28_570633_bindex.qxd 7/22/04 12:26 AM Page 765 Index Anegada, 204–206 Anse des Pitons (St. Lucia), A ccommodations Anglican church (Grenada), 586 best, 17–20 319 Anse des Sables (St. Lucia), surfing for, 44–45 Anguilla, 60–75 586 tips on, 54–58 accommodations, 64–68 Anse du Souffleur Admiral House (Antigua), 93 banks, 63 (Guadeloupe), Adventure trips, 49–50 beaches, 71–73 337–338, 348 Aguasol Theme Park brief description of, 25 Anse Laborde (Guadeloupe), (Jamaica), 378 cruises and boating, 73 348 A. H. Riise Gift (St. Thomas), currency, 63 Anse Mitan (Martinique), 726 documents needed, 63 436 Airfares electricity, 63 Anses-d’Arlets (Martinique), getting the best, 46–47 hospitals, 63 438–439 surfing for, 43 marriages on, 50 Anse Tarare (Guadeloupe), Airlines, 45 nightlife, 74–75 336 Airport security, 45–46 pharmacies, 63 Antigua, 76–104 Ajoupa-Bouillon post office, 63 accommodations, 80–87 (Martinique), 444 restaurants, 68–71 banks, 79 Alcázar de Colón (Santo shopping, 74 beaches, 5, 90–91 Domingo, Dominican sports and outdoor brief description of, 25 Republic), 300 activities, 73–74 currency, 79 Al Cohen’s Discount Liquors taxi tours, 73 documents needed, 79 (St. Thomas), 726 telephone, cable, and Telex emergencies, 79 Alhambra (Aruba), 125 services, 63 exploring, 92–94 Alice in Wonderland transportation, 62 marriages on, 50–51 (Tortola), 192 traveling to, 61 nightlife, 96–97 All-inclusive resorts, 55–56 visitor information, 61 restaurants, 87–89 Altar de la Patria (Santo weather, 64 shopping, 94 Domingo, Dominican what’s new in, 1 sports and outdoor Republic), 299 Annaberg Historic Trail activities, 91–92 Altos de Chavón (Dominican (St. John), 761 telephone, 80 Republic), 274, 277–279 Annaberg Ruins (St. John), transportation, 77–79 Amber World Museum 763 traveling to, 77 (Santo Domingo, Domini- Annandale Falls (Grenada), visitor information, 77 can Republic), 302 320 weather, 80 American Casino (Provo), Annual Game Fishing Tourna- what’s new in, 1 695 ment (Grenada), 318 Apple Bay (Tortola), 190 American Express, 36 Anse-à-l’Ane (Martinique), Aquarium de la Guadeloupe, Barbados,COPYRIGHTED 133 436 MATERIAL330 St. Thomas, 707 Anse-Bertrand (Guadeloupe), Arawak Beach (Guadeloupe), San Juan (Puerto Rico), 458 338 348 Tortola, 186 Anse Chastanet (St. Lucia), Arawak inscriptions Virgin Gorda, 196 586 (Bonaire), 177 Amhsa Paradise Beach Anse Couchon (St. Lucia), Arbib Nature & Heritage Casino (Dominican 586 Trail (Barbados), 151–152 Republic), 288 Anse Crawen (Terre-de-Haut), Artistic Jewelers Amsterdam Sauer 353 (St. Thomas), 727 (St. Thomas), 727 Anse de la Gourde Arts and Jewels Andromeda Botanic Gardens (Guadeloupe), 348 (St. Thomas), 727 (Barbados), 159 28_570633_bindex.qxd 7/22/04 12:26 AM Page 766 766 INDEX Aruba, 105–127 restaurants, 144–150 Ocho Rios, 397–398 accommodations, 109–115 safety, 134 Port Antonio, 411 banks, 108 shopping, 21, 159–161 Runaway Bay, beaches, 120–122 sights and attractions, 405–406 brief description of, 25–26 153–159 La Désirade, 356 car rentals, 106–107 special events, 132 Marie-Galante, 355 currency, 108 sports and outdoor Martinique, 436, 438–441 documents needed, 108 activities, 151–153 Montserrat, 104 emergencies, 108 taxes, 134 Nevis, 