~"" ..~ . ' Temple Be.th El l;O TEMPU: 8Ufl--EL LIS ARY 70 Orchar.d Ave. Pr0videiu~e. R• .r. Elect Arthur Kaplan As Temple Emanuel President Arthur Kaplan was elected pres­ ident of Temple Emanuel at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Tem­ ple held on May 17 and was in­ THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. stalled by Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen. Other officers who were elected VOL. XLIII, No. 11 FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1959 16 PAGES and installed were Max Alperin, -----------,-------- ---------------- -----------~-- Daniel Jacobs and Jacob S. Tem- kin, vice-presidents; Martin M. Anti-Semitism Still Renominate Henry Hassenfeld Zucker, recording secretary; How­ ard E. Schneider, financial secre­ P t I G As GJC Head -For Fifth Term tary and Leo H. Rosen, treasurer. resen n ermany Henry J. Hassenfeld has been Morris Schussheim, Herman N. Board members who were elected NEW YORK _ A "few Nazi- renominated for a fifth term as Silverman, Milton $tanzler, Joe are Harry Albert, Benjamin Brier, minded bullies" harass Jews in president of the General Jewish Thaler and Jack Westerman. Bertram Brown, Archie Chaset, Germany today, while the major­ Committee of Providence. l:!erving on the nominating com­ Lester Cohen, Nat C. Cohen, Na­ ity of Germans look on with indif­ Leonard Y. Goldman, chairman mittee with Mr. Goldman are Alter than Curland, Hyman Cotton, ference, Look Magazine reported of the nominating committee, said Boyman, Mrs. Julius Irving, Sol Archie Fain, Irving I. Fain, Louis last week. Mr. Hassenfeld, Rhode Island civic Koffler, Joseph W. Ress, Norman Fain, Hyman Fishbein, Maurice Despite a flurry of -anti-Semitic leader and industrialist, was re­ Tilles, Cyril Berkelhammer, Ben­ Fox, David Friedman, Burton Fin­ incidents including desecration of nominated for a fifth term in jamin W. Grossman and Dr. Car­ berg, · Samuel Garr, Leonard Y. Jewish synagogues and cemeteries, recognition of "his outstanding roll M . Silver. Goldman, Abraham E. Goldstein, "a new wave of anti-Semitism is service for the past four years as Members of the board of direc­ Adrian Goldstein, Simon S. Green­ Arthur Kaplan not sweeping Germany," the mag­ head of the GJC and for his un­ tors for a term ending in 1960 are berg, Alfred H. Gilstein, Henry Hassenfeld, Harold W. Kahn, azine commented. selfish devotion to the numerous Bertram L. Bernhardt, Dr. Nathan congregation as financial secre­ The Look article presents a de­ J ewish causes down through the A. Bolotow, Dr. Philip Dorenbaum, Sherwin J. Kapstein, Sol Koffler, Judge Frank Licht, Jacob Licht, tary from jts early beginnings, was tailed report on the anti-Semitism years." A. Archie Finkelstein, Samuel Samuel Malkin, David Meyers, similarly honored. encountered by one Jewish family Annual Meeting Friedman, Arthur · S. Galkin, The nominating committee con­ The nomination of Mr. Hassen­ Louis B. Rubinstein, Clarence in a small town near Frankfurt Abraham E. Goldstein, Max L. sisted of Samuel Rosen, chairman; and draws the following conclu­ feld and other officers for the Schneider, Edwin Soforenko, Her­ Grant, Louis Handwerger, Merrill man Swartz, Louis J . Temkin, Harry Albert, Benjamin Brier, Irv­ sions: year 1959-60 will be presented for Hassenfeld, Harry Leach, Joseph ing I . Fain, David Friedman, Jo­ - 1 - The presence of many Nazi election at the GJC annual meet­ Irving Wattman, and Harold K. Levy, Simon S. Lessler, Mrs. Weiner. - seph W. Ress, Clarence Schneider, holdovers in local and state gov­ ing on June 8 at the Sheraton­ David Meyers, Julius C. Michael­ Edwin Soforenko, and Julius Biltmore _Hotel. ernments, in the courts and in son, Ernest Nathan, Benton The nominating committee pre­ Zucker. schools, helps sustain the indiffer­ Other officers renominated are Odessa, Lawrence A. Paley, Albert sented a motion which was passed The Annual Meeting and Dinner ence of Germans to anti-Semitism. Irving J . Fain, Sidney A . Kane, Pilavin, Harold Ratush, Israel by the congregation to name the were arranged by a committee 2' - Schools, churches and other Arthur Kaplan, Judge Frank Licht Resnick, Max J. Richter, Norman retiring officers as honorary offi­ which included Daniel Jacobs, institt:~ions are not telling German and Joseph W. Ress, vice presi­ Robinson, Samuel Salmanson, Na­ cers i:1 the positions held by them. chairman; Benjamin Brier, Morris The list of honorary officers of youth about the Hitler period. dents; Sidney L. Rabinowitz, sec­ than Samors, Sol J . Schiff, Joseph Bromberg, Mrs. Lester Emers, Mrs. the congregation includes Judge 3 - The anti-Semitic flurry has retary, and Samuel Rapaporte, Jr., Schlossberg, James Siegal, Edwin Alfred Fain, Irving I. Fain, Burton lit a fire under the federal govern­ treasurer. s. Soforenko, William D. Strong, Philip C. Joslin, Samuel Rosen and Herman J . Aisenberg, honor­ Finberg, Adrian Goldstein, Simon ment and instructions have gone Archibald Silverman and Alvin