o ) Wollongong Sportsground Trust Annual Report 2006,2007 ) GENERAL INFORMATION THE VENUES WIN Stadium has been in the W ollongong Sporrsground Trust's care and control since t 986. The Sta dium is used for rugby league, soccer and rugby union games, as well as other special events. The adjacent WIN Entertainment Centre became the responsibiHty of the Trust when completed in September 1998. The Entertainment Centre hosts a rich va riety of events sll ch as basketball , tennis, boxing, music concerts, family shows, conferences, exhibitions and dinners. CAPACITY OF VENUES W IN Stadium has a total ca pacity of 20,000 public spectators. Of these, there are around 7,200 covered seats in the western, southern and northern grandstands, arollnd 4,300 uncovered seats and spaces in th e grandstand concourses, ,md a licensed capacity for a further 8,500 spectators on the eastern hill. The WIN Entertainment Centre has a total capacity of around 6,000 patrons. A rypica l concert set-up will have 3,500 to 5,000 seats, while the venue can be re­ configured to a more intimate space for as few as 500 patrons fo r dinners or small conferences. o ACCESS The Wollongong Sportsground Trust's o ffLce is located in Levell of the WIN EtHertainment Centre. The office is open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, and during major events. PUBLIC TRANSPORT The Stadium and Entertainmenr Centre are located approximately 15 minutes walk from Wollongong Railway Station. There are also bus stops and taxi ranks just oursid e the ve nues on Crown Street. DISABLED PATRONS Speci,d services are provided for disabled patrons including des ignated seming, parking, tactile signage and toilet facilities. Seating and pa rking spa ces can be reserved for even ts by phoning the Entertainment Centre Box Office on (02) 4220 2828. EVENT SCHEDULE An event sch edule for both venues can be viewed on our website. CONTACT INFORMATION Office: WIN Entertainment Cen tre, C nr Crown and Harbour Streets, Wollongong NSW 2520 Postal Address< PO Box 3100, Wollongong NSW 2520 Telephone: (02) 4220 2800 Fascimile: (02) 4220 280 I Email: [email protected] W ebsite: wWVv·.wec.o rg.au Page 2 Wollongong Sportsground Trust Annual Report 2006-2007 ) CONTENTS Letter to the Minister ................................................................ 4 Foreword ........•............................................................•............ 5 Chairman's Report .................................................................... 6 General Mallager's Revie\v ........................................................ 7 Wollongong Sportsground Trustees .....................•..................... 8 Trust Charter/ Governance ...................................................... 10 Code of Conduct (Trustees and Management) ......................... II B usiness Operations ................................................................ 14 o Business Strategy ..................................................................... 16 Events Calendar· Entertainment Centre ................................. 18 Events Calendar· WIN Stadium .............................................. 20 Event Highlights ...................................................................... 21 Hllll1an Resollrces ................................................................... 22 Code of Conduct (Employees) ................................................. 25 Ethnic Affairs .......................................................................... 26 Environment ...................................................•....................... 27 Finance .................................................................................... 28 Financial Indicators ......................................... .....••••. .. ••.......... 29 Performance Against Budget ................................................... 31 Independent Audit Report ...................................................... 32 Statement by Members of the Trust ......................................... 37 Audited Financial Statements .................................................. 38 Index ....................................................................................... 