Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel 长隆横琴湾酒店 与豚童乐,奇妙的海豚探索之旅在这启程 An Amazing Journey of Discovery with Dolphins 情 迎 宾 侣 1 大 洲 道 zhou Yingbin Road 路 香 吉大 Xiang Jida Lover’s Road 2 3 4 珠 海 8 Jiuzhou Avenue 洲大 道 南 九 6 ZHUHAI 湾 5 Changsheng Road 路 7 Nanwan昌盛路 South Zhuhai Avenue 珠海大道南 湾 仔 Road 9 澳 大桥 Wanzai Macao 珠海 得天独厚的地理位置,与香港、澳门一水之隔 Zhuhai Bridge Hengqin Bridge Hotel occupies a prime location situated in Hengqin New District, 横 琴 which is connected with Macau, close to Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Zhuhai Avenue 大 澳门国际机场 道 桥 Macao The convenient traffic network ensures all guests can reach easily. 大 氹仔岛 International Airport 1 珠海渔女 海 Statue of Fisher Girl 珠 Taipa 2 珠海市博物馆 10 Zhuhai Museum 1小时城际轻轨直达广州 莲花大桥 Lianhua Bridge 门 3 圆明新园 1-hour intercity light railway to Guangzhou 横琴新区 Macao The New Yuan Ming Palace Hengqin New District 路环岛 4 九洲港码头 Coloane Jiuzhou Port 70分钟水上航线直达香港 11 5 水湾酒吧街 70 minutes to Hong Kong by ferry Shuiwan Bar Street 珠海长隆 6 广珠城轨珠海站 Zhuhai Hengqin Zhuhai Railway Station 90分钟途径港珠澳大桥直达香港 7 拱北口岸 Gongbei Port 90 minutes to Hong Kong through Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macau Bridge 8 华发商都 Huafa Mall 2小时车程内可达广州、深圳机场 9 湾仔海鲜街 Wanzai Seafood Street Within 2-hour’s drive to Guangzhou and Shenzhen airport 10 横琴口岸 Hengqin Port 11 珠海横琴国际网球中心 亚洲各大城市与港澳、广州也仅5小时内的机程 Zhuhai Hengqin International Tennis Center Within 5-hour’s flight journey from Guangzhou, Macau and Hong Kong International Airport to the major Asian cities 12 12 珠海金湾机场 Zhuhai Airport 长隆大道 Chimelong Avenue 1号停车场 No.1 Parking Lot Fuxiang Bay Road 长隆剧院 The Chimelong Theatre 路 湾 祥 富 海洋王国 Ocean Kingdom 富祥河 Fuxiang Canal 码头大厅 Boat Dock Bus Parking Lot Parking Bus 巴士停车场 2号停车场 No.2 Parking Lot 珠海横琴湾 Fuxiang Bay Road 祥湾路 国际会展中心 富 Zhuhai Hengqin Bay International Convention Center 横琴湾水世界 Henqin Bay Water Word 横琴湾水世界 入口 Hengqin Bay Water Word Entrance 海豚电梯 海滩花园 Dolphin Elevator 长隆俱乐部 Beach Chimelong Club 海豚池 Garden 酒店一层 与豚童乐,奇妙的海豚探索之旅在这启程 Dolphin Pool 医务室 北花园 Level 1 Clinic Service North Garden An Amazing Journey of Discovery with Dolphins 酒店二层 富祥河 码头大厅 Level 2 Fuxiang Canal Boat Dock 长隆横琴湾酒店——动人心魄的奇妙海豚旗舰店,妙想童趣 游艇 酒店一层 Cruise 足疗 Seahorse Wing Level 1 海 酒店大堂 Foot Massage 马 Hotel Lobby Spa 美发中心 等您来探索!跟随海洋精灵进入奇妙的海豚巨星科普学堂, 前台接待 Dolpin Wing Hair Salon 区 行李房 Reception 海 Luggage Desk 豚 南花园 游泳池 音乐室 Storage Swimming Pool 更可体验与海豚潜水互动;畅享令人心潮澎湃的横琴湾水世 区 South Garden 棋牌室 健身房 Music Room / 礼宾部 大堂入口 Fitness Center Mahjong Room 火烈鸟湖心岛 Concierge Lobby Entrance 界,随时开启奇妙嬉水时光,让旅程更享轻松愉悦 Flamingo Isle 童趣廊 Kids Wonderland 1,888间各具海洋特色的客房、10间风味各异的风味餐厅及 团体大厅入口 酒店一层 餐吧、以及专业齐备的会议设施与殷勤周到的服务,在别具 Group Reception Level 1 迷你超市 婚礼亭 Entrance Mini Mart 水晶殿 Wedding Pavilion Crystal Palace 想象力与活力的长隆横琴湾酒店,每位宾客都能在此找到适 团体接待 Group Reception 海豚乐园 Desk Dolphin Paradise 会展中心 入口 合自己的奇妙体验 穿梭巴士 Convention Shuttle Bus Center 海洋殿 Entrance Ocean Palace 网球场 Tennis Court Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel, the magnificent dolphin-themed hotel in China features the unique journey of discovery with dolphins. Following ocean elves to the inspiring class of dolphin knowledge, guests could have a close interaction by diving with this most adorable marine life. The exciting Hengqin Bay Water World consists of abundant recreational water facilities for tremendous fun and relaxation during your stay Hotel features 1,888 spacious guest rooms and suites, while offering a wide range of dining facilities. The spacious Hengqin Bay International Convention 大堂平面图 Center is composed of advanced conference facilities and professional Hotel Map - Lobby Level services catering for every guest, your unforgettable memories start here 长隆横琴湾酒店由国际知名设计公司WATG设计,其设计理 念是为表达人类与海洋和谐相处的美好期望。