Tbe twenty>tbird annual Older Boys' Conference took place at Lansing, last R0LLIN60FSTEELBE6tNS Friday to Sunday. November 21 under tbe direction of tbe Y. There were at this time twenty-•enty-three \ | ______BI6 FORD PUNT BDch conferences in North America, of which the one at Lansing was the Rolling of steel has be^nm in tbe new Plymouth citlzeuK were grieved to big steel mill of tbe Ford Motor Com­ largest consisting of over 2,600 boys, hear of the death of John E. WUcox, a pany at the River Rouge plant. • who came from all over the state to former well known ritizen of Plyia- attend the conference. The purpose The first billets drawn from the far- ourli. which re galled from fatal in- of such a meeting is to make stronger nace were sent throigh the rollers jurlew. wliloh he received when be was and emerged in steel bars, destined to lilt hy an vlectric (ralu in Venice, and better boys, not only physically, BLACK AND WHITE PLATES FOR bat morally and spiritually. ln>come re a r ax le sh a fts fo r F o rd cars. California, where be resided, 00 W ed­ NEW YEAR READY FOR ISSUE. Upon arrlring, each delegate went These billets are apprsxlmately four nesday afteruoon. November 26th. to the Chamber of Commerce, where be Inches square by fourteen Inches In Mr. Wil(x>x resided In P ly m o u th fo r a got his bouse assignment, as everybody length when they emerge from the fur- The new 1P20 automobile license number of years following Ills removal was entertained at some private home riHce n t nround 1(KK) degrees fahren- plates Went ou sale Tuesday. The here from his farm In Livonia town­ in Lansing. General ^sions were heit. Ky the time rolling Is completed plates are to lie sold under tbe same ship. A few years ago, be moved to 0 held in Pruddeo aodltorinm. Friday they have been converted into steel system that has been in use for the Idaho, where be resided for (Mveral afternoon and evening. Saturday fore­ nifls slightly mure than an inch in last few years. It being a requirement years l>efore removing to Calffonda. noon and evening. Sunday morning, diameter and approximately 160 feet <c«wTif»a-y-w 0-> that tbe owner present his state certifi­ Mr. Wilcox was a man of storUng each )>oy attended ebureb with bis ill length. cate of title when applying for tbe new worth and character, and possessed a host or his own church. On Bunday Rxwpt for a few officials who were license. In the case of new aatomo- kindly and genial disposition which afternoon occurred the closing meet­ l>n>senr and th e cu ttin g o f several btles applha^tion for the title must won for iiiot a host of friends. ing. which lasted until about six short pieces frum the first bar, to be DOWNING’S FARMHOMEOE- Ite made along with that for the new T^e remains will he brought to o’clock. There were eleven boys and retained as souvenirs, tbe opening of license. I’lymuutb for luterment, and are ex- three men that went from Plymouth. the mill was unmarked. It was sig­ OPEN . STROYED BY SECOND BLUE Tbe new* plates have white num- ptHTted to reach here today, Friday. They were: B. J. Holcomb, Paul Lee nificant. however, for it is a new step iTsI.s on black background and Wo lak e i 1h‘ fonowing details of tbe in Furd development destined to effect ' there ure two tyiies, one for pleasure and Mr. Klenke; Ernest Henry, presi­ HOUSE. Fl’RNISHINGS LOST IN H(videiit from tbe Venice Evening dent of the Hl-Y Robert Hubert, I) Idg ecniiomy in production and brings : <-ars am i tlie o th er fo r (‘om m ercial Vaiiguanl of Thurwlay. November 28: SUNDAY .AFTERNOON FIRE, secreury: Malccd* Cutler, Harley the company closer to the realization GHRISTM raPPH6 SEASON I Vehicles. The latter style is some­ Hurled si'veral feet hy the step of a Sallow. CarletoD Moore, Harry Miller, of Its plan to direct within its own CARRIED INSURANCE. what higher ami narrower than that i\vo-«-Mr Pneiflr KIwtrle train as hs as delegates from the Hl-Y Club; organization every step of manufactur­ f«jr pas.seuger vehicles: trh>d to Ixtir the train across tbe ing progress frum tbe raw material to I T'nder instructions from the secre- Russell Robinson and Clair Travis, as Reasonable Prices and Attractive Stocks in James Burrell Downing and their tnic-ka lietwt'eii Washington boolevanl the finished product. I tary of