If Yon Are Interested In Tour The Man Who Always Advertises Own Home ,Town Yon Should Draws the Most Attention Read Your -Own Home Town Paper To Himself and To His Wares VOL. XLVIl— N o. 25 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JE R S E Y , FRIDAY, JUNE 2 1 , 1 9 2 9 F o u r C e n t s PARTY CONFERENCE a n At t r a c t i v e FEA T U R E HIS DEPOSIT A WEDDING GIFT NEPTUNE COINCIDES Ocean Grove and Neptune Pictured O’BRIEN Justicc Softens When Police Learn BARS ONE-MAN RULE In New Railroad Folder. Offender Was Newly Wed. WITH PARK PROTEST Three pages of illustrated and de­ LEAD AT ELECTION; On his honeymoon trip to Atlantic City, Andrew S. Brennan, of Eliza­ ORGANIZATION LEADERS MEET scriptive matter and two full pages o£ AGAINST -PROPOSED ABANDON­ advertising in “ New Jersey Seashore beth^ stopped off in Asbury Park last WITH THE GOVERNOR Resorts" nro devotea to Ucean Grove Saturday evening. He parked his,cat- MENT OF ROUTE NO. 4 and -Neptune township. This- publica­ BORDEN, ALSO WIN on the boulevard directly opposite the tion is isaiied annually by the Penn­ crosswalk leading front Ocean. Grove. Will Get Behind a Party Program This infraction drew a ticket from Will Unite With Asbury In Addressing sylvania Railroad. It is now being dis­ WHITLOCK AND GRACEY ABE RENOMINATED FOR NEP- Intended To Carry Along Progres­ tributed throughout the territory wav­ Officer Frank Megill, summoning State Highway Commission In Op­ ered b y the Pennsylvania system from . TUNE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEEMEN" — SURPRISINGLY Brennan to the Grove police court. He sive Policies Of Larson Administra­ New York to Washington and west­ made his appearance promptly Sun­ position To Jlovenvent—Further tion—Platform Stripped Of Bunk. ward to Chicago and St. Ikmis. The LARGE VOTE POLLED AT ELECTION ON TUESDAY. day morning to learn he v/ould be re­ Consideration of Lake Improvement, folder, comprising 192 pages and il­ quired to deposit five dollars to guar­ Trenton, Wednesday, June' 19,— luminated cover, is a fine example of BARBOUR CONGRATULATES HIS OPPONENT AND antee his presence for a hearing set Other than routine business, about Nothing: -in recent year? has so defi- the printer’s art. PLEDGES HIS SUPPORT OF THE WHOLE TICKET. by Police Chief Franklin' for yester­ tho only matter to engage attention 5 nitely and clearly settled the.fact that The illustrations of O^eiin Grove, in-, day. of the Neptune township committee in the Republican organization in New elude a beach scene, the children it STERNER ISSUES STATEMENT IN WHICH HE PROMISES In police court it became , known a brief session Tuesday evening was Jersey is free of one-man domination Thornley" Chapel and a boardwalk that Brennan' was newly wed and on the consideration of a resolution adopt ­ than that gathering at Sea Girt last view. In the advertising section the EFFICIENT SERVICE IF- ELECTED TO THE STATE SEN­ his honeymoon. “ Where’s your wife'.’” ed by the Asbury Park authorities : week.: It.was a1 party conference in vi sws include the Neptune municipal ATE—ON DEMOCRATIC TICKET THOMPSON DEFEATS Chief Franklin asked. Monday requesting the State Highway which most of the organization lead­ hall, Corlies avenue, South Main street “She's outside waiting for me,” re­ Commission to reopen the hearing on ers participated, and Governor Larson arid the high school building. Col. G. BUTLER FOR SHERIFF NOMINATION—LIST OF THOSE plied Brennan. the proposed abandonment of a por­ was the choice fa t presiding officer, as C; Stull, Neptune publicity, director, “Bring her in, that we may meet tion of highway route No. 4 run­ he will-also be the chairman-of the prepared the Jocal data for the folder, NOMINATED FOR COUNTY COMMITTEE. her,” returned the chief. ning through the township. The reso­ v group' to take only'such-, steps as may Mrs. Brennan, young and pretty, was lution, asking cooperation from the assure to the people safe and econom­ After the hottest primary contest brought-in, 'The chief, in a courtly township, was framed in these 6,600,009 TREE SEEDLINGS candidacy on my record as nn assem­ w ords: ical government' of the State. In that this county hat ever known, Assem­ blyman. 1 shall again set forth before m anner, turned back to her- the five “Resolved, that the State Highway group ' v leading Republicans were Are Available At State Nursery For blyman E. Donald Sterner, of Belmar, tbe people of .Monmouth county my dollars deposited by her husband, arid United States Senators 3dge and on Tuesday received the nomination vietys of legislation and any other told her to accept it as a wedding Commission be requested to reopen Keani 'former Senator Prelinghuysen, Planting. Next Spring. for State Senator on the Republican problem the solution of which -will be gift from the Ocean Grove police. the hearing upon the proposal of the State Chairman Mott, Vice Chairman Whereupon the summons was sifted, S tate Highway Commission to aband­ The State Forest Nursery operated balloti He -defeated Mayor W. War­ beneficial to. the county, David Baird, National Co.ntmitteemaift ren Barbour, of Rumson,.by 5,711 j j “I fee! that the Republican, party the _ charge dismissed, arid Mr. and on that portion of the State highway Pomeroy, County Collector Johnson, of by the New Jersey Department, of Mrs. Brennan went on their way re­ route No. 4 lying between Eatontown Conservation and Development at Votes. 