564–565 liquor laws, 109 telephone, 134–135 nude nightlife, 23, 125–127 transportation, 132–133 Guadeloupe, 336, 348 restaurants, 115–120 traveling to, 129 Jamaica, 385, shopping, 21, 124–125 visitor information, 389–390, 403 sights and attractions, 128–129 Martinique, 441 123–124 weather, 135 St. Barts, 512, 520 sports and outdoor what’s new in, 1 St. John, 760 activities, 122–123 Barbados Jazz Festival, 132 Terre-de-Haut, 353 telephone, 109 Barbados Museum, 156 Providenciales (Provo), transportation, 106–108 Barbuda, 97–99 692–693 traveling to, 106 Barre de l’Isle Trail Puerto Rico visitor information, 105 (St. Lucia), 587 Mayagüez, 493 weather, 109 Barrouallie (St. Vincent), 635 Mona Island, 476 what’s new in, 1 Baseball, Santo Domingo Ponce, 497 Asa Wright Nature Centre (Dominican Republic), 300 Rincón, 491 (Trinidad), 661 Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe), San Juan, 474–475 Asta Reef (Barbados), 152 323, 339–347 St. Barts, 528–529 Athenry Gardens (Jamaica), Basseterre (St. Kitts), 552 St. Croix, 740 412 Batabano (Grand Cayman), St. Eustatius, 537 Atlantis Submarines. See 225 St. John, 759–760 Submarine dives The Baths (Virgin Gorda), St. Kitts, 551–552 ATMs (automated teller 196, 201 St. Lucia, 585–586 machines), 34 Bathsheba/Cattlewash areas St. Maarten/St. Martin, 8 Ayo (Aruba), 124 (Barbados), 151 St. Thomas, 717–719 Bávaro Golf Course (Domini- St. Vincent, 632–633 can Republic), 282 Tobago, 9, 674–675 B aby Beach (Aruba), 121 Bayahibe (Dominican Tortola, 190–191 Back Bay (Tobago), 675 Republic), 276 Trinidad, 659 Baie Longue (St. Martin), Baywinds (St. Thomas), 729 Virgin Gorda, 201 616 Beaches. See also specific Beef Island (Tortola), 184 Baie Mahault (Guadeloupe), beaches Beguine, 432 339 Antigua, 5, 90–91 Bellefontaine (Martinique), Baie Mahault (La Désirade), Aruba, 120–122 442 356 Barbados, 150–151 Bequia (the Grenadines), Balandra Bay (Trinidad), 659 best, 5–9 636–641 Bamboo Gallery (Provo), 695 Bonaire, 172–173 Berkeley Memorial Clock Banana Bay (St. Kitts), 551 Buck Island, 744 (St. Kitts), 552 Bar at Paradise Point Curaçao, 244–246 Bernard K. Passman (St. Thomas), 728 Dominica, 263 (St. Thomas), 725 Barbados, 128–162 Dominican Republic, 8 Beth Haim Cemetery accommodations, 135–144 Cabarete, 291 (Curaçao), 250 banks, 133 Casa de Campo, 276 Betty’s Hope (Antigua), 94 beaches, 150–151 Puerto Plata, 286–287 Bibliothèque Schoelcher brief description of, 26 Santo Domingo, 299 (Martinique), 430–431 consulates and high Sosúa, 289 Bight Reef (Provo), 694 commissions, 133 Grand Cayman, 221 Biking, 49 currency, 133–134 Grenada, 317–318, 320 Bonaire, 164–165 customs regulations, 134 the Grenadines, 640, 641 Grand Cayman, 212 dentists, 134 Guadeloupe, 323, Jamaica, 419 documents needed, 134 330–340, 347–349 Martinique, 426 emergencies, 134 Jamaica Bird-watching, 49 marriages on, 51 Kingston, 415 Aruba, 121 nightlife, 23, 161–162 Montego Bay, 375 Bonaire, 163, 175 organized tours, 153–154 Negril, 389–390 Little Cayman, 232 28_570633_bindex.qxd 7/22/04 12:26 AM Page 767 INDEX 767 St. Lucia, 590, 591 Bodden Town (Grand Brimmer Hall Estate Trinidad, 661–662 Cayman), 225 (Jamaica), 399 Blanchisseuse Bay (Trinidad), Boiling Lake (Dominica), 264 Brimstone