Development Food Security Activity, (DFSA) Awardee Name and Host Country Catholic Relief Services - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ethiopia Award Number AID-FFP-A-16-00005 Project Name Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Submission Date 1/31/2019 Revised Submission Date 3/1/2019 Reporting Period Quarter 1, FY 2019 Awardee HQ Contact Name Thomas Cox Awardee HQ Contact Address 228 W. Lexington St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Awardee HQ Telephone Number (410) 927.7622 Awardee HQ Contact Email Address [email protected] Host Country Contact Name John Shumlansky Host Country Office Contact Telephone (+251)112 788 800 Number Host Country Office Contact Email Address [email protected] FY2019 Quarter 1 Report Acronym List AAHW Assistant Animal Health Worker AHW Animal Health Worker ALT Assets and Livelihoods for Transition AM Activity Manager AMIYCN Adolescent, Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition ANC Antenatal Care AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative ATA Agricultural Transformation Agency AWD Acute Watery Diarrhea BA Barrier Analysis BCC Behavior Change Communication CA Community Animator CCL Center for Creative Leadership CAHW Community Animal Health Worker CLA Collaboration, Learning and Adapting CMAM Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition CMDRR Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction COP Chief of Party CRS Catholic Relief Services DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DIP Detailed Implementation Plan EARO East Africa Regional Office ENA Essential Nutrition Actions DFSA Development Food Security Activity ESDM Environmentally Sound Design and Management ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan ESR Environmental Status Report ETB Ethiopian Birr F2F Farmer to Farmer FA Field Agent FANTA Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance FAW Fall Armyworm FDP Final Distribution Point FES Fuel Efficient Stove FFP Food for Peace FMNR Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration FTC Farmer Training Centers FtF Feed the Future FY Fiscal Year GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System GtN Growth through Nutrition-USAID-funded project led by Save the Children GoE Government of Ethiopia GoEEAs Government of Ethiopia Extension Agents GSD Gender and Social Development HCS Hararghe Catholic Secretariat HDA Health Development Army HEW Health Extension Worker HFW Health Facility Worker HH Household HNI Human Networking International IEC Information Education Communication IEE Initial Environmental Examination IFH Islamic Family House IP Implementing Partner IPM Integrated Pest Management IPTT Indicator Performance Tracking Table IO Intermediate Outcome IVR Interactive Voice Recognition IYCF Infant Young Child Feeding JEOP Joint Emergency Operation KAP Knowledge, Attitude, Practice KFSTF Kebele Food Security Task Force LF Lead Farmer LG Livelihood Group LH Lead Herder LICU Livelihood Implementation Coordination Unit LoA Life of Activity LRM Livestock Rangeland Management LRO Livelihoods for Resilience in Oromia MCHN Maternal Child Health and Nutrition MCS Meki Catholic Secretariat M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning MFI Micro-Finance Institution MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOU Memorandum of Understanding MT Metric Tons NSA Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture O&M Operations and Maintenance PAL Pre-Award Authorization Letter PASS Payroll and Attendance Sheet System PDM Post Distribution Monitoring PDP Primary Distribution Point PDS Permanent Direct Support PHCU Primary Health Care Unit PIM Programme Implementation Manual (PSNP IV) PREP Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal PRIME Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PSP Private Service Provider PICS Purdue Improved Crop Storage PW Public Works PVP Private Veterinary Pharmacist REAAP Resilience through Enhanced Adaptation, Action-learning, and Partnership SAVIX Saving Groups Information Exchange SC Stabilization Center SI Social Infrastructure SILC Savings Internal Lending Communities SMART Skills for Marketing and Rural Transformation SMILER Simple Measurement of Indicators for Learning and Evidence-based Reporting SMS Subject Matter Specialists SMT Senior Management Team SoW Scope of Work SP Sub-Purpose SPX Cross-cutting Sub-Purpose SRA Sub-Recipient Agreement SRFMP Sub-Recipient Financial Monitoring Policy SURE Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction SWC Soil and Water Conservation TASC Technical Assistance Steering Committee TDS Temporary Direct Support TFH The Faithful House TFP Therapeutic Feeding Program ToC Theory of Change TOPS Technical and Operational Performance Support ToT Training of Trainers TWG Technical Working Group USAID United States