughton S.O Gunton Josiah, Sunnyside, King's Head Hall Edward, 34 Endsleigh gardens, Ilford. Griggs William Peter, J.P. 7 The Drive hill, Chingford Hall Edward, 41 Hamlet road, Chelmsford- Cranbrook Park, Ilford Guppy William, Marston gate, Palmerston Hall F. 'V. Caerleon,26 New Town road,. Grigsby Charles Edwin, 20 Eastwood road, Buckhurst Hill Colchester road, Seven Kings, Ilford Gurnett Thomas Charles, 10 Carlyle road, Hall George, nVellesley villas,Pier av('nue,.. Grimble Frank, 4 St. John's villas, Manor Park Clacton-on-Sea B..B.O Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill Gurney Rev. Arthur Frederick, B.amsey Hall George Gibson, 2 Derby gardens,. Grimes Mrs. North Gate house, Colchester lodge, Ramsey, Harwich High road, Ilford Grimmet John, St. Helens, Hermon Hill, Gurney George, 84 Richmond rd. Ilford Hall H. Grove cot. Chadwell Rth. B..B.O South Woodford Gurney H.Stour ho.M:arineParade,Dovrcrt Hall H. O. Beaulieu, Dedham, Colchester' Grimshaw Robert, Craigh, Station road, Gurr Albert George, 2 B.utland villas, Hall Harry, Mill house, Battles Bridge.. Loughton S.O Sclsdon road, Wanstead Wickford S.O Grimsley Eli, 136 York road, Southend Gurr Henry, Camfield Blackmore, Ingate- HallJ.E. B.A. Bancroft's schl.\Vdfrd.Wells. Grimston A. R. 100 Thorold road, Ilford stone R.S.O Hall Jas. Joseph, 17 EmpreSl! aven. Ilford. Grimston WaIter Edward J.P. Colne Place, Gourteen J. Coupals, Sturmer, Halstead Hall John, 4 Avenue terrace, Southend Earls Colne R.S.O Gush Rev. R. H. Stanford-le-Hope S.O Hall John, 36 Spratthall road, Wansteacl Grimwade Hy. Woodroffe house, Colchestr Gusterson J. 31 Maldon road, Colchester Hall John Eben, Rowans, Seaforth road,. Grimwood J. 45 Mildmay road, Chelmsfrd Gutheil Adam, 34 Eastwood road, Seven West cliff, Southend Grimwood Thomas, Upper Hill house, Kings, Ilford Hall Milton, 35 I~exden road, ColchestE'r Lexden hill, Lexden, Colchester Guthrie A. Church lane, Bocking,BI'aintree Hall Miss, Rosslyn, Stansted l\Iount- Grindley Rev. Robert Dutton M.A. Vicar· Gutieriez Henry W. 80 Norfolk rd. Ilford fitchet R.S.O age, Ford End, Chelmsford Guttridge D.Meridale,Wellington rd.Mldn Hall Miss, Sunday School Holiday Home.. Grinling Miss, 8 Burdett av. Westcliff,Sthd GuyMrs.Hillside ho.Westbury rd.Brentwd Marine Parade ea.Clacton.on-Sea R.S.O< Grinsted Mrs. 82 Richmond road, Ilford Guyer C. 128 Elgin rd. SevenKings,Ilford Hall Mrs. 25 Avenue terrace, Southend Gripper George Bell, Brooklands, Bir- Guymer Robert, The Homestead, Park- HalllVlrs. 97 Military road, Colchester changer, Stansted R.S.O stone avenue, Hornchurch, Romford Hall Robert, South Benfl.eet GripperH.Redcot,NewLondon rd.Chlmsfd GwyerS.E.Westwd. TheydonBois,Eppng Hall Robert Henry, West lodge, Had­ Gripper J08eph, Boswells, Springfield Gwynne-Evans William, Penlan hall, leigh road, Leigh S.O road, Springfield, Chelmsford Fordham, Colchester Hall T. 12 Sherfield road, Grays Gripper Joseph, White house, Layer Gwyther Mrs. 3 Victoria terrace, Frinton. Hall Thomas, 29 Selborne road, IIfoI'd Breton, Kelvedon R.S.O on-Sea, Colchester Hall Thomas Frederick, The Priory, The- Grisdale J. 10 Retreat rd.West cliff,Sthend Habben E. 2 Argyle gdns. York rd. Ilford Common, Saffron Walden Grist Ernest, 2 Forest view, Epping New Hack Max, Cambridge road, Stansted Hall Wm. Beeleigh, Boston aven. Southnd. road, Buckhurst Hill Mountfitchet R.S.O Hall William, III New London rd.Chlmsfd Grist Thos. Mill ho. Avenue rd. Southend Hack ,V. J. vVoollahra, Sylvan rd.Wnstd Hall ·W.Riversdale,Sea View rd.Leigh S.o. Grocock Mrs. Collingwood villa, Old road, Hackett William Sheppard, Coniston, Hall \Villiam, The Limes, Ongar 8.0 Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Gordon road, South Woodford Hall\V.E.l Palmeiragdns.Westcliff,Sthnd Grone F. 17 Wellesley road, Colchester- Hackworth John, Germania, Palmerston Hall.SmithJ. 65 Wellingtonrd. Wanstcad Groom Henry Louis, Ellesmere, Ellis road, road, vVest cliff, Southend Hallas Gledhill, Danbury view,. Hill Toad,. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Haddock G.W.103 Victoria rd. Romford Springfield, Chelmsford·.
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