THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION G eorge R . C o w g il l , E d ito r Yale Nutrition Laboratory, 333 Cedar Street New Haven 11, Conn. E D I T O R I A L b o a r d E . W . C r a m p t o n W . D . Sa l m o n C a r l e t o n R . T r e a d w e l l G l a d y s A . E m erso n L e m u e l D . W r ig h t C l a r e n c e ? . B erg C h a r l e s R . G r au J a m e s S. D in n in g H erbert R . B ird G race A . G o l d sm it h J a m e s M . O r t e n C osm o G. M a c k e n z ie VOLUME 59 MAY-AUGUST 1956 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE WI3TAR INSTITI]TE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA CONTENTS No. 1 MAT 1956 H. B. V ickery. Biography of Thomas Burr Osborne (1859-1929) with frontispiece ........................................................................................................... 3 J. B. A llison, B. W. W annemacher, Jr., B. Hilf and C. A. Hetzel. The effect of methionine supplementation upon the tumor-host relationship in the rat. Three figures ...................................................................................... 27 A ncel Keys, J. T. A nderson, Olaf M ickelsen, Sadye F. Adelson and F laminio F idanza. Diet and serum cholesterol in man: Lack of effect of dietary cholesterol ............................................................................................. 39 W. 0. Caster a n d W. D. Armstrong. Pair feeding as a control procedure in metabolic studies of the x-irradiated rat. Four figures ............................. 5? Paul Griminger, H. M. Scott and B. M. F orbes. The effect of protein level on the tryptophan requirement of the growing chick. Two fig u res........ 67 Arthur- M. Hartman, Leslie P. Dryden and George- H. B iedel. Vitamin BJ2 content of milk and milk products as determined by rat a s sa y ........ 77 Leslie P. Dryden. George H. B iedel and A rthur- M. Hartman. Compara­ tive assay for vitamin BM in certain milk products by various rat growth methods ..................................................................................................................... 89 M ary E lizabeth Beid, M ary G. M artin and George M. B riggs. Nutritional studies with the guinea pig. IV. Folic acid .................................................. 103 K athleen P. W arnick, Mary V. Zaehringer, Shirley V. B ring and Ella W oods. Physiological availability of thiamine from potatoes and from brown rice. Two figures ............................................................................. 121 W erner G. Jappé. Bequirements of rats for vitamin Bc during growth, reproduction and lactation ............................................................................... 135 B. H. Eeshoff, H. J. Hernandez and J. H. M atthews. Beneficial effects of alfalfa on the ovarian development of immature rats fed massive doses of alpha-estradiol .................................................................................................. 147 I an F. S. M ackay, S. J. Patrick, Doreen Stafford and F red S. Cleveland, Jr. The. influence of vitamin B 12 and aureomycin upon the growth of protein-deficient children ................................................................................... 155 Mo. 2 JUNE 1956 A. E. Schaefer, H. L. Sassaman, A. Slocum a n d B. D. Greene. Absorption of topically applied vitamins. Two figures .................................................... 171 Douglas V. Frost, Henry S. P erdue and Henry C. Spruth. Vitamin K acti'dty of menadione sodium bisulfite in chickens. Two figures .......... 181 iii IV COUTEHTS T. V iswanatha and I rvin E. Liener. Tteproduction and lactation of rats receiving corn oil or butterfat in the presence of sulfathalidine.............. 197 J. S. Einlayson and C. A. B aumann. Responses of rats to urea and related substances. The use of a spaced-feedihg technique ................................... 211 J ay Eirth and B. Connor J ohnson. Quantitative relationships of trypto­ phan and nicotinic acid in the baby pig. One figure ................................. 223 G . M atrone, W. W. G. Smart, Jr., M. W. Carter, V. W. Smart and H. W. Garp.en. Effect of genistin on growth and development of the male mouse 235 Mary A nn W illiams and Charles Richard Grau. Food intake and utiliza­ tion of lysine-deficient protein by the chick in relation to the digestible energy concentration of the diet. Three figures ......................................... 243 Mary A nn W illiams and Charles Richard Grau. Energy intake and body composition of the chick in relation to the dietary concentrations of digestible carbohydrate and digestible food energy. Two figures.......... 255 1. H. Liu, G. C. A shton and D. V. Catron. The effect of intermittent con­ sumption of calcium in rats .............................................................................. 