整个酒店犹如 一座海洋宫殿,众多海洋生物雕塑与建筑主体交相辉映,待 夜间灯光亮起,整座宫殿更添一番神秘,引人浮想联翩 Designed by internationally renowned design company WATG, the design concept of the hotel is to express the expectation to live with the sea harmoniously. The whole hotel is like an Ocean Palace, featuring numerous marine life sculptures, when all the lights turn on at night, adding more mystery to the entire building 环抱青翠山峦与碧海晴空,坐拥惬意舒适的居住空间 1,888 间典 雅现代的客套房,满足您不同的住宿需求 The hotel’ s 1,888 well-appointed, spacious guestrooms and suites are thoughtfully designed to contribute to the comfortable and gorgeous ambience. Rooms feature a range of modern amenities and services to offer a residential and business feel 酒店客房 Rooms and Suites 类型 面积 Room Type Size 2 度假园景客房 45 m Leisure Parkview Room 2 豪华园景客房 45 m Deluxe Parkview Room 2 度假海景客房 45 m Leisure Seaview Room 2 行政房 45 m Club Room 2 家庭房 50 m Family Room 度假套房 70 - 110 m2 Leisure Suite 酒店客房 Rooms and Suites 类型 面积 Room Type Size 泳池复式套房 150 m2 Pool Suite 海洋套房 150 m2 Ocean Suite 海塔套房 230 m2 / 250 m2 Tower Suite 总统套房 1100 m2 Presidential Suite 度假园景客房 (大床房) Leisure Parkview Room (King Bed) 45㎡ 度假园景客房 (双床房) Leisure Parkview Room (Twin Bed) 45㎡ 豪华园景客房 (大床房) Deluxe Parkview Room (King Bed) 45㎡ 豪华园景客房 (双床房) Deluxe Parkview Room (Twin Bed) 45㎡ 度假海景客房 (大床房) Leisure Seaview Room (King Bed) 45㎡ 度假海景客房 (双床房) Leisure Seaview Room (Twin Bed) 45㎡ 家庭房 Family Room 50㎡ 会所园景客房行政房 CLUB PARKVIEWClub ROOMRoom 45㎡ 会所园景客房度假套房 CLUB PARKVIEWLeisure ROOM Suite 70 - 11045㎡ 泳池复式套房 (卧室) Pool Suite (Bedroom) 150㎡ 泳池复式套房 (客厅) Pool Suite (Living Room) 150㎡ 海洋套房 (卧室) Ocean Suite (Bedroom) 150㎡ 海洋套房 (客厅) Ocean Suite (Living Room) 150㎡ 海塔套房 (卧室) Tower Suite (Bedroom) 230㎡ / 250㎡ 海塔套房 (屋顶花园) Tower Suite (Rooftop Garden) 230㎡ / 250㎡ 总统套房 Presidential Suite 1100㎡ 行政酒廊 行政楼层住客专属特权 Club Elite Club Floor Privileges 个性化入住及退房体验 套房及行政房住客更可获赠游艇往返 Private Check-in and Check-out service 酒店至海洋王国一次 精美欢迎水果 Suite and Club Room residents could also Seasonal welcome fruit enjoy complimentary round-trip cruise tickets 尊享自助早餐 (7:00–10:30) per room per night Delicate breakfast buffet (7:00 – 10:30) 使用一小时行政酒廊会议室 (敬请提前预订) 品味精致下午茶 (14:00–16:00) Unconditional use of Club Meeting Room Delightful afternoon tea (14:00 – 16:00) for one hour per stay (Advanced booking is required) 品味精致全天候软饮及小食 Savory snacks and soft drinks service 餐饮 Dining & Drinking 多元化的创新理念、精美别致的饮食、别具特色的餐厅以及细致入 微的真诚服务,长隆横琴湾酒店为每一位客人带来难忘的用餐享受 With the innovative dining concepts and exquisite cuisine, Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel delivers memorable dining experiences with extraordinary restaurants and authentic service 酒店餐厅 F&B OUTLETS 餐厅 餐饮特色 座位 楼层 Outlet Features Capacity Floor 海豚 自助餐厅 600 1 Dolphin All Day Dining 亚马逊森林 美食廊 500 1 Amazon Jungle Restaurant 渔港食街 中国及亚洲美食 410 1 Fisherman Village Chinese and Asian Cuisines 船长 西餐厅 108 1 The Captain Western Restaurant 水 日本料理 132 1 Mizu Japanese Restaurant 海景轩 中餐厅 184 3 Seaview Chinese Restaurant 雅叙廊 大堂吧 72 3 Lobby Lounge Soft Drinks, Alcohol Drinks 童趣廊 儿童吧 86 3 Kids Wonderland Children’s Bar 花园大厅 休闲吧 45 3 Garden Hall Coffee, Tea and Soft Drinks 海豚Café 休闲吧 20 3 Dolphin Café Coffee, Tea and Soft Drinks 600 座位 / capacity 甄选世界各地的上等时令食材,烹制—道道美食珍馐,让您的味蕾 跟着美食一起去旅行。