Progress, Hye Universal LavO of J^atare; Tlyoûgl)t, tbe Solvent of fier Problerrjs VOL. 5. ' CHICAGO. MARCH 12. 1892. NO. 120 Sunday closing of the fair, and you will earth, showing tho objective results of Sabbath-breaking, we have been find that while something is said oc­ the human intellect, and suggesting its taught to believe, excites the special WORLD'S FAIR. casionally about a civil rest-day, the still greater potential capacities to bo displeasure of heaven—displeasure so petitions themselves are based invariably exerted In the future of the race. W hat great that omnipotence cannot wait for Voice of the Masses. upon the snerednoss of the day. It is valid object can bo urged ugainst open­ punishment to follow, os In the case of even admitted, substantially, by some of ing such an instructive exhibition on theft or murder, but In hot wrath often Sabbatarians Brought Bound with tho.sc supporting the petitions, thut the Sunday, the day on which multitudes kills tho offender by lightning, by cap­ who toll six days of the week can re­ sizing excursion boats on the water, by a Quick Turn. Sabbnth-uay as a rest-day has no founda­ tion in nature. For instance, tho Rev. ceive the educational bonoflt of tho ob pestilence and plague, by flood and Dr. Stevens, a bishop of the Reformed Joel lesson the exhibition will teach flame. Why this greater impatience RINGING SPEECHES GWEN SHOWING Episcopal Church, In his letter accom­ without loss of working tiroo or wages? with violators of tho fourth command­ THAT THE SABllATH WAS MADE 1'OH panying the petitions, says the history In u city where thousands of liquor ment, which Jesus violated habitually, MAN AND NOT MAN I'OR IT. of nations who have no Sabbath show saloon» are vying wiih one another by than with those against crimes which that it is not necessary to physical well­ ingenious and seductive methods to at­ Jesus denounced? Is it because, as W il­ “ The Government of the United being. He thinks tho rest-Uny a bless­ tracting patrons, will not an open fair liam Lloyd Garrison more than forty State.' of America is not, in any sense, ing, but goes on to point out that the on Sunday serve the purpose of a coun­ years ago raid, the clergy depend upon founded on the Christian religion.” blessing is of a religious character. Tho ter-attraction, and thus have a preven­ the alleged sanctity of Sunday and its This was the legend, in big black reverend gentleman is quite right when tive moral effect as well as a positive ed­ rigid observance for their employment, letters on a white background, that was he says the Sabbath is not necessary to ucational value? Those who work six remuneration, influence and power? The stretched across the balcony Nick of the physical well-being. Especially is it not days of tho week need a day of relaxa­ Catholic clergy are more reasonable on stage in Central Music Hall, Sunday necessary now, when laborers'work but tion, recreation and rest; but the rest this subject than the orthodox Protes­ evening, Feb. 27. T h e legend Is a sen­ eight hours a day. Eight hours for that is needed is not entire idleness: it tant clergy, who are doing all they can tence taken from the treaty negotiated work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours 1» rather such as is afforded by enjoy­ to establish Sunday as a national relig­ with Tripoli during the administration for leisure, for meals and mental Im­ ments which bring Into exercise the ious institution in this country, where of George Washington. A silk Amer­ provement, and what need of a Sabbath? powers and faculties that have been but are Jews, Seventh-Day Baptists and Ad­ ican flag suspended immediately beneath The sum and substance of all is, that little used during tho week, while leav­ ventists, Mohammedans and freethink­ this inscription furnished an appropriate Sunday closing would give the people a ing unemployed those which have been ers, whose rights are equal to those of background for the speakers. chance to go to church und listen to the overtaxed by hard or exacting labor to Presbyterians. George Washington in The audience was especially noticeable sermons. But they would rather go to recover their natural tone and vigor. 17'!), in reply to the Presbyterians of for its wide divergence in make-up from th e fair. ('an any dav he too holy for such rest? Massachusetts and Xew Hampshire the general Music Hall gathering. It It is a religious question and a re­ The very idea of a holy day is absurd; complaining that the word Goa had was not an assemblage of capitalists or ligious movement. But religious legis­ for holiness is not an attribute of time, been omitted from the national Consti­ people whose features are often observed lation and religious regulations in con­ but of Intelligent beings. It is we, not tution, distinctly staled that the ac­ at social functions. ducting a great public enterprise like days, that are holy or unholy. knowledgement of God was omitted Quite the contrary. It was in the this, are alike contrary to the genius of Leaving other speakers to discuss the from that document "because it be-, main a gathering of working men and our institutions. questions whether the Interests of social longed to the churches and not to the women, who had assembled to protest There is one reason why the World's order, and the rights of manual labor, State." The treaty early adopted be­ against the closing of the great Colum­ Fair should lie open on Sunday which require that the exposition be closed on tween the United Stales aod Tripoli bian Exposition on Sunday at the de­ wo think conclusive—that is, because it Sunday, I will notice the assumptions recites in the eleventh article as a rea- * mands of a puritanical minority of Sab­ is to be u world's fair. It is not a na­ of the Protestant clergy, that the expo­ son why harmony with that Mohamme­ batarians. The members of this assem­ tional enterprise merely, but an interna­ sition should not be open on that day dan country could be preserved, that blage saw in such action their total tional one as well. All the nations of because it is the Christian Sabbath, and the “ government of the United States exclusion from the benelits aud ad­ the earth have been asked to participate. because the United States, being a is not in any sense founded on the vantages to be derived from a study of And my friend Bonney says that in his Christian nation, should enforce the Christian religion." This treaty be­ the great Exposition unless at a serious outside' religious congress all tho re­ observance of Sunday by legal prohibi­ came, of course, part of the organic law loss to them of time taken from their ligions of the earth can be represented, tion of secular work and amusements. of the land. work, and this time meant loss of money. and their advocates can be heard upon The fact is Sabbath observance was There is nothing in the constitution It was a gathering met to demand due any point wherein their religion agrees never enjoined by Jesus. He broke the of man, nothing in the Christian script­ consideration of the working many as with the Christian religion. Sabbath of his time, for which the Jews ures, nothing in the government of the against the leisurely few. This being, then, a fair in which ail »ought to kill him. When rebuked for United States which affords any rational The meeting, which was called under the world is to participate, how does the working on the Sabbath he replied: ground whatever for the zealous efforts the auspices of the American Secular matter stand? “ My Father worketh hitherto (down to now being made to influence the com­ Union to demand an open World’s Fair, Even if we were to admit—which we this time always) and I work,” thus tak­ missioners against keeping the World’s was composed of members of tho follow­ do not—that a majority of the people of ing away the basis of the Jewish Sab­ Columbian Exposition open on Sunday. ing unions and societies, each of which this country are in favor of Sunday clos­ bath as an ordinance founded u]ton God's To a day of rest and recreation no one bad a certain section in the hall allotted ing: and if we were to admit further— rest from his work. Paul was emphatic objects, but while all have the right to to it: which we do not—that the majority of in denying the obligation to observe worship as they see fit on Sunday and Local Union plo) Amorleun Flint and the people of Great Britain are in favor Sabbath days. Read his epistle to the all other days, the government cannot Glass Workers. of Sunday closing, still that would not Romans ami Colossians. There is not a consistently or wisely legislate in regard Chicago Secular Union. be sufficient. The entire population of the word in the Xew Testament which so to a Sabbath, a religious dav, and the Federation of turners, thirty-five so­ United States aud Great Britain is less much as intimates that the first day of people should not be deprived of the op cieties. thanu hundred millions, while the pop­ the week should be observed as the Sab­ portunitv of visiting the fair on Sunday, Uniltd Carpenters' council.
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