267 M. Chieffi and J. E. K irk. The ascorbic acid excretion in the stool in elderly subjects ................................................................................................... 273 F. H. Mattson, J. C. A lexander, F. J. B aur and H. H. Reller. Short-term feeding studies on acetin fats ........................................................................ 277 Joseph Seronde, Jr., T heodore F. Zucker and L ois M. Zucker. Thiamine, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid in the natural resistance of the rat to a corynebacterium infection. One figure .......................................................... 287 Theodore F. Zucker, L ois M. Zucker and J oseph Seronde, J r. Antibody formation and natural resistance in nutritional deficiencies .................... 299 No. 3 JULY 1956 Charlotte Rodercck, Cecelia Pudelkewicz, E mil H. Jebe and Ercel S. E ppp.ight. Serum vitamin C of Iowa school children and its relationship to diet and age. One figure ............................................................................ 309 T. K. Murray and J. A. Campbell. Further studies on the effect of aureo- mycin on the apparent utilization of vitamin A by the rat. One figure . 319 Taketami Sakuragi and F red A. K ummerow. The biological utilization of the palmitic acid esters of pantothenic acid ............................................... 327 R. L. Hays and K. A. K endall. The beneficial effect of progesterone on pregnancy in the vitamin A-deficient rabbit ............................................... 337 H. J. Thomasson. The biological value of oils and fats. IV. The rate of in­ testinal absorption ............................................................................................. 343 IT. E. Sauberlich. Amino acid imbalance as related to methionine, isoleucine, threonine and tryptophan requirement of the rat or mouse.......................... 353 R. H. W asserman, C. L. Comar and M. M. N old. The influence of amino acids and other organic compounds on the gastrointestinal absorption of calcium13 and strontium58 in the rat. Two figures ..................................... 371 CONTENTS V I an R. Sibbald, Roy T. Bebg and J ohn P. B owland. Digestible energy in relation to food intake and nitrogen 'retention in the weanling rat .... 385 F elix B ronner, Robert S. Harris, Constantine J. Maletskos and Clemens E. B enda. Studies in calcium metabolism. Effect of food phytates on calcium® uptake in boys on a moderate calcium breakfast. Two figures ......................................................................................................... 393 E. G. M cDaniel, J. M. Hundley and W. H. Sebrell. Tryptophan-niacin metabolism in alloxan diabetic rats. Two figures .......... '. ......................... 407 Russell F. Miller and Paul H. Phillips. The effect of age on the level and metabolism of fluorine in the bones of the fluoridated r a t ................ 425 Raymond B orchers and Djanhanguir Mohammad-Abadi. Indican excre­ tion by rats fed raw soybean oil meal .......................................................... 435 No. 4 AUGUST 1956 Mary E. Lojkin. Effect of ovariectomy and administration of ovarian hormones and testosterone on nicotinic acid metabolism of rats .......... 443 R. J. Meade and R. M. Forbes. The influence of chlortetracycline and vitamin B,,, alone and in combination, on nitrogen utilization by growing swine ....................................................................................................... 459 Lillian C. B utler, Marian Tolbert Childs and A lice J. Forsythe. The relation of serum cholesterol to the physical measurements and diet of women ................................................................................................................ 469 V. Chalam Metta and B. Connor J ohnson. The effect of radiation sterilization on the nutritive value of foods. I. Biological value of milk and beef proteins ........................................................................... 479 H ans F ishér, R. C. Salander, and M. W. Taylor. The influence of creatine biosynthesis on the arginine requirement of the chick .............. 491 V. Chalam Metta and H. H. Mitchell. A comparison of the biological values of dietary protein incorporated in high- and low-fat d ie ts .............. 501. José Eduardo Dutra de Oliveira, J ohn G. Coniglio, K rishna P. Misra. W illiam N. P earson* J. A nn Efner and W illiam J. Darby. A study of blood and urinary vitamin concentrations and of fat balance in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) .................................................................. 515 J osé Eduardo Dutra de Oliveira, William N. Pearson, K rishna P. Misra, Granville W. Hudson and W illiam J. Darby. The effects
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