"1 -'- ■r.-. if. --': NET PRBSS -BUN AVBBA6B DAILY OUtODLAXION f<tf the Month ol Angos^ 1B80 Ueaiben5,400 «t the AnWt Ber»e« ot OlMidmtlou y o ii. x u v . (CanMlfled Advertliing on Page 12). TAKES TOWN CASH FOR OWN ACCOUNT Clerk Fenton SoH FARMERSKEEP German Leader Says Tn in Liberty Bonds and Drew DAYUGffTTIME of Versailles Will Be Dis^ Checks for $5,000 for regarded and SURVEY SHOWS RolT — Declares Personal Use. '( Moscow, Sept. 26.— (A P )—Fur-^ The autonomous repubUc of Two Elections Will Willlmantic, Sept. 25.— (A P )— Herald Finds Rural Sections There were 2,000 in the gaUery i <1“^® ^ ^® Soviet R^pubUc o f.^ jj^ j^ western section, hv HiriA ’ totiaoj toed off with Tadjikistan in, which 176 persons Uriiere.most of the population dweU, Numerous irreg^aritles in the finan­ h^toe tlme^ Jones teed off with J nmed, Was being awaited in! suppUes the Soviet Union with a His Party in P ow er--H |i cial accounts of the town of Wind­ Observing Summer Sched* Oaeman. Bobby had a {were, part of its cotton, ham are listed in a preliminary re­ drive at the first hole but was in; tht^ 300 persona were re-! Hie republic has a population of port submitted today to First Select­ the rough. Coleman reached the .ported injured and about 1,200 a)>out 1,000,000. Its capital 'is Followers Start Demba'^ men William A. Buck, by Walter ule They Opposed — Still greezi 60 feet from the pin with his I families were left destitute. j Stellnabad. Musgraves, public accountMt en­ pitch and Jpnes waa ',26 feet from ! stration Before Gomtt gaged to audit the town books. _ Some Opposition. th^ cup on the other side. Bob’s | The audit so far has <ii8cjos€^, the ban picked un a chunh of mud when accountant reported, teat Hatred and jealous rivalry of 17 it struck the green and each tookj Liberty bonds owned by the to ^ In the murder at) Baltimore, Md., of Maxwell C. Byers, left, p r e « d ^ of three putts lor a half in five. I KELOGG EEQED In 1923, at the insistent clamor­ had been taken out of the toe*^Western Maryland Railroad, by Dudley G-Gray, vice Coleman put his second shot in a | of toe same company, who took his own life after toe shooting. wEMra y fund during 1925 and 1926 s°ld, ing of Connecticut farmers, the trap at the second but .ipltched wellj Leipsic, Germany, Sept. 25— (AP) and tiie proceeds appUed to P " State Legislature enacted a law in­ toat deTeToped long ^ o when Byers, toe younger man, WM promoted to on. Bob, from in frorit of toe green, | WORLD COURTJUDGE the n r l S c y over t L head of toe 62-year-old Gray, was believed by in- CHECK PAYMENTS —^Adolf Hitler, Fascist generaliSr, sonal account of Prank P. F^ton, volving toe “penalty for displaying placed a pit6h and nm just a little town clerk and treasurer. ThreeJ vestigSors^o Splain the murder-suicide tragedy which occurred behind Inside. Both two putts, leaving a simo, today declared that just as other than standard time,’’ follow­ checks totaling closed doors in Byers’ office. half in par Bves. soon as the German Fascists by says, had also been drawn on toe ing by several years the law which Jones was on the 195 yard third Is One.of 15 Who Will Decide legal means have captured poUUcal tovra’s accounts and toe ®P established the standard of time for from toe tee while Coleman was to Loses Nearly $14,000 Gam^ toe left, Fay did not get on with his power in Germany, they will tsf^ plied to Fenton’s personal account. state and municipalities. In a sur­ Uncashed Checks BUCK TOM BUST second. Bobby putt<^ from 50 feet bling and Then Renegs; Matters for the Ldtgoe of asunder toe Treaty of VersalUes. if Musgraves in his report also said vey of ten recognized rural or farm REPUBLICANS KEPT to toe edge cf the cup for his par necessary by means looked upon bj^ towns in this vicinity, conducted thkt uncashed checks totaling a^ut 3 to win. Coleman took five for the toe world as illegal. , . $15,000 and dating over a period of this week by The Herald, it was hole. I Nations Council. Gives Her Side of Story. His sensational announcement ^'df ten years had bepn found in toe foimd that every one of the ten, CAMPAIGN PLEDGES NOT AGENTS’ WOBK The drives were close together at j either wholly or in great part, are toe long fourth. Bob topped hls l purpose was made at toe trial^ ojf' "’^ ’e’ «^r*?'crltlcuea th. manner operating on Daylight Saving Time. second......................Fav shot and sent his to! / a three Reichswehr officers to which., Geneva^ Sept 25.— (A P.)