POLICY COMMITTEE October 9, 2020 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Virtual Location via Zoom: https://bloomington.zoom.us/j/94736842512?pwd=QjRTNGVnek9vQUxYdlJjcVZDaWdLdz09 Clicking on the link will take you to the meeting. You will automatically be given a dial-in number if you want to use your phone for audio and not your computer microphone. I. Call to Order and Introductions II. Approval of the Agenda* III. Approval of the Minutes* a. September 11, 2020 IV. Communications from the Chair V. Reports from Officers and/or Committees a. Citizens Advisory Committee b. Technical Advisory Committee VI. Reports from the MPO Staff - None. VII. Old Business - None. VIII. New Business a. BMCMPO Final Draft 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan* (https://bloomington.in.gov/mpo/metropolitan-transportation-plan) (1) Extended Discussion & Recommended Policy Committee Adoption (2) Resolution FY2020-01 - 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Adoption IX. Communications from Committee Members (non-agenda items) a. Topic Suggestions for Future Agendas Upcoming Meetings a. Policy Committee – November October 9, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. (Virtual) b. Technical Advisory Committee - September 23, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Virtual) c. Citizens Advisory Committee - September 23, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. (Virtual) Adjournment *Action Requested / Public comment prior to vote (limited to five minutes per speaker). Auxiliary aids for people with disabilities are available upon request with adequate notice. Please call 812-349-3429 or e-mail [email protected]. 401 N. Morton Street ▪ Suite 130 ▪ PO Box 100 ▪ Bloomington, IN 47402 ▪ Web: www.bloomington.in.gov/mpo Ph: (812) 349-3423 ▪ Fax: (812) 349-3535 ▪ Email: [email protected] POLICY COMMITTEE September 11, 2020 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Virtual Location via Zoom: https://bloomington.zoom.us/j/93344150632?pwd=VytaNHF2QlJDMXU1NXYycDYvbE1RZz09 Clicking on the link will take you to the meeting. You will automatically be given a dial-in number if you want to use your phone for audio and not your computer microphone. Policy Committee present: Jason Banach, Matt Flaherty, Penny Githens, Kent McDaniel (proxy), Nate Nickel (proxy), Terri Porter (proxy), Lisa Ridge, Sarah Ryterband, Pamela Samples, Erica Tait, Chris Wahlman, Dave Warren, Kate Wiltz Staff present: Pat Martin, Ryan Clemens, Desiree King I. Call to Order and Introductions II. Approval of the Agenda* **Ryterband motioned. Flaherty seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote 12:0—Approved. III. Approval of the Minutes* a. June 12, 2020 McDaniel noted that May is not a member of the Policy Committee. **Ryterband motioned. Flaherty seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote 11:0:1—Approved. IV. Communications from the Chair Ridge asked for all those present to take a moment and remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. V. Reports from Officers and/or Committees a. Citizens Advisory Committee Ryterband gave the report. b. Technical Advisory Committee May gave the report. VI. Reports from the MPO Staff a. National Association of Regional Councils - 2020 Census Letter of Concern Martin gave the report. McDaniel said he agrees with signing on to the letter. He said it’s disgraceful to cut the census short. Warren asked if Staff knew the Monroe County response rate and Martin said no. Warren encouraged spreading the word to students about filling out the census. Discussion ensued. VII. Old Business - None. VIII. New Business a. FY 2020 - 2024 Transportation Improvement Amendments* (1) DES#2001708 & DES#2001709 - Statewide Safety Consulting (2) DES#1700735 - B-Line Trail Extension (3) DES#1700976 - Crosswalk Improvements (4) DES#1900403 - Curb Ramp (5) DES#1900404 - Guardrail (6) DES#1500398 - Jackson Creek Trail 401 N. Morton Street ▪ Suite 130 ▪ PO Box 100 ▪ Bloomington, IN 47402 ▪ Web: www.bloomington.in.gov/mpo Ph: (812) 349-3423 ▪ Fax: (812) 349-3535 ▪ Email: [email protected] Martin and gave the report. **Ryterband motioned to approve TIP Amendments 1-6. McDaniel seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote 12:0—Approved. b. BMCMPO Draft 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (https://bloomington.in.gov/mpo/metropolitan-transportation-plan) Martin gave the report. Martin and Porter discussed using the 2013 Public Participation Plan since the pandemic prevented an updated plan from being implemented. Tait and Martin discussed the public notification process, including paper copies at the library and the Planning and Transportation office, lack of public meetings due to the pandemic, creating a presentation to place on the MPO webpage, and concurrent review by the Federal Highway Administration, the