:I(Stefeo) Stereo) Justice Z:05 the

:I(Stefeo) Stereo) Justice Z:05 the

THE COASTLAND - TIMES -- , - Thtnday, MIY ., 1995, Page SC HAHt4AA IS gA�fO M( rH� «DMf.N AN4ARIUM n' Tele-Log A SH�() IN WH'�H HoRSES f.1 1 WERE SHoD! NORTH OF c.CJ1 SOUTH OF ••"'4f£Nf Of OREGON INLET OREGON IrdET COROLLAI WUND WEATHER RADIO -Channel'2 (PBS) 2 2 2 WTKR-Channel 3 (CBS) 3 3 3 KIG-77 WTVZ-Channel 33 (FOX) 4 N/A 4 162.475 Mhz FM ESPN 5 5 5 24-Hour Broadcast from National REQUEST TV INFO 6 6 6 Weather Service WITN-Channel 7 (NBC) 7 7 N/A Newport, N,C, WGNT-Channel 27 8 (IND) N/A 8 OtIicial f«casll1Ild area weather reports, WFXI-Channel 8 (FOX) N/A 1 NfA warnings, astronomical data. 4:30 lim News WNCT-Channel 9 12:00 MOVIE: 'Frank .. J.,ae' �USA) MOVIE' 'Extreme PreJud· Umll of Is 35-60 (CBS) 9 9 N/A (}) Garfield and Friends @HBO) Average reception mUes (CC) (In Stereo) ice' A Texas Ranger faces an old WAVY-Channel10 10 10 U(!) Superhuman Samurai 24-Haur Recorded SeMee (NBC, 10 Syber­ (fi(A&E) Biography' FOR: Th. War friend running a drug network Nick CNN Squad (CC) IR) lin Stereo) Y.a,. Nolte. Powers Boothe, Mrchaollron­ 1--800-697-7374 11 11 11 Mastels of (R) 1 [�FAMI the Maz. (In VACATION ®USA) Quantum l.ap (CC) (In Side 19B7 (In Storeo) For CUlTent Observation by Autcmaled CHANNEL 12 N/A 12 Stereo) �FAM) Rescue 911 (CC) (In 4.35 �iil Bunch Stereo) Brady Bonanza: Th. lost Stereo) Surface Observing Syslem at: WCTI-Channel12 (ABC) NIA 12 N/A 5:00 • m Sesame Stre.t ®FAM) Epl· (CCI sod.s 9:30 m Mclaughlin Group Slly Mitchell Field, Frisco WVEC-Channel13 13 13 13 Ru.h ., @ With Mr Coop.r (ABC) •a�If)NewsCl Hard Umbaugh I Hangin' 919·995-3646 Copy ICC) @) American Journal (CC) (In Stereo) HBO 14 14 (.) Ricki lake (CC) I 14 12:30 rn N:>rth Carolina Now (R) 10:00 m Week in Review Manteo Airport, Manteo U 00 Differflnt World 12:251 leQ!!lative CINEMA X 15 15 (CC) (In (J) Paid 0 l!J Picket Fences (In 1S Stereo) Program I 00 (CC) 918-473-2826 ® MOVIE: 'Year of the Stereo) REQUEST 16 16 1m CfOl II) (ill News (CC) Dragon' 16 Time A New York • rn 1m ®l Homicide: Life on the QJlfA&EI lou Grant Approximat. pol­ REQUEST 2 Ice battles a cnme boss in Street ICC) (In Stereo) 17 17 17 Rider captain ��IUSIII Knight Chinatown Rourke. John (j) Richard (R) SHOWTIME (35'IFAMI Maximum Drive MI.:key Bey Stereo) 18 18 18 lin Stereo) lone, Anane 19B5 • CD (i31 20/20 ICC) 5:05 Ii;o Savod by the Bell ®A&E) Wildlife My,t.ri., Part 2 of PREVIEW (CC) (In CD (iii) late (14'[H80) Half· Hour' Mar· GUIDE 19 19 19 Stereo) 12:35. G Night (CC) (In Comedy 3 (R) Stereo) Cho (CC) (R) (In Steroo) 5:30 a ;:-3) liard (CC) garet IM![USA) Paid Program GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 20 N/A N/A Copy 12,37 CD Extra lin 700 Club DO') News a (CC) Stereo) (3_�[FAM) �:5I(FAM) Madeline (CC) (R) 10,30 (lI) NBA Basketball First (In THE MOVIE CHA"'NEL 21 21 o Griffith D (J) late late Show (CC) ILlVe Playoffs: Storoo) 21 (9: Andy Round Game 4 .. Teams to Be An­ DISNEY CHANNEL Ili) !