state, the commercial licenses delegates from tbe Senior class; Gay­ fam ilies suffered a se^-ond loss by fire liiid th e Veni<i> city hall statio n 'late In the jtarlance of tbe trade, the i a n ' to 1>e use<l fo r tax icab s, busses, lord Sayles. as a delegate from tbe Local Stores Are Already Bringing in late Sunday afternoon, when the yrstenlay afterutMui. John Wilcox, 80 mill U known as tbe merchant mill, a i trucks, delivery cars and roitdsters Baptist church: Wilbur Murphy, as a James Downing farm home in South years of age. of IWIK Kleetric evenue, nam e iMtsstsl dow n fro m th e ea rly d ay s [ with delivery boxes. delegate from tbe Junior class, and Many Early Bdyers. Superior township was completely Veniee. died a few hours leter in 8L In steel trade, when tbe steel bar mer­ The prices for tbe Ui'euses this year Archie Crutum. as a delegate from the diatroy^ by fire. Catherine's hospital, Hania Monica. chant was expected to handle bars of are the imme as last and are com- Sophomore class. The two families, except Mrs. Down-1 , , w , u w Internal Injurk's were hellevtHl to have' various sizes. I,.,* - .1. piiteil on weight alone, the charge be­ Tuesday, December 1st. tbe iifth ing. Sr., who went to Detroit. Sunday. ■ lieen tin* ra n se o f deeth. And this is just what tbe new mlU ^ Wlth^t ^ lstjtes but a few weeks ing -Vi cents a hundred pounds fur ^ a r in aebool. all delegates from to vUit, were eutertaiDlag friends Wih*o:^ aceordiug u> retMirt. eaw th s will do. It will produce bars of va­ away. ^Plr^t£[te is busy plca'^ire cars. -4>n c o a ib e rc la r ve­ Plymouth spoke to the Tenth. Eleventh when embers were seen falling from irein approaehlng. hut thought that nsemioi with thoughts of Christmas, and have rious sizes, all of steel made, accord­ hicles tlM* charges, are 69 cents a hun­ and Twelfth grade boys. the roof. The fire caught In the roof lie (.'ould get over (he ra ils to tb e ing to Ford s|jecifications and Intended alre ad y s ta rtin g th e ir shoiH>ing- dred itumids <»u weights up to 2,500 Harry Miller spoke on tbe general from tbe chimney. lumber yani on Virginia avenue before for tbe manufactnre of as many parts Never before have local merchants had IHUinds: .so cents on w eights from organization of the conference; Archie The house was a large, old fashioned the train wunid reach bim. MRW lODliy their stocks of Christmas goods on to be used In the assembly of Ford 2.50U to 4.000 p o u n d s; $1.00 from 4,000 i Crumm reported on the address of one that would cost considerable to re­ T he iuii)0(*t threw tbe aged Venetian curs. display so early as they have this ])ounds to 0.000. an d $1.20 a hundred Friday afternoon by Prt*sident Spencer In addition to the usual things on place today. clear of the train. His head and noee The rolling mill, which has a capac­ year, and It looks as if peoifie were be­ ]H>uuds on tra c k s w eighing m ore th an of Ilillwlale College. He spoke of sale at the High School Carnival, Fri­ The flames, which could be seen for were liadly cut and he was believed ity of IiiiiKlIing betw een 19,000 an d ginning to realize tbe advantage of 6.000 {touods. tbe four sources of power—( 1 ) from day evening, December 4tb, there will miles, soon brought to the home a hailly shaken up Internally. train 2U.00U tons of steel a month. Is the early selection of gifts. Plymouth ondemeath-material i>ower: (2) la t­ he a line of Christmas candles ob­ nuinl>er of neighbors who turned their stopiKK] w ith in tw o <-ar lengths o f th e lirst unit of the steel plant to start merchants are better able than ever eral power—that of , friendship and tained directly from the Standard Oil attention to saving household furnish­ spot where Wilcox was hit. (>I>eratlous. Ir w ill be M arch o r A pril this year to supply everything needed Patrolmen Niles and Brown aided society: (3) i»ower from withlu or Company, and to be sold at bargain ings and clothing, as it was Impossible THE.SEALjME HERE! J n ex t 3’ear before tbe plant begins to in tbe way of suitable gifts for old will power: and (4) power from on prices. There will also be Christmas to save the house without more ade­ tlie .Shan* Nolan ambulance- la function as a whole, w'ith open hearth an d yonng.
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