—^Frank he had been summoned as a witness'.. < in which toe cash records of toe Against Standard Time rough. oAeman pitched on but, Los Angeles, Sept, 28. (AP) B.' Kellogg, former American secre- ‘"The political Socialists do not * town were kept and added The farmers introduced toe stat­ Capt. Hinsch Was in Balti­ Jones’ third rolled into a trap. 'They I Clara Bow, filmdom’s red head, has reports submitted to the accountant ute with toe declaration that they Sec. Stimson Praises Admin­ were both far from the cup >u broken a two days silence to an- tauy of state amd'^thirteen other regard toe international agftei- ments as^aw but as something f6fc- fortoe audit appeared to have been would not work while the dew was toun Each took two putts to halve y^at she stopped men including the Latin-Americams, ed upon us,” he said. “Germany is still on toe grass or something to “prepared for examination. istration in His Keynote more at the Time, Ger­ Again the drivers were not far i payment on checks for $13,-900, aft- were elected to the bench of toe gagged by toe peace treaties. The town’s systam of recor^ng, that effect. So toe law was passed World Ck)urt today by the Assem­ apart dt the 5th, with Jones in cr offering ihem in payment of do not acknowledge our guilt in* the the report said, \s “ to say the least and it is no dark secret that wide­ bly amd the Council of the League war, especiaUy not the guUt o f fu­ inadeQuate, utterly lacking of con­ spread confusion has existed with many’s Counsel Declares. front; Coleman sent a great iron gambling losses at a Nevada hotel. Address at Albany. to the green 12 feet from the cup. of Nations. ture generations. When we shaU'dj^ trol. In a word toe records sub­ public clocks on standard time, oth­ The actress’ statement reaid. in For toe fifteenth position on toe Jones then sent his ball inside oy part: “While i was at Itake Tasoe, pose these treaties by every, poaime mitted to us for audit are ers on daylight time smd public Court, two other Latin-Americams Albany, N. Y., Sept. 25.— (A P )— The Hague, Netherlands, Sept 25. two feet. Jones holed his putt for means, we shaU find ourselves in jme go^ memoranda because of incom­ service corporations forced to oper­ Mr. Will Rogers invited Rex Bell, amd a, Europeam were toe cimdidates — (AP)—An effort to dissociate toe a birdie 8 to go 2 up. my secretary Miss Devoe, amd’ my­ midst of revolution.” , pleteness.’’ ate on the former, a confusion Henry L. Stimson, secretary of aia badlotting progressed in toe aft­ Fenton’s Answer German agent. Captain Frederick Both drives were good enough at self to dinner. I did not know the To Oppose Treaties ' ' which disappeared in many states state, in toe keynote address at toe toe sixth. Coleman placed a ernoon without decisive result. * “We shaU oppose these treaXli^ Attention became where daylight saving time was Hinsch, from any connection with hotel waw a gambling place until Republican state convention today spoon second to toe green. Bob also affter we reached there. After we The following were elected on the both diplomatically and by c6ln- town accoimts last week when W made legal. toe Black Tom explosion in ■ July, first ballot In separate voting of liam H. Blodgett, state tax ®o“ ims- declared toe Hoover administration took a spoon and was well home. had dinner Mr. Rogers went to one pletely evading them,” he continued’. The Survey both toe Assembly amd the Council: “That may be looked upon by the sioner, charged «ii®®rep^ries in toe by legislative or executive action 1916, was toe principal feature of Fay was. 15 feet hearer the cup. of toe gfambling tables tind naturally 1929 annual town report, ^ “ ‘Ch usi The Herald survey embraced Cov- today’s continuation of presentation Jones putted five feet past. Cole- we went with him. I began_to play Frank B. Kellogg, United States. world as an iUegal method, but-^1^ entry, Hebron, Marlborough, Wap- has redeemed thirty-four of its thir­ mam’s ^ t hit toe cup and stayed ^ game called Twenty- Antonio- Sanchez de Bustaunent, will not employ it until the party ed the town’s current debt as of the German case before toe mix­ 500 and which Fenton yester^y ad­ pihg, Talcottville, Tolland, Colum­ ty-five campaign pledges. out. B^b missed and ,toe Califor-1 , Cubau been victorious. After two or thfib ed commission adjudicating, Ameri­ J. Gustavo Guerrero, El Salvador. more elections our party will be in mitted more nearly bia, Andover, Bolton and Gilead.
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