E D I Z I O N I MEDITERRANEAN SEA CHART-GUIDES il Frangente ITALY & CORSICA 2 Ligurian Sea - Northern Tyrrhenian Sea BOOK DETAILS Corsica - North Sardinia First English edition 2019 A pilot is a fundamental companion to nautical charts and contains all the information that a yachtsman needs, but cannot be included on the charts themselves. This guide and its 162 user-friendly charts show all of the available harbours, marinas and anchorages within this navigation area. The introduction includes a table with distances and the main routes, a list of printed and digital charts, as well as local weather information. The entire area is divided into six macro-zones. Each one has its own quick guide that includes waypoints, harbour and marina facilities, plus the main features of local anchorages (e.g. nature of the seabed, shelter, facilities ashore). At a glance, you will be able to decide where to head based on your yacht and the weather. Each chart has an icon that shows the harbour or bay position within the navigation area. This way you will always know exactly where you are. This guide also comprises 146 plans for harbours and marinas, and 371 plans for bays and anchorages, each with a wealth of practical symbols and overviews providing complementary information so that you can sail with peace of mind. A handy wind-rose icon gives wind direction and exposure for each plan. Type Pilot LIGURIA EAST COAST LIGURIA EAST COAST CHART AREA B AREA B CHART PORTOFINO SANTA MARGHERITA LIGURE Code FR 55 19 20 20 23 22 Santa 25 20 0 500 Margherita Ligure 10 10 Metres 20 Seno di Paraggi 65 Seno di Paraggi 44°19’.00N 009°12’.55E 30 N NOTE In winter, beautiful clear skies and Author Luca Tonghini To the N of Punta della high clouds over the Rapallo mountains 20 26 Cervara lies Seno di WE BAR Rapallo herald the arrival of strong NE winds. CHART 20 Paraggi, a large bay that S Fl.Y.3s2M P. ta del Pedale 33 2 CHART 21 10 20 30 affords protection from 20 P2 AREA A P2 AREA B 28 westerlies only. It is part of 10 P2 AREA A P2 AREA B 36 Zone C. Anchor where + 20 convenient in 8-15m on + s 33 Publisher Edizioni il Frangente sand, or on sand and weed. 30 P. ta del Pedale 10 + s/w 37 391 The SW corner of the bay 10 + 11 provides the best 65 Fl.W.3s9m9M + + 313 30 43 protection, despite the 12 50 + 9+ Seno di Paraggi depths increasing more + Porto S. Michele 15 3 + 20 18 10 rapidly here. + 14 Zoagli 30 44°19’N C + 50 s 43 19 20 47 60 Seno di Pagana 20 ISBN Golfo del Tigullio + 978-88-85719-70-5 Portofino Regional 20 P2 AREA F P2 AREA F P2 AREA C - D P2 AREASan Eta 23 22 P2 AREA C - D P2 AREA E Nature Park P. ta della Cervara 57 P. ta Pagana Margherita Ligure + 50 0 100 77 s 41 Santa Margherita 52 + 55 57 2 + P. ta della Cervara Metres 16 25 34 93 30 Ligure 77 Paraggi 10 62 10 + Golfo di Paraggi 20 19 Golfo di Paraggi + N 7 C + 50 10 BAR + 30 WE 84 57 22 Edition 1. edition 2019 43 65 + 14 66 Paraggi + S 5 Fl.Y.5s2M 8 8 Fl.R.4s10m8M 30 N + 33 10 20 10 Portofino BAR 12 50 3 93 20 Fl.Y.3s2M WE 1 7 25 Golfo del Santa Margherita 50 68 4 2 s Tigullio Ligure V S 11 13 50 45 70 10 20 B.na S. Erasmo 6 8 B C CHART 19 33 43 6 Seno di Corte 5 10 85 5 50 100 75 s 2 62 s/w 14 6 Language English 50 391 6 2 V P. ta Portofino Fl.W.5s40m16M 64 B.na Rizzo Portofino 10 C 313 30 43 V 50 6 Marine Reserve 70 75 BAR 2 B.na Cagni Seno di Paraggi 50 (CHART 18) Fl.Y.5s2M 1 30 30 2 70 20 Portofino 47 Marine Reserve 1 B.na Vivaldi 100 40 57 95 20 0 50 Pages 62 (CHART 18) 2 10 216, full colour 0 50 Metres 52 90 Metres 0 500 44°17’.30N Golfo di Paraggi 64 44°18’.16N 009°12’.80E Paraggi 44 009°13’.37E 30 Santa Margherita Ligure 104 In settled weather, it provides an alternative anchorage C Metres Anchorage for Santa Margherita Ligure Seno di Pagana 66 41°19’.90N 009°13’.15E 112 to Portofino, which is just a short dinghy-ride away. 50 009°13’E 100 N 57 The harbour's position and its long outer During summer, the swimming area takes up most of 43 65 the bay, so yachts are obliged to anchor in 9-15m on WE 65 10 breakwater mean that it offers good all-round Size A4 Portofino 10 shelter. Southerly