现点现做与单点兼具的创新模式,提供绐食 客更为缤纷的用餐选择。独树一帜的海豚池餐区,食客更可与活泼 可爱的海豚共享曼妙的用餐时光 Our All Day Dining serves an impressive choice of local flavors that sure to delight the most discriminating gourmet. Creative kitchen with live cooking stations and a la carte is to bring abundant choices for diners. Siting at the unique dolphin pool dining area, diners could also enjoy the delicacies with adorable dolphins. Your unforgettable memories and dining experience start here… 500 座位 / capacity 弥漫着热带丛林气息的美食餐厅,给您带来充满东 南亚风情的全新美食体验,不断给食客们带来惊 喜。选择户外花园的餐桌,更可在进餐之余坐览海 滩花园的无限美景 Come and explore the delicious flavors of Southeast Asia in the rainforest world. Sitting in the outdoor and enjoying the stunning views of surrounded landscaping are the perfect ways to kick start your happy mood 410 座位 / capacity 沿袭了传统渔港的设计理念,在灵动的琉璃 鱼群与整齐的桅杆竹屏间,或在火烈鸟岛旁 清新的户外花园里,品味大江南北的风味美 食,全新饮食体验尽在渔港食街 Stylish restaurant redefines the fish harbor concept and serves a wide selection of Cantonese cuisine, as well as specialties from other cities 108 座位 / capacity 高雅的餐厅环境,丰富的各国名酿,大厨 选用新鲜优质的进口食材,为客人烹饪制 作色、香、味俱全的正宗西式佳肴,全皆 令人陶醉不已 The Captain Western Restaurant specializes in traditional western dining, using only the finest ingredients to present the refined dishes. The Captain also boasts a wine cellar with an extensive selection of wines 132 座位 / capacity “水”日本料理餐厅设计玲珑雅致,格调独树一帜。拥有高超技艺的大厨 选用上乘的进口新鲜食材,提供一系列刺身、寿司、铁板烧等正宗日式 和风料理,餐厅还提供各种日本清酒,饕客可在此尽情品味日本饮食艺 术的精髓 Mizu, the stylish and multi-sensory Japanese restaurant, delivers exquisite Japanese cuisine. The menu features only the freshest seasonal ingredients, together with an extensive sake list for the perfect accompaniment 184 座位 / capacity 高雅的私人包厢拥有超大落地玻璃窗,南 中国海的壮丽海景尽入眼前,是您私人聚会、 商务宴请的优选 拥有丰富酒店餐饮经验的大厨,致力追求 粤菜风味精髓,为您演绎一菜两味,用心 创作细腻精致的珍馐佳肴 With its exquisite contemporary design and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the South China Sea, Seaview Chinese Restaurant is the perfect venue for an intimatedining experience By taking efforts on the innovative dining concepts, our well experienced chef is committed to delivering extraordinary Cantonese cuisines to our distinguished guests 72 座位 / capacity 充满时尚现代气息的大堂吧,为您预留闲适优雅所在,是与三五好 友或家人小聚的理想去处 A casual yet elegant lounge serves varieties of refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere, is an ideal venue for family or friends gathering 86 座位 / capacity 享用闲适小食和美味饮品之余,还可以和孩子共 度阅读时光,学习神秘有趣的海洋知识,尽享天 伦之乐 The Kids Wonderland is full of inspiring videos and fun games. Have fun learning about some of marine's most amazing features and enjoy the fresh drinks and gourmet food 45 座位 / capacity 在层高 9 米的高大空间里,细听流水清音, 纵览花园美景,尽享温暖阳光与温润海风 带来的悠闲时光 Raised nine meters above the ground level and also with a beautiful view of the hotel garden, Garden Hall exudes the feel of a resplendent living room and provides you a deep relaxation 19 座位 / capacity 酒店海豚café休闲小站,进门即闻到咖啡的甘香 令您身心放松 Varieties of freshly brewed
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