SourcesSources ofof FreeFree ImageryImagery GlennGlenn BethelBethel [email protected]@usda.gov DecDec 2,2, 20082008 LandsatLandsat WebWeb--EnabledEnabled DataData TheThe initialinitial releaserelease ofof thethe WebWeb--EnabledEnabled datadata includedincluded onlyonly thethe UnitedUnited States,States, butbut thethe LandsatLandsat ProjectProject hashas graduallygradually expandedexpanded processingprocessing toto globalglobal coverage.coverage. AllAll datadata thatthat areare highhigh quality,quality, withwith lessless thanthan 2020 percentpercent cloudcloud covercover areare automaticallyautomatically processedprocessed toto standardstandard L1TL1T product.product. LandsatLandsat StandardStandard L1TL1T Newly acquired data that will be automatically processed ≤ 20% cloud cover, 9 quality All other data (and archive data) can be ordered at no-charge L7: Sep 30, 2008 L5 TM, L4 TM, L1-5 MSS: Dec 31, 2008 Pixel size: 15m/30m/30m Media type: Download (web-enabled) Product type: L1T (terrain-corrected) Output format: GeoTIFF Map projection: UTM Orientation: North up Resampling: Cubic convolution DEM: GLS DEM (SRTM, NED, CDAD, DTED, GTOPO 30) LandsatLandsat WebWeb-EnablingWeb--EnablingEnabling TimelineTimeline SupportingSupporting thethe CommercialCommercial RemoteRemote SensingSensing SpaceSpace PolicyPolicy (CRSSP)(CRSSP) “The fundamental goal of this policy is to advance and protect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by maintaining the nation’s leadership in remote sensing space activities, by sustaining and enhancing the U.S. remote sensing industry.” Senior Management Oversight • NGA • USGS • NOAA • NASA • DHS • USDA * The SMOC will report status and plans at the NGA-hosted CEO Sessions ** Budget – Each agency responsible for seeking its own resources CRSSPCRSSP ParticipantsParticipants Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Census Bureau Federal Geographic Data Committee National Oceanic and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atmospheric Administration National Capital Planning Commission Department of Defense US Department of Agriculture National Geospatial Natural Resources Conservation Intelligence Agency Service US Army Corps of Engineers US Forest Service Department of Energy Foreign Agricultural Service Farm Service Agency Department of Interior National Agricultural Statistics Service Bureau of Land Management US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency National Park Service Department of State US Geological Survey Department of Justice Office of Surface Mining Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Service Transportation Safety Administration US Coast Guard US Customs and Border Protection Department of the Interior, USGS Volcano Disaster Assistance Program Krakatau Indonesia Pixel Resolution (at nadir) 1m – Pan 4m -- B,G,R,NIR Scene Size 11km x 11km Ikonos-2 © Copyright 2005 GeoEye Department of the Interior - Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation & Enforcement Reforestation Assessment on Indiana Coal Mines in – SW Indiana Pixel Resolution (at nadir) .61m – Pan 2.44m -- B,G,R,NIR Scene Size 16.5km x 16.5km Copyright 2007 DigitalGlobe Department of the Interior, USGS Pixel Resolution Swath Width Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (at nadir) 17.6km at nadir .5 m – Pan CIDR Requirement 1567 – Ubinas Peru Scene Length - 14km WorldView-1 Copyright 2007 DigitalGlobe ContextContext RecentlyRecently NGANGA hashas beenbeen providingproviding considerablyconsiderably moremore datadata forfor civilcivil needsneeds (no(no cost)cost) WorldView-1 and GeoEye-1 add considerable capacity Includes new collects, NGA archive, vendor archive, reprocessed scenes Data comes with NextView licenses CustomersCustomers andand productsproducts CustomersCustomers includeinclude DOIDOI (USGS,(USGS, NPS,NPS, OSM,OSM, BLM)BLM) USDAUSDA (FS,(FS, NASS,NASS, FSA,FSA, NRCS),NRCS), NOAANOAA andand otherother agenciesagencies USGSUSGS isis thethe focalfocal pointpoint interfacinginterfacing withwith NGANGA forfor manymany civilcivil requirementsrequirements NGANGA andand USGSUSGS partnerpartner onon useruser outreachoutreach TurnTurn aroundaround timetime –– dependsdepends onon product,product, weather,weather, areaarea demand,demand, taskingtasking windowwindow Archive very quick to immediate from UNIL via WARP New collects sometimes within days of order ApplicationsApplications Wide range of domestic and international science, environmental, hazards, resource, and other applications for example: World heritage site monitoring Glacier studies Volcano monitoring Improving land management practices, Reservation planning, environmental monitoring Identify vegetative health, urban sprawl Climate change study Energy and energy infrastructure Alaska energy infrastructure, resource surveys and inventories to name just a few ImageryImagery ArchiveArchive DiscoveryDiscovery ToolsToolsTools-WARP--WARPWARP https://warp.nga.mil WorldViewWorldView AllAll WorldViewWorldView imageryimagery hashas aa NextViewNextView LicenseLicense IfIf youyou cancan useuse PanchromaticPanchromatic imageryimagery forfor youryour application,application, youyou cancan expectexpect toto getget freefree imagery.imagery. SearchSearch DigitalDigital GlobeGlobe oror WARPWARP forfor existingexisting imagery.imagery. VendorVendor archivesarchives DigitalGlobe:DigitalGlobe: http://www.digitalglobe.comhttp://www.digitalglobe.com GeoEyeGeoEye:: http://www.geoeye.comhttp://www.geoeye.com MacDonaldMacDonald DettwilerDettwiler && AssociatesAssociates (MDA)(MDA) Federal:Federal: http://gs.mdacorporation.comhttp://gs.mdacorporation.com SPOT:SPOT: http://http://www.spot.comwww.spot.com USDAUSDA ImageryImagery ArchiveArchive FASFAS servesserves asas thethe repositoryrepository andand managermanager ofof thethe USDAUSDA SatelliteSatellite ImageryImagery Archive.Archive. AccessAccess isis availableavailable toto USDAUSDA subscriberssubscribers only.only. TheThe USDAUSDA ImageryImagery ArchiveArchive isis thethe repositoryrepository forfor allall acquiredacquired USDAUSDA satellitesatellite imagery.imagery. TheThe ArchiveArchive waswas establishedestablished inin 20012001 asas aa costcost--sharingsharing agreementagreement amongamong thethe variousvarious subscribers.subscribers. Link:Link: ArchiveArchive ExplorerExplorer (USDA(USDA subscriberssubscribers only)only) Wednesday,Wednesday, DecemberDecember 3,3, 20082008 @9:00@9:00.
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