1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 8011 PETITIONS, ETC. NEBRASKA STATE CLAIM. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers The VICE-PRESIDENT- laid before the Senate the amend­ were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 463) to, re­ By Mr. BELTZHOOVER: Petition of citizens of Hanover, imburse the State of Nebraska the expenses incurred by that Pa., in favor of amending the Gorman bill so as to exclude fra­ State in repelling a threatened invasion and raid by the Sioux ternal beneficial associations from the provisions of the income in 1891. tax-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The amendments of the House of Representative were on By Mr. FITHIAN: Evidence to accompany bill granting· in­ page 1, line fi, to strike out" pay" and insert in lieu thereof crease of pension to Lemuel J. Essex_-to the CoiJ?.mittee on In­ the words '' report to Congress." valid Pensions. On pages, 1 and 2, lines 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, to strike out" and By Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa: Petition from the Letter Car­ that the sum of $42,000 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated riers' Association of New York, asking favorable action on bill out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, increasing salaries of letter-carriers-to the Com.mitte.e on the or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the pro­ Post-Office and Bost-Roads. visions of this act." By Mr. HULL: Petition of W. ;J, Gordon and 14 other citi­ And to amend the title by striking out" reimburse" and in­ zens of Des Moines, Iowa, asking the impeachment of Richard serting "audit for." Olney, Attorney-General of the United States-to the Committee Mr. MANDERSON. I move that the Sen-ate nonconcur in on the Judiciary. the amendments of the House of Representatives- and request a By Mr. LUCAS: Two petitions of diyers citizens- ot South conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Hou...."es. Dakota-, praying for the impeachment of the Attorney-Gene-ral The motion was agreed to. of the United States for high crimes and misdemeanors-to the By unanimous consent the Vice-President was authorized to Committee on the Judiciary. appoint the conferees on the part of the Senate, and Mr. MAN­ DERSON, Mr. DAVIS, and Mr. PALMER were appointed. 1 COURTS IN INDIAN TERRITORY. _ Mr. TELLER. YesterdThy the Senate passed Senate bill 2173, SENATE. relating to courts. in the Indian Territory. The: Senator from TUESD.A.Y July 31, 1894. Missouri lMr. VEST] was not present. He desires- to offer some 1 amendments to the bill, which. I was- not aware of at the time. Prayer by... Rev. J. H. M'CARTY1 D. D;, of the city of Was~ Therefore l move to reconsider the yo..tes by- which the bill was ington. ordered to a third reading and passed. On motion of Mr. FAULKNER, and by unanimous consent, The motion to- reconsider was agreed to. the reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dis­ Mr ~ TELLER. Let the bill lie on the· table fur the preseat. pei18ed with:. The VICE-PRESIDENT. It.will be so·Grdered. REPORT ON SLUMS OF- CITIES. MESSAGE.. FROM THE HOUSE. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the foliowing A message from the House of' Representatives-, by Mr. T. o.· message from. the Pr:esident of the United States; whi-ch was TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the R-ouse had passed read, referred to, the Committee on_ Education and Labor, and a bill (H. R. 5363) f-or the relief of Henry W. Lee, in whicll. it ordered to be printed; requested the concurrence of the Senate. Ta the B.enat11 and HOuse of Ilepresent.ati.ves: ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. I transmit herewith the Sevent.h Special Re-port o:t the Commissioner of Labor. This report relates to what is generally known as- th-& slums of The message also- announced that the Speaker of the House cities, and haa been pre1>a.red in. accordance with a joint resolution ap­ had signed the following- enrolled bills;. and they were there­ pro-ved July 2{}1 1892. GROVER CLEVELAND. UJ>On signed by the Vice-President.: EXECUTTVE" MANSION, A bill (H. R~1686) granting a pension. to Margaret English; Washington, IJ: 0., July 21, 1894. A bill (H. R. 5020) granting: a pension to Washin-gton Hislop; (The manuscript of the Seventh Special Rel)Ort of the Commissioner of A bill (H. R. 5351) granting a pension.. to Celestia p-, Ha1:tt; Labor is in the hands of the Speaker of the Hous.e ot RepresentMi-ves.) A bill (H. R. 6309) for the relief of the· dependent relatives-of HAW AllAN AFFAIRS. th.e seamen of the Netherlands