Hill Fortress 659 Bonaire, 163–179 (St. Kitts), 553 Blauwbaai (Blue Bay; accommodations, 167–170 Brion, Pedro Luis, statue of Curaçao), 244–245 banks, 165 (Curaçao), 248 Bloody Bay Wall (Little beaches, 172–173 Britannia Bay (Mustique), Cayman), 232 brief description of, 26 641 Blossom Village (Little currency, 165–166 British Virgin Islands, Cayman), 230 diving and snorkeling, 180–207 Blowholes 173–175 Anegada, 204–206 Antigua, 94 documents needed, 166 brief description of, 26 Grand Cayman, 225 electricity, 166 customs regulations, 182 Blue Bay (Blauwbaai; emergencies, 166 entry requirements, 183 Curaçao), 244–245 exploring, 176–178 Guana Island, 206–207 Blue Bay Golf Course marriages on, 51 Jost Van Dyke, 202–204 (Curaçao), 246 nightlife, 178–179 marriages on, 51 The Blue Lagoon (film), 411 restaurants, 170–172 medical assistance, 183 Blue Mountain-John Crow shopping, 178 Peter Island, 206 Mountain National Park sports and outdoor telephone, 183 (Jamaica), 418 activities, 175–176 tipping and service Blue Mountain Peak, summit taxes, 166 charges, 183 of (Jamaica), 418 telephone, 166 Tortola, 184–194 Blue Mountains (Jamaica), transportation, 164 traveling to, 182 418–420 traveling to, 164 Virgin Gorda, 194–202 Boat charters and rentals, visitor information, 163 visitor information, 180 53–54. See also Fishing weather, 167 weather, 183 Anguilla, 73 what’s new in, 2 Bronswinkel Well (Bonaire), Antigua, 91 Bonaire Marine Park, 9, 173 177 Bonaire, 175–176 Booby Shoals (St. Kitts), 552 Bubali Pond (Aruba), 121 Nevis, 565 Books, recommended, 58–59 Buccament Bay Beach (St. Tortola, 192 Boolchand’s (St. Thomas), Vincent), 632 Boat tours and cruises 725 Buccoo Reef, 675, 677 Antigua, 91 Boston Beach (Jamaica), 411 Buck Island, 742 Aruba, 122 Botanical Garden of Nevis, sights and attractions, Barbados, 153, 154 567 744–746 Curaçao, 246 Botanical gardens Buck Island (St. Croix), Dominica, 256 Barbados, 159 10, 740 Grand Cayman, 222 Grand Cayman, 226 Bunkum Bay (Montserrat), Grenada, 318 Martinique, 431, 438 104 Jamaica, Montego Bay, St. Croix, 748 Butler Bay (St. Croix), 742 378–379 St. Thomas, 723 Puerto Rico, 475 St. Vincent, 634 St. Barts, 513–514 Tortola, 191 C abarete (Dominican St. John (U.S. Virgin Trinidad, 661 Republic), 291–293 Islands), 761 The Bottom (Saba), 511 Cabarete Beach (Dominican St. Lucia, 586 Bottom Bay (Barbados), 151 Republic), 291 Terre-de-Haut, 352 Bouillante (Guadeloupe), Cabaret Royal Showroom Bob Marley Museum 343–344 (Aruba), 126 (Jamaica), 416 Brandon’s Beach (Barbados), Cabrits National Park Boca Bartol (Bonaire), 177 150 (Dominica), 267 Boca Cai (Bonaire), 178 Brewer’s Bay (St. Thomas), Caicos Conch Farm (Provo), Boca Chica (Dominican 719 695 Republic), 299 Brewers Bay (Tortola), 191 Calle Las Damas (Santo Boca Chiquito (Bonaire), 177 Bridgetown (Barbados), 135 Domingo, Dominican Boca Cocolishi (Bonaire), exploring, 154–156 Republic), 299 173, 177 nightlife, 161–162 Callinago Beach Boca Grandi (Aruba), 124 outdoor activities, 153, 154 (Guadeloupe), 348 Boca Onima (Bonaire), 177 restaurant, 148 Camping Boca Slagbaai (Bonaire), 173 shopping, 160 St. Lucia, 586 Boca Tabla (Curaçao), 250 Brighton
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