Indiana Department of Transportation, and the Federal Transit Administration. Githens and Martin discussed the library currently being closed to the public and how the Policy Committee can view public comments before completing the draft. Staff and the Committee discussed ways to view public comment and final edits before the October vote. Ryterband and Warren discussed the social justice text in the Guiding Principles and no mention of equity in the Executive Summary, and Martin said this will be adjusted. Ryterband said the evolution between the 2040 and 2045 Executive Summary should be pronounced. Flaherty and Staff discussed placing percentages under the bar charts to make the data more readable. Flaherty, Wiltz, and Staff discussed how the Committee can comment and ask questions about the draft before the vote and how specific policy changes and other edits will be made apparent. Flaherty asked how transportation needs have been vetted alongside the Guiding Principles and Martin said the bulk of needs came from the Southwest Corridor Study, INDOT, the Monroe County Highway Department, and the Monroe County Planning Department provided data for the Projects appendix. Wiltz and Staff discussed funding sources and how the County and City decide how to spend funds. Martin said the policy is clear for spending, but the revenue forecast is unclear. Nickel said he is glad to see freight corridors and routes mentioned in the plan because these are important for community transportation and economic development. He further stressed the importance of municipal vehicle access throughout the urban area. Flaherty said studies show that increasing capacity (lanes) increases demand, and capacity on roads are never solved, but he would be happy to discuss that further. Nickel said that safety issues may warrant added capacity, particularly at intersections. Ryterband said she is glad for the formation of a technical freight advisory group. Martin concluded the discussion by saying that the draft and packet will be made available to the Committee before the next meeting and vote, giving members ample time to review edits and public comments. IX. Communications from Committee Members (non-agenda items) a. Topic Suggestions for Future Agendas Upcoming Meetings a. Policy Committee - October 9, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. (Virtual) b. Technical Advisory Committee - September 23, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Virtual) c. Citizens Advisory Committee - September 23, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. (Virtual) Adjournment **Porter motioned. Ryterband seconded. *Action Requested / Public comment prior to vote (limited to five minutes per speaker). Auxiliary aids for people with disabilities are available upon request with adequate notice. Please call 812-349-3429 or e-mail [email protected]. Page 2 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization Anticipated Final Policy Committee Adoption: October 9, 2020 Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization 401 N Morton Street, Suite 130 P.O. Box 100 Bloomington IN, 47401 October 9, 2020 Disclaimer The preparation of this document has been financed in part through grants from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, under the Metropolitan Planning Program, Section 104(f) of Title 23, U.S. Code. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation or the Indiana Department of Transportation. Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan - FINAL DRAFT 1 Table of Contents Introduction 5 Chapter 1: Executive Summary 6 Chapter 2: Guiding Principles 15 Chapter 3: Future Transportation Needs 21 Chapter 4: Financial Forecast 43 Chapter 5: Travel Demand Model Scenarios 52 Appendix A: Transportation Planning Requirements 62 Appendix B: Performance Measures 67 Appendix C: Plan Development & Public Involvement Methodology 74 Appendix D: Travel Demand Model 103 Appendix E: Environmental Justice 110 Appendix F: Air Quality & Climate Change Scientific Assessments 116 Appendix G: Projects 123 Appendix H: Glossary 132 Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan - FINAL DRAFT 2 Acknowledgments The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan achieved completion with the assistance and efforts of numerous organizational groups and individual residents. The staff acknowledges and greatly appreciates all representatives and residents who participated in public meetings, public workshops, and the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Survey thereby giving the community active participatory voices for policy decision makers and our collective state and federal partners. Policy Committee Lisa Ridge, Chair Monroe County Highway Department Sarah Ryterband Vice Chair Citizens Advisory Committee Kent
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