Alton Estate Regeneration Alton Estate Regeneration Hybrid Application Hybrid Application STATEMENT DESIGN, OF COMMUNITY LANDSCAPE & INVOLVEMENT ACCESS STATEMENT Communications Potential Hawkins\Brown, Barton Willmore May 2019 (Design), Tate Hindle & Gillespies May 2019 Contents VOLUME ONE - INTRODUCTION & EXISTING CONTEXT VOLUME TWO - THE MASTERPLAN 01 Introduction 05 The Masterplan 1.1 Client and Consultant Team 5.1 Estate-Wide Vision 1.2 Introduction 5.2 Landscape Masterplanning Principles 1.3 Vision and Aspiration 5.3 Intervention Area Masterplan Vision 1.4 Key Figures 5.4 Intervention Area Masterplan Details 1.5 Application Area 06 Landscape Character Areas 02 Site and Context Appraisal 6.1 Introduction 2.1 Site Location 6.2 Public Realm - Urban Quarter 2.2 Historic Patterns of Development 6.3 Public Realm - Parkland Quarter 2.3 The Existing Estate 6.4 Streetscape 2.4 Building Heights and Topography 6.5 Courtyards 2.5 Character Areas 6.6 Playhubs 2.6 Heritage and Conservation 2.7 Understanding the Surrounding Context 07 Hard Materials Strategy 2.8 Physical and Urban Context 7.1 Introduction 2.9 Existing Green Space 7.2 Public Realm - Urban Quarter 2.10 Transport Connections and Movement 7.3 Public Realm - Parkland Quarter 2.11 Site Opportunities 7.4 Streetscape 2.12 Site Constraints 7.5 Courtyards 7.6 Playhubs 03 Planning Context 3.1 Planning Policy Context 3.2 Understanding the Previous Masterplan 3.3 Understanding the Roehampton SPD 04 Consultation 4.1 Consultation Timeline 4.2 Design Review Panel Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 2 Contents VOLUME THREE - DETAILED DESIGN & TECHNICAL 08 Soft Materials Strategy 14 Design 8.1 Softworks Introduction 14.1 Design Objectives 8.2 Tree Strategy 14.2 Block Designs: 8.3 Tree Planting Palette Block A 8.4 Planting Strategy Block O Block N 09 Lighting Strategy Block K 9.1 Lighting Character Areas Block M 9.2 Lighting Palette - Design Intent Block Q Portswood Place 10 Play & Playability Strategy 14.3 Landscape Detailed Design: 10.1 Play Provision Community Hub The Village Square 11 Biodiversity & Urban Greening Strategy Streetscape 11.1 Biodiversity Networks Streets - Danebury Avenue (Commercial) 11.2 Urban Greening Strategy Streets - Danebury Avenue (Residential) Streets - Harbridge Avenue 12 SuDS Strategy Streets - Kingsclere Close 12.1 Water Sensitive Urban Design Block K Block N & O 13 Cultural Strategy (By Artscape) Block M 13.1 Approach & Methodology Block A Block Q Alton Activity Centre Downshire Field Downshire Meadow Play Portswood Place 14.4 Retail and Workspace 15 Access 15.1 Inclusive Design & Access 15.2 Vehicular, Cycle & Pedestrian Movement 15.3 Servicing, Refuse, Recycling, Fire Tender Access 15.4 General Design 16 Technical Design Issues 16.1 Phasing and Decant Strategy 16.2 Building Standards 16.3 Mayor's Housing SPG 16.4 Building Distances 17 Appendices 17.1 Summary Schedule of Accommodation Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 3 This page has been intentionally left blank Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Client and Consultant Team 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Vision and Aspiration 1.4 Key Figures 1.5 Application Area Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 5 This page has been intentionally left blank Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 6 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Client and Consultant Team Version Date Description 001 May 2019 For Planning Redrow Homes Limited London Borough of Wandsworth 1st Floor Unex Tower The Town Hall 7 Station Street, London Wandsworth High St, London E15 1AZ SW18 2PU redrow.co.uk wandsworth.gov.uk/ Architects and Masterplanners Architects, Town Planning, Architects 159 St John Street Townscape and Visual and EIA 1 Lindsey Street, Smithfield London, EC1V 4QJ 7 Soho Square, London, EC1A 9HP hawkinsbrown.com London, W1D 3QB tatehindle.co.uk bartonwillmore.co.uk Highways Consultants Public Realm and Landscape Artscape Management WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane 1 St John's Square 91 Wimpole Street, Marylebone, London, WC2A 1AF London, EC1M 4DH London W1G 0EF wsp.com gillespies.co.uk/ artscapemanagement.com/ Arup 8-13 Fitzroy St, Bloomsbury, London W1T 4BQ https://www.arup.com/ Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 7 1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Introduction Introduction Purpose of the Document Design The vision for the regeneration of the Alton West Estate is to The Design, Landscape and Access Statement is an additional Evolution blend this iconic post-war estate with the placemaking and standalone document, which is part of the Environmental streetscape lessons that have been learnt since its formation StatementH - creating a great place to live that includes a wide choice of housing suitable for new and existing tenants who regard it as This document forms the Design and Access