1 - . j.V?ill again be united and th at harmony ' Atlantic; Surrogate Johnson,- . of Mayor Frank Durand, of Sea Girt, 'will be a feature of the November joicing, and Belriiar, and passing through Union; Mayor Congleton, of Newark; Washington Crossing , now contains Eatontown township, West Long approxim ately si>: million tre e seed-., and Assemblyman Thomas Gopsill, of .election'. I look forward to being ' County Chairmna Scott, of Essex; Red Bank, were nominated as the As­ j elected as the Senator from Monmouth Branch, Allenhurst, Deal, Oakhurst, lings, half df which, will be available Ocean township, Asbury Park, Nep­ twelve of the thirteen Republican sembly candidates. Durand led Gop­ -and promise efficient service.” STOCKTON CHAPTER State Senators; two prospective Sena­ for shipment' to farmers and forest tune township, Bradley Beach and planters'throughout the State in; the sill by over 1,200 votes. i Ocean Grove and Neptune township to r s —^Assemblyman Leap, of Salem, Others nominated on the Republican Avon, arid the. bridge crossing Shark spring of 1930. , ; stood by Sterner loyally, giving him a river. and Russell E. "Watson, of Middlesex; ticket were: Joseph McDermott for i majority over Barbour of 1,290. In the OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Attorney General . Stevens, County The .capacity of the State nurseries “And be’it further resolved that has been increased to keep pace with county clerk, Harry G. Borden and ..Grove alone Sterri.er’s m ajority was Clerk Hildredth, of Cape May; . Sur­ Borden A. Jeffrey for freeholders, these muncipalities be notified of the the demand • for planting stock and. 58G The township as a. whole also GROVE D. A. R. T H R EE YEARS rogate' Marshall, of Cumberland; William K. O’Brien for sheriff, Ray­ gave substantial majorities for the action of this board of commission­ further increases will be made just as. ers, and ask if they desire to become a County Clerk McDermott, of Mon­ mond R. Gracey arid. Harry A. Whit­ i successful .nominees, mouth; Congressman Wolverton, of soon as the demands for stock justify. OLD ON WEDNESDAY party to this act. More than 200 pounds of tree .seed, lock. for Neptune township commit­ i Iiatry A. Whitlock and Raymond R. the First. District, and several others teemen. | Gracey, present Neptune township, ■ "And be it further resolved, that o£ equal prominence. consisting of red, pine, White pine, Members Are . I.unchcon Guests of •Tames D. Carton, city solicitor, be in­ shortleaf pine, Norway spruce and committeemen, were renominated by llimidsome majorities over Edgar Phil­ structed- t.i represent this m atter in Business-Like Legislature. various other species, was sown this Mrs. N. J. Holmes and Mrs. T. Nel- behalf of the City of Asbury Park." spring. lips, the township building inspector, • It was one of tho most ropresenta- and .Milton T. W right,- a member of Son Lillagore At Forked River 'Committeeman Loveman was of the . tive arid influential, gatherings of opinion that Neptuno should add its the Neptune zoning board. Whitlock, House—Delightful Trip By Bus. party leaders in some years and its Conference On Lake Improvement. protest against the proposed road With 1,360 votes, w as high man. G ra­ abandonment, and bis views met with purpose was not in any manner to Another matter brought to the at­ cey was only a few votes behind him, Richard Stockton Chapter, 1). A. It., dictate actions, or . suggest appoint­ tention. of the township board by As­ of Ocean Grove, celebrated its third ;the hearty concurrence of the entire having 1,311 votes to his credit. Phil­ j board. A resolution th a t the tqwTr ments to jobs, but to get behind a bury Park was tha fact that on Satur­ lips polled 814 and W right. 594. This birthday ahniversary on. Monday . af - party program intended'to carry along day morning a conference relative to te'rnoon of this week when the mem­ [ship caiunsul act r a h the A sbury is the result it) detail, the first column ■ Park solicitor was adopted.. the progressive policies of. the Lar­ tho further improvement of Wesley giving Whitlock’s vote, the second bers and their guests were entertain­ son administration and to further the lake is to be hold between the Park Gracoy's, the third Phillips’ and the ed by Mrs.
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