Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / Oct. 9 NOTE: The statement referred to Prime Min- approved October 8, was assigned Public ister Manmohan Singh of India. H.R. 7081, Law No. 110–369. Remarks Following a Meeting With President Ivan Gasparovic of Slovakia October 9, 2008 President Bush. It is my honor to wel- wards our country, and that we have good come the President of Slovakia to the Oval relations. I believe that in the history of Office. Slovakia is an ally and friend of our relations, we are currently at our high- the United States. And in my time as Presi- est point. dent, I have come to admire this President. It was during his Presidency that Presi- He’s an easy man to talk to. He’s got good, dent Bush supported Slovakia on its way strong opinions, and I appreciate his values. to NATO, which in turn helped Slovakia We talked about a variety of subjects. to become a member of the European I assured him that the United States will Union. These were two very important take strong action in dealing with the cur- steps and decisions that allowed Slovakia rent economic situation. And I also talked to build its reputation as a credible country. about our common desire to have a—to And it is this credibility that allows Slovakia work with our European friends to develop to attract foreign investment into our coun- as best as possible common policy. try. Slovakia continues to be a prosperous During my Presidency, I was pleased to country and a country that has and main- support Slovakia’s ascension into NATO. I tains its credibility in foreign policy as well. was confident that Slovakia would be an We talked about many difficult issues. excellent partner and ally in NATO, and We talked also about the financial crisis history has proven me correct. And I thank and about the steps that need to be taken the people of Slovakia for supporting the in order to overcome this crisis and to rein- Government’s decision to deploy troops vigorate the financial system. into Afghanistan to help that young democ- racy never again be a safe haven for terror- I’m very glad that Slovakia and its econ- ists and to serve as an example of the trans- omy is currently in a situation where we formative power of freedom. will not likely be taking a direct hit from Finally, we talked about visa waiver. I this financial crisis. Slovakia is in a position told the President that Slovakia has made where we’re able to mitigate many impacts a lot of progress on visa waiver. And I of this crisis. On the other hand, Slovakia expect that in mid-November there will be is the world’s largest per capita car pro- a positive decision for the people of your ducer. This means that Slovakia’s exports good country, Mr. President. And I con- and foreign trade will suffer. However, we gratulate you and your Foreign Ministry for believe that we can take steps to mitigate working hard on this issue. And I’m glad this impact. to welcome you to the Oval Office. I was glad that in my capacity as the President Gasparovic. Mr. President, President of the Slovak Republic, I was allow me to start by thanking you for invit- able to reassure the President that Slovakia ing me. This is an extraordinary day for will continue to stand behind its commit- me. And I believe it is also a satisfaction ments and its dedication to NATO and that to the people of Slovakia for them to see we will continue to be present in Afghani- HEARING that Slovakia has a favorable disposition to- stan. Moreover, Slovakia will increase the with 1291 DSK7SPTVN1PROD on VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:40 May 25, 2012 Jkt 217559 PO 00000 Frm 00325 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\217559.013 217559 wreier-aviles Oct. 9 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 number of troops deployed to Afghanistan I believe that this will continue—— by 100 percent. President Bush. Thank you. In closing, I want to say that I believe, Mr. President, our meeting today was a NOTE: The President spoke at 11:16 a.m. in very strong message of the good relations the Oval Office at the White House. Presi- that Slovakia has with the United States, dent Gasparovic spoke in Slovak, and his re- and vice versa. marks were translated by an interpreter. Remarks at a Reception Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month October 9, 2008 Hola! Sientese. Bienvenidos a la Casa I’ve been proud to work with you to ensure Blanca. [Laughter] Este es el ultimo ‘‘Mes que todos puedan alcanzar las promesas de de la Hispanidad’’ que paso como los Estados Unidos. presidente, y por eso, le dije a mi personal One promise is good education. I mean, que hoy queria hablarles solo en espanol. you can’t have a hopeful nation unless Me contestaron: ‘‘Senor presidente, antes de you’ve got a good education system. And dar un discurso en espanol, por que no so we worked with Congress to pass the llega primero a dominar el ingles?’’ [Laugh- No Child Left Behind Act. This act raises ter] standards and accountability across schools I am proud to be with you. I am proud in the country, and I’m pleased to report to be with current and former Latino mem- Hispanic students are scoring at alltime bers of my administration. I want to thank highs on tests, and therefore, an achieve- the Ambassadors from the diplomatic corps ment gap is narrowing. for joining us today. We’re proud to be For hundreds of thousands of Hispanic your friends. I want to thank the members children, the best hope for good education of the United States Armed Forces who is found in America’s faith-based schools. have joined us. I want to thank my friend Earlier this year, I proposed a new program Emilio Estefan, president of Estefan Enter- called Pell Grants for Kids, which would prises. And I want to thank Andres Cabas help low-income children in underper- from Colombia, who is going to sing a cou- forming public schools attend a private, a ple of songs for us. Thank you and your parochial, or out-of-district public school of band for joining us. their choice. Every year at this time, we recognize Earlier this year, I met a very interesting the great contributions Hispanic Americans young woman at the White House Summit make to our country, and we should. From on the Inner-City Children and Faith- coast to coast, people of Hispanic descent Based Schools. The whole purpose was to enrich our culture and make our Nation help these schools realize a comeback and a better place. They serve in top positions make sure our communities were able to throughout business and government. They have these schools as a part of their future. bring their strong values of faith and family The woman I met is a woman named to our communities. My family is proud Katrina [Karina] * Ramirez. She grew up to have Latino blood, mi cunada. Jeb and in Chicago neighborhood. It was plagued I both married very well. [Laughter] His- by gang violence, and she had a tough time panic Americans cherish the limitless prom- HEARING ise of our Nation. During the past 8 years, * White House correction. with 1292 DSK7SPTVN1PROD on VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:40 May 25, 2012 Jkt 217559 PO 00000 Frm 00326 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\217559.013 217559 wreier-aviles.
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