gales, however, cause a heavy sand, or on sand and weed. S Portofino P. ta Pagana 30 N 20 36 50 2 surge to pick up inside. It has 355 berths (max. 50 Santa Margherita s/w WE Seno Canne 2 Fl.R.3s7M LOA 60m), including 50 for visitors. The berths C Ligure50 1 68 28 20 along the Cagni and Vivaldi quays are public; the S 28 B C 10 14 Portofino 63 44°18’.05N 009°12’.07E s 6 75 13 ones on the Rizzo quay are administered by the s/w The bay, which bites into the E side of the Portofino 50 2 s s/w 10 3 50 17 75 33 4 6 84 port authority. The pontoons at the head of the 2 promontory, is open to the NE, and easterlies will push 5 P. ta Portofino 13 22 2 Fl.5s40m16M 66 harbour (Seno di Corte) from S to N are run by Binding 5 Baia Cannone in an uncomfortable swell. The quayed area provides 22 Soft cover 26 78 23 92 Fl.R.4s10m8M 75 various associations: Centro Nautico Minore, 20 220 berths, the vast majority on moorings. There are 8 70 63 25 14 17 20 23 Motor Marine, Otam, Cantiere Tigullio, Asvem, 37 also 6 visitors berths, but these are almost always full. In 20 99 and Gemasa. The two pontoons on the N quay Portofino Calata Marconi Fl.G. 22 summer, it is virtually impossible to find a place, and 8 10 + + s/w 2 6 are administered by Consorzio Operatori Nautici 3s7m7M yachts over 16m should contact the harbour authority 2 Fl.R.3s10m7M 100 15 17 and Cantieri S. Orsola. 16 P. ta del Coppo 30 26 BAR BAR 17 in advance. Baia Cannone, just N of the mouth of Baia di 80 Anchorage 10 Portofino, has two berths for yachts up to 70m. 100 2 101 100 Anchor N of the harbour in 5-8m on sand, or on Price 88 20 Port Authority VHF ch 16 - ( +39 0185 269040 18 €51.00 11 10 28 sand and weed. Holding is poor in some places. [email protected] 107 C 25 8 104 10 18 20 0 100 Protected from westerlies, but exposed to the 75 Marina di Portofino 16 berths (max. LOA 70m) - VHF ch 12 10 2 Metres scirocco and heavy swell caused by the libeccio. BAR ( +39 0185 269580 - [email protected] 100 L’Isolotto+ 2 + + www. marinadiportofino.com + Contacts for Santa Margherita Ligure: + + Ormeggiatori (Harbour attendants) ( +39 0185 269388 Calata del Porto Port Authority VHF ch 16 - ( +39 0185 287029 - [email protected] 2 Anchorage In settled weather, anchor to the N of the Marina di Portofino Gestioni Portuali (harbour management) ( +39 335 9150565 / 0185 288893 - [email protected] - www.societagestioniportuali.it Castle harbour entrance as far as Seno Canne in 10-20m on As.ve.m VHF ch 09 - ( +39 335 6456906 / +39 0185 289178 - [email protected] - www.asvem.it Calata Chiappella 0 50 sand and weed. Heavy yacht and tripper-boat traffic Cantieri Sant’Orsola (Banchina S. Erasmo) ( +39 0185 282687 - [email protected] - www.cantierisantorsola.it100 Metres cause a disturbance. Consorzio Operatori portuali (harbour-staff consortium)(Banchina S. Erasmo) ( +39 0185 280746 42 43 BY THE SAME AUTHOR AREA D - ARCIPELAGO TOSCANO (TUSCAN ISLANDS) AREA D - ARCIPELAGO TOSCANO (TUSCAN ISLANDS) AREA B COASTAL NAVIGATION WAYPOINTS AND DISTANCES Bocca di Magrg a DESCRIPTION WGS 84 COORDINATES CHART F LATITUDE LONGITUDE 98 Marina didi CaCarrarrrara 44°00’N 98 500m S of isolotto del Tinetto 44°01’.20N 009°51’.00E 26-27-29 LUCA TONGHINI was born in Brescia, Porto CinqualeCinquale 130 5M E of Secca della Meloria 43°32’.10N 010°06’.10E 37 150 6M W of Vada 43°19’.00N 010°18’.00E 44 157 Canale di Piombino 42°54’.00N 010°29’.20E 46 Viareggiogg 167 0.5M E of Scoglio Dello Sparviero 42°47’.49N 010°42’.16E 50 north Italy, in 1961. His early sailing 31M 180 1.5M W of Argentario 42°25’.00N 011°03’.00E 53 187 1M S of Argentario 42°20’.40N 011°10’.00E 55 AREA C Pisa 211 2M W of Scoglio Africa 42°21’.50N 010°01’.50E 57 241 I. d’ElbaGUIDA - 500m S of RAPIDAPunta Ripalti PORTI ANCORAGGI 42°42’.09N 010°25’.16E 71 43°40’N 263 I. d’Elba - 0.5M W of Punta Nera GUIDAGUIDAGUIDAGUIDAGUIDAGUIDA RAPIDA RAPIDA RAPIDA RAPIDA 42°46’.10NRAPIDARAPIDA PORTI PORTI PORTI PORTI PORTI 010°05’.21EPORTI ANCORAGGI ANCORAGGI ANCORAGGI ANCORAGGI ANCORAGGIANCORAGGI75 experiences were on Lake Garda.
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