65 Wollongong Sportsground Trust Annual Report 2006-2007 Page 3 o LEITER TO THE MINISTER WOLLON GONG S PORTSGROUND TRUST Dear Minister West} On behalf of the Woll ongong Sportsground Trust, I have pleasure in submitting to you its Annual Re port for me period 1st July 2006 to 30th June 2007 for presentati on to Parliament. T he Report is sub mitted in accordance with Secti on 9A (a) of the Annual Re ports (Statu tory Bod ies) Act 1984. Chris Christoudoulo Ll Chairman, Wollongong Sportsground Trust Stuart Barnes General Manage r, Wollongong Sportsground Trust CNR CROWN & HARBOUR STREETS POST OFFICE BOX 3/00 WOLLONGONG EAST NSW 2S20 TELEPHONE (02) 4220 2BOO FACSIMILE (02) 4220 280 I Page 4 Wollongong Sportsg round Trust Annua l Report 2006·2007 o FOREWORD New South Wales Noreen Hay Member for Wollongong It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the hard work of the W oll ongong Sportsground Trust in 2003/2004. Attracting and hosting major events both nationally and internationally to Wollongong has been a maj or achievement for the Trust, WIN Stadium and the W1N Entertainment Centre, contributing many millions of dollars into our regional economy. As the Member for Wollongong and a local resident I have attended many events both at the WIN Entertai nment Centre and WIN Stadium, the highligh t of which we re two fantas tic Rugby World Cup ga mes attracting capacity crowds, international teams, supporters and world wide media coverage. I was also privileged to be invited to officiate at the draw for the Fed Cup Tennis play- off tie, in 2003, between Australia and Columbia at the WECo culminating in an A ustralian victory. Families in this region also have had the opportunity to part icipate in enhanced programmes with a va ri ety of events slich as "D isney on lee" and the Wiggles. It was no surprise that the Wollo ngong Sportsground Trust won the U1awarra Tourism Award for its activiti es surrounding the World Cup Rugby program me. I am aware of the Trust's vision and master plan) particularly to rep lace the westen) stand, and I wish them welL If their future endeavours are as successful as those to clate, we are in for a ve ry exciting time. I congratu late the Trllst, Management and all staff for the ongoing success of the WIN Sports and Entertain ment Centres as world~class facili ties. No reen Hay, MP Member fo r Wol longong 2/1 11 Crown Street Wollongong, NSW 2500 Ph, (61-2) 4226 5700 Fax, (61 -2) 4226 9963 WoJlongong Sportsground Tru st Annual Report 2006-2007 Page 5 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 2006/2007 will be remembered as a year of contrasts for the Trust. in August 2006, the Trust and the St George lIlawarra Dragons formally signed off our 5 year agreement to host 7 Dragons ga mes at WIN Stadium per N RL season. Due to a need to play the majoriry of home games at Kogarah in the first half of the calendar year of 200 7, we only hosted 4 of the NR L games in this fin ancia l yea r. fu a consequence, revenue to the Trust from the Dragons in this fin ancial year was significantl y dimin ished. O n the fl ip side, th e Trust was able to secure a new signage arrange men t with Energy Australia to add to our growing list of companies who wish to advertise on the exterior of our ven ues. The overall fi nancial position, whilst down on last year, remained sound. Due to good management, once again, we continued to operate without any operational grants from the State Governmen t. As reported last year, the Request for Proposals (RFP) document, seeking private sector in terest in the development of the site was processed during rhe fina ncial year. U nfortunately, our hope of attracting a proposal which would see the construction of a new Western G randstand fell short. Whilst a proposal W<l S put forward by the priv<lte sector, worthy of consideration, the NSW Government decided not to proceed as ir was not confident the proposal offered the optim um va lue for money to the Trust and the commun ity. W ith lessons learnt fro m the fir st RFP process and a new W ollongong C ity Centre Loca l En vironment Plan now gaze tted and offering greater development options on this site, the Trust is very hopeful of generating interest in the site and providing a new Western G randstand. The Trust is now seeking permiss ion from the State Government to return to the market with a formal Tender process. A new W es tern G randstand and associated commercial developmen ts remains a number one priori ty for the Trust. During this year, the Trust undenook a Management Review where it looked at the current Management structure to ensure that it was oper Cl ting efficiently and effectively, give n our current business climate and future needs. The extensive process decided that the current structure be retained but produced some new objectives for the Manage men t Team. In M<l Y 2007 the W ollongong Sportsground Trust took th e initiative to host the first meeting of the six Trusts that operate sports and enterta inment venues which report to the Minister for Sport and Recreation. T he group, which has since met one more time, has now decided to meet at least once a year. At its meetings the group has shared information, strateg ies and co ntacts and is looking at areas of close involve ment with a view to creating some collective efficiencies. T he Trust has appreciated the support of the new Min ister fo r Sporr and Recreation
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