Agency for International Development WFSTF Woreda Food Security Task Force WoHO Woreda Health Office YSP Yellow Split Pea Background Increased Staffing: To meet quality standards and expanded activity needs, HCS has been recruiting for the following positions: 15 cluster supervisors, five accountability and monitoring officers, one assistant livelihood coordinator, and one assistant NRM coordinator. The hiring process will end by Q2 FY19. In parallel, MCS has recruited one MEAL senior officer based at Shashamane to strengthen the DFSA MEAL system. Four data clerks were placed at the four woreda field offices to record all program digital data. MCS is in the process of hiring the following positions: commodity officer, WASH officer, social accountability officer, and commodity accountant. Improved Coordination: MCS has made management adjustments to improve its DFSA’s performance. Both program and finance teams based at Shashamane are directly supported by the management at MCS HQ in Meki to continue the implementation and management of the DFSA. However, the woreda-based field staff in the three woredas (Arsi Negelle, Heben Arsi, and Shalla) of West Arsi Zone are under close support and supervision of Shashamane, whereas Ziway Dugda is now closely supported by MCS HQ in Meki. Context Monitoring The ongoing security issues in Babile continue to plague the DFSA’s implementation, primarily in six problematic kebeles. As a result of this instability and conflict, HCS has made an internal temporary shift of two SILC supervisors. Two SILC supervisors from Babile have been shifted to Dire Dawa and Deder woredas to support similar activities where the targets are higher. The insecurity in Babile has had a spillover effect into neighboring areas including Midega Tola, which has experienced limited access. Key Activities Implemented in Quarter 1 (by Purpose) Purpose 1: GoE and community systems respond to reduce communities' and households' vulnerability to shocks SP 1.1: GoE successfully adopts the systems approach in PSNP IV IO 1.1.1: GoE woreda- and kebele-level institutions have improved coordinated service delivery WFSTF Capacity Building: CCL delivered a five-day Leadership and Communication Essential training to the nine WFSTFs with HCS and MCS benfitting a total of 102 participants, including nine women. It connected participants to familiarize them with CCL’s concepts of effective leadership and communication while also equipping participants with facilitation skills and the confidence to take the learning forward. A core element of the training was designed to help participants understand their own life journey and identify strengths and developmental areas while promoting peer learning. A key action point was that participants were able to identify core leadership challenges within each WFSTF dynamic, assess collaboration obstacles, and work on the improvement of prioritizing tasks. Participants were put through various experiential activities and introduced to models that will serve as tools to enhance the teams' shared visions, clarity on roles, resources, and responsibilities, as well as a sense of ownership in order to reach PSNP goals. The common key leadership challenges mentioned throughout the nine WFSTFs are the lack of PIM awareness, competing and overwhelming commitments, the lack of participatory planning, poor time management, and high turnover of WFSTFs. Kebele/Woredas FSTF-EFY12/FY19 Community- and Woreda-Level PSNP Planning (Work Planning Revision): The PSNP planning process is a multi-level process that combines bottom-up and top-down approaches that produce annual safety net plans at each level. However, due to a new GoE priority and approach towards water harvesting, the draft public work plans were revised in all DFSA woredas of West Arsi except for Ziway Dugd in Arsi. The revised plan for the EFY12 followed the planning steps and procedures set in the PIM and government community-based participatory watershed development (CBPWD) guidelines. Woreda-level public work technical committees (PWTC), WFSTFs, and other stakeholders participated in the revisions. The revised PW plans reflect the needs and priorities of the community. Plans were approved by WFSTFs and were incorporated into woreda development plans in all DFSA woredas. Woreda Food Security Task Force Monthly Meeting: In Q1 FY19, monthly meetings with WFSTFs were held to coordinate services and to discuss synergies with the PSNP IV and the DFSA in the MCS and HCS areas. During this period, two monthly meetings were conducted in Ziway Dugda and Shalla (one in Arsi Negelle and one in Heben Arsi). In HCS area, three monthly meetings were conducted in each woreda. The agendas discussed resource allocations, PIM implementation gaps, and feedback mechanisms/responsible structures
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