steame1~ Amsterdam who lost The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following their lives in the effort to- save the crew of the American message from the President of. the United States; which was schooner Maggie E. Wells,, and aiso· fo.r the- relief of_ the sur:- read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com· viv:or of the rescuing-party; . mittee. on Foreign Relations-~ and ordered to be printed: A. bill (H~R. 6893) to regulate water-main assessments- in. the To the Congress: _ District of Columbia; I herewith transmit. a. communication from the-Seereta.ry or State, cover­ A bill (H.R.6969) for· the relief of Benjamin F. Poteet; ing two dispa.thes from the United States minis:~~~~VELAND. .A. .bill (H. R. 7335) to' grant to the Arkansas-, Texas- and Mexi­ can. Central Railway Company a righ.t of way through the In­ EXECUTIVE. MA.NS:WN, Washington, July 20, 1119.4. dian Territory, and for other purposes; and ~XECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. A. bill (H. R. 77-34) to· amend an act entitled "An act authoriz­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ ing the constl}uction of a high wagon bridge a.cross the Missouri tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending-that an River at or near Sioux City, Iawa-," approved March.2,. 1889, as appropriation of $35,000 be made to meet th8'expenses during the amended by acts of April30, 1890, February: 7, 1893, and March current fiscal year for which no provision was made in the act 24, 1894. - granting additional quarantine powerS-and imposing additional PETITIONS AN:Dl MEMORIALS. duties upon the Marine Hospital Service,. approved March. 15, 1893; which was referred to the Committee on.Appropriations, Mr. QUAY presented memorials· of 62 citizens of Osceola Mills; of 101 citizens of Irvona; of 42 eitizens of West Pennsyl­ and ordered to be printed. vania; of 105 citizens of DuBois; of 7I citizens of Porter; of 55 ST. LOUIS RIVER BRIDGE. citizens of Cameron; of 128 citizens of MarysvHle; of 61 citizens The biU {H. R. 7518). to amend an act to authorize tlie. con­ of Chaneysville; of 31 citizens of Monroe; of 332 citizens of Jones­ struction of. a.- steet brfdge. over the St~ Louis-River betw~en the town; of.ll r. citizens of PottstOwn; of 8! citizens of Pennsylva­ States of Minnesota and Wisc:onailt was read twice by its title. nia; of 57 citizens of Friedensburg; of 94 citizens of Pennsylva­ Mr. WASHBURN~ I ask for the present consideration of the nia; of 33 citize~ of Shellsburg; of 46" citizens-of 0umberland bill. I will state that exactly the same bill with a very: slight Valley; of 104-citizens of Tionesta; of38 citizens of Hegins; of modification_passed the Senate'afewdaysa~o. I think the short­ 67 citizens of Onset; of 50 citizens of Eldred; of' 55 citizens of ,. est wa.y to close up the matter is to pass the House bill, and I Port Carbon;: of 59 citizens of Lewistown; of 55 citizens of Port ask for its present consid-eration. Carbon; of 80 citizens of Schuylkill Ha.ven; of 54 citizens of By unanimous consent, the Sena-te, as in Committee of the Miffiinville; of 36 citizens of Pennsylvania; of 14& eitizens- ot Whole, procee.ded.. to consider-the bill. West Castle; of 58 citizens of Bellewood; of 75 citizens of The bill was repol'ted to, the Senate without amendment-, or­ Blo-omingdale; of 67 citizens of Springdale; of 42' citizens of dered to a third reading, read the third time, and.t passed. Pennsylvania; oi' 262 citizens of South Fork; of 53 citizens of Mr. WASHBURN. :r move: that the· Sanata request-the re­ Leesport; of 91 citizens of Emporium; of 98 citizens of Summit turn from the House of Representatives of tha. bill (S. 2151) to Hill, of 50· citizens- of Latta Grove;- of· 92 citizens of Mapleton amend an act to authorize the cons.truction..of a steel bridge over Depot; of 21 citizens of Pennsylvania; of 53 citizens of Llewellyn; the St. Louis River between the States of Wisconsin and Min­ ot 5:7 citizens ofi Lebanon; of 43· citizens of" Scranton~- of lOO ·citi.­ nesota~, approved April 24, 1894!. zen&of Pen Argyl; of 46 citizens of Pennsylvania; and of 51 citi­ The motion was ag:reed to. zens of Brisbin, all in the State of Pennsylvania, remonstrating 8012 -coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JULY 31,: against the support of the Government in maintaining the pres-J Mr. PASCO, from the Committee on ~ilitary Affairs, to whom ent system of sectarian Indian education, etc.; which were re- was referred the bill \S.1657)to remove the charge of desertion ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
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