Site: ON150 Manitoulin Island North Shore Ontario 20 200 Jam ie son Buswell Bay R 0 200 M agazine 200 The Thre e Aird Bay ive r R st 200 200 200 Island 200 oad Ea Hoffman Island s Siste rs Daly 200 Important Bird and Biodiversity 200 Fle tc he r 200 17 Bight Bootleggers Island s Sp roule Perch Areas of Canada M c Callum Island s 200 Bay Island s Oak Bay Bay Island s Wigwam Zones importantes pour la Doub le Klotz Island Buckmiller God fre y Island s 0 Hotham Island conservation des oiseaux Island s Ram say 20 Cove Bay Basse tt Brown Toulouse 300 et de la biodiversité du Canada Island s Turnb ull Pe te r Dixon Hoskin Island s Island Island Bay Island Island s Island s 300 De nnis Fe rguson Hagarty http ://www.ib ac anad a.org/site .jsp ?site ID=ON150 Be aufort John's De wd ne y Island s Island s Island s Fox Island 200 Island Bay The Roc k Cousins Stiste d Inne s St. Just Island Island ON017 Island s M id d le ton Darch Logan Logan Island s East Rous Island Bay Island Island Reedy Bay V ankoughne t Clap p e rton Island Island Carling Strange W e st Rous L a k e H u r o n Bay Bay Island Sandy Turner Cove Toronto Blackstock Cove Se agull Bay way540 Cole Bay Island High Sc otland Road Legend Légende Vidal d a Tac hé Island Ge ne ralize d IBA b ound ary Lim ite gé né rale d e la ZICO Shigniconing North Line Julia o Bay Boat R Exp re ssway or highway Autoroute ou route nationale Bay r Bay Harbour a Rushy Re gional or loc al road Route ré gionale ou locale Creasor b East Line e 300 Bight Gore Bay Sid e road 10 L Cove Honora Rail line Che m in d e fe r Smith Ligne d e transp ort d 'é ne rgie Morrisville outh Line Bay Perch U tility c orrid or S Bay Comfort Cove Contour line (m ) Courb e d e nive au (m ) Bay ON150 Lake W ate rc ourse Rivière ou ruisse au Rozels Bass De c id uous fore st (d e nse ) Forêt d e fe uillus (d e nse ) 00 De c id uous fore st (op e n) Forêt d e fe uillus (ouve rt) Battery Bluff Anchorage Bay 7th Line 3 North East Harbour Island Bass Bay Conife rous fore st (d e nse ) Forêt d e conifère s (d e nse ) Beaver 3 Conife rous fore st (op e n) Forêt d e conifère s (ouve rt) Meadow Elizabeth Nancy Corbier 0 Green 0 M ixe d wood fore st (d e nse ) Forêt m ixte (d e nse ) Lakes Bay Helen Bay Settler's Cove Bay M Ixe d wood fore st (op e n) Forêt m ixte (ouve rt) M anitoulin 00 Honeymoon 2 Bay Bay Shrub land M ilie u arb ustif Island Stone's Harbour Newby's W e tland M ilie u hum id e Campbell Lake Othe r fore st / wood land Autre forêt Burnt Bay Grasse s, se d ge s or he rb s Gram m iné e s, d e c are x, d 'he rb e s Carroll 2 Bay Kakawaie Gull Island 00 d West Bay M c Crac ke n's Barre n or sp arse ly ve ge tate d Dé nud é se c ou vé gé tation clairse m é e Wood 20 a Island 0 o Island Island Agriculture / op e n country M ilie u agric ole R Bay Fisher Sand Bay r De ve lop e d are a Zone d é ve lop p é e a l Oakes Sidney Cox Bay Rop e r Turtle Bay p Twin Harbours Snow / ic e Ne ige / glace Walkhouse o Cove Island Creek Eau Murphy P Mindemoya W ate r Bay Misery Harbour U nion Road Lake Battle ship Bay U nc lassifie d Non c lassifié W e ste rn Gibraltar Bay Spring Tre asure Island Top ograp hic d ata / Donné e s top ograp hique s Duc k Island Bay © Natural Re sourc e s Canad a / © Re ssource s nature lle s Canad a Portage Bay Bay Island ON151 Cartograp hic p rod uc tion b y Bird Stud ie s Canad a - ib a@b ird scanad a.org Shrigley Prod uc tion c artograp hique p ar Étud e s d 'oise aux Canad a - ib a@b ird sc anad a.org Duc k Island s Monkhouse Love's Bay Bay Cove The IBA Program is an inte rnational conse rvation initiative Le p rogram m e d e s ZICO e st une initiative d e c onse rvation inte rnationale Square coord inate d b y Bird Life Inte rnational. The Canad ian c o-p artne rs coord onné e p ar Bird Life Inte rnational. Le s c o-p arte naire s c anad ie ns d u for the IBA Program are Bird Stud ie s Canad a and Nature Canad a. p rogram m e d e s ZICO sont Étud e s d 'Oise aux Canad a e t Nature Canad a. Dominion Bay Blue Road White's Re gional p artne rs affiliate d with the Program c oord inate a wid e Le s p arte naire s ré gionaux d u p rogram m e c oord onne nt une vaste gam m e Lonely Bay varie ty of c onse rvation ac tivitie s at IBAs and p lay a ke y role in the d ’activité s lié e s à la c onse rvation d e la nature d ans le s ZICO e t ils joue nt Bay Lake e stab lishm e nt and m ainte nance of IBA Care take r Ne tworks. un rôle p rim ord ial d ans la m ise e n p lac e e t le m aintie n d e s Ré se aux d e Melville gard ie ns d e s ZICO. Horseshoe Bay Deans t Road Bird Stud ie s Canad a. Im p ortant Bird and Biod ive rsity Étud e s d 'oise aux Canad a. Base d e d onné e s d e s zone s Bay Gove rnm e n Are as of Canad a Datab ase . Port Rowan, Ontario: im p ortante s p our la c onse rvation d e s oise aux e t d e la b iod ive rsité d u Bay http ://www.ib acanad a.org Canad a. Port Rowan, Ontario : http ://www.ib ac anad a.org k e Providence e r k Bay C ee k r c C a Km Dave Bay l 200 ay B J Jenkins e 0 3 Rathbun lu Bay B Bay March 2017 / Mars 2017.
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