Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Lectureship Books Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events 1927 1926-1927: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text. H.L. Calhoun S.P. Pittman W.D. Campbell Carl L. Etter Foy E. Wallace Sr. See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation Calhoun, H.L.; Pittman, S.P.; Campbell, W.D.; Etter, Carl L.; Wallace, Foy E. Sr.; Stubblefield, C.M.; Forrest, U.R.; White, L.S.; Buchanan, C.A.; Borden, E.M.; Smithson, John T.; Kercheville, W.A.; Mickey, G.F.; Hockaday, W. Don; Harvey, J.D.; and Lanier, Roy H., "1926-1927: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text." (1927). Lectureship Books. 59. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/59 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lectureship Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Authors H.L. Calhoun, S.P. Pittman, W.D. Campbell, Carl L. Etter, Foy E. Wallace Sr., C.M. Stubblefield, U.R. Forrest, L.S. White, C.A. Buchanan, E.M. Borden, John T. Smithson, W.A. Kercheville, G.F. Mickey, W. Don Hockaday, J.D. Harvey, and Roy H. Lanier This book is available at Digital Commons @ ACU: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/59 ~· f; . ' Library of FORREST R. WALDROP Date .......... .................................. No ........... Price .................... ... TO A BOOK "If thou art borrow ed by a f rie nd, Right w elcom e shall he be To read , to study -n ot to lend­ But to return to m e. Not that imparted knowledge Do th dim ish learn ings store ; But, I find, books oft en lent R eturn to me no mor e." * Read slowly , pause fr equently, think serious ly • and ret urn dul y, w ith the corne rs of the leaves not I turn ed down . * Anon. c!ill!lE_~_;e;_ee....ee....ee....e:_;;,_=====~;;;;;;;;1 1 -,;,;;,;;,;;,;;·==========~~ 1 · Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures 1926-1927- Delivered in the Auditorium of Abilene Christian College Abilene, Texas 1926-1927 FIRM FOUNDATION PUBLISHING HOUSE I 04.108 East 9th Street Austin. Texas 1PREFACE This volume contains the greater number of the lec­ tures delivered in the auditorium of Abilene Christian College during the -annual Lectureship held the last week in February for th e years 1926 and 1927. It is regretted that not all of the manuscripts were hand ed in, and therefore cannot be published. This volum e is sent forth with the hope that the great addr esses de- · livered and here reproduced may be a source of inspira ­ tion and encouragement to those who read them. BATSELL BAXTER . Pr esident Abil ene Christian Coll ege . I PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT The Abilene Chri stian College Bib le Lectures have become an interesti ng and popular feature in the spe ­ cial work of this gr eat educational institution . The last week of February of each ye ar is now looked forward to with a keen inte res t not only on th e part of the stu ­ dent s and patrons of the school, but by thousands of~ ­ resentative men and women in the great brotherhood of the churches of Chri st in Tex as a~d in other states. Th e publication of these lectures in book form has been met with a satisfaction and appreciation that justifies this more permanent for m and method of preservation. The lectures for 1919 were published in one volume, 1920- 1921 were combined in one volume, as were also the lectures for 1922-1923 and 1924-1925. Th e present vol­ ume comprises most of the lect ur es delivered for the years 1926-1927. Th e comp lete set of the Abilene Christian Colleg e Lec ­ tures now cons ists of five volumes, all of which are at present ava ilable. Th at the complete set makes a most valuabl e add ition to any Christian's library, would hardly be questioned. The variety of subjects and the various speakers give variety in point of view and in approach to the themes considered that makes them unique in th e. liter at ur e of the brotherhood of the churches of Christ. It is confidentl y hoped that th e great themes so well cons id ered by the popular speakers who are repres ente d m this volume will find a way into the hearts as well as th e homes of thou sands , and th at the y may contrib­ ute no small influen ce for th e expan sion of th e kingdom of our Redeemer an d for th e dev elopment of th e better elements in Christi an char acter. G. H. P. SHOW ALTER. Aust in, Texas, August ] , 1!)27. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 3 Publisher's Announ cement .........................................~ ....... 5 "The Indwelling Christ" by H. L. Calhoun ......................... 9 '' A Much Neglected Command'' by H. L. Calhoun . 25 '' The Five Great Du ties of a Christian Life'' by H. L. Calhoun .. .. .. .. ...... ................. ............................ 43 "Progress in Religion " by H . L . Calhoun ... .... 63 '' What Jesus Christ May Be to a Human Soul'' by H. L . Calhoun. ........ -4-S \ <\ "Sovereignty of Christ" by S. P. Pittman .... .... 101 "The Three Witness es" by vV. D. Campbell ..109 '' Theory vs. Practice'' by Carl L. Etter .. ..122 "The Churc'h" by Foy E. Wallace Sr . ... 14] "Plea and Principles of Disciples" by C. IVI. Stubblefield ... .152 '' Standing by the Cross '' by U. R. Forrest ........ ......... 167 "The Pulpit of Power is the Pulpit of the Gospel'' by L. S. White .... · ....181 "Home Missionary Work" by C. A . Buchanan . 193 "Music in the Church" by E . M. Borden ..............210 "The Divine Nature" by John T. Smithson .. 223 "Putting God First" by W. A . Kercheville .... 233 "We Are Here, Wh y?" by G. F. Mickey. 247 "The Prayer of Jabez" by W. Don Hockaday ........ ..278 '' What Do Ye More Than Others ?'' by J . D. Harvey .................... ....................... 288 "Christ, Our Unique Sacrifice" by Roy H . Lanier . 312 THE INDWELLING CHRIST 9 THE INDWELLING CHRIST By H. L. CALHOUN I believe the Bible to be miraculously inspired; that it is infallibly tru e in its statemen ts of facts; all au­ thoritative in its commands and absolutely trustworthy as to the fulfillme nt of its promises . I believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine. I believe that holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. I believe what Paul said "which things we speak not in the words which man's wisdom tea cheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth." I believ e what Paul further said "If any man thinketh himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him take knowledge that the things which I write unto you are the commandment s of the Lord Jesus.'' I believe that God has in the world three great divine institutions : the home, the state and the church. I believe the home is for the .reproduction and rearing of human being s ; that the state is to protect the life, liberty and happiness of its citizens; that the church rs that institu- . tion through which human souls are to be saved and fitted for the life that lies beyond death. I believe that the pillar and support of the truth is the church and not some humanly organized missionary society . I believe that the manifold wisdom of God is to be made known through the church. I believe that th e law of pardon for an alien sinner is that he must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart; that he must truly repent of all past sins; that he must confess with his mouth his faith in the 10 ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURES Lord Jesus Christ; that by the authority of J esus Christ he must be baptized into the nam e of the Father and of th e Son and of th e Holy Spirit; that ·when he has done these things, then, an d not before, he has the promise that his sins are pard oned or that he . is saved. I believe that such a person , as a Christian, mus~ add to his faith virtue, and to virtue knowl edge, and to knowl edge t em­ pera nce, and to temperance patience, to patience godli­ ness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love, and that should he do so, there will be ministered unto him an abundant entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I beli eve that such a Christian r eceives the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His, and that possessing that spirit, he should bear its fruit, which is love, joy, peace, long­ suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and tem­ perance, and that against one whose life is filled with th ese things God's law has no accusation to bring. I believ e that such a person should reflect in his daily life and character the t eac hin gs of Christ as made known to us in the beatitudes. I beli eve that all true science and sound philosoph y an d Christian faith are in perfect harmony , each one perfectly proper in its own sphere, neither trespassing upon either one of th e others and in no single point .
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