No. 210 1924 ABRAHAM LINCOLN A small collection of Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Caricatures relating wholly or in part to Abraham Linco1n. All prices are NET, without discount, but carriage charges are included. D.\.'\'TEL H. EWHALL, 1701 Pershing Square Bldg., ew York l. The Abraham Lincoln Portfolio of Photogravures from the famous McClure Collection. (Cover title, with medallion portrait). (N. Y: 1909). 4to., 7 loose leaves, being u portraits Oxl l inches, in sepia, and one sheet of description, in a brown paper portfolio. Portraits suitable for framing. ..... $1.00 2. Abraham Lincoln and Iary Owen. Three Letters. Springfield: Privately printed. 1922. 12mo., ppl2 stiff wrappers ................................ $1.50 3. Allen, Eugene C. Abraham Lincoln. An Historical Essay in two parts. Albion, J\lich. 189,5. Svo., 146p, wrappers. :100 copies printed for private distribution .. $3.50 4. Andrew, John A. Address to the two branches of the Legislature of !\lass., Jan. g, 18G4. Boston: l 64. Svo., 88, exp wrappers. Both Everett's and Lincoln's Gettys- burg .Addresses and a folded map of the uattlefield .......................... $1.25 .5. Arnold, I. , '. Abraham Lincoln: Paper read before the Royal Hist. Soc., London, June 16, 1881. Chicago: 1883. 8vo. pp45 wrappers. Fish 40 ................ $2.50 6. Banks, Louis A. The Lincoln Legion. Story of its Founder and Forerunners. Illus. Y. (c 1903) 16mo., cloth ........................................ $1.25 7. (Barber, Joseph). '\Var Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer. Embracing his Experiences as Honest Old Abe's Bosom Friend and Unofficial Adviser. Fronts. J. Y.: 1864. 12mo. stiff wrappers in color. Fish 1017 ........................... $2.00 8. Barler, 0. L. A Study of Abraham Lincoln. The Last and Glorified Decade of his Eventful Life. Beatrice, eb.: 1903. 16mo., ppl06 wrappers ............ $2.50 9. (Barnard, F. A. P). Letter to the President, by a refugee. Y.: 1863. Svo., pp32 wrappers. Fish 509 ................................................ $2.00 10. Barton, \Vm. E. Abraham Lincoln. Address in Oak Park, Ill., Feb. 29, 1920. 8vo., pp(14) wrappers .................................................. $1.00 11. Barton, William E. The Lincolns m their Old Kentucky Home. An Address de] before The Filson Club Louisville, Dec. 4, 1922. Berea College Press: 1923. 4to., pp24 stiff wrappers. 300 copies numbered and signed ........................ $2.00 12. Barton, \Vm. E. The 11an who .Married Lincoln's Parents. Address at the Dedication of a Monument at the Grave of Rev. Jesse Head **** ov. 2, 1922. Por- trait and plates. Harrodsburg, Ky.: 1922. 4to., wrappers ................ $1.00 13. Barton, \Vm. E. Old Theories Upset. Brief Report of an Address on Abraham Lincoln's Grandmother. This Address was Delivered before a Specially invited Com- pany of Scholars and Historians at the Chicago Hist. Society. (Chicago: 1923) 8vo., pp4 ................................................................... $1.00 14. Bates, Finis L. Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth or the first true ac- count of Lincoln's Assassination containing a complete Confession by Booth many years after the Crime. Written for the Correction of History. Portrait and illus. Memphis: (c1907) 12mo., 309p pictorial wrappers. A reprint on cheap paper .. $2.00 1.5. Bingham, John A. Argument at the Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassi- nation of President Lincoln. Wash. 1865. Svc., 122pp wrappers ............ $1.2f> 16. Bissett, Clark P. Abraham Lincoln A Universal 1Ian. Portrait. San Francisco: John Howell. H)23. Svo., pp260 boards, cloth back, with jacket ............ $5.00 17. --Same. Large 8vo., cloth. Limited edition of 125 copies on Old Stratford paper, each copy signed and numbered .................................... $15.00 18. Blackwell, Robert. Original Acrostics, on some of the States and Presidents, illus., with 50 engravings. Y. For the Author. 1871. 12mo., cloth. An acrostic on President Lincoln and a portrait.. .............................. $1.50 19. Boston. Proceedings April 17, 1865, on Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: 1865. 4 to 35pp., cloth. Fish 118, but printed on large paper. Good copy, paper label torn .............................................. $2.50 20. Broadside. After a Little Wlule. This is the title to a symbolic picture in colors: Lincoln on a white horse watching the lynching of a Northern fanatic and Davis, also on horseback, likewise engaged with a Southern fanatic, while a group of miners (California vigilantes?) look on and applaud. Lithograph by Magnus, N. Y., no date. 19x24 inches, perfect. The first I have seen .............................. $13.50 21. Broadside. Burlesque P ol~tic 1 Sermon. Written by a Gentleman of St. Louis expressly for Byron Christy (the 1nstrel). Caption. Oblong folio. o date .. $5.00 22. Broadside. H ow War Commenced, and bow near it is Ended. (Caption) An outline map of the . S. showing west to California, followed by t\VO columns of text. 12xl 8 inches . Pro-Lincoln. .. ............. ...... $2.,S0 23. Broadside. The Platforms. Baltimore. Chicago. (1864) 8x10 _½ inches. The Lincoln and the IcClellan platforms in parallel columns . ... ... ........ $2.00 24. Broadside. Pr ident Lincoln and General Grant on Peace and War. Interview with the Pre,id nt, (by Judge John T. J\lills). Mr. Li coln's View of Democratic Strategy. (Captions) xlO _½ inches. Pro-Lincoln. ............ $3.50 25. Broadside. The R eal Cliicago P latform as expounded by tbe Democratic Orators at Chicago . -( Caption) Followed by two columns of anti-Lincoln views of 15 Democrats, some of which make strange reading now (1864) 8xl0 .½ inches . $2.50 26. Broadside. What J eff Davis thinks of the \\"ar. (Caption) Two columns of ex- tracts from Davis' speech at Macon, Tviontgomery, Richmond, etc. 9xll_½ inches. Pro-Lincoln . ............................ ............................... $2.50 27. Broadside. Who is R esponsible for the V-lar? Who Accountable for its Horrors and Desolations? (Caption) T wo columns of Text: Stephen's Speech in the Secession Convention, and a Chronology of hostile acts before 1Iar. 4, 1861. 8x10 .½ inches. Pro-Lincoln. .... .......... $2.00 28. Broadside. To Workingmen. (Capt1on). "Abraham Lincoln says *****. ·w orkingmen, stand by your order. Lincoln and J ohnson were poor men," etc. Signed "Democrat." 10xl2 inches. .. .. $3.50 29. Brooks, Noah (and others). Lincoln by Friend and Foe; Democratic Ianual of 1864, ed by Robt. J . Cole. Illus. London and . Y . (n d) 32mo., 96p leather, with jacket. A beautiful little booklet in Fpite of low price . $.75 30. Buckingham, J. E. R eminiscences and Souvenirs of_ the Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln . Portrait and many plates. Wash. 1894. 16mo., 89p wrappers .. $1.50 31. (Burnham, B. F .) The Prayer of the Preside11ts : being Washington's "New Year Aspirations," with J efferson's Plural Pronouns, *** and Adam's and Lincoln's Accretions. From the MS of a l\Iinister of Lincoln's Administration. Boston: 1887. 18mo., wrappers .............. ......................................... $1.50 32. The Campaign in Illinois. Last .T oint Debate. Douglas and Lincoln at Alton. Washington : 1858. 8vo., 32p sewed. Fish .5.A. Tbis is the pro-Douglas report of the Chicago Times, printed in Washington by Towers. Both speeches are given in full, but Lincoln who is called "The Artful Dodger," is criticized for improper and ungentlemanly conduct. ............. $10.00 33. Caricatures pertaining to the Civil War; reproduced from a Private Collection of Originals designed for Currier & Ins, and r:.ow for the first time pub., in book form. N . Y : 1892. Oblong quarto full crimson morocco. Only lW copies of which this is No. 40. Small piece chipped from top of backstrip. ...... ............. $10.00 34. Carman, Louis D . Dr. Abraham Lincoln. Wach: 1922 18mo., 7p wrappers. Treats of Lincoln 's relation to doctors, Lincoln himself being an LL.D. (Col. N. J . 1864) Only a few printed for private distribution .. .. ..... ......... ...... $3.rn 35. Carpenter, F . B. Tbe Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln. N . Y. 1868. 16mo., cloth ...................... ....................... .................... $1.25 36. Cathey, J as. H . The Genesis' of Lincoln. Truth is Strangu than Fiction. Portraits and plates. (n p n d) 16mo., S07p cloth. This eclition contains the J ohn E . Burton Oration on Lincoln de] at Lake Geneva, Wis. in Hl0:3, with a critical review. $2.50 37. Chiper:field, Burnett M . Lincoln Memorial Address, in the House, Feb. 12, 1917. Wash. 1917. 8vo., 16p sewed ...................... ... ........... $.7,5 38. Choate, J 0seph H. Abraham Lincoln. Address before the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Institution, Nov. 13, 1900. London: (n d) 8vo., 90p wrappc.rs. A fine, un- cut copy of the original edition ............. : ............................ $3.00 39. --Another. New York: (n d) 16mo., ::18p white boards .............. $1.00 40. --The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago: (n d) 16mo., wrappers. Same address with new title, issued as an advertisement ............ $1.00 41. Clark, H enry. Eulogy on the Life and Services of President Lincoln, pronounced before the Citizens of Poultney and Vicinity, April 19, lc,6.). Rutland: 1865. 8vo., wrappers . ................. .......... ..... ................. .... .... $3.75 42. Coburn, J ames M. Abraham Lincoln. (Cover title). No place or date. 8vo., ppl5 wrappers. R ad at \Yestminster Cong. Church, Kansas City, Feb. 10, 1921. Pub. by friends of the author for private distribution ...... ............
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