_l9; News (CCI Phono·ln) lIn Storeo) B:05 (11) Bonanza 22 22 nounced (CCI If necessary (2 hrs , 22 If) Cops ICC) (In Storeo) 12,55 a Dennis Prager (R) 8.30 U fI' Barney .. Fri.nds ICC) (In 30 rmn ) (Llv!') NICKelODEON 23 23 .. �f3) American Journal _ CHJ Maury Povich (CC) Stereo) 23 (CC) (JfIHBO) MOVIE 'Red Scorpion 2' 13S'IFAM) That's My Dog (In Sterco) 1:00 (J) Top Cop. (In StOIOO) a morn Beethoyen (CC) WWOR 24 24 Wmds of War Part 5 of 7 (In Stereo) 24 5:35 :11) SaYed by the Bell' The College �")AIoEi (') Double Dragon (In Stereo) (R) 11:00 U ill Tony Brown's Jc;.·.-nal WEATHER CHANNEL 25 2S 25 Years (CC) (In Stereo) CPJ ID (13) Free Willy (CC) (In Stereo) (j§l(USA) Counter'trike am.murn_News of White NASHVILLE (S) Paid Cl,t'(HBO) legend Fang NETWORK 26 26 26 tWtFAMI Paid Program Program Paid am (!O) CD 13) News ICC) (�tUSAI Program TNT 1 :07 U Cll Northern Expo.ure (CCl (In �FAMI Wish Kid (CC) 27 27 27 f3,t'(USA) Ouckman (CC) (R) (In THURSDAY Stereo) 9:00 • (2) Kidsongs lin Stereo) AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSICS 28 28 1'25 • Willillms TV Stereo) Aladdin 28 f3S'IFAMI a (3) 0 rn (CC) WTBS 5/4/95 1.30 co (#:(FAM) Paid Pr09ram RaCing Today • CD NBA Inside Stuff 29 29 29 1 11'30 • m Charlie Rose lin Stereo) :35 Wllater (In Stereo) ('J Street Sharks (In Stereo) 1.37 News 00 700 Club FAMILY CHANNEL 30 30 30 1m-(J) (R) If) CD (111 Tales From the Cryptke.· 5:00 MOVIE 'Another Part of 1 :50 (!JIHBO) MOVIE. 'Rain Man' ICC) �(USAI MOVIE. 'H O.T S: Two rr­ t;Jl)(A&E) "er (CC) lin Stereo) ESPN-2 31 31 the FOlest' A val soronuos try to dnve each other 31 famlly's love of money lin Stereo) (�IHBO) Happilv EYer After: Fairy takas over all else 1'55 Gil News (CC) (R) off campus Susan Kiger lisa Lon­ A&E 32 32 precodence Fred· .. Tales for Every Child ICC) (R) (In 32 nc Ann 2:00 Jon Stewart don Pamola Jean 1979 March. Blyth Edmond O'S CJ) lin Stereo) Bryant Stereo) QVC non 1948 Consumers' Choice ru'(FAM) Rescue 911 (CC) (In 33 33 33 • ()j�A&EJ Behind the V.iI: Nun. 6:35 U:f;[HBO) MOVIE 'Trade Secrets' (HlVSA) American Gladiator. (CC) Stereo) USA Throughout history women havo as­ 34 34 34 9:00 MOVIE 'Enchanted (60 min) 11 35 a morn late Show (CC) (In S�.IHBO) April' serted theor In lite and HOME 700 Club Stereo) power rohglous SHOPPING NETWORK 35 3S 35 ICC) (In Stereo) (JSJ{FAMI all - I questioned tho malo hlorarchy of 10:30 CLI'!HBOI MOVIE 'lear. on Me' 2:05 CD NBC N.w. Night,id. • Q_) 1m lei) Tonight Show (CC) (In DISCOVERY (CC) the church (60 min) Part 2 of 2 (R) CHANNEL 36 36 36 fir Stereo) (iOj N.w. (CC) (R) Stereo) C·Net Central (In Stereo) MTV 2:07 ill late Lste Show • ., (iJ) Nightline (CC) (�USA) 37 37 37 AFTERNOON I ICC) (In (3$)(FAM) Mario AII·Stars Sieroo) 12:00 (H'IHBO) Dennis Miller (CC) (LIVe VH-1 9:05 (iil WCI/V Pro 31 38 31 12.30 of the 2:12 DCJJCBSUptotheMinut.Join.d PhoM·ln) lin Stereo) Wrestling .H:1HBOI Making Remain, of 9.30 (J] Puzzle Place (CC) (In Stereo) the Day (fl) (hI in Progre.s Ike and C-SPAN 39 39 39 Stereo) (3])IAIoE) Biography' Monty· 00 D �) Teenage Mutant Ninja 1:00 ,j_f'IHBOl MOVIE. 'Who Will love 2.30 ill) MOVIE. 'Cooperstown' Are· Generals at War I HOME (R) Turtles (CC) TEAM SPORTS 40 40 40 M� Children?' nred athlete embarks for the Baseball Bononza. The lost [f$'{FAM) Epi· • ill Nick News lin Storoo) 1 :05 JI' MOVIE 'M"rrjlf's Maraud.,.' Hall of Fame Alan Arkin. Graham sodes CNBC 41 41 41 (') Phanlom 2040 lin Stereo) Th" exptous of Gen Frank 0 Greene Hopo Lange 1993 Rush eng LImbaugh CJ II) (Ill Reboot (CC) lin Stereo) COMEDY CHANNEL 42 42 M,mdl In Burma Jeff Chandlnr, • @ ABC World News Now American Journal 42 Ty (13) (CC) (!4'1.HBO) MOVIE 'Addams Hsrrnn Peter Brown 196:> Joined In Progr.,. (CC) 12.30 North Carolina Family CNN-HEAOllNE NEWS 43 43 12;061 [fl Now (R) Values' ICC) (In Stereo) 43 2.30 U (" Preludfl 10 A oehlntl, 2:40 • (!� NBC N.ws Nightslde Joined Paid Spring (J) Program l3l'(USA) Hollywood Insider SCI-FI CHANNEL 44 .... the scenes look at 10 in Progr••, (1��HOOI Oef Jam .... landscape Comedy (CC) (In (3$'(FAMI Maximum Drive (In Storeo) companes pr"paranons for tho forst 3:00 ill MOVIE 'The Big Blue' A dIVIng Stereo) TRINITY BROADCAST 10:00. rn School Bus (CC) (In 45 4S 4S Southe�"er' f lower Show componnon turns froends Into foes 12 35 10" Magic • ()') am late Night (CC) (In Stereo) 2:45 Jean TRAVEL CHANNEL '.14(1100) MOVIE. 'The Jean·Marc Barr, Reno Rosanna Stereo) \ 46 46 4& Toy' D [3 D j' Garfield and Fri.nds 3:00 U..l' QUiet of Hands: A Arquette 1988 12 36 LIFETIME Joining If) Denms P'ager fA) (CC) 47 47 47 History of Brookgreen Gardens Tho • Jew.'ry Shop left in Progre•• (i:i) Povich Maury (CC) • CD Name Your Adventur. (CC) REQUEST 3 sculpture gardens In (Jj)jA&E) law .. Order 12:37 (1) Extra 48 N/A NfA Georgotc.wll (CC) (In Stereo) ('J California Dreams (In Steroo) County S C created by Archor Hun- �(USA) MOVIE 'Nighthawk.' A ,,]; late late Show 4 I (CC) (Live 1m (10) Martha Stewart (CC) REQUEST 49 N/A N/A tlll�lon and hiS Wife Anna Hyatt Hun. New Yor� cop tracks a European ter­ Living Phone·ln' (In Stereo) mID '13 in the tlngtun rorost pubhclty hound Sylvester Stal· 1 00 Bump Night (CC) (In .

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