Walte1; I. Sundlun, Charles Swartz, S. Greenberg, Harold W. Kahn, ary presidents; Samuel M. Magid, out to crack down hard on of­ A. Sopkin are honorary presidents. Mrs. Henry W. Markoff, Herman (Continued on Page 7) Morris Espo and Alexander Rump­ fenders. Joseph Galkin is executive director. C. Selya, Clarence Schneider, How­ ler, honorary vice-presidents and 4 - There is increasing grum­ Nominated to the board of direc­ ard E. Schneider, Mrs. Ann Wexler, CAMPAIGN WORKERS Ernest Blazar, honorary financial bling about being "taxed for the tors for a three year term, expiring Martin M. Zucker, Rabbi Eli A. TO MEET ON MONDAY Jews" as the result of German in 1962, are Fred Abrams, Herman secretary. Bohnen, and Hermari J. Aisenberg, compensation to Jewish individu­ Morton Smith, chairman of The honorary board members J. Aisenberg, Ben R. Albert, Irving the membership campaign of ex-officio. als and Israel. Baker, Dr. Ilie Berger, Max Ber­ are Herman Bernstein, Louis Hur­ the Jewish Home for the Aged, witz, Mrs. Philip C. Joslin, Edward 5_- Jews in big cities have little man, Bo Bernstein, Alter Boyman, has announced that the first trouble but refrain from social Rabbi William G. Braude, Rabbi Kossove, Abraham H. Rotman, and Smash Secret N'azi Gang meeting of captains and work­ Benjamin I. Sass. contact with Germans. Until the Abraham Chill, Martin I. Dittel­ ers for the campaign will be recent trouble, several hundred man, Arthur Einstein, Archie Fain, held at the Home on Monday As a token of its esteem the con­ Of High School Students Jews had been returning to Ger­ Charles J. Fox, Dr. David Freed­ at 8 P. M. Cards will- be dis­ gregation presented an inscribed many every month for the past man, Louis Garfinkel, James Gold­ tributed at this meeting. Kiddush Cup to Mr .. Aisenberg. - WAYNE, N . J .-A secret student two years. man, Lewis M. Goldstein, Albert I . Mr. Smith · said that the en­ Bibles bound in silver, were pre­ society calling itself "The Nazi 6 - A real threat of anti-Semit­ Gordon, Burleigh Greenberg, Stan­ thusiasm of the 53 captains sented to Morris Espo a11d Alex­ Regime of America" was smashed ism can develop only if there is a ley Gr<.Ssman, 801 P. Kaufman. who came to the May 13 meet­ ander Rumpler, retiring vice-presi­ and twelve ot its members sus­ serious economic crisis or an ex­ Lewish Korn._ Max Margolis, Jo­ ing promises a most successful dents, in recognition of eleven pended following an investigation treme nationalistic movement be­ seph W. Pulver, Paul J. Robin, campaign. years of service in this office. by school superintendent Dr. John cause of external developments. Benjamin F. Ruttenberg, Rabbi Ernest Blazar, who had served the H. Martin when school authorities discovered iron crosses, swastikas, Nazi arm bands and literature in Botanist Experiments With Farming As Practiced In Primitive Times desks and lockers. SUBEITA, Israel - Fruit trees ample evidence of a thriving agri­ five inches of rain that normally ample cistern is being restored for The twelve, all students at two were planted this winter in the culture in the ruins of terraces, falls in the-region each_winter but their use. local high schools, are said to come parched Negev highlands by a Pro­ spillways. conduits and cisterns also rain water streaming down Theory Will Be Tested from middle Income families, were fessor of Botany who quit the vice near the ancient cities along the from the surrounding hills. He in­ Specifically, they will examine released in custody of their par­ presidency of the Hebrew Univer­ Nabatean caravan routes between stalled clockwork gauges at the Professor Evenari's theory. He be­ ents pending action by the Passaic sity in J ersualem to farm in the Southern Arabia and the Medi­ intakes to measure the flow and lieves that the resourceful farmers County Juvenile Court. wilderness. terranean coast. used boards as floodgates in the of ancient times had discovered The youths, according to Dr. If Prof. Michael Evenari's trees Restore Ancient Farm spillways in place of the sto"ne slabs that the soil on the slopes, when Martin, held meetings in Nazi uni­ bloom, they will open prospects for One of these ancient farms at used by the Nabateans. Otherwise, moistened became crusty and forms, bought Nazi war souvenirs transforming 1,000 square miles of Subeita has been restored by the the farm is the same as in ancient practically impermeable. They from a mail order firm, collected desert. Israeli Government as a tourist times. therefore raked together the stones guns and built a six-inch pipe­ Extraordinary Feature site. Workers from the immigrants' Trees Planted After Rain and bared the soil of the hillsides bomb. An extraordinary feature of the Negev town, Tel Yeruham, recon­ After the first heavy rain flood­ so that it should become an im­ They also affected the G~rman experiment is that the scientist structed the rough stone fences ed the farm this winter, the trees permeable pavement.
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