Statement (DAS) amongst the best locations in the borough. for the hybrid planning application for the Alton Green. It is a record of the design process leading up to the application and HYBRID PLANNING Architecture, inspired by its heritage context and remnants of the design strategies that have developed and shaped the the former Capability Brown parkland landscape, has created proposals. APPLICATION a vision for the masterplan – to deliver a new generation of well designed and high-quality homes, combined with exemplar Additional information, including a Design Code, a Statement civic and commercial buildings and usable and attractive public of Community Involvement, the Environmental Statement and a realm. Through carefully targeted interventions into the existing Sustainability and Energy Strategy forms part of the application estate, the regeneration seeks to create a place that evolves and and have been submitted separately. A full pack of planning Refer to document builds upon the palimpsest of development has occurred on drawings forms part of the detailed planning application and structure on the estate over the years. Through the restoration of links to its these should be referred to for more detailed information. following page historic past and sympathetic architecture that informed by the existing heritage context, the masterplan offers an opportunity The DAS provides a summary of the constraints and opportunities to reconnect and bring together the currently fragmented areas of this site and an overview of the policy context, setting out the of Roehampton Village and the Alton East and West Estates. rationale for the redevelopment of the estate and the design- led engagement which has taken place with existing residents Background and local stakeholders. It outlines the Masterplan aspirations, APPROVAL OF summarises the design development process and describes MASTERPLAN The vision has taken inspiration and builds upon the the proposals. masterplanning work commissioned by the Council as part of the Alton Area Masterplan published in October 2014, which The document is comprised of several sections that cover the was subsequently transposed into planning guidance in the planning context, the site context, the consultation process the form of the Roehampton SPD adopted in October 2015. The masterplan, the wider landscape strategy, the detailed design Alton Area Masterplan and Roehampton SPD identify four key and access section of the scheme. intervention areas to deliver the most effective form of change. RESERVED MATTER The intervention areas comprised the following: APPLICATION & • Roehampton Local Centre CONSTRUCTION OF • Portswood Place Important Local Parade • Danebury Avenue Housing DETAILED ELEMENTS OF • Central Landscape MASTERPLAN The masterplan proposals have identified opportunities to enhance the Alton Area Masterplan to create an improved sense For a brief summary of the Masterplan of place for the regenerated estate. Three distinct character areas design, history of the scheme and its have subsequently been identified through the masterplan that draw the key intervention area principles together into distinctive benefits, please refer to the separate CONSTRUCTION OF locations within the estate. 'Masterplan Statement' which has OUTLINE ELEMENTS OF MASTERPLAN Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 8 1 PLANNING APPLICATION SUBMISSION DOCUMENTS 1.2 PLANNING MASTERPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT CORE DOCUMENTS DESIGN, DESIGN CODE AND LANDSCAPE & PARAMETER PLANS ACCESS STATEMENT AFFORDABLE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE CULTURAL FIRE SAFETY HOUSING AND LANDSCAPE STATEMENT STRATEGY STRATEGY STATEMENT DRAWINGS INTERNAL SUPPORTING STATEMENT OF DAYLIGHT, PLANNING ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY COMMUNITY SUNLIGHT & WASTE STRATEGY APPLICATION STRATEGY STATEMENT INVOLVEMENT OVERSHADOWING ASSESSMENT FLOOD RISK PEDESTRIAN UTILITIES LAND ARBORICULTURAL ASSESSMENT LEVEL WIND APPRAISAL CONTAMINATION & IMPACT AND DRAINAGE MICROCLIMATE REPORT UXO ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ASSESSMENT EQUALITIES FINANCIAL OVERHEATING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT NEEDS VIABILITY DECANT STRATEGY ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT SITE & CONSTRUCTION POPULATION AND HERITAGE, ALTERNATIVES & DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY & HUMAN HEALTH TOWNSCAPE & ARCHAEOLOGY DESIGN EVOLUTION ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION PHASING & HIA VISUAL EFFECTS STATEMENT CHAPTERS DAYLIGHT, TRANSPORT SUMMARY & AIR QUALITY NOISE & VIBRATION BIODIVERSITY SUNLIGHT AND & ACCESS RESIDUAL EFFECTS OVERSHADOWING Hawkins\Brown © | May 2019 | 9028 | Alton Estate, Roehampton 9 1 INTRODUCTION 1.3 Vision and Aspiration Blending this iconic post-war estate with
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